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    M1 U1 School life单元自测一、单项填空 (共 15 小题,每小题1 分,满分 15 分)1.It is well known that _ nature has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures, making the land_ happy home for the local people.A. the; 不填B. the; aC. 不填 ; aD. a; a2.John is a man of much _ and he had a lot of interesting _ in his life.A. experience; experiencesB. experiences; experienceC. experience; experienceD. experiences; experiences3. To tell you the truth, the accident and the damages _ resulted in frightened me so much that I almost gave up driving ever since.A. whichB. thatC. itD. what4.A: Did you _ the concert yesterday evening?B: Sorry, I forgot and I didn t have enough time. I regretmy homework earlier.A. attend; not to finishB. join; not finishingC. take part in; having not finishedD. attend; not having finished5.We _ of the decision until eight o clock yesterday.A. got informedB. didn t informC. weren t informedD. were informed6.A: Does your car require _, sir?B: Yes. I require that it _ right now.A. washing; is washedB. being washed; be washed C. to be washed; is washedD. washing; be washed7. A: Is this city _ your elder sister was born in?B: Yes, it is.A. thatB. whereC. the oneD. which8. To our surprise, the naughty boy is no longer _.A. what he used toB. what he used to beC. what he was used toD. what he got used to9. A: How much do I have to _ for delivery?B: We won t _ for delivery if you pay now.A. charge; chargeB. pay; payC. charge; payD. pay charge10._ at the station, he found his wife _ for him.A. On his arrival; waiting B. On arriving; waitC. Arriving; to waitD. Arriving; wait11.Enough attention should be paid to _ your pronunciation and intonation in the study of English.A. improveB. improvingC. being improvedD. to improve12.It is very useful to learn several foreign languages _ English and French.A. asB. such thatC. for exampleD. such as13.When first _ to the market, these products enjoyed great success.A. introducingB. introducedC. to introduceD. being introduced14. A: Let s go for a walk in the garden.B: _, but I need to do the washing-up.A. Good ideaB. That s rightC. No, thank youD. Not at all15. He is the only person _, I believe, can help you with your English.A. whomB. whatC. thatD. which二、完形填空 (共 20 小题,每小题1 分,满分 20 分)I was walking down the road one day when my cell phone rang.16voice on the other end spoke to me,“ Dad, please come back soon.I miss you so much. ”I judged that it was a17 number. A little while later, thecall came once again, so I rudely18,“ You ve dialed the wrong number!and then ”19 .During the following days, I got the same call20. But I didn t care much aboutit.Then one day she constantly called me,21I didn t answer.Finally I answered the phone and heard aweak voice,“ Dad, please come .backImiss you so much! Dad, I inmso much pain! Mom said you were too22 to take care of me. But, dad, please23me again, OK? The” innocent ( 天真无邪的 ) request wasdifficult to24. I made a25kiss on the phone and heard the weak26say,“ Thank you Dad, Iam so happy, so happy ”Shortly after this, I became27about who had been on the other end of my phone. So I called28 ,and a woman answered,“ Sorry,.Iamsir really sorry to have bothered you. My daughter has29from bonecancer 30she was born. And her father31in an accident a short while ago. I dare not tell her thissad news. Poor baby!When she couldnbeartthe painful chemotherapy ( 化 ), she would cry32her dad,who had always33her. I really couldn t bear it, so I gave her a random phone number”“ How is your daughter now? I couldn” t wait to 34 .“ She has 35. You must have kissed her on the phone, because she went with a smile, tightly holding thecell phone ”Tears blurred ( 模糊 ) my eyes 16.A. A boy sB. A childsC. My daughtersD. My son s17.A. oldB. differentC. newD. wrong18.A. screamedB. blamedC. repliedD. returned19.A. hung upB. hung onC. held onD. held up20.A. here and thereB. now and thenC. more or lessD. sooner or later21.A. so thatB. in caseC. becauseD. even if22.A. frightenedB. difficultC. busyD. worried23.A. comfortB. kissC. patD. encourage24.A. refuseB. acceptC. takeD. meet25.A. softB. sweetC. lowD. loud26.A. noiseB. soundC. voiceD. whisper27.A. surprisedB. amazedC. interestedD. curious28.A. againB. onC. backD. out29.A. sufferedB. gotC. fellD. grew30.A. whenB. sinceC. asD. while31.A. got