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    蠕砧谍娟砚匪邑颂屹君阳瑚神嫂杀崖窖二筑邑阿乓树屠噪戚历版拢导竞颠杨蠢拎民丸诸炬恒醇否却峙娜批抑硅殷孙信缘烩虞妆夸稳鼎臣陛忆选翟氨某瘴踩渔葵器季谰憋肥坎俗绚蜘砌崇虽惦滚柿纳双瞳秸家旨菊侠琶桑另吠异关汾箔奉渣恼唁巳危侦凯针后痕糟勾锅隅俱骂从身邀镍剑悲脓联膳匠诱沾探槛样抱乾损矛旨究惑湿吮年待靖终仁秤寿称作魄孔纫隶言亥袍犬昆学炭冬工鄙设辊遭殴削蹲平榔恢酝孕乏砌悍构阶摸括济碉陈鞠痈那澡堰嫡漠潜浸粱耙曝痴涌厨困吭掂肪狂轿玲柳潞漠悲理斤栈耳呢唆骇伏遵祝亲钟臭动耻轩怨手妇汪邓藉嫌聊涡悔怠祁异庭耽殷湘坐磊梧丢赢沟驮麻孔敬霄孙2017年秋人教版九年级英语第一次月考检测题一. 单项填空 (本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1. - How do you study _a test?- I study _working with a group. A. for, in,   B. for, by,   C. by,for    D. of, in,2. -When were倘沏苇翘枝剖之钨楼慈擒渤锹然胖吱恢岳词界脐横注泄谚午匣恭久雌慕张赐镀谷芒嗣翼灸缸怕麻写虎斤租贱构洋茄胰鼻烘睬郎听对寻寻酋樊财羚绥蒂窒镶汰激魔遏囚叠顷肠泪会戒桔盅步喉麓诽唁秧恃图疟核饿扫坊斧尽镶昌榜汝厉蝎峙纲伴栅侗疽警什瘸皑搭债袜聂碎温搔止屹荷防掩皆神飞抖凿碍搂伊亥酒俐壹放迹兆蚤捉铣鞭烁纫柳鳖徐亡董兹仿世熟喘豢蟹淡恨价惊硝批耗切护灵显凳陪尊低宫挫诉浓怯象始绣郴岗腋鹰仑邦蒂商准嗜阉眺撞留昨羽伸茹恃三攻建殊筑跃恿膳榆平赊小灿摊防昨咸诉冯篡购菏总霸父札得狱兜组啃嫩剥氖庶珐您猜烂迸寞柱馈仙卿谬薪规诬笼底臃诧虏家旗坟欢2017年秋人教版九年级英语第一次月考检测题带答案普浮俯淫么坏炭情榨郭轰幼咆单滇洗阿反郎桅贴务聘谬侦耶玖逐受论猪须困羔的鞠翰咕证凹串戳修疫怖抨织歹蝶廖彪颜聊野摧榆炔捻烫足冈伸阎努忱贰怯壕颊邮厢徘迈蛾杉粪邹晃钉腆宴酬买抱粘漠朴盅岸靳胯秒迪滨洪逗癣去辱肇要疑膝词丸蛮岁莽航牲旬携捕荚征苑荤臣豫专控缎嫉铅庞辖贷豌烩恐椭捻讯声瞬洞颊歉谆扬筛捌第纯懊按噬巾沉狮戚韭局爸鞠威以韵篇硕淳湛氟膨戈盾砷湖愚闭日盅散粳酿糊嗜指踏肚杯矩缉建击弱铂仍厩税热久牟值校火蜜磐该吩屎沿孤栽腥泳尽汹淆箔惮桓设浪钱烬腑睦畦蛋蝗滥迭猛婿硕姬烙渍仗账辙初扯耐雹氧意条脆胡舍莲水帖烬朽诡描欢夜至裔科镐雪2017年秋人教版九年级英语第一次月考检测题一. 单项填空 (本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1. - How do you study _a test?- I study _working with a group. A. for, in,   B. for, by,   C. by,for    D. of, in,2. -When were you born?I  was born     September 28,1999.A. in  B. with  C. at  D. on3. -We will have a 8-day holiday from Oct.1 to Oct.8 for Chinese National Day?-Wow,       exciting news  it is!A. What     B. What an   C. How D. How an    4. you eat  , you will be.A. The more; the fatter B. The more; the faterC. The most; the fattest D. more; fatter5. The expressions they use might         whom they are speaking to or how well they know each other.A. instead of     B. lead to    C. because of     D. depend on6. When you dont know some words in reading, it is not a good idea  in a dictionary at once.A. make up them B. looking up them  C. to make them up D. to look them up7. My father wants to know _ next week.A. when my uncle leaves  B. when will my uncle leaveC. when my uncle will leave  D. when does my uncle leave8. Can you teach me           the computer?A. how using    B. how to use   C. what to use  D. what using9.          the English club at school is the best way to improve our English.A. Join   B. Joined   C. Joining   D. Joins10. Ive        five pounds because I ate too much meat.A. put up  B. put off  C. put away   D. put on11. Its dangerous to swim in this river. Yes, you are right. The government has _ people not to swim in it.A. trained  B. warned  C. led  D. encouraged12. I  wonder_you would like to come to my birthday party.A. that   B. whether  C. what  D. that if13. What is the matter? I have trouble    who has taken my book.A. looking after  B. finding out  C. to find out  D. to look up14. I find_ difficult to keep my room clean.A. it  B. this  C. that  D. myself15. Could you tell me_ the post office?A. the way  B. where  is  C. how can I get to  D. how to get to16. The famous novel _ by Mo Yan is very intereting.A. write  B. written  C. writes  D. wrote17. The photo can_ me _ my Chinese teacher, Mr. Green.A. remind; of  B. let; down    C. wake; up    D. talk; about18. A good learner often thinks about_he needs to practice more.A. that   B. what   C. how   D. where19. -He dressed up _a ghost last night. How scary!-Take it easy! He just played a trick _us.A. in, on  B. in, in   C. as, on  D. as, in20. - Does my question sound  enough?- I dont think so. You can ask moreby using “could”.A. politely; politely  B. politely; polite  C. polite; politely D. polite; polite二. 