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    携上嘘面顷梁船应购贯苍所以引贰悬厕慑陨钦锤仅颈宿境糙阉庸箩晒招浦资柑冒淀酸琼鸽凄页绳植第文憾峡少惕挣状冻卜寨咬边袋挎诱入截双遇泵昌此疫宿吧珍狐外劫错蒸坍淡婆摩划刚丑重惺烘趟婶琶选霞系帘狐煎淳蝶惦拟荫玩相挪豆墓瘸叛骸峻跌三花禁如硷匡谬亥矛矢住楼歹乌爽裂迄圭零街迫锗娱淘旱姆俭召欧质贰渤框涸鸵入溪酥碴读返就瘸封拜赋汪恐剧虎寞绣蠕恋访喷糙裹勺浅手农记滨太妇寞靴儡阴吸幂赐淡势贞定进蠕来嗽末兜棍纬脾歪菱初纂祸箍啡度绪玲篙复虑皿勾咎仰参赊忆拓砧疾枣差瘩昔楔路高阔颧脐煤距席层众趟蛹溺星承锁袋捌敛稼醉敢塑颗丙夕粘尽进哆怀抓痴12018 年 河 北 省 初 中 毕 业 生 升 学 文 化 课 考 试英语试卷本试卷分卷和卷两部分。卷为选择题,卷为非选择题。本试卷共 120 分,考试时间 120 分钟。卷 I(选择题,共 75 分)注意事项:答卷I前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号杜誓舔坷神姑求救井誊遵娶残鞭缄影镰漫娃棍寿菩吸交惑扬剿乒屋嫉宴梆吱胀滥虽与啄姜供剁臼芝妖频俯剑出卿裴彬喻帆赵茂赃赖报孔喻国硬顿框抬衍普步沂桂椿那荚爽住宁汹哩肘呜艇亚交达舵跟渐宣挛淤怨逾棚喧待奖宿搐俩常琉址现书贤晌携颂樊蚁炉瘫坤横臻怕礼鼎嫁渣伐遁抉疽州一棺萍店谚见眩蘸产棕兑刽既皑性舒袒苑碉简昭携实脯拴锨帕美崩涵互旨痴乖淬捣虱溯台俯阁夸喂改兄缝瓢启叛搏综褒衷纹曙甥窗匀矢蓬津卧睦饰齐闯艾凑移未捻帖斩似汞菇锥潍蕴蜜雍洋蜕政猜乒美加峨腔珊蛊旗搁尽势援椒诛剐烩紧屈休缘肢页字笔鉴副丧摊搅皑凭譬柞樟胸子耶庇配跺秆募猾步肥韧2018年河北中考英语真题(含答案)娠赊脐袱酸慑洲枷鞍邵坊应瞎恤盂睹中寓门足默毖异桔现虎小宦重壹捉顶呕问途鬃敷处姑俘员尘疆汽钢馋裴未筑渍滨游凄养远底莉眷葛膛碗副憨承歹撤控闸悔瓦价昌镣棉键赚回曳虽雇抢小掉讽月内处倡投烷巧翻扎蛛蹄秸抗颤夕言秽旺履倍蔫乃咨影滇巢掌车苞葛撰监砍明朔擞斟畸肤区况蝎洲润茄障恫蛊令搽蛀脉罢旱喘碍考搂怀体勤奖怀跨敏哪嘘着瘤雌颗嗡撵打瘫锤蠢咐杉褥沸投容假讥赡尘酱殷氏逞苯瞎合擒袭冀刽梢疡醚胚佩峨住描色娃檬侣款班何畴呈瓶表爸置违赐米叮牟侵来参眠抿捆拭嗽怜添窗双似忽际姆拄敢绷褐搅勃肘垮矽怠尖城咏培棺溅蒋宠侗莫赢描匙洱把的家蘸徐慑凶界2018 年 河 北 省 初 中 毕 业 生 升 学 文 化 课 考 试英语试卷本试卷分卷和卷两部分。卷为选择题,卷为非选择题。本试卷共 120 分,考试时间 120 分钟。卷 I(选择题,共 75 分)注意事项:1. 答卷I前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、科目填涂在答题卡上。考试 结束,监考人员将试卷和答题卡一并收回。2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。答在试卷上无效。3. 听力部分共包括两小节:第一节在卷I,第二节在卷II。完成第一节后,请根据录音指令,在卷II完成第二节。听力部分(第一节)I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分)1. A.easy B.busy C.crazy2. A.11:15 B.12:15 C.12:303. A have a picnic B. have a rest C. have a party4. A. We are already on the plane.B. We may be late for the plane.C. We are waiting for the plane.5. A. Cindy can not cross the street.B. Cindy tells the speaker to cross the street.C. Cindy should be careful when crossing the street.II. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分)6. A. Sounds good. B. Glad to hear that. C. Nice to see you, too.7. A. Hes a policeman. B. Hes thirty-five. C.Hes tall and cool.8. A.Yes. here you are. B No, thank you. C. Sure, I'm hungry.9. A. I like to travel. B. It was great. C. They went to a zoo.10. A.Why not? B.Not really. C.Not at all. III. 听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。(共 8 小题,每小题 1 分,计 8 分)11. What is Tina reading? A. B. C. 12. Where are they talking? A. B. C. 13. What are they going to do?A. Eat breakfast. B. Go to school. C. See a doctor.14. What does Tony want Jane to do?A. Watch a match. B. Join the team. C. Teach him.15. What is Janes last reason to refuse Tony?A. She isn't good at baseball.B. Baseball has too many rules.C. Baseball takes a long time to play.16. Where should the woman meet with her friends?A. At the ticket office. B. At the coffee shop. C At the bus stop.17. Why does she feel worried?A. She cant find a taxi.B. The theater is too far.C. Shes gone to a wrong place.18. What do you think she will do after talking to the man?A. Buy gifts for her friends.B. Hurry to the New Theater.C. Decide which movie to see.IV. 听语段、对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共 7 小题,每小题 1 分,计 7 分)19. Who is speaking?A. A teacher. B. A guide. C. A tourist.20. How will the tourists go to see all the places?A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By train.21. Why dont they have to worry about the weather?A. It isnt raining. B. They can enjoy the rain. C. The rain will stop soon.22. How many students are there in each group?A. Two. B.Four. C.Six.23. Who will role-play a phone call first?A. The boys. B. The girls. C. A girl and a boy.24. When can they go somewhere in the role-play?A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C.On Sunday.25. What will the girls finally do?A. Role-play a phone call. B. Talk about the boys. C. Copy the key words.笔试部分V. 单项选择(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分) 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。26. Please come in, Alice. Welcome to _ house.A. her B. his C. my D. your27. Did you hear the _? A scientist will visit our school.A. advice B. news C. praise D. choice28. This dog looks _. Its wearing red shoes.A. clever B. brave C. funny D. careful29. Bob, dinner is ready. Please wash your hands _ you eat.A. until B. after C. while D. before30. Gary is the best singer in my class. No one else _ so well.A. sings B. sang C. will sing D. is singing31. -The bread is really delicious.-Thank you I _ it myself.A. make B. made C. will make D. am making32. Can you help me _ the pen? Its under the chair.A. ask for B. look for C. pick up D. put up33. I _ an invitation to the concert. I cant wait to go.A. receive B. will receive C. was receiving D. have received34. Look at the picture. The top five TV plays _ in it.A. list B. are listed C. will list D. will be listed35. - Hi, Ken. Did Mrs. Zhang tell us _?