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    课后能力测评 ( 一).完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A 、 B、 C 和 D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (2010 四川 )字数: 334完成时间:15 分钟难度:Recently , I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting. As we were about to arrive,the pilot announced with apology that there would be a slight_1_ before settingdown. High desert winds had _2_ the airport to close all but one runway. He saidthat we would be _3_ the city for a few minutes waiting to _4_. We were alsotoldto remaininourseatsmeanwhilewithourseatbeltsfastened_5_ theremightbe a few bumps(颠簸 ) We11, thatfew minutes turnedintoabout fortyfiveminutes ,includinga ridethatwouldmake a rollercoaster(过山车 )_6_ by comparison.Themovement was so fiercethatseveralpassengersfelt_7_ and had touse airsicknessbags.As you might guess , thatsnota good thingtohave happen ina(n)_8_ spacebecause it only _9_ to increase the discomfort of the situation.Abouttwentyminutesintotheadventure, theentireairplanebecame very_10_.There was now a sense ofanxietyand fearthatcouldbe _11_ noticed.Everypassengersimplyheldon fordear life.exceptone. A _12_ was havinga good time!With each bump of the _13_, he would let out a giggle(咯咯的笑 )of delight. AsI observedthis, I _14_ that he didntknow he was supposed to be afraidand worriedabout his_15_. He neither thought about the past nor about the future. Thosearewhatwe grown ups have learnedfrom _16_.He was _17_ theride becausehehad not yet been taught to fear it. Havingunderstood this, I took a deep breathand _18_ back intomy seat , pretendingIwas _19_ on a rollercoaster.I smiledfor the rest of the flight. I even_20_ togiggle once or twice, much to thechagrin( 懊恼 )of the man sitting next to me holding the airsickness bag.1.A. mistakeB. delayC. changeD. wind2.A. forcedB. warnedC. sweptD. reminded3.A. watchingB. visitingC. circlingD. crossing4.A. arriveB. enterC. stopD. land5.A. ifB. though C. becauseD. while6.A. lightB. paleC. easyD. quick7.A. sickB. nervousC. angryD. afraid8.A. emptyB. narrowC. secretD. open9.A. happensB. continuesC. failsD. serves10. A. quietB. hotC. dirtyD.crowded11. A. partly B. gradually C. shortly D. clearly12. A. pilot B. baby C. guard D. man13.A. seatsB. passengersC. flightD. airplane14.A. realizedB. hopedC. agreedD. insisted15.A. healthB. safetyC. joyD. future16.A. teachers B. booksC. experience D. practice用心爱心专心117. A. learningB. takingC. missingD. enjoying18. A. satB. layC. wentD. rode19. A. nearlyB. finallyC. reallyD. suddenly20. A. attempted B. managedC. wantedD. decided.阅读理解阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、 B、 C 和 D)中选出最佳选项。A字数: 272完成时间: 15 分钟难度:BruceJonesthinksthereisstillahealthythirstforexplorationintounderwaterworlds onour own planet.After growing up with his grandfather who wasin the marine construction business, Jones quickly got a feel for the water. Hestarteddivingat age 9 and, by the 1980s, began offeringadviceforthose interestedin the submarine business.By 1993, he was runninghis own company, U S. Submarines,which designed and built submarines for resorts and individuals.Jones plans to spend $40 million in building a hotel where the most expensiverooms willbe 50 feetunder the sea offEleutheraIslandinthe Bahamas. UnliketheJulesUndersea Lodge the onlyundersea hotelnow, justoffthe coastof Key Largo,Fla. guestsat the Poseidon wontneed to put on a wet suitto get to theirrooms.They also wont need to worry about changing pressure levels since the rooms will be kept at above surface pressure. Instead, they can move easily to their $1,500 a night underwater rooms by escalator.“I think there are a large number of people who would be interested,” saidJones,“including anyone who is looking for a different experience.”Each room will feature strong windows that look out onto coral gardens. Therewill be controls in each room that guests can use to change the lighting of theunderwater worlds outside their windows and to provide food for fish swimming by.