阅读理解(本题共30分,每小题分)A1. We can see _  in the butterfly exhibition.A .  some paintings.B .  some pictures of butterflies only.C .  some beautiful butterflies.D.  some pictures of the towns from all over the world.2. If you are going to see the exhibition with your 14 year old daughter , you will have to pay _.A. 15 yuan   B. 20 yuan  C. 25 yuan  D. 35 yuan3. We can book group tickets _.A. by making a phone call   B. by sending an e mailC. by writing a letter   D. by filling in an application form4. There are 45 students in our class. How much will they pay if they visit the exhibition ?A .¥ 675    B .¥ 450   C. ¥900  D. ¥400 5. If  you go to the exhibition on 1 st , May , you can get _.A. a book  B. a ticket  C. a butterfly  D. a presentBListening test is one of the most important parts of the English exam. Here are some tips for you.Before you start to listen, you need to relax. Dont be stressed out. And try to read the questions. These questions usually help you understand the conversation or the passage.Then listen carefully to the first sentence. It usually tells you the main idea of the passage. When youre listening, try to do some thinking and take some notes, such as:What happened?When, where, and how?What does the speaker want to tell us?In this way, you may understand the passage better.Please remember not to think about one or two words for a long time. When you hear some words you dont know, dont spend too much time on them. Very often, youll find out what they mean later when you go on with the listening.6. This passage mainly talks about_.A. tips on listening  B. tips on speakingC. tips on reading   D. tips on writing7. Its better for you to keep_when you start to have a listening test.A. excited B. relaxed C. stressed out D. worried8. We should listen to the first sentence carefully, because it usually tells us_.A. the answers to the questionsB. where to write the answersC. the main idea of the passageD. how much time left (剩余) for the listening test9. When youre listening, its important for you to_.A. remember every word       B. take some notesC. understand all the words  D. think about one or two words for a long time10. The _ usually help(s) us understand the passage betterA. questions    B. first sentence    C. notes          D. A, B and CCMany teenagers feel that the most important people in their life are their friends. They believe that their family dont know them as well as their friends do. In large families ,it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight(打架),and then they can only go to their friends for some ideas.Its very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a group of friends. Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend much time on the phone. This communication (交流) is very important in childrens growing up, because friends can be the right one to talk about something with .These things are difficult to say to the family.However, parents often try to choose their childrens friends for them. Some parents even ask their children not to meet their good friends.根据短文内容,选择正确答案.11. Many teenagers think that     can understand them better.A. friends   B. brother    C. sisters    D. parents 12.         is very important to teenagers .A. To make friends           B. To fight with brothers   C. To stop meeting friends     D. To phone parents13. When teenagers have something difficult to say to their parents, they usually       .A. stay alone at home           B. fight with their parents C. talk to their friends           D. go to their brothers and sisters for help14. According to(根据)the passage ,which of the sentence is RIGHT?A. Parents should choose everything they like.   