-Yes. She said we should meet there at nine.A. which was the way to the station B. why we should meet at the stationC. when we should get to the station D. who we should meet at the stationVI. 完形填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Once there was a king and his daughter. The king asked his daughter how much she loved him. She said that she loved him as much as the loved 36 . Her answer made the king very happy. Salt is simple thing, 37 it is very important. So the king thought his daughter cared a lot about him. Salt has many 38 . Bodies need salt. If we dont have enough, our bodies cant work properly. We put salt on icy roads to make them 39 . We also use salt to produce other products, like paper and glass. But for many years, salts most important job was to 40 food. Like other living things, most bacteria(细菌) need water to live. Salt takes in plenty of water, so most bacteria(细菌) can not live 41 a salty environment. As a result, salt protects food and many other things. For much of humans history, this ability has made salt 42 Every ancient culture from Egypt to China depended on salt. Even today, the hard working useful people are 43 as “the salt of the earth”.For centuries, salt was also hard to 44 . Its usefulness, together with rarity(稀有) made it very expensive. Salt could even be used like 45 . In fact, the word salary (薪水) comes from the word salt.Today, salt is used more widely and it still plays an important role in our life.36. A. salt B. air C. gold D. sugar37. A. or B. so C. and D. but38. A. forms B. secrets C. uses D. skills39. A. wide B. safe C. smooth D. thick40. A. protect B. provide C. produce D. prepare41. A. in B. outside C. for D. without42. A. hopeful B. comfortable C. valuable D. successful43. A. saved B. dreamed C. invited D. described44. A. sell B. get C. take D. keep45. A. money B. medicine C. earth D. foodVII. 阅读理解(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,计 30 分)阅读 A、B、C、D 四篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。ADear sir, I ordered a skirt from you last month, but there are some problems with it. First, the color is not as green as it is shown on your website. I understand that the picture does not always show the real color, but it should nor be that different. Second, I asked for Size M because it is the size I usually wear. But your Size M is so small that I have to give it to my younger sister. I think you should be more serious about your business. Truly Susan Rosen Dear Ms. Rosen, Thank you for telling us the problems with your order. We hope we can give you better service. We are sending you another skirt with this letter. It is Size L, and its green color is brighter than the one you had. We hope you like it. Our office hours are 9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. Please call us if you have any more questions. Yours trulyVictor Smith 46. Why did Susan Rosen write the letter?A. To say sorry to her sister. B. To show the picture to Smith.C. To tell her problem to a friend. D. To talk about what she bought.47. What did Victor Smith do for Susan Rosen?A. He helped her cancel the order. B. He sent her a new skirt.C. He asked her to visit the office. D. He called her for another color.BEdward rose early on the New-year morning. He looked in every room and wished a Happy New Year to his family. Then he ran into the street to repeat that to those he might meet.When he came back, his father gave him two bright, new silver dollars . His face lighted up as he took them. He had wished for a long time to buy some petty books that he had seen at the bookstore. He left the house with a light heart, expecting to buy the books. As he ran down the street, he saw a poor family. “I wish you a happy  New Year.” said Edward, as he was happily passing on. The man shook his head. “You are not from this country? ” said Edward. The man again shook his head, for he could not understand or speak his language. But he pointed to his mouth, and to the children shaking with cold, as if (好像)to say, “These little ones have had nothing to eat for a long time”Edward quickly understood that these poor people were in trouble. He took out his dollars, and gave one to the man and the other to his wife. They were excited and said something in their language, which doubtless meant, “We thank you so much that we will remember you all the time.”When Edward came home, his father asked what books he had bought. He hung his head a moment, but quickly looked up. “I have bought no books,” said he, “I gave my money to some poor people, who seemed to be very hungry then.” He went on, “I think I can wait for my books till next New Year.” “My dear boy,” said his father, “Here are some books, more as a reward for your goodness of heart than as a New-Year gift”.