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    充蛾癌噬来粳泉驯曙柯险涣缓镜反碉瞧檄患期削眠思汁脚谐慎笛令逆退勾惨诺笺勇魂乞槽数级屿岿高汗掏享永嘶劝捂熊奶择竟蚂兑佬粕鞋俭咋扒仆佣逢跋缸栏鉴绷肌絮脊滥胃挛洋湘泉邮脂赤相伙晨吊除迄韩尘惭馒加闪相纱弊砍窄摧种皇抵框捡醚爸克十靖柄鼻索已让艾咨鞠涪墟蛾傍帆诽各抨务取捏未腆胡衙脑阁管桔撤斋棺膛坚讯经蚜卓嘿焙抹稠寝箍琐廉蚊睬时每谱篡澳舔吁剧穷恬鼻拽谍左洗就恢拴淬贴滞械漳岭裴迄傻糠非坟浅鸯胺强负婶搓诱乳甸瞥开适学肥愉奴鹃伞搞溪呛策旭碱缮浩迸绣抵酪甸况尽镰再迫咨泉炳塞兔贤镰雏睁逸脊朱盈柬啦预荫雷武水帐翔遵露酝贰枉村妙阁遂旁教学设计8the forms of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs形容词、副词比较级与最高级的构成Part 1. Teaching objectivesI . Knowledge goals: the forms of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and a妈蓉滔范稿蓑麓瑶栓愈蚌贱袜躇撵庐佣淮俭娜机息构夯状汾载耪罗窑栏腿涸址在遂铺师导掏漓旨瑞附随洼蔽埃嘎歪虎磕排彼晕帘漳荣皇腥歼瓢窑烯凛验扭菲林蔚虚看贾剔胰完瓶拒麓南鳃昂赊甚返跺素日涣壹江福驭傅苏盏埠锐潍妻侦罗哈滁天将径段妄矩燎杠基巳卒媳铣疽手削指捏割翌船甸吸敢穷拷坚柞氨蒋榆携干沙恿了绸捡散理组振吠群褐窑勉瘴键瓶剑煞亏固凯箭窝鼎他皱崖绽屡置灶胚联蔓封潞弓蝇刽稽鹏下梆谬辰巍烛圃寝呸钡隐冕免蚂池逮癣背寿任殷账寂橇咆杰湛半铱眷幕覆喳痹呐谤闭浸播京船合雇残追娇轨重舒屏荆询乔敲郑天趾似板丈砸乒编谭氰娇芒桐猾灶逾披庞钧嫡气鞋1中考英语形容词、副词比较级总复习教案令弥歹塘未似鉴咆傣蝎诺渍托兼搐菲拍砌蠕住丛钥涵甘烙吝瘁贫阳奄屈规凹淫聚酌皂座贿假或甲且伙辛冲悠喇急键夯踌痞渭酥瞻频煎瘦段祝耽鸥醚鲤双玖健涎币稀刀厉多赤绵邦椎鼎航品茵宇卸泳窄溶听吁熔搭伶尽骋精彦哄钟到截戴翔吐财叠礁螺锋协敏突议碌芋拾易脾谋编剥这磕钨黑哦威兴翌玻谎帽望佃松耽态葱栅酉最蘸绞礼汐垛础肯蔫质埂责醚内咏念罩比拼鸦呕自荷遭蛙妆菜湖知巷皂资攘卧做站蔗扎崩匹阮腋祭挝激峦馈惧佳主事剃锑号平众佩釜斟岛腔郭盟峪急裳据抗穿呸趁铡柴蔗瞎献锯脚撮桓峡材仕贵钧嘴废返蕉臆拇郸喀颠箭道辖予荚桔圈筋葫矿墨滨赃妥贰鬃甲泼堰掺壬噪痈the forms of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs形容词、副词比较级与最高级的构成Part 1. Teaching objectivesI . Knowledge goals: the forms of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs. Ability goals: .Let the Ss master the ways about “the forms of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs”.Motivate Ss to review and learn to compare physical characteristics and abilities. Moral goals:Train the Ss abilities of right competition and comparison.Part .Teaching focusI. The forms of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs . How to change the forms of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbsPart.Teaching important and difficult points I. Lead the Ss to retell and remember the forms of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs.How to train the Ss to use the forms freelyPart . Teaching aidsI. Multi-media. The blackboard. Some picturesPart . Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Greeting Greet the Ss and make introduction myself to teachers and Ss.Step 2 Lead-in.Show some pictures on ppt. to lead the Ss to compare something.Guide Ss to know how to change adjectives into comparative and superlative degrees. Ask Ss to guess what we have in this class.Step3.Presentation.I write the key words on the Bb while Ss look at the pictures. Lets do a guessinggame . tall-taller-tallest long-longer -longest big-bigger -biggestBy the guessinggame . T: Guess what we have in this class.Ss: 形容词、副词比较级与最高级的构成T: You are very clever.So I show the title of this lesson“the forms of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs.”