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    Unit 1 cultural relics,Book 2,第一部分 听一听,想一想,Fill the blanks with proper words or numbers.,Amber feels as as stone,but it easily when heated,and can be made into any . The Amber Room,one of the great wonders of the world,was made for the palace of Frederick . It was about meters long. Almost thousand tons of amber were used and it was 12 times more precious than gold. It took a team of the countrys best artists years to make it. It was once called the 8th wonder of the world. In 1716,Frederick Williamgave it to Peter. The Czar used it as a small in the winter palace. Later, Catherine let her artists add more _to its design. So it became greater. But in 1941, Germany and Russia were . The room was stolen by the Nazi army and moved to Kongsberg in wooden boxes. Since then, the fate of the room remains a . 60 years of looking for it has been pointless. It was destroyed in World War . In 2003, a new Amber Room was built following old . The work to recreate it lasted 24 years.,hard,4,7,10,reception hall,melts,shape,at war,mystery,details,27,photos,第二部分 要 点 回 顾,1.高度赞扬 2.作为回报 3.属于 4.毫无疑问 5.调查 6.许多件家具 7.在寻找 8.处于战争状态 9.拆开 10.认为,think highly of,in return,belong to,There is no doubt that,look into,pieces /articles of furniture,In search of,at war,take apart,regard as,第三部分: 考点解读 Part 1 One: Word And Phrases,1. remain vi. 留下,剩下,残留 link-v. 保持,仍然,继续 vi. 留下,逗留(同stay ) 典型例句 e.g. The fact remains to be proved. vi. 事实尚待证明 He remained silent. link-v. 你将在此停留几个星期? How many weeks will you remain here。 拓展 Remaining adj. 剩下的(作前置定语) Remain standing /seated 一直站着/坐着 Remain /keep silent 保持沉默 注意:remain 没有被动语态 表达“留下来被做”时用sth. Remains to be done,类比延伸 CF: remain / stay I went to the city , but my brother _ at home . Let things _ as they are . Ill _ here for a short time . I visited a lot of friends when I _ in that city . 自主反思 The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _ as the plane was making a landing .( 2004年上海春季) A seat B seating C seated D to be seating 2.Have a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _ whether they will enjoy it. 2002高考试题: A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen,remained,remain,stay,stayed,2. Consider 1) vt 考虑, 打算 consider +n /consider + doing /consider +wh- + to do 2) vt. 认为, 把看作 consider sb. /sth +adj./n(+to be /as /that clause ) 类比延伸: A. consider as (一种比较客观的看法) B. regard as (以外部形象得出认识或个人的看法) C. treat as ( 重在行动) 1)I really _ him _ my best friend after we get well with each other for a year . 2) Dont _ me _ a little boy . You know Im twenty . 3)I _ his son _ a little boy and give whatever he wants.,A,B,C,自主反思 1.你不能把他看作一个自私的人。 2.我本来 想俜请史密斯先生, 后来认为你更适合干这个工作。 3.就他英文只学了一年而论, 他的英文以说得很好。 4. Many things _impossible in the past are quite common today . A having being considered B considered C. to be considered D. considering 5. Charle is generally considered _ the first computer. (invent ),You can t consider him to be a selfish man .,I considered employing Mr. Smith but decided that you are more suited to the job .,Considering hes only been learning English a year , he speaks very well .,to have invented,3.at war ( + with ) 与处在战争状态;同竞争 1二战中德国几乎同所有的国家处于战争状态。 2多年以来, 我们一直相互竞争。 同类短语: be at school be at work be at table be at peace be at rest 类比延伸: In the war / in battle on leave On strike on duty On business on sale,German was at war with almost all the countries during World War two .,We both have been at war with each other for years .,在上学,在就餐,在吃饭,静止,在工作,处于和平状态,罢工,出差,休假,值班,出售,自主反思 用适当的介词填空 They are _ a friendly visit to china . I was _ table when an old friend visited me . The two countries used to be _ war but now they are _ peace . Many workers were _ strike because of poor pay .,on,at,at,at,on,do with 与 相处;对付 处理; 处置 忍受;(bear ) ( 与can , could 连用)表需要或愿望 自主反思 1)你看上去好像需要好好睡一觉。 2)我们应该怎样招待客人呢? 3)我受不了吵闹的音乐。 4)你是如何处理这封信的?,You look as if you could do with a good sleep .,What shall we do with the guest ?,I cant do with the loud music ?,What have you done with the letter ?,5. belong to “属于,是的成员,是的组成部分” e.g. 1)这桌上所有的书都是属于他的 All the books on the desk belong to him. 2)这花园属于谁的? Who does this garden belong to? 3)这鸟属于哪一科? What family does this bird belong to? 注:belong to 不能用于进行时和被动语态 1) The house was belonged to an old lady. 2) China is a country is belonging to the Third World. 3) As a writer, he really belongs the 18th century. 4) This lamp is belonging on the table.,belongs,to,Part Two :Structure,There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg , at that tine a German city on the Baltic sea. There is no doubt that / about throw doubt upon without doubt I have no doubt about / that clause 句型 拓展: 没必要做 某事 没有区别 做某事没有意义或作用 没留下时间做 不可能,There is no need do sth.,There is no difference,There is no point in doing sth .,There is no time left for doing sth.,There is no possibility to do sth.,对表示怀疑,毫无疑问地,自主反思: 1)_ is no possibility _ Bob can win the first prize in the match . A There; that B I t; that C There; whether D It ; whether 2) Since you have repaired my TV set ,_ is no need for me to buy a new one . A it B there C this D that 3) Can you doubt _ he will win ? A whether Bif C that D When 4) 他 不知道这是不是她所需要的。 5)进一步争论是无意义的。,He doubted whether that was what he wanted .,There is no point in arguing further .,6. I doubt if the truth of the fact .(改错) 7.There is some doubt about Jone will come on time .( 改错) 8. I dont doubt whether Jone will come .( 改错),/,Whether,/,2.The design for the room was of the fancy style popular in those days . be of + 指象名词 =be + 抽象名词的形容词 Help / helpful ; value / valuable; use / useful ; interest /interesting ; importance/ important ; effect /effective ; benefit /beneficial 自主反思: 1. You will find this map of great _ in helping you to get round London . A price B cost C value D usefulness 2. The two students _ had a lot discusion over the question . A. with the same age B. as old C. of an age D. the same age,3. The book is _to my translation , but that one is _ . A great help ; helpless B. a great help ; of no use C important ; of few importance D very helpful ; of no any use 4) The two clothes are _ ( 一样大)。 5)th book is _ ( 很有趣) 6) I found your discovery _ ( 很重要),of the same age,Of great importance,of great interest,


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