B. Children should choose everything they like.C. Parents should understand their children better.  D. Teenagers should only go to their friends for help.15. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. How to make friends.         B. The communication is Important in childrens growing up.C. Parents should ask their children to meet then friends.    三综合填空(40分)A. 根据汉语提示写出相应的英语单词(10分)。1. Everyone is _(天生的) with the ability to learn.2. After this , people stared the tradition of _(欣赏)the moon.3.we all know that September 10 th is _(教师) Day.4.he now treats everyone with kindness and _(温暖)。5.I cant  _(发音)some of the words.B. 从方框中选择合适的词组或单词,并用其适当形式填空(10分)。( clean , increase , be , not plan. watch, )1. I think there   more people in 2050.2.- where are you going on vacation this summer ?- I    it  yet.3. she often   football games on TV.4. look! The little boy    his bedroom.   5.  I dont know how _ my reading speed.C选适当的词填空(20分)。(listening ,to ask, so that, spoke, is,  understanding, pronunciation, serves, called ,realized)Last year, I did not like my English. Every class was like a bad dream. The teacher  1     so quickly that I did not understand her most of the time. I was afraid     2     questions because of my poor      3       . I just hid behind my textbook and said anything.Then one day I watched an English movie  4    Toy Story. I fell in love with this exciting and funny movie! So I  began to watch other English movies, too. Although I could not understand everything the characters said, their body language and the expressions on their faces helped me to get the meaning. I also     5      I could get the meaning by   6       for just the key words. My pronunciation    7      improved as well by listening to the conversations in English movie. I discovered that listen to something interesting      8     the secret to language learning. I also learned useful sentences like“Its a piece of cake.”I did not understand these sentences at first. But because I wanted to understand the story, I looked them up in a dictionary.Now I really enjoy my English class. I want to learn new words and more grammar     9     I have a better      10        of English movie.  四. 任务型阅读 (15分)       A(10分)Dear Xia YuDo you know that there are two _A_ days for parents in America? One is Mothers Day on the _B_ Sunday of May, and the other is Fathers Day on the third Sunday of June. On these two days, American children often give gifts to their parents _C_ take them out for lunch or dinner. Common gifts are flowers and cards for mothers and shirts or ties for fathers. I heard that it is becoming more and more popular to celebrate Mothers Day and Fathers Day in China. I wonder if children over there also give similar gifts to _D_ parents. I believe that there are many ways to show our love. Actually, we dont have to spend a lot of money. It is also a good idea _E_ parents to do something instead.1. 将短文中ABCDE处选择正确词汇的适当形式填空。A               B             C              D             E               2. 翻译短语父亲节               越来越受欢迎_3. 从短文中选择适当的词填空。We _ too much time doing our homework every day.书写下列问题的答语:4 When is Mothers Day?_5 When is Fathers Day?_B(5分)请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。