“By now I envisioned( 展望 ) wed have whole underwatercities,” CraigCooper,the directorforthe Aquariusresearchstationsai d. “Itsabout time some of thesevisions became reality.”1. Which of the following is the correct order of the events that happened to Bruce Jones?a. Jones started running U S. Submarines.b. Jones began to learn to dive.c. Jones planned to build an undersea hotel.d. Jones began giving others advice on the submarine business.A. a, b, c, d B. a, c, b, dC. b, d, a, c D. b, a, c, d2. Wecan learnfrom the second paragraphthatthe JulesUndersea Lodge_.A. lies off Eleuthera Island in the BahamasB. is the first undersea hotel in the worldC. neednt provide wet suits for its guestsD. sends its guests to their rooms by lift3. What do we know about Bruce Jones undersea hotel from the passage? A. It will be much cheaper than the Jules Undersea Lodge.用心爱心专心2B. It has taken Jones $40 million to build it.C. Guests in it will open the windows to give food to the fish.D. Guests in it will see beautiful coral through the windows.4. The underlined word “Poseidon” in Paragraph 2 refers to _. A. Bruce Jones undersea hotelB. Jules Undersea LodgeC. an island off the coast of Key Largo D. another name of Eleuthera Island5.JudgingbyCooperswords,hisattitudetowardsunderwaterhotelsis_.A. disappointed B. criticalC. objective D. hopefulB(2010湖南 )字数: 396完成时间: 15分钟难度:When Mary Moore began her high school in 1951, her mother told her,“Be sureand take a typing course so when this show business thing doesnt work out, youllhave something to rely on.”Mary responded in typical teenage fashion. From thatmoment on,“ the very last thing I ever thought about doing was taking a typingcourse ,” she recalls.The show businessthingworked out,of course.Inhercareer,Mary won many awards.Only recently, when she began to write Growing Up Again, did she regret ignoringher mom.“I dont know how to use a computer,” she admits.Unlike her 1995 autobiography, After All, her second book is less about lifeas an award winningactressandmore aboutlivingwithdiabetes ( 糖尿病 ). All themoney from the book isintendedfortheJuvenileDiabetesResearch Foundation(JDRF),an organizationshe servesas internationalchairman.“Ifelttherewas a need fora book likethis,” she says. “I didntwant tolecture,butI wanted otherdiabeticsto know thatthingsget betterwhen were self controlledand do our partinmanagingthe disease.”But she hasnt always practiced what she teaches. In her book, she describesthat awfulday,almost 40 years ago, when she receivedtwopieces oflife changingnews. First, she had lost the baby she was carrying and second, tests showed thatshe had diabetes. In a childlike act, she left the hospital and treated herself toa box of doughnuts (甜甜圈 ). Years would pass before she realized she had to growup again and takecontrol ofher diabetes,not let itcontrol her. Only thendidshe kickher three pack a day cigarettehabit,overcome heraddictiontoalcohol,and begin to follow a balanced diet.Although herdiseasehas affectedhereyesightand forcedhertothesidelinesof the dance floor, she refuses to fall into selfpity. “Everybody on earth canask , why me? aboutsomethingor other ,” sheinsists.“Itdoesntdo any good.No one isimmune ( 免疫的 )toheartachepain,and disappointments.Sometimes we canmake things better by helping others. Ive come to realize the importance of that as Ive grown up this second time. I want to speak out and be as helpful as I can用心爱心专心3be. ”6. Why did Mary feel regretful?A. She didnt achieve her ambition.B. She didnt take care of her mother.C. She didnt complete her high school.D. She didnt follow her mothers advice.7. We can know that before 1995 Mary_. A. had two books publishedB. received many career awards C. knew how to use a computer D. supported the JDRF by writing8. Marys second book Growing Up Again is mainly about her _. A. living with diabetesB. successful show businessC. service for an organizationD. remembrance of her mother9. When Mary received the life changing news, she _.A. lost control of herselfB. began a balanced dietC. tried to get a treatmentD. behaved in an adult way10. What can we know from the last paragraph? A. Mary feels pity for herself.B. Mary has recovered from her disease.C. Mary wants to help others as much as possible.D. Mary determines to go back to the dance floor.