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    Unit 6,Oxford English,Module 3 Natural elements,Electricity,Reading,Period 1,Getting ready,In this unit, you will learn about electricity.,Reading Read a story about electricity. Listening Listen to a conversation about electricity in a flat. Grammar Learn how to use the modal verbs can, may and must. Speaking Learn to identify the syllables in English words. Talk about safety rules at home. Writing Make some home rules.,In our daily lives, what kinds of things need electricity ?,Brainstorming,What kinds of things need electricity in our daily life?,Look at the picture and answer questions.,3. Whats the weather like in the cartoon? 4. Where does Los energy come from? 5. What will this unit probably be about?,What are Hi and Lo talking about? They are talking about the source of energy. 2. Where does His energy come from? Food.,It is stormy.,Electricity.,Electricity.,Reading,A What do you know about?,There are different ways of producing electricity. Write the correct words in the blanks.,solar power water power wind power,_,_,_,wind power,water power,solar power,B Before you read,Look at the photos and the title of the story on page 73. Then answer the questions below.,What did the girl buy? She bought some batteries. 2. What do you think the story may talk about? Tick ( ) the possible answers. a. Where electricity comes from. b. What electricity is like. c. What we use electricity for. d. How we can use electricity safely. ,1. Whats the girl going to buy? She is going to buy a packet of sweets. 2. What does electricity give us? Electricity gives us power.,Read the passage again and answer the following questions.,3. How does electricity come into homes? Electricity comes into homes through thin wires, just as water through pipes. 4. What in batteries can produce electricity? The chemicals inside batteries can produce electricity. 5. Who looks foolish, Daisy or Benny? Benny, of course.,Language Points,1. She cant buy electricity in packets like sweets! 她不能像买糖一样一包包地买电。 in packets 意为“一包包地”。 in后接量词的复数形式常用语显示某物的形 状、包装或数量。如: in pairs 一对对地 in rows 一排排地 in groups成群结队地 in bags 一袋袋地 The students work in groups on complex problems. 学生们分组研究复杂的问题。,2. Shell look foolish. 她将会看上去很傻。 look为系动词,意为“看起来好像,显得”,后 跟形容词作表语。类似的词语有: look sound smell taste feel The mother looks sad. She looks sadly at her son. 前一个look是系动词,后跟形容词sad,描述 mother的状态;后一个look是行为动词,sadly 修饰look。,+ adj., 辨析: foolish, silly与stupid. 这3个词都有 “蠢” 的含义:,You silly child. 你这个傻孩子。(并无贬意) Stay hungry, stay foolish! 求知若渴,虚心若愚。乔布斯 It is foolish of her to spend so much money on her shoes. 她花这么多钱在她的鞋子上真是太傻了。 Don t ask so many silly questions. She is a bit foolish but not stupid. 别再问这样傻的问题了!她是有点犯傻但 不是天生愚钝。,3. You mustnt say that, Benny! 班尼, 你不能那样说! must,情态动词必须,一定。后接动词原形。 mustnt= must not不准,不允许 I must go to the bank to get some money. 我得到银行去取些钱。 You mustnt discuss in the library. 在图书馆你不能讨论。,4. Its like water, in a way. 从某种程度上讲,它就像水一样。 in a way 在某种意义上讲,从某种程度上说 Water, in a way, is peoples most important need. 从某种程度上说, 水是人们最重要的需求。 In a way they played a vanguard role. 在某种意义上说,他们起了先锋的作用。,5. “These are connected to cables under the street,” Dad added. “它们与街道下面的电缆相连接”爸爸补充道。 connect to 把连接到上 be connected to 意为 “被连接到上” 这是被动 语态结构 Please connect the computer to internet. 把电脑连到因特网上。 connectwith 把和联系起来 He is connected to/with the murder. 那件谋杀案和他有关。,6. A moment later, Daisy came back. 过了一会儿,黛西回来了。 a moment later 意为“过了一会儿”。 later是副词,放在一段时间之后,意为“以后”。 Mary returned to her hometown ten years later. 玛丽十年后回到家乡。 A few hours later he left the house. 几个小时后他离开了屋子。,C Vocabulary,C1 The words in italics are from the story on page 73. Circle the correct answers to complete these sentences.,If you reply to a question, you _ it. a. ask b. answer 2. A foolish person usually does _ things. a. harmful b. silly,3. When my computer is connected to the Internet, the Internet _ my computer and the other computers in the world together. a. joins b. carries 4. If you ask someone to wait for a moment, you will come back in _. a. a long time b. a short time 5. Batteries provide toy cars with _. a. electricity b. heat,C2 Complete the passage below with the words from the box.,anyone connected to in a way power station wires,Electricity is like water,(1) _ . It flows from the (2)_ to our homes. The light, TVs and computers in our homes are (3)_the power station through (4) _. Electricity is very important to us. We need it at home, at work and in school. Could (5)_ live in a world without electricity ?,in a way,power station,connected to,wires,anyone,Strategies,Compound nouns Power station is a compound noun. We may guess the meaning of a compound noun by looking at the two nouns. See more examples below: bath + room=bathroom living + room=living room,D Comprehension,D1 Find these sentences in the story on P73. Write the name of the person or thing that pronounce in italics refer to.,Im going to buy some sweets. _ 2. Can you get me a packet of electricity, please? _ 3. Shell look foolish. _ 4. Its like water, in a way. _ 5. They are connected to a power station. _,Daisy,Benny,Daisy,Electricity,Cables,D2 The picture below shows how electricity get to Bennys flat? Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.,cable power station wire,wire,cable,power station,He never r_ to my letters or e-mails. I want to c_ the wire to the TV. It is f_ of you to make fun of others. Dont leave the lights on. It wastes e_. 5. You can invite a_ to your birthday party.,replies,connect,foolish,electricity,anyone,I. 根据句意和所给的首字母填空。,Exercises,在某种程度上说,这是一部好电影。 _ _ _, it is a good movie. 2. 不一会儿,男孩的妈妈回来了。 _ _ _, the boys mum came back. 3. 你能去超市买包盐吗? Can you buy _ _ _ salt from the supermarket? 4. 这部手机已经连接到电脑上。 The phone _ _ _ the computer.,In a way,A moment later,a packet of,was connected to,II. 根据中文意思完成句子。,Electricity is produced in a power station.,Electricity travels in cables under the street.,Electricity comes into our flat through thin wires.,Electricity changes into light energy in light bulbs.,Draw a flow chat to talk about the process of electricity.,First, people produce electricity in a power station. After that, the electricity travels through cables under the street. The cables are connected to thin wires. Then, electricity comes into homes through those thin wires. Finally, it changes into light energy in light bulbs.,D3 Who looks foolish in the end? Why? Discuss with your classmates.,(Possible answer) Benny looks foolish in the end. He thought Daisy didnt know what a packet of electricity was. He wanted to make fun of her. However, Daisy came back with a packet of batteries. The chemicals inside batteries produce electricity. So he had no reason to make fun of Daisy. Instead, his mother made fun of him.,1. 模仿录音的语音、语调,朗读课文。 2. 抄写单词和短语:anyone,battery,cable,connect,electricity,foolish,moment,reply,wire;a packet of, (be) connected to,in a way,power station等。,Homework,Thank you!,


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