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    TitleUnit 3 Sports DayPeriod1DesignerMr. ZhangTeacherMr. ZhangTeachingAimsa) Improve the ability of listening and speaking.b) Let the pupils understand a series of instructions and instructions and act accordinglyAmendmentLearn to expressions what events you can do.ImportantPointsThe new words of sportsDifficultPoints a) Let the pupils pronounce the new words of sport correctly. b) Let the pupils remember these new words.Aids computer word cards VCDTeaching ProceduresAmendment(More to do)Step 1: warm-up a): Greetings b): Free talk: whats your favourite sports/subject? c): Tell the pupils which period we will learn. Step 2: Presentation 1.Bring in photos or . Use a clipboard with some notepaper and a whistle to show I am acting a PE teacher. 2. Show the pupils the photos of Sports Day. Ask the pupilsWhat can you do at sports day?I can play football/basketball.3.Demonstrate new items of vocabulary and write the names of activities on the board. ask the pupils to stand up and do the actions when I point to one of the phrases on the board. 4.Follow me read the phrases for several times . Play the simen says game to practice the phrases.5.I do the actions you speak the phrases. Little teacher game .6. Point to activities on the board and ask the pupils What can you do? I can-Step3: consolidation 1. Do the pairwork . Ask and answer with your partner. What can you do ? I can throw a ball/ catch a ball/ skip / do the long jump/ do the high jump/ play basketball.2. some students come to the front act the dialogue .3. play the VCD and read the text together.Step 4 Do some writing work. Copy part A and translate .Writing designthrow a ball catch a ball skip do the long jump do the high jump play basketball.1. Its advisable to act a PE teacher.2. Get someone to act a little teacher.3. It would be better to get into groups rather pairs to role-play this dialogue.教学后记Sports Day is coming. Students want to learn how to say the events. They are also interested in Olympics. This period is successful.TitleUnit 3 Sports DayPeriod2DesignerMr. ZhangTeacherMr. ZhangTeachingAims1) Improve the ability of listening and speaking. 2) Can ask or respond simple questions about themselves 、 their friends and family.Amendment1. Try to interact with others using what theyve learned in class.ImportantPoints1. Can speak the sentences: Whats Tim /-/going to do? He /She s going to -2. Interact with others by using the sentences.DifficultPointsCan speak and write the words and sentences fluently.Whats Tim /-/going to do? and the answers: he /she s going to -Aidscomputer word cards CDTeaching ProceduresAmendment(More to do)Step 1: warm-up Free talk: Let the pupils to tell me what they are going to do at sports Day. Make notes and bring them to class.Step 2 Presentation1) Ask the pupils to tell me what lesson they are going to have next. Revise going to by asking the pupils about their plans for the evening or the weekend.2) Play the VCD . Listen carefully. Explain that the principal and the teacher are planning a Sports Day.3) Read the conversation and ask the class to read it after me. Practice the falling intonation for the question Whats Bob going to do?4) Divide the class into two large groups and ask them to role-play the principal and Miss Li, asking and answering questions about the other children in the picture.Step 4 Do some work.1. Do step 1 before class and make your lesson well-prepared.2. Do a revision of the future tense with the topics such as curriculums, plans, etc.Feedback:It is hard to recognize the continuous tense and the future tense. Have to do more practice.TitleUnit 3 Sports DayPeriod3DesignerMr. ZhangTeacherMr. ZhangTeachingAims1) Improve the ability of listening and speaking. 2) Interact with others by using simple expressions and structures learned.Amendment1. Practice asking about future actions with “Is - going to -?