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    三年级期中模拟测试一Name_ Class_听力部分(40)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词,每小题读一遍。(10分)( )1. A. what B. how many C. when D. who( ) 2. A. brush B. bath C. brother D. bus( ) 3. A. doctors B. doctor C. dance D. drink( ) 4. A. sports B. sport C. serve D. serves( ) 5. A. watch B. wash C. what D. was( ) 6. A. barbers B. barber C. bring D. brings( ) 7. A. watch B. get up C. gets up D. watches( ) 8. A. play B. put C. plays D.plane( ) 9. A. cut B. clown C. candle D. cuts( ) 10.A. type B. time C. tree D. types二、听录音,圈出你所听到的图片,读两遍。(5分)1.A. B. 2.A. B. 3. A. B. 4 A B 5.A B 三. 听录音,圈出句子中你所听到的单词或词组,每小题读两遍。(10分)1. brushes teeth brush teeth 2. go shopping go swimming3. on Saturday on Sunday 4. eats dinner eat breakfast5. plays games plays soccer 6. barber cuts hair7. fifty fifteen 8. fight fires firefighter9. sometimes usually 10. goes to bed goes to sleep四、听录音,判断是否正确,正确的在括号中打“”,错误的在括号中打“”,每小题读两遍。(10分) .( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) goes for walks brush teeth teaches sports thirteen go to the movies( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 五、听录音,排顺序,将数字填到括号内,每小题读两遍。共两组。A: ( ) 1.Grasshopper opens one eye and asks. ( ) 2. Look at the time its eight oclock. ( ) 3. I ride my bike every day! ( ) 4. Grasshopper sits up and smiles ( ) 5. These people are in my family!B: ( ) 1.Does he teach sports? ( ) 2.How about shepherds? ( ) 3.They start to run down the mountain. ( ) 4.A horn pokes Big Brother in the arm ( ) 5.I take the school bus to school.六、听录音,填单词,每个小题读两遍。 1. My aunt is a _.She fixes teeth.2. He _before breakfast. 3. I _ with my friends. 4. My father is a _. He _planes.5.She is a _.She _sick people. 笔试部分(60分)一、 汉译英。叔叔_医生_秘书_通常_打字_去公园_购物_去看电影_消防员_坐公共汽车_二、 按照图片意思,用动词的正确形式,把句子补充完整。1.Myfatheralways_inthemorning. 2.Shesometimes_onSaturday. 3.Themailcarrier never_tomyparrot. 4.Theyusually_withteachers.5.Shealways_afterschool.三、选择填空,把正确答案的序号写在题前括号里1.He sometimes_withhisdog.A.takethebusB.playsC.gotoschool2.-_doyouusuallyeatdinnerwith?-Myparents.A.WhatB.WhenC.Who3.-Doesheteachsports?-_.A.Yes,hedoes.B.Yes,hedo.C.Yes,heis.4.Myfather_helpssickpeoplebecauseheisadoctor.A.neverB.beforeC.always5.-Whattimeisit?-_.A.Itsthreethirty.B.Itsaclock.C.Never.6.Myfatherandmymotherarefirefighters.They_.A.fightsfiresB.fightfireC.fightfires7.Marygoestobed_shebrushesteeth.A.alwaysB.afterC.before8.Isometimesplaysoccer_myfriends_school.A.and,afterB.with,inC.with,after9.-Whattimedoeshegetup?-Hegetsup_.A.atsixfortyfiveB.atseventhirtyC.inoneoclock10.Mycousin_everyday.A.cuthairB.eatsbreakfastC.gotosleep四、选出与其余三个不同类的单词或词组(10分)1.()A. motherB. cousinC. brother D. teacher2.( ) A. dinnerB. lunch C. breakfastD. at3.( ) A. thirty B. fourteen C. fine D. seventy4.( ) A. bed B. car C. play D. chair5.( ) A. cut B. drive C. breakfast D. watch6.( ) A. go to school B. play games C. fix teeth D. mail carrier7.( ) A. plane B. take the bus C. fly planes D. watch TV8.( ) A. always B. before C. usually D. never9.( ) A. get up B. how many C. read books D. get dressed10.( )A. take the bus B. in the morning C. at night D. in the evening五、请在(二)组中选择正确答句将序号填到(一)组括号里。(10分)1、(一) (二)( ) Can he fly planes? A. How do you do?( ) What does a doctor do? B. At 6:00.( ) How do you do? C. Yes, He teaches English.( ) Does he teach English? D. He helps sick people.( ) What time do you get up? E. No, he cant.2、 (一) (二)( ) What does your uncle do? A. I usually watch TV at night.( ) How are you? B. Im fine.( ) When do you go to bed? C. I do my homework before dinner.( ) What do you usually do at night? D. At 8:30.( ) What do you do before dinner? E. Hes a waiter. 六、连词成句(10分)1. always, homework, at, I, do, night, my.2. can, a, fires, firefighter, fight.3. my, usually, park, with, grandmother, to, go, I, the4. I, before, brush, my, teeth, breakfast.5. Sunday, goes, walks, Maria, sometimes, on, for


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