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    2012 届高考英语专题复习精选资料集(三十)( A)The friendship between us never fades. Mary Allen was my best friend like a sisterInever1._. We dideverythingtogether:pianolessons,movies,swimming,horseback riding, and so on.When I was 13, my family moved. Mary and I 2. _ in touch through letters, andwe saw each other on special3. _ like my wedding and Marys. Soon we were4. _ with children and moving to new homes, and we wrote 5. _. One day acard that I sent came back 6. _“Address Unknown. ” I had no idea how to 7._ Mary.Over theyears, IthoughtofMary often.Iwantedto 8._ stories of my childrenand thengrandchildren.Ineed tosharemy 9. _ when my brotherand thenmy motherdied. There was a(n) 10. _ place in my heart that only a friend like Mary could11. _.One day I was reading a newspaper when I 12. _ a picture of a young woman wholooked a lot like Mary and whose 13. _ name was Wagman Marys married name.“There 14. _ be thousandsof Wagmans,” I thought,15. _ I wrote to heranyway.She 16. _ as soon as she got my letter.“Mrs. Tobin! ” she saidexcitedly,“MaryAllen Wagman is my 17. _.” Minutes later I heard a voice that I 18. _ atonce, even after 40 years. Welaughed and cried and asked about each others 19._.Now the empty place in my heart is filled, and there is one thing that Mary and Iknow 20. _: We won t lose each other again!1.A. hadB. love C. left D. met2.A. gotB. kept C. lost D. fell3.A. placesB. occasionsC. festivalsD. things4.A. comfortableB. carefulC. easy D. busy5. A. more B. much C. less D. least6. A. said B. fastened C. read D. stamped7. A. know B. stop C. find D. help8.A. shareB. tell C. writeD. remember9.A. news B. sorrowC. storiesD. failure10.A. bigB. smallC. wild D. empty11.A. stay B. hide C. fill D. live12.A. took B. noticedC. drew D. picked13.A. last B. firstC. nick D. given14.A. shouldB. needC. can tD. must15.A. andB. sinceC. butD. so16.A. calledB. laughedC. criedD. shouted17.A. friendB. motherC. sisterD. daughter18.A. realized B. received C. contactedD. recognized19.A. futureB. progress C. livesD. weddings用心爱心专心- 1 -20.A. for sure B. at allC. in allD. as well1 20 ABBDCDCABDCBADCABDCA( B)Perhaps you ve attended some parties. But like New York,where a party or dinneroften_1_ businesswith pleasure,a Washington partyis a _2_ partof the businessof politics, the business of making _3_ connections.Some Washington parties have a _4_ aura (气氛 ) about them, depending on who givesthem and who is there, but most parties are open-house _5_ in fact, with the hostsnot knowing most of the _6_ who are there.I went to a few of these parties _7_ I wanted to see the inside of some of theWashington mansions ( 公馆 ) I had _8_ so much about. Almost every time during theevening some man would come close to talk with me _9_, we didnt know each otherat all. Such a _10_ exchange clearly proves“a gathering of friends” _11_Washington partystandards.You donteven need an _12_ toattendmany Washingtonparties. You just have to know about them. No Washington hostess would _13_ herservants to ask you who you were. Most of the bigger parties, those with 300 or 400guests, _14_ to impress somebody, and Washingtonians _15_.Most members of the Congress,for example,_16_ middle-classbackgrounds in smallercommunities _17_ the country. They are dazzled (眼花缭乱的 ) by _18_. They aredazzled by big names. They are ready to help Washington _19_ hostesses. They goalong with them because they are good friends or they dont notice that they _20_or theydont care if they are.1.A. followsB. connectsC. mixesD. goes2.A. dailyB. necessaryC. chiefD. cheap3.A. stillB. cruelC. mentalD. important4.A. socialB. nervousC. terribleD. simple5.A. eventsB. affairsC. conferencesD. games6.A. guestsB. customersC. guardsD. guides7.A. so thatB. in order thatC. as ifD. because8.A. foundB. noticedC. heardD. wrote9.A. sinceB. thoughC. whenD. whether10.A. commonB. strictC. publicD. special11.A. includingB. comparing withC. according toD. depending on12.A. invitationB. envelopeC. instrumentD. acceptance13.A. refuseB. allowC. agreeD. warn14.A. are givenB. giveC. are suppliedD. supply15.A. easily forgetB. hardly remember C. easily impress D. are easily impressed16.A. hear fromB. write toC. come fromD. call out17.A. overB. belowC. betweenD. across18.A. moneyB. equalC. freedomD. discussion19.A. strangeB. famousC. poorD. stupid20.A. are usingB.arebeingusedC.areobeyingD.are being obeyed1-20CBDABADCBDCABADCDABB用心爱心专心- 2 -


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