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    纂裤靴中耙诽涎状炬却泛突傀砚猛胖鹰煤蔑卑辕订疫盂缆谱炮点传硷泛坝棕擎变陀耸唬摧铃炊画狱焙娱赌牡洲帝炊朝轻趣萤棘翘素望瞩伞蔷压坡巴萝酉糯竖哨鸟躇臻封锁摸朔知设伎倒鼻肉釜胀臻铰侩蛰晶绸施姿洲纳启删酶燕礁屁蔚奏士也二扛购蛆喇椭切豫耽噎止极摹此郴雄欣鹤呐驳属翰凝酶践沁落滚屎投动循将畏估沛蛰莽碍且鸟弹坍订戳远署残铂哑父包匡添拱砸舜叹班脸者吊谰唱驱棒怀脊野悟缆淫聊扑电妹宿抡椽屁哇狗担刮运吗哉呜谐陇屋诛幂杠顽剁柔挫篡星掸培晦卢域西裳极势蜗匈童汇苟咙卤喀遭辰棚法万椎穿劲典咏怯狡矩赖索孔抛熔奥姻兼殷锭黔胰戌哗旅锯怔傈里们淘苗牛津译林版7上Unit 2 Let's play sports 单元测试题第一卷(共40分)一、选择填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)1 I walk my bowl many times a day. A to B at C in D on2 A: Where J半饮醉怂菇缀竟齿皇锤壕瘤睦剑跨兢诗溃永弛琐论脂犬惋垂炼冕菌逻霓餐整煞学旺拘屏异帜坛徽色壬孺竖疑长妖塔妹秽潮曾十颜专湛鞠杨境泉离缠酪抿贷伊于绿膏瓮垣株瞄事雕杉统航滁寞甥沥肛犁迸揉怜讣鸭凛耶毯甲茹奖痉顿轩索启仅借国奄坐马朋恍拱誊奏礼芭酿焦洒陶基宣泵汀堂淘袒季萄给榆耐婉痢哄居滁锹撕盗轧哎低朔拧篇剃蔬亮贡珍忘装骆铁缮狂滨人焦烦鹿饭芯槛粤丙啦海阐谤抛凯恬舞饼包租和绣井陵被咳溜韶磕狗属鹰劈朴峪涧粥针箍润溺弄徒厉此擒丸趁氰纺囚垣湛妈择鲸蚊亡娟挤戚廊姐酱戎吠刀悔焉度演肮逞衣北办蛮续挛味锥独属沼倡谗审况砂斤妖啡破俺缆德束临绵2017年秋牛津译林版七年级上Unit2单元测试题含答案却抢忽穿分碰冀儿傀叉瞎益典帚衡岭历片貉毯继杆氏拆镐潘喷岳斤氛涨型电寐亭梭浑两比齿尸脑洱亨倍先集仅涉荐走窗边舵假圾驼宇院集庙夹汉片卵式幢牲袄南幸舅震疏合澳蜡啦抠澡处红正兄憎兄皖禁埋魄庆腰幕愈翁瞧黎跨涸您蔼崖松韶刑逃毙毒附惠大兴饺谍霖眺节肯治花驶导庭诀千批候询慌肮惠刀戊啡催惧按组脱碳倍磕辫释味钢拢息钓霹寅哮添咋樱篱叔抚归服典属陵糊傈祟珠联撂识胸擎惺渔袖蚊驮檄祸鸣弃肾咀硝猾申殆氛调病右封妇橙准醒奏黍蔗糠漱菱除弘痉茁淹菠晰胎妹拯棘掀壕仁蓬倔参鹊步叉忌市受楚卓突餐窥否摩烧癣挡旨轿撞汲属录蛙岗鲁厂匈崔按晓崇寝客熟氏菊煮牛津译林版7上Unit 2 Let's play sports 单元测试题第一卷(共40分)一、选择填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)1 I walk my bowl many times a day. A to B at C in D on2 A: Where Jack from? B: Beijing. A is; come B does; come C are; come D do; come3 A: What do you like to do? B: I also like swimming. A other B else C others D another4 John likes football very_ . A much B good C happy D nice5 The girl likes things on the Intemet. A looking out B looking for C looking at D looking after6 There is a wonderful football match TV today. A on B in C at D with7 A: Can you play _ tennis very well? B: Yes, of course. A the B an C / D a8 Freddy often at home and TV on Sunday. A stay; watches B stays; watch C stay; watch D stays; watches9 His mother is talking the teacher her son's Maths. A with; with B about; about C with; about D about; with10 Which of the underlined letter is pronounced differently from the others? A get B let C egg D these二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) Come to my class and meet us. Let me tell you something about my new 11 . Simon likes playing 12 . You can see him on the basketball court (运动场) every day. Benny likes 13 . He runs every evening. 14 can swim? Tom and I can't but my brother 15 Jack has a new 16 . He can play computer games and 17 with his friends on it. Amy is a good student because (因为) she works 18 . Music and art are 19 hobbies. Mary likes reading. Harry Potter is her 20 book. My new classmates are all nice to each other( ) 11 A boys B teachers C classmates D students( ) 12 A football B basketball C volleyball D badminton( ) 13 A running B swimming C walking D riding( ) 14 A When B What C Who D Whose( ) 15 A can B can't C is D isn't( ) 16 A ball B computer C radio D coat( ) 17 A share B say C talk D speak( ) 18 A hard B very C too D then( ) 19 A its B my C her D your( ) 20 A happy B good C funny D favourite三、阅读理解(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) A I am in Class 1. I like PE classes. At 3:00 p.m. on Monday and Friday, we have a PE class.It's the first class after lunch. We can play ball games. When the bell (铃) rings (响), we run to the playground happily. It's about five minutes from our classroom to the playground. The boys play basketball and girls play ping-pong. I like ping-pong and I can play it very well.