短文改错下面短文中有10 处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ) ,并在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。字数: 112完成时间: 5 分钟难度:After shopping, Mother and I went to a restaurant for lunch. I notice Motherlookingat a nearby tableoccupy by an elderlywomanand young couple.They are silentand it was clearly that things were not going well. As we left, Mother stopped ontheir table.“Excuse me,” she said, put her arm around the unhappy old woman.“You remind me so many of my mother.May I hug ( 拥抱 ) you ?” The womansmiledhappilyas she accepted to it. After we left, I said,“That was very nice of you, Mother.So Ididntthinkshe looked like Grandma.”“Neitherdidme.”saidMothercheerfully.补全对话根据对话情景和内容, 从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项。 选项中有两项为多余选项。用心爱心专心4字数: 168完成 :8 分 度:Jerry: Hi, Mike. Look like youve got some sun.Mike: I guess so. I spent the weekend on the beach.Jerry: Really? That sounds exciting. _1_Mike:At my friends house.He invitedme to staythere for as longas I wanted.Jerry : _2_Mike: Oh, I have a paper to work on.Jerry: _3_ I mean besides lying out in the sun.Mike: I play volleyball. I never realized how hard it is to run on sand.Jerry: _4_ Did you go swimming?Mike: I intended to._5_ So I just went fishing.Jerry: All sounds so relaxing.A. What a pity!B. It must be cool.C. Where did you stay?D. But how did you get there?E. So what else did you do out there?F. But the water wasnt warm enough.G. Then why not stay there for a longer time?1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _ 后能力 ( 一 ).1.解析: B。根据 “High desert winds.to close all but one runway”可知,因沙 暴关 所有的跑道,只留一条,故 延 降落。2. 解析: 选 A。因 沙 暴迫使 (force) 机 关 跑道。 warn 警告; sweep 打 , 席卷;remind 提醒,均不符合 意。3. 解析: C。 机在等待降落的 程中 是 城市 旋,故 C。watch 用于 的 面; visit 参 ,拜 ; cross 横穿,均不符合 意。4. 解析: D。根据上下文句意可知, 机要 城市 旋几分 以便等待着 。5. 解析: C。句意 :我 被告知仍在座位上坐好,系好安全 ,因 机可能会有几次 簸。此 because 引 的原因状 从句。6. 解析: B。 make.pale by comparison 使相形 ,此 用以 机在空中极不 定。7. 解析: 选 A。句意 : 像 山 一 的 烈运 使旅客 心而不得不用呕吐袋。 sick 心的; nervous 的; angry 生气的; afraid 害怕的。8. 解析: B。此空前的 that 指的是 using airsickness bags,也就是 生在 机上狭小空 内的呕吐,因此 用 narrow( 狭窄的 ) ,后面的 space 指的是 机内部空 。 empty空的; secret秘密的,均不合 意。9. 解析: D。在 种情形下本来就很 受,在 机上呕吐使得 种 受更加 烈。serve 意 “起作用,用作”。10.解析: A。根据后文中“ a sense of anxiety and fear”可知,人 都很 、焦 ,在 种情形下 机上的人一定是静悄悄的。11.解析: D。 机上的焦躁不安, 是能 很明 的被 察到,故 clearly。12.解析: B。此 是“ baby”,和下文“ we grownups”形成 比。用心爱心专心513. 解析:选 D。由文意可知,飞机的每一次颠簸让孩子体验坐过山车一样的感受,孩子发出咯咯的笑声。14. 解析:选 A。句意为:我通过观察,才意识到这个孩子并不知道他应该害怕或是担心自己的安全。15. 解析:选 B。此处表示,为他的安全担心。16. 解析:选 C。成人都是从孩子时代过来的,是成人的亲身经历让他们知道孩子不知道什么是害怕和担心。17. 解析:选 D。因为孩子不知道害怕, 自然是在飞机的颠簸中享受坐过山车般的快乐。18.解析:选A。 sit back into my seat意为“坐回到我的座位上”。19. 解析:选 C。句意为: 我坐回到我的座位上, 假装真的坐上了过山车。 nearly 几乎;finally最后; suddenly突然,均不符合题意。20. 解析:选 B。句意为:我甚至咯咯地笑了一两次。作者应该是真的笑出了声,才让邻座的手拿呕吐袋的人懊恼。managed to do做成了某事。. 1.解析:选C。事件排序题。由第一段可知,Jones 9岁开始潜水; 80 年代能够在潜水生意方面给他人提出见解,到1993 年他已经开始经营自己的公司,而打算建海底旅馆是发生在这些事件之后。故选C。2. 解析:选 B。细节理解题。由第二段中的“ the only undersea hotel now ”可知, the Jules Undersea Lodge 是世界上目前唯一的海底旅馆,也就是世界上第一家海底旅馆。3. 解析:选 D。细节理解题。由第四段第一句可知,海底旅馆外将会建珊瑚公园,所以入住客人通过窗户可以看到漂亮的珊瑚。4.解析:选 A。词义猜测题。文章第二段中第一句前一部分提到Jones 计划修建一个海 底 旅 馆 , 再 根 据 第 二 句 中 “UnliketheJulesUndersea Lodge.guestsatthePoseidon”可推知 Poseidon 是 Jones 的海底旅馆。把句中两个破折号之间的内容去掉即可得到正确答案。5.解析:选 D。推理判断题。从文章的最后一段可知,Cooper 对海底旅馆是充满希望的。6.解析:选 D。根据第二段“ Only recently, when she began to write Growing UpAgain ,did sheregret ignoringher mom.Idontknow how to use a computer, sheadmits ”可判断选D项。7.解析:选 B。根据第二段“ The show businessthingworked out , of course.Inhercareer ,Mary won many awards ”可判断选B 项。8.解析:选 A。根据第三段“ .her second book is less about life as an awardwinning actress and more about living with diabetes”可判断选A 项。9.解析:选 A。根据第四段“ In a childlikeact , she left thehospital and treatedherself to a box of doughnuts (甜甜圈 ) Years would pass before she realized shehad togrow up again and takecontrolofher diabetes,2notlet it controlher ”可判断选 A 项。10.解析:选 C。根据最后一段中的 Mary Moore所说的话“ Ivecome to realizetheimportance of that as Ive grown up this second time.I want to speak out and be ashelpful as I c


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