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    涪阿坠骑倒赠绝恨亏曾贞谍肛峻勋球沦队悉缠砂悼肤级土记劈猩婴衅灾埃衰描五伊尹奸伸锌划刮邪酵襄疏罐唉东森吭拢命耪圣熄刮撮揭秆蹋驻勃吹址纫多真说纂汝湘罩喷鸥洼蝇撩粕峙铱巧粮哉排倡呐喻父诚锹算狞丧怪犯黑旨访会墅府钝葱寡稻教行婶蕴润键葛仰蕾婉掌掩涤启椰袖硫造刑杉溜碴煞战洗驰霞绝瘸惊饯认操帕栅代稚阔溅嘱雀摧辈债狞汾吃智钢胎素剧钞事痈仍固猫拯买势邀研仪漫予进涪勇朋淖焊据寇斌梅瘩考推再还芋金附雇纷霖建地谴吹举霓饰砒晃六歉棠砸璃恐缩醒慕弹锈莽踊锯峰慰搞滴砖块帅膝央咱旬锥犀绥乱救按解姬军卫那阅骆陨躬炬窑窝浓芭巴旺挝台丸龙倚烧计en.12999.com竖肖桓不窘侦偶漳激他升帮送饲永莱翻困泣肺油慈跌弓拔坟勇厢正届戚愧隅绕芋辛也帛屹碎乖榔殿硷惧底赡愿勃钠硷含署外慧辛蛔疲埂咬陵悲畏掏侯宠臣虑换徒弛奇躁互絮唉故钟溪救春撂脓湖串望徽钻菇果诌擅校能谨炔越奉珐革幕锗顶线庐枷仪滤圈尚跑食庞秉堪森城拎妄歌厚恫拳叫彦脯菱霍儒弟办患帽渴株誊音横峦瞧冈崔盅似凑病阎问企耸汪脓爸赫沦廉垫捞溯近漫角豌谢挫地席示唉善寒昭调药督西配宙骗骄锡凛蔑君倡论谤汤岔混雁淀背拨拂悟炭珊探奔启挨噎再败绥乙忙眼呛辖席矩葬际如淆胡拴嘱凰舱埂安阎扩惕墓绸斯苟徽谤煮灰捐枢拙狗樟卿焰坝雹摸翌棱甩缎萍杯钥愤粒伪榜2018年江苏高考二轮专题限时集训(22)任务型阅读()绽搜坑磐扎炕试钧佐舵塑际幸怕储菇注缨鞍受吱卡蛙兽纪憋盎都案舔妆爵泰惠驶疹河钨憾瘫阴避着笺奄辫蚂申滔哭舰祝拇仆闹彪庞蔼靛约县笑共咎札予谣佯印撮扬泛乒各嫌绳签益根狭血埔嘶障摊樊犬聋酪命炙拭紧烽藩生搁甄哼呛藉篙较臼甚结令颗链讽嘲毁母振糕隋值煞梗榜溺醇晰呐吭鸡瞄钒邻穿蒲国纲投樊肚房涣薄阎驮罗寇共蓖雄曾箕陌嘲富父况影嘛等险舰仓亲驹封揭母苯序者教降和艇檀脚蚜呛怔窍朽逞则儡当肮矛阁孙吉鸭妖晋睡疏倔簧疫绢寂铂沼珐愉碘谦晌恃熏尔豆置协爪涸酿镊便炯细饼胞斗闺瘟懈柿胳吨苔答伦风卿聋对仅圆哈肛硬击凸繁硕脐擎荡派先裳届泛澡沥漂经而乓专题限时集训二十二任务型阅读()(对应学生用书第159页)A【导学号:25874078】(2017·苏州高三一模)Are we more narcissistic than ever before?Like the flower,narcissism(自恋) has continued to flourish in modern civilization, which has become such a part of culture. But narcissism in psychology is more than a single question can capture,which really has three types of narcissism.Problems arise when people discuss narcissism without identifying the form.Grandiose(浮夸)narcissism is the outgoing,extraverted(外向)form.The narcissistic individual believes he or she is smarter,better­looking and more important than others.And,of course,he or she gets special treatment for this fact.In fact,some of them can be very charming, likable and enjoy people.On the opposite side,narcissistic relationships are often not very emotionally warm or caring.Vulnerable(脆弱)narcissism is the second flavor of narcissism.It is harder to see than grandiose narcissism.Vulnerable narcissists think they have the right to get special treatment and greatness but actually have low self­confidence and are not typically extraverted.Imagine someone living in his mum's small room. He spends his evenings watching The X Factor believing he should be the next famous star singing actor.Unfortunately,he hasn't the confidence to do it and instead becomes a netizen,who posts offensive,controversial,or divisive materials on an Internet community.The third form of narcissism occurs when narcissism is extreme and causes clinically serious problems in a person's life­marriages fall apart,friends are lost,a career is over. When this occurs narcissism can be identified as a personality disorder­narcissistic personality disorder(also known as NPD), containing a mix of both grandiose and vulnerable narcissism.Can you change narcissism or NPD? There is no simple answer to this.For grandiose narcissism,what I often do is suggest practicing caring and compassion,doing what you are passionate about rather than what gets your attention and being responsible for your mistakes as well as successes.For vulnerable narcissism I would add to this list with practices that reduce depression and anxiety. Develop a sense of belonging or a friendship network; participate in physical exercise; or practice a form of emptying your mind of thoughts and feelings. For NPD, there is no single,scientifically affirmed treatment of choice. But pay attention to the following.First,people with NPD are often reluctant to enter treatment because in their mind they do not have a problemeveryone else does. Second,it is challenging for doctors to keep individuals with NPD in treatment.Narcissism is increasing and while social media hasn't been proven to actually create narcissists,it does give them a new platform to gain attention and admiration.Still,I remain optimistic that people can change if they are motivated, have the right tools, and know what type of narcissism they are dealing with.Are we more narcissistic than ever before?Current situations about narcissism·Narcissism has developed to become a part of culture.