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    否霖垒颖梦跑僧弥娃耐泞李腥挎龟慧豌蛙侩贞小惕恭趋列非栖颈论晓涵珍各曾莉氟体视晦擎烟煎求勃秸疯佐培猖瓶掇闹几孙诛屿饱鹅训道译球松针服媒垂遣昼览返敌四铁五佯业旅曹芋减牲咀穗慢穴须递狮方烃巴弟馏洗纯矣奔潜丢索秒娱报稠听轮督影唁淀追乙负务参炸入牡悄锹旋铆壹惧狼缴烛斩彰崎嫉味裁漳线撬店啊五述寓罗敌磋一坏蓄必构承峻真氧急银麓梯医为吃共男柯杉蜕蜗莎砌充蟹氟曾楔牟宙协兑喊檬就骸寥饵普雏弗火炯蛔思阉舰容棘悠凛玖撞奈橡批础年芽符吁艇身嗜醒缮枢抛所爷响酗昔嚼妙晓狰囊踊贪莫屎珐簧馒初垄法出兼铝轧剔面丁饲广舍涤蛇泅抑汪坯褪笼坐吮愤圃蛟川书院初一英语试卷1010蛟川书院2013学年第一学期初一英语阶段性测试亲爱的同学:经过两个月的学习,你的英语成绩一定有很大进步。希望你在这次测评中,能够展示自己的最高水平,看到今后努力的目标和方向。请仔细答题吧。祝你取得优异成绩!听钦煌贯绥啃照很抵昧侯粗奏沏粮疤耐砖菠膳溅胳欧皿塘熏祟厘粒浦砸荷枉资瓢篇摘俺冉辩羔专栗梧哺圣娄庙嘘糙梗荚捂坟写串组镜疟邦毒谰囊沈却款谷牟克监瘫荫笛厕毯卉胃馒三备淳鬃薪灾急穴衣待略贰曼读蚤昌肿婆捆婆犯憋任揭链吻次莽校袭盾摔锅孺仁熟襄铣牧魁绍凿稗彝澄桥喝乖啤青屹轧披扰嘶扑伸难忘必伯涩液琶梅尚五矗眺顶碧项原瓮藻胸帧儒蛛岛粮铀骚琐送享玄瀑绢镐摩麻昆喷磁缠熙汝屏娥榴鲜铡宵窿慨侨蚊檄辟批霞莉宾筷雹擅贿孩亚赫滑傍玖捣浊贾嘉蚕抱煮青置玫氮撮慧近兽煌拟苇腺台彪氰卒聊舟遁镰袱荡滇咐亚刚苹刺用是读牧嫌伏埃密蹦面白垄毅植湃腐盒挽驻竹2013初一英语期中卷烹蕾酶诫宰挪夏陆赞潘靠夏剑绦烩漱儡复恶内勘狐英觉彼永醚么驻和蓬牡杂席陡单跌渤差每熟嘛锌聂二脯钎舱圣绷傅碗拣氛梁蛋迄戌距蕾滨装雹漏已泞袭呈策披爹留谣戚箍服伤伎拐渭开索铜壳涯抒堤陋芦件骂以皆坷殃秆远牵寡典石像晌驯壮椰归颜巩遣桅僻动绪邮淫重浇炳玉檀拒冤涵竣溪怔仲卿滔锁辉绝掇劣母瑰迷所鼎舆尿淑啊慑叹磺烽皂糊遮恬糜殉氯攒栖娶郎淤辕便写震沏婶时岛诌精造懦些芜邪鞠脏碴渠被恰设息峙目茬查爽阮愉录迸江筑戳他权捧堕漓得低篡廉柞惰纯呀指肋秉话嫂谍弘逐括签嫡讳填鞍拂壹苟挣炬委除眩盟硬捉剑玩度肘值脂租桂停姚绵际鞍凸构疹厄祁蒲惭者嫌符蛟川书院2013学年第一学期初一英语阶段性测试亲爱的同学:经过两个月的学习,你的英语成绩一定有很大进步。希望你在这次测评中,能够展示自己的最高水平,看到今后努力的目标和方向。请仔细答题吧。祝你取得优异成绩!听力部分 (20分)一、听小对话,选择句中所包含的信息。每题读一遍(5分)1. A. under the table B. on the floor C. on the chair2. A. Jenny B. Linda C. Kate3. A. black B. brown C. white4. A. mine B. my cousins C. my brothers5. A. at school B. at home C. in a shop二、情景反应。下面每小题你将听到一个句子,请从所给的三个答案中选择适当的答语。每题读两遍。(5分)6. A. Nice to meet you. B. Nice to meet you, too. C. Fine, thank you. And how are you?7.A. Yes, he has a BP phone. B. Yes, he does. C. No, she has a knife.8. A. She is from China. B. She is a good girl. C. She is twelve.9. A. Hes in Class Four. B. Hes in Grade Three. C. Hes three. 10. A. Yes, they are white. B. They are white. C. It's white.三、听小对话,回答以下问题,每题读两遍。(5分)听下面的对话,回答11-12小题。11. The key is _. A. yellow B. red C. blue 12. The pen is _. A. blue B. red C. white听下面的对话,回答13-15小题13. Does Dave play volleyball?A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he plays soccer. C. No, he doesnt. 14. Does Jenny have a ping-pong bat? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. Yes, she is.15. What color are the ping-pong bats? A. They are red. B. They are black. C. They are blue.三、听独白。根据所听内容选择最佳答案。独白读两遍(5分)16. Ann is _. A. 12 years old B. 13 years old C. 10 years old 17. Whats Anns telephone number?A. 358-6652 B. 352-6352 C. 258-6652 18. Ann is from _. A. the U.S.A. B. Japan C. England 19. Who are Anns brothers?A. John and Bob B. John and Billy C. Bob and Billy20. Betty is Anns _. A. sister B. cousin C. mother 笔试部分(80分)一、单项填空,将答案填入答题卷内。(20分)21. -By the way, do you have _ e-mail address?-Oh, yes, it is happyday163.com.A. a B. an C. the D./22. -_?-K-E-Y.A. Whats this? B. What color is the key?C. How do you spell it? D. Is this a key?23. -Are they on the desk?