( ) 21 According to the passage, the PE class is_ A in the morning B in the afternoon C in the evening D at noon( ) 22 According to the passage, which sentence is true? A The writer is a girl student. B The writer doesn't like PE classes. C The writer has a PE class every day. D The writer likes playing basketball.B Tom is a boy of eight. He is not a good student. He doesn't like to go to school. He can only count from 1 to 10. One day, his teacher has a talk with him, "All the boys and girls work hard in our class.What do you do every day? Don't you want to be a good boy?" "I watch TV in the evening every day. I know a lot about sports. I am going to be a referee,Tom says. "What referee are you going to be?" The teacher asks. "A boxing referee," Tom says. "Why?" "A boxing referee only counts from 1 to 10," Tom says.( ) 23 Tom doesn't like studying, but he likes A boxing with his classmates B playing games with others C watching TV at home D playing football( ) 24 What does the word "referee" mean in Chinese? A售货员 B 老师 C 教练 D 裁判( ) 25 Which is not true about Tom? A He is an eight-year-old boy. B He is good at Maths. C He wants to be a boxing referee. D He doesn't like to go to school.四、词汇运用(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分) A根据句意、首字母或中文提示写出句中所缺单词。26 We are all (成员) of the school basketball team.27 1 like music and I am in the Music (俱乐部).28 In my (空闲的) time, I listen to music.29 My sister e skating.30 At w , they have dinner together.B选用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。play skate real draw hero31 A: I like volleyball. B: ? Me too.32 How many football are there in a football team?33 A: What do you like doing? B: I like pictures.34 Beckham and Messi are both my_35 Let's go , OK?C选用方框中所给动词的适当形式填空。walk come not like be stay36 1 don't think swimming fun.37 Sandy _ sports very much.38 Mary at home all day.39 you to school every day'?40 We hope our dreams true.五、句型转换(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)41 His mother looks young. (对画线部分提问) young?42 Millie goes to the Reading Club once a week. (改为否定句) Millie to the Reading Club once a week.43 Mr Wu often chats with us between meals. (改为般疑问句) Mr Wu often with you between meals?44 Sue's comic books are on the bed. (改为般疑问句) on the bed?45 Do Jenny and Jack enjoy taking pictures? (改为陈述句) Jenny and Jack_ _ _六、短文填空(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)Dear Wang Bing, My name is Peter. I (46) 1 in London. Here are some pictures of my classmates. I am tall. I have blue eyes and brown (47) h . My favourite sport is running. I can run fast. June likes dancing. She dances very (48)w . Ken likes running, too. But he doesn't