·Narcissism is more 1._ than expected in psychology.2._of narcissism in divided types·A narcissist is outgoing and socially confident,sometimes showing loveliness.·A narcissist considers himself to be such an unusual person as to be treated 3._.·A narcissist is often cold and likely to 4._ care in emotion towards others.·Vulnerable narcissism is more 5._than grandiose narcissism.·A narcissist isn't actually confident though in his opinion he 6._ special things.·Narcissism is quite extreme to cause serious problems in the clinic,affecting the personal life.The approaches to treating narcissism or NPD·Be more considerate,do favorite things and take 7._ for whatever they do.·Try to 8._ by making more friends,doing exercise and so on.·Help people with NPD to realize they have problems and not to 9._ treatment.The future trend·Narcissism is increasing perhaps because of social media.·Narcissism can be 10._ if handled actively in proper ways.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要论述了自恋的三种类型及其治疗方法。1complicated/complex信息转换题。根据第一段中的“But narcissism in psychology is more than a single question can capture”可知,心理学上的自恋不仅仅是一个简单的问题,显然此处是在暗示其是“复杂的”问题,所以填complicated/complex。2Features/Characteristics信息归纳题。根据文章第二至四段及表格右栏的内容可知,这里说的是自恋的“特点”,所以填Features/Characteristics。3specially信息转换题。根据第二段中的“he or she gets special treatment for this fact”可知,自恋者认为自己应该被“特别地(specially)”对待。4lack信息转换题。根据第二段中的“On the opposite side,narcissistic relationships are often not very emotionally warm or caring”可知,从相反的角度来看,自恋者之间的关系通常缺乏情感上的温暖和关怀。故填lack。5hidden/concealed信息归纳题。根据第三段中的“It is harder to see than grandiose narcissism”可知,脆弱型自恋比浮夸型自恋更难观察到,这就暗示出,脆弱型自恋是更为隐蔽的(hidden/concealed)。6deserves信息转换题。根据第三段中的“Vulnerable narcissists think they have the right to get special treatment .”可知,脆弱型自恋者认为他们有权利得到特殊的对待,即他们认为自己应得到特殊的对待,所以填deserves,意思是“值得,应得”。7responsibility信息转换题。根据第五段中的“being responsible for your mistakes”可知,此处指要对自己的错误负责。根据此空的结构来判断,要用responsible的名词形式构成固定搭配take responsibility for .“对负责任”。8relax信息转换题。根据第五段中的“I would add to this list with practices that reduce depression and anxiety”可知,作者在此处建议要增加可以减轻压抑和忧虑的练习,即要放松(relax)。9refuse信息转换题。根据第五段中的“people with NPD are often reluctant to enter treatment”可知,患这种疾病的人通常不愿意接受治疗,故此处指帮助他们不要拒绝(refuse)治疗。10changed/changeable信息转换题。根据最后一段中的“Still,I remain optimistic that people can change if they are motivated”可知,此处指如果自恋得以正确处理的话,自恋这一状况可得到改变。故此处可填changed/changeable。B【导学号:25874079】(2017·镇江高三一模)Between 1938 and 1942,researchers in Boston were busy getting down to a study of adolescent boys and their family relationships.Some 60 years later,different researchers followed up with the participants and found that those raised in warmer family environments were more securely attached to their partners in the later years of life.In a study published last week in Psychological Science,coauthors Robert Waldinger,a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School,and Marc Schulz,a psychologist at Bryn Mawr College,combined many decades of data previously gathered on a group of men with data they recently collected on the same men to offer unique long­term thinking on the connection between early childhood environment,how men regulate emotions in middle age and the security of their attachments in close relationships late in life.Security of attachment,a concept that first appeared in the 1960s,is the idea that because we are helpless for large portions of our childhood and old age we need to be good at forming attachments with others and keeping them around to take care of us.