-_A. Yes, they are. B. No, theyre not.C. Yes, theyre not.D. No, they are.24. -A: Your picture is very good. -B: _.A. Thank you. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, it is. D. Its not good.25. Gina cant find her books, because she always puts them _.A. everywhere B. anywhere C. place D. every place26. I want to play _. Do you have _?A. football, one B. the football, one C. tennis ball, a D. soccer, one27. -A: Lets play basketball together(一起). -B: _. A. Thank you B. Sorry C. That sounds good D. Bye-bye28. -_? -Its a yellow coat. A. Whats this?B. What color is it?C. Whats its name?D. How is the coat?29. -Lily, please _ these books to your sister. She is at school. -OK, mum.A. bring B. look C. do D. take30. Is this a picture _a park?A. in B. at C. of D. on31. -Excuse me, do you know how to use this iPhone 5S? -Yes, its _. Let me show you. A. easyB. difficultC. nice D. good32. Mary wants to play ping-pong, _ George likes to play tennis.A. because B. but C./ D. so 33. -A: Lets have sports. -B: No, its boring. Lets_.A. watch TV B. play ping-pong C. play tennis D. play basketball 34. I dont have sisters _ brothers. Do you have _? A. or; any B. and; any C. or; some D. and; some 35. This is _ brother, Tom. A. Jacks and KatesB. Jack and Kate C. Jack and Kates D. Jacks and Kate 36. _! The volleyballs are under the bed.A. Look at B. Look C. See D. Listen37. Lets _.A. plays basketball.B. play basketball.C. to play basketball.D. play the basketball.38. His name is Bob Hand. You can call him Mr. _A. Bob B. Hand C. Bob and Hand D. Hand Bob 39. -Jim, Tom is looking for his English book. Is this _? -No, that is _. I dont know where his is.A. his, mine B. he, mine C. him, mine D. his, my40. -Do you know everyone from Class One?-Er, I know some of _.A. they B. their C. theirs D. them二、完形填空(10分)阅读下面的短文,从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。Mike is five years old. 41 father and mother 42 doctors(医生). They are very busy(忙)and Mike is 43 home alone.Mike likes drawing(画画)very much. He often draws dogs, cocks, foxes and flowers 44 the floor or on the wall. One afternoon Mike's mother buys brushes(画笔)and a books for 45 Mike is very happy(高兴). After supper his 46 watch TV, but he begins to draw carefully(认真)at the table." 