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    课题M3U2主 人liu使用 型New 核人学生姓名学 知 目 :学 掌握表示方位的 。能力目 :运用句型表达在某地有某人或某物。目 情感目 :了解不同国家的教育 ,培养 学校 , 班 的意 .重点 点重点掌握询问方位的方式及由地点介词构成的短语。学 方法自主学 、小 合作,重 点点 。学 习 过 程修订Step1、自主学 前小 :(5 分 )1、 2、家具3、地 4、 画5、四十6、九十7、五十8、多少9、 10、建筑物11、 , 堂12、图书馆13、 公室14、科学15、大 16、操 17、 室18、在 的后面19、在 之 Step 2 Read the passage fast and answer the questions分.(3钟 )1) How many buildings are there in our school?2) Whats on the right of the library ?3) Whats in the library?4) How many classrooms are there in the classroom building?5) Where are the computer rooms and science labs?Step 3 精彩展示精 :(5 分 )一、速 Activity 3的短文,找出下列短 :1、一 我 学校的地 2、一 公大楼3、餐 4、在 中央5、On the left of6、Between . .and.7、On the right of8、 Science labs二、细读课文,判断正误:1、There are five buildings in our school.()第 1 页2、The dinning hall is on the right of the classroom building. ()3、There are five science labs and six computer rooms in the sciencebuilding. ()三、 翻 下列句子,注意斜体部分的 。1、In the middle of the school is a big playground.2、The libraryis on the left of the playground near the school gate.3、Behind the library ,on the left, are the school offices.4、Between this building and the dinning hall is the classroom building with twenty-four classroom.5、On the right of the classroom building is the dinning hall.Step4知 点 ( 10 分 )1.The library is on the left of the playground. 在操 的左 。 Where is the library? Where 提 地点,翻 作 “哪里 ”例: _ my English book? 我的英 本在哪里?2. in front of /in the front ofin front of 意 “在的前面(外部的前面) ”;in the front of 意 “在的前部(内部的前面) ”。例 : A.房子前有棵大 。 There is a tall tree _ the house.B. 教室前面有 黑板。 There is a blackboard _ the classroom.3. Between this building and the dining hall is the classroom building with twenty-four classrooms. 楼和餐 之 是教学楼,里面有 24 教室。1)between是一个介 ,常和 and 构成 between A and B短 ,表示 “在A 和 B 之 ”。2) 本句中 with 也是一个介 ,意思是 “有 ”。 with twenty-four classrooms 在句中作后置定 ,修 the classroom building。例如:I want to buy a house with four bedrooms. 我想 一个有四 卧室的房子。Step5:反思与收 :M3U2 达 标检 测共分第周月日年级班组号姓名得分一 根据句义和汉语意思写出所缺的单词: (10 分)1、 There are some tall _(建筑物 ) in our city.2、 I like _(科学 ) very much.第 2 页3、 They are in the_( 公室 ).4、 Letsgo to the _(图书馆 ).5、 The students are in the _实( 室 ).6、 There are some books in the _房-(间 ).7、 She is waiting for me at the _大(门 ).8、 Whats_(在 .后面 )the house? There is a swimming pool.9、 The students are in the _餐(厅 ).10、Lets go to the_ 操(场 ).二、 :(6 分)1. There _a pen and some pencil on the desk.A.hasB.isC.haveD.are2. _ studentsare there in your class? Forty-four.A. How manyB. how muchC.how oldD. what class3.A book is _ a pen _ a computer.A.in; andB. Between; andC.in ;orD. between; and4. _ there a football under the desk? Yes, _.A. Is; there isB. Is; it isC.Are; there areD. Is; there isnt5. There _many kinds of flowers in the garden?A.hasB.isC.haveD.are6. -_ thereany _ at home? - No, there isntA. Is; milks B. Is; milk C. Are ;milks D. Are; milk 二 理解。This is my school. There are many trees and flowers in it. The classroom building( 大楼 ) is big and high. There is a big playground in our school. Many students come to the playground to play football and ping-pong after 4:30 in the afternoon.There are 1,200 students in 25 classes in our school. The students all like study(学 ). The teachers in our school are very good. They help the students to study and the students like them, too. There is a hill behind the school. There are some sheep, a dog, many birds and so on there. We like to go there and play after school, too.1. The school looks _.A. bigB. highC. niceD. new第 3 页2. Its very nice for this school to have _.A. trees and flowersB. classroom buildingC. a playgroundD. students and teachers3. There are at least(至少 ) _ students in one class. A. 45 B. 55 C. 65 D. 754. After class the students often go to_.A. their classroomB. their homesC. the hill to see animalsD. the playground to play5. What do some of students do after 4:30?A. Play basketball.B. Play football.C. Play ping-pong.D. Both B and C.三 .根据汉语意思翻译句子:1. 我们学校有六座楼。There are _ _ _ in our school.2. 图书馆在教室的旁边。The library is_ _ the classroom.3. 李老师的桌上有电脑吗?_ _ a computer _Miss Lis desk?4. 图书馆在操场的左边。The library is _ _ _of the playground.5. 小丽的卧室里有许多好看的玩具。There are_ _ nice toys in Xiaolis bedroom.第 4 页


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