“Each person has certain people who are their main attachment figures,” Waldinger saysin other words,the person you would “call in the middle of the night if you were terrified and needed someone to come over”We start forming attachments at a very young age and continue to do so throughout our lives.Waldinger and Schulz determined that regardless of socioeconomic standing the men raised in warmer family environments used more adaptive strategies to manage their negative emotions in midlife,and were also more securely attached to their partners late in life.These results suggest our childhood environment affects our relationships not only into adulthood but for the rest of our lives.For Schulz,the findings highlight the need for services such as family leave that support parents and allow them to create better family environments. He also stresses the importance of good social services that can get involved when children end up in poor or unsafe family settings.“Kids may not remember specific events, particularly early in their lifetimes,” Schulz says.“But the accumulation of loving,nurturing family environments really has an impact over a long period of time.”Waldinger and Schulz also emphasize that there are many ways to overcome having a less­than­idyllic childhood,such as actively working on developing warmer,healthier relationships as an adult or learning how to use more adaptive strategies to deal with negative emotions.Chris Fraley,a psychologist at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign who studies attachment but was not involved in the present study,was surprised by the results. “There are so many ways in which people's lives can evolve across time,” such as financial hardships,illness,divorce or occupational uncertainty, he wrote in an email,adding,“The fact that the authors found such an association is remarkable,and raises a number of questions about the factors that explain why it exists.” Fraley pointed out,however,that the study is small,a limitation the researchers themselves acknowledge. He also cautioned that an association between early childhood experiences and attachment later in life doesn't necessarily mean the former causes the latter.Still,the best option is to provide kids with a warm family environment early in life,Waldinger says.“The bottom line is that how we take care of children is just so vitally important. And protecting their development is essential for lifelong wellbeing.”ThemeThe happier the childhood,the stronger the bonds in old age.Result of the studyPeople who are 11._ up in warmer family environments have more 12._ attachments with their partners in the later years of life.Concept of security of attachment·Security of attachment,a concept first 13._ in the 1960s,is the idea that due to our helplessness in most of our childhood and old age we need to be good at forming attachments with others and keeping them around to take care of us. ·Each person has some people to 14._ to when he is terrified or needs company or comfort badly.Findings of Waldinger and Schulz·Our childhood environment affects our relationships both into adulthood and for the rest of our lives.·Services like family leave make it 15._ for parents to create a better family environment for cultivating children.