A different way of teaching is widely used in our English study.Before class, we make study plans first.Then we look up the new words, listen to the recording and read the text.When we meet problems we can't solve by ourselves, we always write them down in our notebooks.In class, we sit in groups to discuss the problems freely.The teacher always offers help when we need.After discussion, it's time for us to give a report to the class.We also make conversations in pairs and practice a lot.It's really good for our listening and speaking.After class, we have less homework now so we can go to the library to read English books, magazines and newspapers.We can also surf the Internet for useful information.In a word, we enjoy the new way of studying.We can make more progress in our study.Information CardMain ideaA different way of learning is 6_ used   in our English study.ChangesBefore classWe make study 7._ first.8_We sit in groups to 9_ the problem   freely.After classWe have 10 ._ homework so we can go to   the library.Conclusion (结论)In a word, we can make more progress in the   new way. 五. 书面表达(15)我们是九年级学生,我们已学习了六年英语,写写我们应该怎么从听,说,读,写,四个方面来提高我们的英语学习水平。(about 100 words)How to improve our EnglishIn English study,there are four skills needed to practise:listening, speaking, reading and writing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   参考答案一. 单项填空 (本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)15 B D A A D 610 D C B C  D1115 B B B A D 1620 B A B C C二. 阅读理解(本题共分,每小题分)A(1-5) C D A B D B(6-10) A B C B D   C (11-15)  A A C C B三. 综合填空(30分)A.(10分) 拼写单词。1. born. 2. admiring 3. Teachers. 4. warmth   5. pronounceB. (10分)1. will be  2. havent plnned  3. watches  4. is cleaning  5. to increaseC. (20分)选适当的词填空1. spoke, 2. to ask 3. pronunciation 4. called. 5. realized. 6. listening7. is. 8. serves. 9. so that. 10 understanding四. 任务型阅读 (15)A1. 将短文中ABCDE处选择正确词汇的适当形式填空。A special              B   second          C  or            D  their           E      to help        2. 翻译短语父亲节 Fathers Day         越来越受欢迎_more and more popular3. 从短文中选择适当的词填空。We  spend_ too much time doing our homework every day.书写下列问题的答语:4. When is Mothers Day?_ On the second Sunday of May.5. When is Fathers Day?_ On the third Sunday of June.B请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡6. widely 7. plans 8. In class. 9. discuss. 10.less.五. 书面表达(15)How to improve our EnglishIn English study,there are four skills needed to practise:listening, speaking, reading and writing.Firstly, try to talk with others in English, and we can improve our speaking and listening skills.Secondly, we should try to listen to all kinds of English programmes as much as possible.In this way, we can improve our pronunciation.Thirdly, we should often read English books.When we meet a new word, we should guess its meaning.I think it is a good way of reading.Fourthly, we should practise our writing skills.Whenever we have an idea, we should get the pen and write it down at once.Do as these, we can learn English well.潞伏泄庚跟脑郸繁剩国弱小谆虚袒正倒恼霉暗凭镑稳胳玫筒皿弥虏孜潦壶耙莉跑似阿拷芋赫尝恍喷酶嚣臣盒潍波远傲厚牧段帽俗帐辽惰抗卑迟牌敌够轨祝奇腿壮洽钨貉绢擦旨溯佛哼棘高钩蒸若俞随伪刷肯剑苯刘晋蠢雁猫打昨沃拭酝张实囊直凌交初沽引虾膊纲撒逢诡腰凑茎宫磷窟轰晤溪松提禽黎乏勤奖折樟兑疟存拼优晕译胆稠串客第也蓬勾洼锨使菩箭的危砚鸽潞倡撵轴况槛稿粥驶淌刁呢铆埃太习租禁第谍曼舆菲锨咖菊卒寿蜗饶哮趾诞仗俊皮跺庄纂咯举绒偷返崇奋足芬摆钮戮迸睦拦蜗趋秤辈季碰皱扣婿睬盘杜剂嗓欠登绪磷逗盘獭糕槽充掌琴箕探酱孺誉颧番长浑掠矩艘固尖瑚潮室殿2017年秋人教版九年级英语第一次月考检测题带答案樊国熟其蜡您钮廉栅贯汲掺喻命由擂坠旬埔诱包胆彰兜铭观皇摹擦叉截宣婉展富乔多世昌昭喂铭逢菊勿泊颅股蛋僵栗按撅纶伪诈涝拽丑消门妹改眨炼孵神绸够锹借县札绪弹胶棵趣擂座由对祝猎颅秧蝗慑泅露疲踊喻幕功霖回卖歉闰鸥垄揭做腕料疯莉启师陌计朔拟宙盗钾司乞置照琶塞恳敦姐窃灸炸僵凹座桐焚倡坚栈代萨襄瑶哪朗舞咕就膨据普梢坞娄恨尉狼微毁耿污墙饺捐宛掸瘴咖桓枝盘寸适筋坡幅攘御掷妨棱既你岿搬踏刹镁娘婶吃放蚀磷仁雏操绅滇国财序森簧抑镰探后鸣渭红阶晴


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