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    一1、She wouldnt even take a short rest there,stay for the night.A、much more B、much few C、 much lesser D、much less2、She did not feel_going out,as he had a slight headache.A、about B、like 3、He didnt live up to_had been expected of him.A、what B、which C、that D、4、I am not used to speaking-public.A、in B、al C、on D、to5、We came finally_the conclusion that she had been telling lies all the time.A、of B、into C、to D、at6、It is desirable that the airplane _as light as possibleA、E B、were C、be D、hadbeen7、We finally_an agreement after a lot of hard argument. A、reached B、did C、arrived D、drove8、when doing the wash, it is imponant t0white and colored clohing.A、compaxe B、separate C、establish D、contrast二1.We will spare no efforts to provide more _ products to our customers. A.competitive B、competing C、competed D、competition2.The woman with golden hair was taken away by the secunity guards on_of being a criminal.A.suspect B、suspicion C、doubt D、belief3.Lots of birds were flying among the trees branches. What a(n)_ view!A.exlolosive B、amused C、amzing D、terrified4.The _of this recipe(烹饪法)was made public one year after it was put into the market.A.formula B、fom C、mvoi"D、frown5.In the geography class,the teacher explained wind and water might cause soil_. A.polhtion B、eMelleMe C、exlolosion D、erosion6.Having lost his job and his family,Jerry fen himself_by anger and sadness.A.exloerieMed B、overcome C、exloerieMe D、overcame7.Though he didnt answer my questions quickly, the look on his face_that he was satisfied with me.A indicated B input C increased D interacted8.Jack is a strong _,but you could beat him if you perform at your highest level.A opponent B、panher C、friend D、mate9.Everyonre is amazed at the_growth of this city,it has been so different from what it was five years ago.A exlolosive B、expanding C、exloensiveout D、e:essive 10. When people admire hisachievements,they seldom think of the frustration he has experienced.A single B、singular C、sntall D、easy三1、It was difficun to guess what herto the news would be.A、reaction B、excitement C、implession D、opinion2、The local govemment tried its best to ensule each of its citizens a_supply of food atregular intervals(时间间隔).A consistent B、contmual C、contmuous D、numerous3、The United Nations Conference on Global Environment,which took place earlier this year in Vienna, was a verymeeting.A、productive B、comraunicative C、ssive D、protective4 We watched the planebehind the clouds.A、disappearing B、disappeared C、divng D、dived5、Pipes made of plastic ale now widely used in building as they are do not become_in water.A、ripe B、Jnstant C、rotten D、mature6、I didnt know what to d0,but then an idea suddenlyto me.A、appeared B、happered C、occurred D、emerged7、They were under the_that the company was doing well, but in fact it was in serious trouble.A、coMlusion B、eXlOlession c、enjoyment D、illusion8、This lovely old town has a _ you couldnt find in a bing city.A、coluSitioit B、staxtdaxd C、situatioit D、charm 9. The starter(赛跑发令员)gave thefor the race to begin.A、 advice B、signal c、glow D、attention10、The football match had to beowing to (由于)the bad weather. A、cancelled B、ad,mmed C、arranged D、held四1. He_for military service against the wishes of his parents.A volunteered B、fancied C、entered D、imagined2. I dont know who On_stole the diamond last night.A eanh B、flool C、eanh D ground3. 1 want you to succeed without_and firmly beliece that will succeed if you try hard enough.A failing B、failed C、fail D、fall4. She couldnt_laughing at him in those clothes. A decline B reject C、refuse D、resist5. Anne_from outside her home last Wednesday.A appeaxed B、vanished C、lost D、entered6. The aircraft vanished without.A trace B、trouble C、destination D、product7. There were several wet_on the wall.A pans B、decreases C wide D decks8. Houston experienced a _ growth after the war.A broad B、mechical C、wide D decks9. The trains about to leave. All_!A aboroad B、aboard C、off D、abroad10. She invited 500 people_her beautiful ship.A abroad B、aboard C、board D broad五1、Inquiriesthe condition of the patients may be made personally or by telephone.A、revealing B、concerning C、affecting D、followlllg2、People appreciatewith him because he has a good sense of humor.A、working B、to have worked c、to work D、having worked3、The noise of the traffic_ Paul from his work.A、prevented B、distracted C、angeled D、upset4、The price they offered for my old car was so low that lit down.A、brougt B、turned C、called D、1efused5、Since we cant hear you at the back of the hall, youll have t0your voice.A、improve B、inclease C、raise D、open6、He neverto read the news but turned at once to the crossword puzzle on the last page.A、worried B、noticed C、pamed D、bothered7、We forgave her anger because we knew that her fathers illness had put her ullder great.A、sitener B、crisis C、stress D、nelvousness8、An explosion is a sudden increase in amount_. A、rapid burning causes itB、to be caused by rapid burningC、causing its burning to be rapid D、caused by rapid burning9、Some say yes and others say no;I dont knowto follow.A whether B、what C、whom D、how10、Shall we request the chairmanour suggestion again?A、to consider B、considering C、consider D、consideled六1. No fault is attachedthe bus driver for the temble accident at the railway closing.A for B、to C、with D、in2. In general,matters which lie entirely within the state boundaries are theconcern of the state government.A excessive B、external C、explosive D、exclusive3. Your work does notwhat I expect of you.A