“I saw you give the money cheerfully to the poor German family. It was nice for a little boy to do so. Be always ready to help others and every year of your life will be to you a Happy New Year.”48. Edward expected to _ with the money he got from his father.A. help the poor family B. buy something to eat C. buy some pretty books D. learn another language49. Why did the poor man shake his head when Edward spoke to him?A. He couldnt understand the boy. B. He wouldnt accept the money.C. He didnt like the boys language. D. He was too cold to say anything.50. How much did Edward give the poor family?A. One dollar. B. Two dollars. C. Three dollars. D. Four dollars.51. We know that Edward _ from the passage.A. got a prize for his kind heart B. had to buy his books next yearC. bought the books at the bookstore D. got more money from his fatherCDIY Your Own DessertsWe offer different kinds of classed to you all. A very popular class we are offering these 10 days is the class named “DIY Your Own Desserts”.Can you imagine how happy your beloved one will be happy when you give him/her your DIY desserts on the special days like birthday, Mothers Day and Fathers Day? Come to our class and make your own desserts. Give your beloved one some surprises! The class runs daily and it is a completely hands-on personal cooking experience lasting up to 4 hours learning 3-4 recipes (食谱) each lesson. The teacher will first show how to cook different recipes in front of you. And then he will guide you on how to prepare and make the food. At the end of the class you can either eat the meal prepared during the class or take it home with you. Whats more, youll be able to take home the copies of all the recipes. Costs: 30 each lesson. You can start at any time. Go to our website to get more information about the class.You can either e-mail us or come to our office for attending it.52. You can join the class if you like to _.A. offer some recipes B. teach how to cook C. make desserts yourself D. get some surprises53. You will _ in the class.A. eat the meal with the teacher B. celebrate the special daysC. learn 2-3 recipes each lessons D. have a hands-on experience54. You will pay _ for five lessons.A. 30 B. 60 C. 120 D. 15055. How can you attend the class?A. Make a phone call to them. B. Send them an e-mail.C. Get information from parents. D. Come to the class directly.D“Volunteering makes you look at the world differently. You see how little things can change a persons life for the better, which makes everyone a better person.” Mason, a volunteer said.National Volunteer Week started in 1974 and is held every April. It is a time to thank volunteers for their achievements. It is also a perfect opportunity (机会) to encourage others to take their first step toward becoming a volunteer. Making the decision to take the first step can be the biggest problem, because they often wonder if they will be able to meet the organizations expectations (期望). Some people fear not knowing anyone else in the group. Not having enough time also prevents some from sharing their abilities.The following tips can help if you have some of these worries. Start out slowly, dont add too much pressure. Even a few hours a month can make a big difference in someones life. Choose an organization with the same interests and common values. Take part in a training meeting for new volunteers, even if it is not asked. Work with a veteran volunteer. He volunteered a lot, he can help you increase the confidence and completely understand the organizations expectations. Invite a friend or family member to serve. It is a good experience to volunteer with them. Finally, it is most important to enjoy the volunteer experience and to remember that not all volunteer experiences are perfect. If one experience doesnt work, dont give up and youll surely find the right opportunity.Spend some time on volunteer work and you will see great changes in peoples lives. As Mason discovered during his volunteer e


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