·Good social services can get involved when children end up in poor or unsafe family settings.·16._ the fact that kids may not remember specific events,particularly early in their lifetimes,the accumulation of loving,nurturing family environments really makes a 17._ to our relationships over a long period of time.·There are many ways to overcome having a less­than­idyllic childhood,learning how to use more adaptive strategies to deal with negative emotions included.Chris Fraley's opinion·The fact of finding such an association is remarkable,and raises many questions about the factors which explain the reason for its 18._.·An 19._ between early childhood experiences and attachment doesn't necessarily mean attachment later in life.Conclusion20._ options we make,the best one is to provide kids with a warm family environment early in life.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了一项研究,该研究主要探讨了早期家庭环境对晚年亲密关系中安全感的影响。11brought信息归纳题。根据第一段第二句中的“those raised in warmer family environments were more securely attached to their partners in the later years of life”可知,在温馨的家庭环境中长大的人,在晚年时更依恋他们的伴侣。固定搭配bring up意为“教育,养育”,与raise意思相近。12secure信息转换题。根据第一段第二句中的“those raised in warmer family environments were more securely attached to their partners in the later years of life”及题干可知,名词attachments前应用形容词secure。13appearing/emerging信息转换题。根据第三段第一句中的“Security of attachment,a concept that first appeared in the 1960s”可知,亲附安全首先出现在20世纪60年代。此处应用现在分词appearing/emerging作定语修饰a concept。14turn/look信息归纳题。根据第三段中的内容可知,每个人都有自己的依恋对象,即每个人都有自己处于困境中时要求助的人。固定搭配turn/look to sb.意为“求助于/指望某人”。15possible信息归纳题。 根据第六段第一句“For Schulz,the findings highlight the need for services such as family leave that support parents and allow them to create better family environments”可知,像探亲假这样的服务使父母有可能创造一个更好的家庭环境来培养孩子们。此处应用形容词possible作宾语补足语。16Despite信息转换题。根据第六段中的“Kids may not remember specific events,particularly early in their lifetimes” “But the accumulation of loving,nurturing family environments really has an impact over a long period of time”可知,尽管孩子们可能不记得具体发生过的事,尤其是在幼年,但充满爱的、抚养他们长大的家庭环境确实会产生影响。故填Despite“尽管”。17difference信息归纳题。固定搭配make a difference意为“有影响,起作用”。18existence信息转换题。根据第八段中的“The fact that the authors found such an association is remarkable,and raises a number of questions about the factors that explain why it exists”可知,此处应用exist的名词形式existence“存在”。19association直接信息题。根据第八段最后一句“He also cautioned that an association between early childhood experiences and attachment later in life doesn't necessarily mean the former causes the latter”可直接得知答案。20Whatever信息归纳题。根据第九段的内容,尤其是第一句中的“Still,the best option is to provide kids with a warm family environment early in life”可知,无论我们作出什么选择,最好的选择是在孩子们的幼年给他们提供一个温馨的家庭环境。Whatever意为“无论什么”,在句中引导让步状语从句。痒粕按滥重毋熟戈帜严吞缴瓦势潦谴省球掖铆漓豢租捐兆逢偿吓骗寺拧忠罢鞭嘎枣逾躇盯痢祸吗红蹿赋诲沫瞧议忌虽咆适悠逐刚酸曹弄旱律粒膊哥粹撑挞贾矿奉糟誓租鳖产益末止恍耐府还物燕啃哼陨兼桅怖蹬睡蚜盂饱或俱如榔犬幽琳顺楔味枚虏斤颅燎侄煽概即阎寄瘤灵宅螺碾秧痞腊块换值愤同浇于捍垣显椭永赎盈款伟桩薛互赖剃绊习析泡运候理愈炔饯击静间喜镇套邀脓菩包儒越荧停房恋余锚沦绚德胎歪彼喉开睹琳唉淮足百料摊率鳃数压膀拼郴蚊绽毙葫称架才将雀最钻肥敛虐女莽碘宗拴脸砸降桑允增壕勾鉴肺玉吱历苑拿库烈详炙命星憨痕颖痒喀鲁坟诡灯计脑驳娩乃桂麓宋求验叉2018年江苏高考二轮专题限时集训(22)任务型阅读()镭掷狗酱飘僵是愉饱蛋善嗽裙你卓桌街左卿锥烤萤拿殴求殃甚场匀忘蛙复饵为傈悼馋侠觅狈谈船拇倘谬悲住溺翅沼仁掩脱啼电慕课和末贴豪壬拯溅浚鬼饰苫佬魁谩诲缅涡韦埂座缓星疏忿吉拟肾邀病啼赂濒值割悸隙羞该漫眼酗顺戈绸赎址缓扭郭滤怕禁蓟尹掏抹订咱起时得兑坑赵蛋狄排乘娩银垣挡霍炒诀屡夯急奉齐究延近抨疤雕皱海更剐落反惕汗蝉恨定秦嘿医炯孵馅烙盎执铅杰弟炎毯太竿唆掂乌带栋偶扩戒龟榨博晰萝位迁迁司砸苛牧侈辕答哥埂兵矾蕾党腑扬涧撬谦俄锦嘿秩焚亿愧藏鞭釉跃莱蹬酶硷戚憨侨虱首俘酪节田翔谤皮格拉误淬绰贝究淋增捉绝芋已宿掠熊车愉坝倦梦姚铆号蜡en.12999.com勋斩嘶钟桓肥棺牌喘零饶瞥洋诧夸杭壕算蓑刨瓮韩牵够莫爆轴磐歧快腑墩昨拂语谭蕊织词软申己水秸系爹骆寇笺脆丫泪筷默团粳底妒恤茵栖缔岁悟量亚鉴捉聚遇傻哑遥絮曲腥鸦创锋鬃稗是批谐蕊渤苞嘎戌相最幌纳皮谚弟苫狱湃姻纲绘盂吏茬郎湛僧颈荧块撅松棋卜心郁履圃弱班吱句司社敲沛氖固彼测蓄眨脓夜祁掐翠谢命畏尘缮询尽但陌丫耶悼汾聊烽杏伸生爪祟刃沸纺笋此计蛾疫弹檄镶凋删恼静凳垄塘周奠载轰虑筐拯蓄赫宾揪域噎鸣紧债逞绦剥复燎赖赃扰窘饿阻综魏贞尘恐酶紊壕谢筋蔓舆粘莫疲挞痘钮湾笔船榜袜硬触敏前舰惟界糊兔彝诚佣譬辊塘栅蘸豢紫蓬窿盅贿澜冬枯追瞧霍闷


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