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    2018秋七年级英语上册 Unit 1 综合测试题 (新版)冀教版.doc

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    2018秋七年级英语上册 Unit 1 综合测试题 (新版)冀教版.doc

    Unit 1综合测试题卷(选择题,共75分)听力部分(第一节)一、听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)听力材料:1Hello! My name is Sue.2Danny has seven crayons.3We have lessons in the classroom.4I can buy some books for my friend.5The girls name is Lisa.( A )1.A.name Bschool Cclass ( B )2.A.four Bseven Csix( C )3.A.in the lab Bin the office Cin the classroom ( A )4.A.I can get books for my friend.BI can buy a ruler for my friend.CMy friend and I need books.( C )5.A.The girl is my friend.BThe girls name is Mary.CThe girl is Lisa.二、听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)听力材料:6Is it a blackboard?7How are you, Tina?8Nice to meet you.9May I have two pens, please?10Good morning.( B )6.A.Its a blackboard. BYes, it is. CIts on the desk.( C )7.A.Yes, I am. BNo, I am not. CFine, thanks.( C )8.A.How are you? BThank you. CNice to meet you, too.( B )9.A.Thanks. BSure. Here you are. CYou are welcome.( A )10.A.Good morning. BOK. CHello.三、听对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共8小题,每小题1分,计8分)听第12组对话,回答第1112小题。听力材料:11W:Hi, Ben. Are you from the US?M:No,Im from Canada.Q:Where is Ben from?12W:Is Peter in the classroom?M:No. He is in the lab. Q:Where is Peter?( B )11.Where is Ben from?A. B. C.( B )12.Where is Peter?A. B. C.听第3组对话,回答第1314小题。听力材料:W:Hello! My name is Jenny. Whats your name?M:My name is Wang Gang.W:How are you?M:Im fine. And you?W:Im fine, too. Thanks.M:Nice to meet you.W:Nice to meet you, too.Questions:13.Whats the boys name?14How is the girl?( A )13.Whats the boys name?AWang Gang. BDanny. CTom. ( B )14.How is the girl?ANot fine. BFine. CA student. 听第4组对话,回答第1518小题。听力材料:W:Hello, Li Ming.What class are you in?M:Hello, Jenny. I am in Class Five. What about you?W:I am in Class Six.Whats that?M:Its my classroom.W:Lets go to your classroom.M:OK. Lets go.W:Is this your pencil box?M:Yes, it is.W:May I have your ruler?M:OK. Here you are.W:Thanks.Questions:15.What class is Jenny in?16Whats that?17Is the pencil box Li Mings?18What does Jenny borrow?( B )15.What class is Jenny in?AClass Five. BClass Six. CClass Seven.( A )16.Whats that?ALi Mings classroom. BJennys classroom. CLi Mings lab.( A )17.Is the pencil box Li Mings?AYes, it is. BNo, it isnt. CWe dont know. ( C )18.What does Jenny borrow? AA pencil box. BA pencil. CA ruler. 四、听短文和问题,选择正确答案。(共7小题,每小题1分,计7分)听第一篇短文,回答第1921小题。听力材料:Hello! My name is Meimei. Im from Wuhan. My English name is Jenny. Im a student. I like English very much. Im studying at Wuhan No.9 Middle School. At school I have a good friend. Her name is Linda Brown. She is from England. She is 12.Her telephone number is 2563698.She is in Class 6, Grade 7.Im in the same class.Questions:19.What is Meimeis English name?20Where is Linda from?21What class is Linda in?( A )19.What is Meimeis English name?AJenny. BJane. CLisa.( B )20.Where is Linda from?AJapan. BEngland. CAmerica.( A )21.What class is Linda in?AClass 6. BClass 7. CClass 8.听第二篇短文,回答第2225小题。听力材料:Hello! My name is Jim. I am a boy. I live in China. I like Chinese. I like my teacher. I have two friends in China. They are Li Ming and Wei Hua. Li Ming is in No.1 Middle School. He likes reading. Wei Hua is a girl. She has a little cat. She likes it very much.Questions:22.How many friends does Jim have?23Where does Li Ming study?24What does Li Ming like?25What does Wei Hua have?( A )22.How many friends does Jim have?ATwo. BThree. CFive.( A )23.Where does Li Ming study?AIn No.1 Middle School.BIn No.2 Middle School.CIn No.3 Middle School.( C )24.What does Li Ming like?AHe likes his cat. BHe likes playing football.CHe likes reading.( B )25.What does Wei Hua have?AA little dog. BA little cat. CA little bag.笔试部分 五、单项选择。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( A )26.Tony, _ is my good friend, Jack.Hello, Jack. Nice to meet you.Athis Bthat Cit Dhe( B )27.Jenny and Danny are _ Grade One. They are _ China.Afrom; in Bin; from Cto; from Din; to( C )28.Excuse _. Is this _ book?Yes, thanks.Ame; my BI; your Cme; your DI; my( C )29._, Nancy?She is very fine, thanks!AHow are you BHow is your father CHow is your mother DWhat is your name( D )30.Is her name Jane?_AYes, she is BNo, she isnt CYes, its DNo, it isnt( D )31.I need _ some flowers for my mother.Ato buys Bbuying Cbuys Dto buy( C )32.Is that a lab?Yes. We have our science_ there. Aschools Bnames Cclasses Dlibraries( C )33.(定州市20172018学年七年级上学期期中考试)Nice to meet you!_AThank you. BFine, how are you?CNice to meet you, too. DHello!( A )34.Excuse me. May I have a crayon?_AYes. Here you are. BNice to meet you.CYoure welcome! DThank you.( B )35.Welcome to our school._AOK BThanks CExcuse me DSorry六、完形填空。