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    2018年秋九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Growing up Period 4 Integrated skills & Study skills分层训练 (新版)牛津版.doc

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    2018年秋九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Growing up Period 4 Integrated skills & Study skills分层训练 (新版)牛津版.doc

    Unit 4 Growing upPeriod 4Integrated skills & Study skills第5课时分层训练Period 4 .根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1There is no _(记录) of how much I spend every month.2People in the city held a great party to celebrate their _(胜利)32016无锡Sue always has great _(勇气) to face difficulties and thats why we all respect her.4Im strongly_ (反对) smoking because it may cause cancer.5I will be with you in _ (精神) forever.6Everybody _ (钦佩) him for his fine sense of humour.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空12017黔南州My parents are _(German), but they need to live and work in England.2Some inventions that led to the colourful movies are on show, _ (include) cameras.3In the diary, we can write down our _ (think), feelings, hopes and so on.42017龙东What are you doing?I am reading a book _(write) by Mo Yan.5Its necessary for us to keep _ (study) in our lives.根据汉语意思完成句子1据报道,约200人在这次地震中丧生。It _ that about 200 people _ in the earthquake.2幸运的是,我们生活在和平时代,不必为生命安全担忧。Luckily, we _ and dont need to be _3她父亲花了两年的时间写完了这本书,这本书将在下个星期出版。It took her father two years to _ the book, and it will _ next week.4到目前为止,这部小说已经被翻译成100多种不同国家和地区的语言。So far, the novel _ over 100 languages _5遗憾的是,他们没能像我们一样享受美好的生活。_ they couldnt enjoy a happy life _.单项选择()1.Do you know when World War _in Europe?Of course. In 1939.Awas broken outBbroke upCbroke out Dbroke off()2.Scientists say that banana trees may disappear from the world _ banana cancer.Abecause of Binstead ofCas for Dtogether with()3.Anne _ in her diary _ they were discovered by the Nazis.Akept writing; afterBwent on to write; untilCkept writing; untilDwent on to write; before()4.2016内江Bad luck. The film star had her leg _ while playing a part in the film.Ato break BbreakingCbreak Dbroken()5.Anne and her elder sister _ illness before World War ended.Adied down Bdied ofCdied out Ddied away.2017大连根据短文内容完成短文Lose like a champion(冠军)It is believed that participation and hard work is more important than winning, which is also the spirit of the Olympic Games. The story of Lee Chong Wei, a famous Malaysian badminton player, is certain to be a great 1._ of the spirit.Lee and Lin Dan, a famous Chinese badminton player, have been rivals(对手) for years. Lee has been beaten by Lin Dan three times at the Olympic Games. But Lee never gave up. He 2._ training hard to stay in good condition. In 2016, Lee 3._ won Lin Dan in the semifinals(半决赛) at the Rio Olympics. He fought hard in every match. 4._ he was beaten by Chen Long in the final, people still speak highly of Lees spirit. He 5._ the match, but he was still a great champion in many peoples hearts.So here comes a question: Is winning the most important thing in such a competition? Of course, “No”!What really matters is that one should never lose the courage to move on.详解详析Period 4Integrated skills & Study skills【课时分层训练】课内基础自测.1.record2.victory3.courage4against5.spirit6.admires.1.German(s)2.including3.thoughts4written5.studying.1.was reported; lost their lives2live in peace; in fear of our lives3finish writing; be published 4has been translated into; from different countries and areas5Its a pity that; just as we do课后巩固提升.1.Cbreak out 意为“爆发”,没有被动语态。 2A句意:科学家们说香蕉树因为香蕉癌可能从世界上消失。because of意为“由于,因为”,后接名词(短语);instead of意为“代替”;as for意为“至于”;together with意为“和”。故选A。3C4.D5Bdie of后常接illness, heart trouble, cancer, a fever等,表示“死于疾病、心脏病、癌症、发烧”等。.【主旨大意】 本文通过叙述马来西亚的羽毛球运动员李宗伟在比赛中虽然输了,但在很多人的心中他仍然是一个伟大的冠军,阐述了奥林匹克运动的精神:永不放弃。1symbol2.kept/continued3finally4.Though/Although5.lost5


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