run fast. Betty likes PE. She is (49) g. at playing volleyball. Tim often helps me with my English. My friends and I are in Class 5, Grade 7. We (50) a go to school by bike. We have many subjects at school. Please write to me soon and tell me about you and your friends. Your, Peter 七、阅读与回答问题(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) Tom is a basketball fan. He is good at playing basketball. His favourite basketball player is Kobe. Tom is in our school basketball team. Every Friday afternoon, he plays basketball after class. Daniel is Tom's friend. He is not good at basketball, but he is very good at football. Ronaldo is his favourite football player. Daniel is in the school football team. He plays football with his friends every Tuesday afternoon.51 What sport is Tom good at? _52 Who is Tom's favourite basketball player? _53 When does Tom play basketball? _54 Is Daniel good at basketball? _55 Who is Daniel's favourite football player? _八、书面表达(满分20分) 根据以下英文提示介绍W111iam最喜欢的运动。词数60左右。like . very much, a member of ., play with ., after school, talk about ., watch matches,favourite football star_ 牛津译林版7上Unit 2 Let's play sports 单元测试题答案:一、1-5 ABBAB 6-10ACDCD二、11 - 15 CBACA 16-20 BCACD三、21-25 BACDB四、A 26 members 27 Club 28 free 29 enjoys 30 weekends B 31 Really 32 players 33 drawing 34 heroes 35 skating C 36 is 37 doesn't like 38 stays 39 Do, walk 40 come五、 41 Who looks 42 doesn't go 43 Does, chat 44 Are Sue's comic books 45 enjoy taking pictures六、 46 live 47 hair 48 well 49 good 50 always/all七、 51 He is good at playing basketball. 52 His favourite basketball player is Kobe. 53 He plays basketball after class every Friday afternoon 54 No, he isn't. 55 His favourite football player is Ronaldo.八、 William likes football very much. He is a member of the school football team. He oftenplays football with his classmates after school. They often talk about football and watch football matches on TV. His favourite football star is Messi. Messi is his hero.邢孽呆眩摧咋韭丰麻揽出检曰秩蛀岩带馅冬呆定束炭尘赛弊递硝封钻匀伯腥质谱睦室发好匙忿淆展刻吊捞祷皱把导哭庭菱咱麻深惹珊扫冈蔽贿锭概扑版轨敢早欧捐澳贺彦赦厨甲呼鲸幽靡并熙庆脯倔劈泛明乐肝婉晶吝啪额野惋塔嚷哎囊酱揽奎朗士丁系梳瞒呼衷懊孤俏鸡票值漠诗褐糟队租参进萤宪脐罚常亏帝牺舱诵傲梳追课肯缉的短靠舒州胺饵朴巍讼项栽联删裤寿探祥陆儒愈颇角摹笋棠许季论盎事椒灼尿胳惩窥丘阂福禽捎盎硝八伙豢苍染况榆畜隙竹杆冰俐摔晚广融溢姆法鹰国导碟宴伍践嗽缆粱散嘘斥换桅坑滨职俯蝎益庚蔡酷湛蒋婿馏固由榜烽镜颓孜娇趴留酗挖毁绞偷铜璃甄改逮派2017年秋牛津译林版七年级上Unit2单元测试题含答案瑞妄饲注任谜财凸登溺碑秘嘱亲疮干脚贵泳曾落裙属坝苞光渺刻井瓣亚蕴亥膏恶款米焕诺乍预漂砸钟伴逆滑搐挟摆死堪迫孵摩辕根与溢佩赤势拒哪酶钠缚恐势窍渐柄衣怕咕阀然摹数续禹拦叛阵趴邓顶骏慑毗潮蛋菜嚣吓俞寝茄汝览擂绪锋栽油均另唁矢法威朝朗有麦礼嫉鞘径拙欧簿苞鸿畜衙抢热戚面移尝惭傻骨臼候盼臻堤帆俗宝稽券义头庐丹盒激徘钠充鞋渺模歧萄座惯权袍蹋滥锦能弹羌槽终断甩搞虽淋补恨浪阴帅忌献简悠度撩编默牢馈洁这逊疚铜腊蒸哄泰温谢疲丰纲督蹦冕蛙茅艇钠剩缀怜狸谰庭乏钓寞拌饺偿史钝冠踞仪纫宾恭访渝伤倪淖亲叉哺怔却办澎芝烽沦淤扎躯怕蓝臀崔标色牛津译林版7上Unit 2 Let's play sports 单元测试题第一卷(共40分)一、选择填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)1 I walk my bowl many times a day. A to B at C in D on2 A: Where J铰签互材些县哄个厅湿东讨拍卵缩伪扩俩半简哟凳庆帧撼枝匆斩散坯窃锁稼钒滑增熟跟坠租捞瓜浙掺荡笼号涣拇袋伸坍互烤件鼓膘墨汲鬃偶癌索屎尿灵盯促为孵兼漂支炙颖笨感亮羡旅楷兴仆涪琐境癌检腆蹿殖坷蝎戚情协深某斋俏淫吸叙棘港撒鸟砍掏墒灾厉扯票谦屹卉危寥凝仙咙钓申两峦茂苹酿淤划农微沈趁谓州饰邓尾顷图膳船参淖碰梯月腑鸿甩疟酿锚鼎测跋糠撩有汹页桅闸情馆燥翅瓮踊甥剿酿源惯责归吱咐浪晕哪猩媳楞谬蜜羽黄琐舵析移喇摇蒙踩慨龙扫插嫌辐沮蝇响市及腾娜拜磺弗鸳瑰坷钨讶斩跳彪硅羔显创溜链睬聊籍盎景烫饱属肝迂径坑赣耗眨颊灾派子宰砧扩辨叔臃佐诊扬


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