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    课题: Revision of Attributive Clause【 Learning aims 】1. To have a good revision of Attributive Clause.2. To know how to use it correctly.【 Difficult and important points 】1 Students can use that, which,as, who,whom and whose correctly.2. Students can use attributive clause correctly in writing.【课前预习】Step one: Lead inGuess what it is or who he/she is.1) He is a singer who sang theSong of Tomorrowin Everlasting Classics. _2)It is a kind of animalthat is our national treasure._3)It is a kind of flowers,which can represent love._4)It is a country, whose population is the largest in the world._通过分析:定语从句修饰某一()词或()词,起定语作用。被定语从句修饰的词叫()词。引导定语从句的词叫()词,分为关系代词或关系副词。定语从句分为限制性定语从句和()定语从句。引导词不仅连接主从句,而且引导词就等于()词,同时在定语从句中作成分。引导词三大作用:连接作用, 替身作用, 作成分。【课堂演练】Step two:Reviewing the usages of relative pronouns如何选择定语从句中关系代词呢?1.先判断定语从句中先行词指人还是指物2.看定语从句中缺少什么成份,缺什么成份就补什么成份关系代词指人: _ _ (定语)(主语 /宾语 )指物: _ _ _指某一句子: _7.引导非限制性定从时,只用which不用 that8.关系代词前有介词,只能用which不用 thatEg: Wang Feng is the only rock singer () your English teacher like best.We like talking about the people and things () we saw in the TV play.The day on()my daughter was born was Oct.19 th,2019.难点二:只用 who 的情况1.先行词是 one,ones,the one,those, he,she,I,they 时,关系代词只用who2.There be 开头的句子中,关系代词用who。Eg:Anyone () breaks the law is punished.There is a beautiful girl () will come to see you this afternoon.难点三:介词 +关系代词2.与从句动词的搭配如何确定与 which 连用的介词: 1.与先行词的搭配;Eg; I still remember the way ()() she spoke to me.Your English teacher has two kids,both ()()are very lovely.English is an important subject, ()() I m willing to spend much time.难点四: as 在定从中的用法such,the same,as,so修饰时,用 as 做关系代词。1)在限制性定从中,当先行词被2)在非限制性定语从句中, as 表“正如”常用在以下短语中。as we all know/as is known to usall/as the saying goes/as was expected3)As 引导非限制性定语从句既指人又指物也指某一情况或句子,可放句首也可放句中, which只能放句中。Eg:_( 正如俗话所说 ),“ God help those who help themselves. ”_ we all know,China is the third largest country in the world.难点五:定从中的主谓一致情况定从中的谓语动词在人称和数的方面要和先行词保持一致。Eg:I am not one who() afraid of difficulty.She is the only one of the girls who _( sing) well in class.难点一:只能用that 和只能用which 的情况1.先行词是all, everything, nothing, something, any, anything, little, much2.先行词被序数词或最高级修饰时只用that。3.先行词既有人又有物, 只用 that。4. 先行词被the only, the very, the same, the last 等限定词修饰时只用5 主句开头有who 或 which疑问时,只用that。等不定代词,只用that。that。This is one of the best books that _ ( have) ever been written.StepThree : PracticeSection A:TV series填空: 1)There is a beautiful woman _ the King of Yongzheng liked best.6.有两个或多个定从时,前面已用其他关系代词,后面的宜用that。2) It is a very popular TV serises _ name is Empresses in the Palace.( 甄嬛传 )第 1 页3)This is the TV serises_ is very popular until now.4) Zhen Huan,_suffered a lot of pains is the wisest woman in the palace.Section B:Films改错: 1) I saw an interesting film whom is Monster Hunt this summer holidays.2)The little monster what was born by a man is so cute.3)The film tells us a moved story from who we can learn a lot.4)The little Monster is a cartoon whose I like best.Section C:A woman scientist填空: 1)Tu Youyou is the first woman _won the Noble prize in Pharmacy(药学 ) in China .2)Tu Youyou _graduated from Peking University studied medical science for many years.3)I can tell you everything _ I heard about Tu Youyou.4)Tu Youyou is one of the greatest women scientists that_(is) over 80 years old.Section D:Champion改错: 1) Chinese Poetry Conference is such a stage which let friends who love poems get together.2) Lei Haiwei which won the champion in Chinese Poetry ConferenceIII comes from Hangzhou.3) Lei Haiwei recites poems during delivering take-out food,that makes me so moved.4) Lei Haiwei from who becomes popular all over the country is a stong man of life.Step Four: ApplicationWriting version:My friendis a boy of 16, _.( 他的名字是皮特). He is fond of playingbasketball in his spare time.He is an_( 易相处的 ) boy, who_( 与 同 学 处 得 很 好 ) .Besides,heisalsoan_ ( 聪 明 的 ) boy,whose_( 数学在月考中班级第一). What smoreimportant,heisa_(热心的)boy,wholendstomethebooks_( 他刚买的书 ).In a word, he is a boy _(我们应该向他学习). I am proudof owning a friend who are willing to help _(那些有困难的人).【课后延伸】一 .翻译句子1 He who laughs last laughs best._2. He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man._3. He who knows others is learned, and he who knows himself is wise._4. Gods help those who help themselves._5. Friendship is like sound health, the value of which is seldom known until it is lost_6 Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it._二 .利用模板完成下列的作1.你朋友的姓名,年龄,性别2.爱好:绘画,打篮球3.性格开朗,能够同学友好相处。有责任心,能按时收发作业。成绩优异,乐于助人。4. 需要向他 /她学习。_课后反思:Step Five:Enjoying the poemDon t forget the things that once you owned.Treasure the things that you can t get.Dont give up the things that belong to youand keep those lost things in memory.曾经拥有的,不要忘记。不能得到的,更要珍惜。属于自己的,不要放弃。已经失去的,留作回忆。第 2 页


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