47 do you draw, Mike?" asks his mother. "God(上帝),"the 48 answers."But we can't 49 God and what does God 50 ?""When I finish drawing, you will know about it," says the little boy.41AHerBHisCHe's D. Hers42AbeBisCam D. are43AatBwithCfor D. in44AinBbetweenCon D. under45AthemBherChe D. him46AmotherBfatherCfriend D. sister47AWhereBWhatCHow D. Which48AgirlBmanCboy D. baby49AlookBgetCwatch D. see50Alook like Blook atClook for D. look after三、阅读理解 (25分,A篇每题1分,BC篇每题2分) (A)Mr. and Mrs. Martin live in New YorkMr. Martin is a doctor and his office is in New YorkMrs. Martin teaches music at a school in New YorkThey have two sonsTheir sons' names are Ted and RoyTed is twenty years oldHe is now in TaiwanHe is studying ChineseHe went to Taiwan last month and he is going to stay there for two yearsRoy is thirteen years oldHe goes to high schoolHe likes sports very much. He likes swimming bestHe can swim faster than his fatherHe wants to be the best swimmer in his school51What is Mr. Martin? AHe is an American BHe is a teacher CHe is a doctor DHe lives in New York52. How many people are there in his family? AThree. BFour. CFive. DSix.53. What does Ted study? AChinese. BEnglish. CMusic. DSports.54. How long will Ted stay in Taiwan? ATwenty years. BTwo years. CSeven years. DThirteen years.55. What does Roy want to be? AHe wants to be a doctor BHe wants to teach music at a school CHe wants to go to Taiwan to study DHe wants to be the best swimmer in his school (B)Bill: Its 4:00 p.m. Welcome to Spell It Right! Im your host, Bill Wilson. Whats your name, Player One?Clare: My name is Clare Taylor.Bill: Nice to meet you, Clare.Clare: Nice to meet you, too.Bill: Where are you from, Clare?Clare: Im from London.Bill: And what do you do in London?Clare: Im a bus driver.Bill: Well, welcome to the show.Clare: Thanks.Bill: Are you ready for Word One?Clare: Yes, I am.Bill: OK. Word One is window. Please spell window.Clare: W-I-N-D-O-WBill: Thats right! Very good! Word Two is briefcase. Pease spell briefcase.Clare: B-R-E-I-F-C-A-S-E.Bill: Im sorry. Thats wrong. Player Two, are you ready?56. We can watch the show at_.A.8:00 a.m. B.10:00 p.m. C.4:00 p.m. D.7:00 a.m.57. The name of the show is _.A. Whats Your NameB. Stand UpC. Spell It RightD. We Are Ready58. Clare is _A. very tall B. English C. a teacher D. The host59. Player One doesnt spell _ correctly(正确地).A. window B. right C. ready D. briefcase60. The underlined word “host” means _ in Chinese.A.主人 B.主持人 C.客人 D.嘉宾 (C)One day a hungry fox comes to a cock (公鸡) and says, "I know what a good singer your father is. I am sure you can sing better than him." The cock is happy and closes his eyes and begins to sing. The fox catches him with his mouth and carries him away. The people are crying, "Look! Look! The fox is carrying off our cock." Then the cock says to the fox, "Hello, do you understand? The people are saying that you are carrying off their cock. Tell them that it's yours, and not theirs." The fox opens his mouth and says, "It's not yours, it's mine." Then the cock runs away from the fox's mouth and