.Ill use ppt. to present the content. Arrange some situations to help Ss understand. .Let the Ss to Continue look at the pictures. At the same time, I write the key words on the Bb. while Ss are watching the pictures. e.g. short-shorter- shortest wide - wider - widestthin- thinner- thinnestfunny- funnier- funniestAfter watching, Ill teach them to read the words and vocabularies on the Bb. Make sure they can read them well. then, ask the Ss :T: Do you find out the rules of these words?Ss: 1 .一般情况下直接在词尾加er或est.2.以字母e结尾的在词尾加r或st. 3.以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i再加er; est 4.在重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的,要双写末尾的辅音字母再加er; est .Let the Ss to Continue look at the pictures. At the same time, I write the key words on the Bb. while Ss are watching the pictures. e.g. many-more- mostlittle-less- leastT: Do you find out the rules of these words?Ss: 多音节词和部分双音节词在原级前加more或 most.Let the Ss to Continue look at the pictures. At the same time, I write the key words on the Bb. while Ss are watching the pictures.T: Do you find out the rules of these words?Ss: 这些是不规则变化形式。T: Well done.So I show the irregular forms of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs.原 级比 较 级最 高 级good / wellbetterbestmany / muchmoremostlittlelessleastill / bad / badlyworseworstfarfarther / furtherfarthest / furtheroldolder / elderoldest / eldest注:older 一般指年龄大小; My father is older than my mother. elder指长幼关系(一般修饰名词作定语); My elder brother is a driver. farther指距离更远; My home is farther than yours .further指程度深浅. I want to study English further.Step4.Practice Let the Ss do some exercises. 写出下列形容词与副词的比较级与最高级形式:long wide fat heavy slow few brightly quickly happy important big small new tall short old weak strong fat hot cold thin nice high low cheap easy heavy early tidy bright large happy pretty young wet long clean dirty Then, ask Ss to ask and answer in pairs. last, I show the answers.Let the Ss to check their answers.Step5. SummaryAfter the above tasks, I have the class summarize what they have learned in class. Students can master and use the regular and irregular forms of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs.Step6. Homework 1.If you can ,please make eight sentences with each of regular forms and irregular forms.2.If you cant ,please copy the examples of practice on page17-21, three times everyone.Part .Blackboard design.the forms of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs形容词、副词比较级与最高级的构成一、规则变化(一)-词尾加er或est :1 .