“ and give answers. ImportantPointsThe Future Tense Is Kim going to throw a ball? Yes, he is. No, he isnt. He is going to skip.DifficultPoints Be going to do. (Some pupils forget to say “be” or “ing”.)Aidscomputer word cards CDTeaching ProceduresAmendment(More to do)Step 1: warm-up1) Before class, ask a few pupils to tell me what they are going to do at Sports Day. Make notes and bring them to class.2) Write the names of the pupils you talked to on the board. Next to questions using the activity, e.g. Are you going to -? When the pupils answer No, Im not, ask them What are you going to do? Encourage them to answer Im going to -3) Using the list, ask the class a mixture of correct questions about answer No, ask them what is heshe going to do?4) Play the VCD, point to the programme of what the children are going to do on Sports Day. Ask the pupils to tell the names of the activities pictured on the programme.5) Listen and repeat the sentences after the VCD.6) Do the pairs work.Step2 listen and writ the names.1) Tell the pupils that they are going to hear a conversation about what the children are going to do on Sports day. Read the names of the pictured children out loud.2) Play VCD and tell the pupils to write the names in the correct places.Writing design Is ken going to run? Catch a ballYes , she is./ throw a ballNo, she isnt. She is going to throw a ball Skip1. Writing down names of a few pupils and events they are going to do on the board creates a real situation.2. Without information gap, your pupils are unable to ask questions in an active way.TitleUnit 3 Sports DayPeriod4DesignerMr. ZhangTeacherMr. ZhangTeachingAimsInteract with others by using simple expressions and structures learnedAmendmentAims of this period must have something to do with todays topic. Delete the step of explaining to the class the story by yourself. Its too boring. ImportantPointsThe Future Tense and the sentences.DifficultPointsExplain the story by yourself and try to remember the story.Aidscomputer word cards CDTeaching ProceduresAmendment(More to do)Step 1: warm-upFree talk : Whens .Day ? What are you going to do on .Day ? Is he/she going to -? Whens childrens day? Its on June first. What are you going to do on Childrens Day?Step 2 Story Part C1) Point to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles and the captions aloud. Ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as I read them. 2) Play the VCD for pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the VCD.3) Tell the pupils to cover picture4. ask the pupils a prediction question at the end of picture3, Where do Mary and Paul think Bob is?(in the sea.) Step 3 Read the story again. Write the answers.1) Ask the pupils to read the story again , show them where to write their answers.2) Check the answers with the pupils. What is Mrs. Wang going to do at sports Day? She is going to give the prizes at Sports Day.Who is the ball going to hit?The ball is going to hit Mr. Bai and Mrs. Wang.What event is Koko good at?Koko is good at catching the ball.Writing design Ken : do the long jump Toddy : skip Mary : throw a ball Tom : catch a ballShelly: do the high jump1. Do something new is the free-talk step. 2. Present the story in a too ordinary way. 3. Add one or two activities to your lesson so that your pupils practice language items more fully.教学后记“Yes, he is.” “No, she isnt.” are difficult for students to use. Some of them can not understand their meaning. TitleUnit 3 Sports DayPeriod5DesignerMr. ZhangTeacherMr. ZhangTeachingAimsProvide information by using graphs, tables and posters.Amendment1. I appreciate the way a teacher provides information by using graphs, tables and posters, for it suits your children well.ImportantPoints The pronunciation and oral English.DifficultPointsthe poem and the model sentences: Is - going to do? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.He is going to -Aidscomputer word cards CDTeaching ProceduresAmendment(More to do)Step 1: warm-upFree talk :Ask questions with what-e.g. What day is today? What do you like?Choose a student to answer your question.Step 2: presentation a. Play the VCD and ask the pupils to listen to the sound and the words.b. Say the words slowly and clearly .check that the pupils are saying the sound correctly.c. Play the VCD again. Ask the pupils to listen to the poem.d. Get the pupils to repeat the poem.Step 3 Make a Sports Day programme.a. Ask the pupils to turn to page 77. Tell them to choose two things to do on Sports Day.b. Work in pairs.c. The pupils display their programmes in the classroom and find out what their friends are going to do On Sports Day.Step 4 Sing the song. Listen and repeat the song Step5 think about it. Long jump skipping High jump swimming1. Design how to make a Sports Day program on the basis of involving more students in.2. Lack novelty, fun and innovations in your teaching ideas. 教学后记It is a lovely story. It is closed to students life, so it is easy to understand. It also is humorous. Some students in Level C can recite it in this period.10


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