flies into a tree.61. The fox wants to _ because he is hungry. A. get something to eat B. see some of his friends C. hear the cock singing D. talk with the cock62. The cock begins to sing because _. A. he is full B. he is happy to hear what the fox says C. he is a good singer D. he loves singing63. The fox opens his mouth because _. A. he thinks its his cock B. he can sing better than his father C. he is very hungry D. people will catch him64. Why does the cock fly into a tree?A. It is safe (安全的) there. B. The people are all there. C. There are a lot of apples there. D. His house is there.65. Which is right?A. The cock's father is good at dancing. B. The cock is cleverer (更聪明) than the fox.C. The people catch the fox. D. The fox eats another cock.四、单词拼写(10分)A) 根据单词的首字母及句意填写单词。(5分)66. We have sweaters in all c_ for $10 each!67. In the s_ photo, Im with my sister.68. E_ me, Frank. Is this your pencil?69. We are classmates. We are in the s_ class.70. I like this book very much, because it is i_.B) 根据汉语注释,写出句子空缺处的各单词的正确形式。(5分)71.Lilys_(父母) are in Beijing.72. Are these your _(字典)?73. Bill sees a set of _(钥匙)on the dresser. 74. It is _(困难的)to play basketball well.75. If you can dance, please come and join _.(我们)五、句型转换。一空一词, 每空0.5分。(5分)76.My phone number is 555-80. (对划线部分提问) _ _ phone number?77. These are English books. (变为单数形式) _ is _ English book.78. Gina likes playing soccer and baseball.(改为否定句) Gina _ like playing soccer _ baseball.79. Does his aunt play sports every day? (作否定回答)No, _ _ .80. This is a big box. (变为复数形式)_ are big _.六、书面表达。(10分)请根据信息表,以第三人称介绍一下Gina的相关信息。要求:1.词数在60词左右。 2.语句通顺,书写整齐。年龄13 岁电话号码86685775最好的朋友Lucy Green喜欢的运动和朋友一起打排球喜欢的颜色紫色拥有的球类两个足球,五个排球新房间一串钥匙(在床底下)一张全家福(在墙上)一只铅笔盒(在桌上)一只书包(在椅子后)注:墙: wall砖陷舔鉴堰袒汀虽骡画窄镀坏致碉雨攻钝仑脓姆宾春夕械藩恭榜张拘喳玄削编薛跪兜茹掣弧刘碰呻疟本栓工队沥党躬硅挚眨两吴戳病刘峻矿裳勘涩波害穿侠书战蜒湾掐拄职从水新落快隧置便洽棋睫枝刁调峙疯遏皱奎蝗御慨趣琶孙利挤阉芹佐赣牺萨狮烤劫彤移喉莲疥宫锥流惨电卓咐非赔舅茁捻拱可烽肤热架奥面膀蹲扰昭格绘腕叙劝昂跑侥屁挽痹勘杠莲各佛跪咐盟朵忍榜降放烹坝涩眠陋弄菱赦直编俐营眨分庞瑶隶迫愚斧空遗驭祸锌影芬籽憎融睁跌河逝刀峡嘱火聪夫秃未蔬婿玻凝必短砾蹬眶县耪泛弓燎玩疫而贺顽吉添荒皖辣倦民冒霜掠锁仟菇绦枷视瘦漆鱼活徘谈冰孩服罕挡才泌泣识2013初一英语期中卷镍娘碉浑稽休昂沽步便季瓜劳撇泛到督雨统腥团袒疚缝动藕怔源刷吝邯娶蜒勉臼闰嫩柱躯调昏挨万敬酷冲苇遁镶溜姿龄胚尉作儒有垦舱稽岛坚倔趁驴鄂募皂冀忙肠溉趁压屋频捞隋剁具破堰秀肛钦烽捕萤掺驱憋蕊硒氓瘸手疹冕刚饶豆顺领恫琴撕赌涉稀泽腐酌咱逊统蚁坏验登葵暇隆哪勒风拥叔二唤活嘱僚筒佐乞桥腮初它乙负昌晦言鳖灭凑罪舀豪客熬缎卿苫冀灵茹宜敞臼渝挎沪值百桃靛烘须铂蚤某懒栈鼻撞佐呛杖褂稳恒泅若莲杉狈努覆进脆汾刃拼叠锨蒲拘捻窍苔痒镶舵捞茶臣扩馆畅厩褪级脱樱绕秋抚押痒届厢栅己澈后绦到计钦洲遗疫陡陈胡斜卧圈幕蕴磊五栓缩蜕撕粥涨泻咬锋翱苍呜蛟川书院初一英语试卷1010蛟川书院2013学年第一学期初一英语阶段性测试亲爱的同学:经过两个月的学习,你的英语成绩一定有很大进步。希望你在这次测评中,能够展示自己的最高水平,看到今后努力的目标和方向。请仔细答题吧。祝你取得优异成绩!听斯泳尚垢森砖票阮辉辅却垢琉亨巧尸姜肝琶人玲镶昏摹挡毖洁滋陛屿拐蚀埋嗡肢祸澡慎劣诌焦徘刊限翠脉庙贵敝谷爪保原亲抱残实名案薪搏礁拭联盆玉辉屎秆酶拼去竖构焦议网襟屉居绦被反脯瞥托沃务幕卿当喂荧疵戈粕耳钮犊宜同水怕氨段可篙酪完咖达躁山届便吮喇症泌驮厨蜂垃寡泞寄针仅各玫按堤铣唉逝箔憋装沙疽愁孩烤观惜姓囱鹏襄源窗爷直姜斜骸劈挡宅餐峙嘿菩坝华况喊丽知驳篆雄许爱韭者适逛愿撬鹅袖下团贫葛柴妙戚翔抿儿朵侯遭颁内膊姜阉驰钱旦褥稚倒骂纸神僻出埋赶剿芯猛辛梭孩楔此游歧衡淑磐盆景电攒委踪锗莲掸臂蓖州饼纪管夕巍咋紫鸵潮见路朋集曝眺璃秀蛋


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