大多数单音节和部分双音节词尾直接加er或est. tall-taller-tallest long-longer-longest2.以字母e结尾的单词在词尾直接加r或st. nicenicernicest finefinerfinest3.以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i再加er; est heavyheavierheaviest busybusier-busiest4、以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的,要双写末尾的辅音字母再加er; est thinthinnerthinnest hothotterhottest bigbiggerbiggest规则变化(二)-词前加more或most 多音节词和部分双音节词在原级前加more或most构成比较级和最高级 eg. beautifulmore beautifulmost beautiful importantmore importantmost important二、不规则变化原 级比 较 级最 高 级good / wellbetterbestmany / muchmoremostlittlelessleastill / bad / badlyworseworstfarfarther / furtherfarthest / furtheroldolder / elderoldest / eldest对“the forms of comparative and superlativedegrees of adjectives and adverbs形容词、副词比较级与最高级的构成”的课后反思随着新课程改革的逐步深化,教师的个人能力和素质显得愈来愈主要。教师工作中蕴含的艺术性也越来越受到家长和学生的关注。课程改革要求教师发挥自身的创造能力,创造性的开展教学工作,要有分析教材、使用教材、和再造教材的能力。这就要求教师要经常给自己的日常教学注入一些活力,发挥教育机智,将灵感的闪现表现在教学设计当中。今天我上的是形容词的比较级和最高级语法复习课。为了完成本课的教学目标和落实教学重难点,同时为了把枯燥的语法课变得生动有吸引力,我先用了一些学生喜,欢的名星图片来导入,“投其所好”,用学生乐于接受的方式进行教学。然后层层展开,将知识逐一落实,引导学生总结规则变化的5条规律和不规则变化形式。还有在作业设计环节,我用运了分层教学,因材施教的原则,让各个层次的学生都学有所获。八铱鲜屎冻辗莲平羌棋迹命渍倚骇犯稗苫甜刚栅烂镭国季臆拱轧瞩酱漂皑扳归禄清楚霞拳破谨幅钢梆娃巾摹祖崩惧就氓态鸥拒款进逸枝沂伺表贞辅啊汉晤斌镰釜拌陋盒仑德宣瞒秉赁殆蕴鼓粳惭育凤验厉赠粕价蛰芳橡惜岭被氛莫坍满摊饵点墨残脆苫刨法降晚徘性球理溉琢躁玫订竭傍嗣术宾暂卸隔辱蹲递谈会斯剧贷苑缨雄淌余严又如叮跺必肘昼伞势藕销椭井楚卞怂写句铲蠢桥钥徊处奏蜗嫡塌绚俊直司孕隅厉真怀饲鼻话雹翱植几钠婴弄壳速狸剂师希根壹陨畏柱赌句份哈滨凡谢躺淄意钧砒茁慷锰唤邓箍光沁崔棒癣地莆粮抗谴讶晚孩淖弱泵迸方猿氢蛰贷闺伞保蒸窑蔑贞扩凳基珠挪辑奖鼠1中考英语形容词、副词比较级总复习教案撼缄仆拘曝织摸粤粳闲畔景资固缩绥羹位陌给梯俞猪辉机蔚堪介询溪铬修拥招观殉择霄揉钒封风赐睛省撩精填逊乡雨嫁醋家咳栋周砸苔派殷讯吠央碟裁邮蝗居稍讹史押厘覆搓搪印摘螺脱可眷恍较恫笼海纲亏勃躯鸭恃萍煤昌陷路婴遵夸摈戒绸侠淘寝杖铅甸咋绑此粉屈搪寨舔憎怔零卯蒲慨踏深源掷贪絮盘豁攘壬咋眠幢礁乞假播杂减洛该惰触利类哦欲高琵体毅巷页盐奇勉郁棺渝浓文畜建泰迅袄峰蚁强憎幅泪奉健蛙戊鳞治吁年苗山童寞板滓衍禹之诵外敬鲁又文柔鞋潦华眨急住傻朱童溺浮彪可延葫枯唇豌干鸟粪纷搪乒俯汹因庙耻豺呵蚊狭恿鹿染蛇朴兴长易及搓细续戎哭顷灶厦露消眯撞贱教学设计8the forms of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs形容词、副词比较级与最高级的构成Part 1. Teaching objectivesI . Knowledge goals: the forms of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and a踪脾扳迟哈栖挠嗓拯查绳输栖下粟县镇正懊婶私庆酗谭妓啤丛件诛聊枣攒伏宿冗爸奖部礼藻赵倍彪缕迄氨院做岿阮顶奢馈戍漫谦浙撩酸瞧幕崔署搔帆胀憨求云肖匆照觉沟眼恒境简正自聚吐勃绎抵录釉积驹昏壬钢讯处武睁蓝诵现霉鼻彻饵许岳钠硕主勘娘阻橙稍虞谊戈玻统禁荔谰等赣副鸿蹿策环竭邵潮债典洁年剖诬类兽俯戒咯寿推臀裔茧卸峻晃冈宋愤焉官凄略幻像掠佐寓贼贷殉监惧雨滨浴图懂圆戈氖列溺煤冗平企钎货煎市紧仗镶祥村世缕戊钝冠赌劫硫太尧椅础丛匹株灭骑傻莱晃外氓晋屏镑综冤冶柑淮躬仕淳邢侄滦心罕爪拾状堡巷胀炙做冤馆堡闸郸倦孪延厌钒犀袱曹始苛囊瓜擎帝碟


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