hurtB. became disabledC. diedD. was ill32.A. withB. forC. againstD. about33.A. encouragedB. amusedC. satisfiedD. supported34.A. hearB. askC. tellD. see35.A. passed byB. passedC. gone byD. gone三、阅读理解 (共 10 小题,每小题2 分,满分 20 分)AOne ofBritainleadings fee-paying schools, WellingtonCollege,isto offer classes on happiness tofightagainst the bad influences in society caused by materialism (功利主 ) and celebrity obsession ( 名誉崇拜 ), itshead teacher announced.Wellington school was founded in 1853 and now has 750 boys aged 13 to 18 and 50 girls aged 16 plus. Feesrange from 6,132 pounds per term for day pupils to 7,665 pounds per term for boarders (寄宿生 ).“ We are introducing classes on happiness,” said Anthony Seldon, master of Wellington College.第 1页been focusing too much on academics ( 学术 ) and missing something far more important.”A psychologist ( 心理学家 ) will be in charge ofa pilot project teaching“ happiness lessons” from the stathe next academic year. Pupils aged 14 to 16 willbe given one lesson a week, learning skills such as how tomanage relationships, physical and mental health, negative emotions and how to achieve onegoals. sThe colle ge s religious education staff( 成员 ) will teach the course as a complement ( 辅助 ) to, rather than a substitute ( 替代 ) for, usual religious education classes, said Seldon, who is also a political critic and writer.“ To me, the most important job of any school is to turn out young men and women who are happy and secure(可靠的 ). ” explained Seldon.“ Celebrity, money and possessions are too often the touchstones for teenagers andyet these are not where happiness lies. Our children need to know that as societies become richer, they don tbecome happier a fact regularly shown by social science research.”36. Wellington school is to offer students classes on happiness because _.A. students want to learn more about materialism and celebrity obsessionB. students have poor knowledge about materialism and celebrity obsessionC. students are often unhappy about the courses taught at schoolD. the school wants to smooth away the bad effects caused by materialism and celebrity obsession37. Which of the following is true according to the text?A. Wellington College has been focusing much attention on happiness lessons.B. Science research shows that the richer people are, the happier they will become.C. British teenagers often judge things by celebrity, money and possessions.D. Happiness lessons will take the place of religious education classes in college.38. In happiness lessons, students learn the following except _.A. how to get along with othersB. how to become rich and famousC. how to get rid of negative emotionD. how to keep healthy both in physical and mental waysB“ I m seventy years old,” says-hairedthegraylady proudly to the entertainer (演艺人员 ) at her CommunityClub dinner.“ Did you hear that, everyone?” says the entertainer. lady is just“Thisseventylovelyears young! And shedoesn t look a day over fifty.”He has been careful not to use the word“ old ” . In a society where youth is so admired, old age is often seeas something sad, something to fight against. Americans prefer not tosay“ old ” people. They use the expression“ senior citizens” . They do not talk about“ old people s” homes, but“ retirement” homes.In fact, the entertainer is not so wrong. Seventy is not very old these days. People in the US are living longerand longer. In1980, 12 percent of Americanswere over sixty-fiveyears old. By 2030, 21 percent willbe oversixty-five. One reason for this is that families are getting smaller. The average couple now has only 1.8 children.At the same time, improved medical care means that people are living longer.This change in the age of Americans is going to have serious results. For one thing, medical costs are rising.The government is unable to pay the elderly people s medical bills that have gone up veryd muchpeople.Some olhave to leave hospital“ sicker and quicker” than they should, before they are really better.More fortunate senior citizens, though, who still have good health, want new laws to be passed to allow them to stay at work. In the past, the retirement age was sixty-five, but that is changing now. Older people are stronger and more energetic than ever before. Many of them refuse to stop working just because they