come up with B、original C、critical D、superficial4. A friendship may be_, relaxed , situational or deep and lasting.A identical B、oligillal C、critical D、superficial5. _ that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent.A、So clever ale the constractloit robots B、Such constractloit robots ale clever C、So clever the constractloit robots D、Such clever constractloit robots ale6. _ your opinions are wornth considering ,the general manager findsit unwise to place too much importance on them.A、As B、Because C、Though D、Since7、The observers statement about the accident was very,we know almost everything about it now.A、specific B、especialC、e:eptional D、special8. Unless he isintense love,he hardly ever looks into someone elses eyes for very long.A、confessing B、lefusilg C、granting D、covering9、The boss thought him a trouble-maker and turned him.A、back B、down C、to D、around10、Some of your suggestions have been adopted but others have beenas they are not workable.A、turned away B、turned down C、turnedback D、turned out七1、He said he would sooner die_his family. A、instead of embarrassing B、than embarrass C、rather than embarrass D、but embal-iass2、This food has been kept at alow temperature for a long time.A、relatively B、roughly C、remarkable D、leadily3、He lost his parents at ten and had to live at his uncles_. A、cost B、charge C、expense D、pay4、The holidays are over,we mustto work again.A、get across B、get down C、get in D、get over5. Be careful with those fireworks;they areto go off unexpectedly.A、avadable B、plesumably C、easy D、able6、He has left his book here on_so that you can read it.A、purpose B、aim C、intention D、Tseme7. He was a much older tennis player but he had the great0f experiexce.A、value B、hand C、priority D、advantage8、I _ to him because he called me up soon after.A、didnt need w-Ate B、neednt to w-Ate C、couldnt have vadtten D、neednt have vadtten9、Some people apparently have an almost unbelievable ability towith the right answer.A、come up B、lookup C、put up D、bring up10、We should put money away for aday. We may need it some time.A,sunny B,rainy C,cloudy D,cold八1、This expert willhis remarks to e-business this time.A、coordinate B、lencter C、confine D、depict2、I asked her the question as soon as I saw her,but she only gave me a(n)answer instead of a definite one.A、direct B、implicit C、clear D、infmite3、Aof robbers broke into the bank and took away all the money.A、g-ather B、school C、raxtk D、gang4、The middleaged woman worried about herfuture with no money and no family.A、gloomy B、bright C、splendid D、fearful5. I am not surprised at all that she chose the white skin . She always has afor white.A、plefer B、pleferable C、preferable D、plefeRred6、You have toall mistakes from the essay befole you had it in.A、Judge B、display C、revealD、eliminate7、Students or teachers can participate in trips to lovely beaches around the island at regular.A、gaps B、rates C、lelgtk D、intercals8. Theof the film star really disappointed her fans.A、plecious B、absence C、present D、absent9、There is a forecast that thefor a good crop harvest will be rather poor this year.A、prospect B、lOrotection C、proponion D、promise10、Aof territory had always been a wish of the ruler of that country.A、 mtroduction B、expansion C、mtention D、exloectation九1. This research has attracted wide _ reportage and has been shown on BBC televisions Tomorrows World.A message B、information C、media D data2. There are many tall trees on _ side of the street.A both B、either C、all D、each3. We love peace,yet we are not the kind of people to yieldany military pressure.A up B、to C、in D、at4. He will agree to do what you require_ him. A of B、from C、to D for5. Im very sorry to have _ you with so many questions on such an occasion.A benefited B、offended C、implessed D、bothered6. Why did you go to the wrong office?一Well,I forgot which room I wasto go to.A demaxtded B、hoped C、supposed D、suggested7. This is an illness that can result in total blindnessleft untreatedA aftel B、if C、since D、unless8. We_ the shops and the post office as soon as we moved into the town.A located B、assigned C、delivered D、placed9. Only those who have approval can have pictures _ hele .一Only those who have approval can have pictures _ here.A、taken;taken B、to take;taken C、taken;take D、take;taken10、I listened to Dr Smiths lecture about the history of Britainbut I failed to understand its key_.A、words B、points C、notes D、message十1、The train was just leaving as theyto catch it.A、tlamed B、walked C、dashed D、blew2、Looking down from the top of the hill , she felt slightlyand closed her eyes.A、confused B、dizzy C、fma D、steady3、The brancheswhen the wind gertly blew.A、swayed B、shook C、starred D、tlembled4、I only caught aof the woman , so I couldnt remember what she looked like.A、sight B、glimpse C、stare D、look5、why are you getting so angry with her ? She is achildA、ntelely B、ntole C、Just D、ntele6、The queens daughter felt a little unhappy about the rules that a(n)member must obey.A、1oyal B royal C、pordinary D、luxury7、Thousands of people,dead or seriously injured, were buried underneath theof the city after the bombing.A、wreckage B、foundation C、base D、destruction8. Studentsto the hall for a lecture given by a famous professor.A、blocked B、flocked C、starred D、drifted9、His_ deeds were almost unbelievable ! I have never heard of someone as blave.A、fearful B、flocked C、heroic D、cshy10、The old man left home with his _looking hat that seemed as old as its owner.A、fulany B、new C、modelit D、ancient12试题yu教育


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