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    九年级英语上册Module 4 Home aloneUnit 2 I become so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone .目 航: learning aims掌握下列 、 和句子:1.Key words: actually事 上manage 管理;支配order命令;指示empty 空的burn( 使 )(食物) 焦task 任 ;工作unhappy不高 的cup杯子;一杯 料2.Key phrases: turn off关掉;关 ( )be worried about 担心on business出差have fun玩得高 ;有 趣wake up 醒来;叫醒hurry to do sth. 赶 做unable to do 不能做某事all day long 整天 hand in上交tidy up 收拾;整理3. Sentences : (1) I become so bored with their orders that I wished they wouldleave me alone .( 2) Although my parents were very worried about leaving me , they had to go away onbusiness for a few days .( 3) My clock rings so loudly that it will certainly wake me up. 前延伸1.预习 Unit2 的相关 。 2.复 状 从句( 状 从句;原因、目的和 果状 从句) 3. 前准 :大声朗 。 内探究一根据句意及首字母提示完成 。( 你一定行!)1.Everbody was bored with the bosss obecause they are ridiculous (荒 的 )。 .2.The factory was eafter all of the workers went home .3.Becoming fluent in a foreign language is not an easy t.4.Could you please give me a cof coffee ?5.The child bhis fingers while playing with a match yesterday .二Learning aims .1. to master the words 、 phrases and sentences .2. to use the grammer correctly .3. to get some information frommy“perfect holiday ”.三 . Teaching steps: Reading I.( 相信自己! )complete the sentences . See how Zheng Chenyus feelings changed .1. Zheng Chenyu feltwith his parents because they did everything forhim and managed every minute of his life .2.After Zheng Chenyu s parents went away on business , he feltbecause hecould.3.Zheng Chenyu feltafter the first night .4.Zheng Chenyu feltwhen he found he could not look after himself well .5.Zheng Chenyu realised being home alone.第 1页Reading II. Read aloud and find out the phrases .1照顾我自己2关掉;关闭3把某人叫醒4 把我单独留下5担心6赶紧做某事7上交8 出差9整天10 实现四导学探究:边学边练,基础知识积累。( 知识掌握在自己心里! )1. order n. 命令;指示【语境领悟】*I become so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone.我变得对他们的命令如此厌烦,以至于我希望他们让我一个人待着。*May I take your order , please?我能为您点菜吗?* The boss ordered him to finish the report in half an hour .老板命令他半个小时完成报告。【自主归纳】order 的用法( 1 ) order作名词时,表示“命令;指示”,为可数名词;还可译为“订单;顺序” 。常用短语为: take one s order为某人点菜,in order按顺序。( 2) order作动词时,表示“命令;订购” 。 常用短语为:order sb. to do sth.“命令某人做某事” 。【温馨提示】“ in order to + 动词原形”或“ in order that + 从句”,表示“为了;以便于” 。【学以致用】 军人必须服从命令。Soldiers must obey. The police ordered the robber ( raise ) his hands and etand against the wall .2. business n. 工作【语境领悟】*Although my parents were very worried about leaving me , they had to go away on business for a few days .虽然我的父母非常担心离开我,但他们不得不去出差。*How is your business ?你的生意怎么样?*She started a new business in Phonenix not long ago .不久前她在凤凰城新开了一家公司。*It s none of your business 这.不关你的事。【自主归纳】( 1) business 名词,意为“商业;事物;工作”时常作不可数名词。 当表示“商行;商店”时作可数名词。第 2页( 2) 常用短语为on business,意为“出差” ;in business意为“在经营;在营业中”。例如: He is in business on a small scale .他做的是小本生意。【温馨提示】Businessman /businesswoman意为“商人 / 女商人”,是由 business后接 man/woman 构成的可数名词,其复数形式分别为businessmen /businesswomen .【学以致用】Mr. Smith is going to take a trio(出差 )tomorrow .3. turn off关掉;关闭(设备)【语境领悟】*Turn off the TV!关掉电视!*Your radio is too noisy . Turn it off , please .你的收音机太吵了,请关上它。【自主归纳】 turn off的用法( 1)turn off动词短语,意为“关掉;关闭(设备)”,常指“关掉(某种电器) ; 切断电源等” 。( 2)turn off是由“动词 turn + 副词 off ”构成的短语,名词作宾语,置于其后或中间;代词作宾语,置于中间。【拓展归纳】turn的常用短语turn on开(收音机、煤气、点灯、自来水等)turn off关(收音机、煤气、点灯、自来水等)turnup 调高(收音机、电视音量等)turndown 调低(收音机、电视音量等) turn into变成 turn to转向;翻到【学以致用】( 2019. 广州中考)离开教室时请关灯。Pleasethe lights when you leave the classroom . ( 2019. 嘉兴舟山中考)It s time for CCTV news . Let sthe TV and watch it .A.turn onB. get on C. try on D. put on五有效训练:Consilidation.( 同学们,学会了以上这些,赶快练一下吧!)A. 用所给词的适当形式填空1.The old lady is unable( walk) by herself.2.More nad more students become( bore ) with their homework .3.The little girl tried to cook noodles but she(burn )it at last .4.The directorgave( order )that the workshould be startedimmediately .5. I m(worry ) about tomorrow s math exam. Take it easy . I m sure you ll nake it .B. 句型填词。1.虽然他们爱我,我仍然对他们有点不高兴。第 3页they loved me , I felt a bit unhappy with them .2. 我变得对他们的命令如此厌烦,以至于我希望他们让我一个人待着。IbecameboredwiththeirordersIwishedtheywould.3. 第一天我一放学回家就开心地把书包扔在沙发上,吃了很多零食。I got home from school the first day , I happily threw my schoolbag on the sofa and ate lots of snacks .4.老师问我要作业,但是我无法交上。The teachermemy homework ,I couldn t hand it in . .5. 我意识到自己独自在家并不一直是完美的。I realisedhome alonenot always perfect .六当堂检测(你是最棒的! !)A完成句子。1. 这位老师安排了她女儿学习中的每一分钟。Theteachereveryher daughter s study .2. 离开家之前,记得关灯。Remember tothe light before you leave home . .3.布莱克先生是个经理,他经常做飞机出差。Mr. Black is a manager and he often takes the plane.4. 作为青少年, 我们应该每天早上收拾我们的房间。As teenagers , we shouldour roomd every morning.5. 你请求老板加薪了吗?Did youthe bossa pay rise ?B.句型转换。1.Mary s parents did everything for her when she was young.(改为否定句 ).Mary s parentseverything for her when she was young 。2. Jack ate lots of snacks on the sofa . (改为一般疑问句)Jacklots of snacks on the sofa?3. My mother helps me learn English every morning .(改为同义句 )My mothermeEnglish every morning .4.Rose felt lonely when her parents went away . (对划线部分提问)didRoselonely ?5. We can t finish these tasks on time .(改为同义句 )We arefinish these tasks on time .课后延伸复习巩固1. 复习本节课所学内容,记忆基本单词和短语。2. 整理好课堂笔记,掌握新词汇,语法知识。3.第 4页


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