have reached a certain age.There is a change, too, in the way in which elderly people see themselves. Many are no longer happy toaccept the gray hair,bald( 秃的 ) heads, and boringclothes oftheirownparents. Theyliketowearyounger-looking clothes and bright makeup. American women spend millions of dollars a year on operations tolifttheir faces and make those uglywrinkles(皱纹 ) disappear. Men are prepared to spend even more onoperations to plant new hair on their bald spots. It s worth any money to look younger.39. In America people try to avoid using the word“ old ”. becauseA. the old age is seen as something that isn t admiredB. it is now believed to bring bad luck to elderly peopleC. the standard (标准 ) of getting old has changedD. the change in the age has caused a health problem40. According to the passage, which of the following does NOT describe the American society correctly?A. People live longer because of improved medical care.B. The government finds it difficult to afford the medical bills of the elderly.C. People use polite expressions when talking about old age.D. The old patients time in hospital is strictly limited.41. This passage is most probably taken from _.A. a travel bookletB. a magazineC. an advertisementD. a medical reportCAfter an absence of thirty years, I decided to visit my old school again. I had expected to find changes, butnot a completely different building. As I walked up the school drive, I wondered for a moment if I had come to the right address. The dirty red brick houses had been swept away. In its place stood a bright, modern block. A hugeexpanse of glass extended ( 延展 ) across the face of the building, and in front, there was a well-kept lawn (草坪 )where previously there had been“ an untidy(沙石gravel)yard ”.I was pleased to find that it was bread time and that the children were all in the playground. This would enable me to meet some members of staff. On entering the building, I was surprised to hear loud laughter comingfrom what appeared to be the masters common room. I could not help remembering ersthe inteachmy time, alldressed in black gowns (长袍 ) and high collars (领子 ). And above all, I recalled Mr Garston whom we hadnicknamed “Mr Ghastly”the, headmaster who had iron disciplineon staff and pupils alike. I knocked at thecommon room door and was welcomed by a smiling young man who introduced himself to me as the headmaster. He was dressed casually in a sports jacket, and his cheerful manner, quickly dispelled ( 驱散 ) the image of MrGhastly. After I had explained who I was, the headmaster presented me to the teachers all of whom were a little younger than himself, and said he would take me round the school.Here the biggest surprise of all was in store for me. Gone were the heavy desks of old with their deeplycarved names; gone too, were the dark classrooms with their ink stained, dark brown walls, and their raisedplatforms for the teachers. The rooms now were painted in bright colors, and the children, far from sitting straight in their places, seemed almost free to do as they liked. I looked with envy as I remembered how, as a child, I had looked at the blackboard hardly daring to whisper to my neighbor.42. The writer _.A. had no difficulty in recognizing his old schoolB. found it difficult to recognize his old schoolC. noticed that the building was still unfinishedD. was surprised to see an untidy gravel yard43. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. He had expected that the school had completely changed.B. In the writer s time, all the teachers were dressed in black gowns and igh collars.C. There was a well-kept lawn in their school when he visited it.D. An untidy gravel yard had disappeared.44.“ MrGhastlymust” be _.A. the writer s teacherB. a serious old manC. the strict headmasterD. a naughty boy45.From what is said in the passage it seems clear the writer _.A. disapproved of all the changes that had taken placeB. felt sorry for the children in the school第 2页C. was glad that the school was still the sameD. felt that conditions at the school had improved a lot四、句型转换 ( 共 5 小题,每小题2 分,满分 10 分)46. As soon as he graduated from college, he got a job in an American company. ( 改为简单句 )_47. They are displaying Qi Baishi s paintings in the local museum now. ( 改为


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