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)(定州市20172018学年七年级上学期期中考试)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Do you have an English friend?_36_ have one. His name is David Smith. Hes from London. David is _37_ my school. He _38_ me with my English. I think hes _39_. Now we are good friends. He likes _40_. You can always _41_ a model plane in his schoolbag. He also has some _42_ about model planes. He reads one of them a week. He likes taking photos, too. Look! These are his _43_. The girl in the photo is his _44_ Jane. They and their mother are in China. But their father is in London. They miss(想念) _45_ very much.( B )36.A.We BI CThey DYou( A )37.A.in Babout Con Dof( D )38.A.calls Basks Cthanks Dhelps( B )39.A.sick Bnice Cwelcome Dnext( C )40.A.computer games Bbase ballsCmodel planes DTshirts( A )41.A.see Bmeet Cspell Dsay( D )42.A.rooms Bpictures Cgames Dbooks( C )43.A.watches Bpencils Cphotos Djackets( A )44.A.sister Bmother Caunt Dgrandma( B )45.A.me Bhim Cher Dyou七、阅读理解。(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)阅读A、B、C三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。AHello! Im Jim Green. Im English. This is my mother. Her first name is Mary. This is my father. His first name is Steve. My telephone number is 7609176. My friend is Li Lei. His English name is Paul. He is Chinese. His telephone number is 2815248.Look at the photo. Whos that in the photo? Its my Chinese teacher. His name is Liu Yongjun. He is a good teacher.( A )46.Jim Greens first name is _ AJim BGreen CJim Green DGreen Jim( C )47.Jims fathers last name(姓氏) is _ AJim BSteve CGreen DTom( A )48.Jims telephone number is _A7609176 B6879716 C2815248 D7069671( B )49.Li Leis English name is _AMary BPaul CJim DLei( D )50._ is in the photo.ALi Lei BJim Green CHis father DLiu YongjunBHello! My name is Shen Su. Im 12 years old. Im from Shanghai. My mum is from America. My phone number is 5516318.My QQ number is 629055197.Hi! Im Helen. Im from England. Im 13.My telephone number is 20154176.My Chinese teacher is Mr. Wang. He is from China.( D )51.Shen Sus mum is from _AShanghai BChina CEngland DAmerica( A )52.Shen Sus telephone number is _A5516318 B20154176 C629055197 D5156318( D )53._ and _ come from the same country(相同的国家)AShen Su; Shen Sus mum BHelen; Helens teacherCShen Su; Helen DShen Su; Mr.Wang( A )54.Shen Su is _ and Helen is _ years old.A12; 13 B13; 14 C12; 14 D13; 12( B )55.Mr. Wang is _AShen Sus teacher BHelens Chinese teacherCfrom England Dfrom AmericaCLook at the boy. His English name is Mike King. His Chinese(汉语) name is Li Hai. He is from England. He is twelve years old. My name is Wu Gang. Jack is my English name. Im from Shanghai. Im thirteen. Mike and I are good friends. We are in Grade 7. I am in Class 3 and he is in Class 5.These are our schoolbags. You can see two pencils, an eraser, a ruler and four books in Mikes schoolbag. In my schoolbag, there are three pens, two erasers, a ruler and five books.( C )56.How old is Li Hai?AHe is ten. BHe is eleven.CHe is twelve. DHe is thirteen.( D )57.What class is Li Hai in?AClass 2. BClass 3. CClass 4. DClass 5.( D )58.Where is Wu Gang from?ABeijing. BHangzhou. CTianjin. DShanghai.( C )59.We can see _ erasers and _ pens in their schoolbags.Atwo; two Btwo; three Cthree; three Dthree; two( A )60.Which is RIGHT?AMike and Jack are in the same grade. BMike and Jack are in the same class.CMike and Jack are the same age(年龄)DMike and Jack are from the same country.卷(非选择题,共45分)听力部分(第二节)八、听短文填空。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)听力材料:I am a boy. I live in Shanghai. My name is Li Ming. My school is very big. There is a big playground in it. We play sports there. My father is a teacher and my mother is a teacher, too. I have two friends in my school. Danny and Jenny are my good friends. They live in Shanghai, too.Information about Li MingSex(性别)He is a 61.boy.Where does he live?He lives in 62.Shanghai.How many friends does he have?He has 63.two friends at school.Where does he play sports?He plays sports on the 64.playground.What is his father?His father is a 65.teacher.笔试部分 九、任务型阅读。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)阅读短文,并按要求完成6670题。Hello! Im Sue. Im from Canada. I live in London with my father, John. I have some new friends here. They are Jane, Amy, Joe and Rose. We are in the same(同一) class. Our playground is very big. We_play_sports_there_after_class. This is our classroom. Miss White, our English teacher, is in the classroom now. She is very nice. We all like her. Miss White loves reading very much. She has many books in her house. 66、67题完成句子;68、69题简略回答问题;70题将文中画线句子译成汉语。66Sue lives in London67Jane, Amy, Joe and Rose are Sues friends. 68Who is John?He_is_Sues_father.69Where is Miss White now?She_is_in_the_classroom.70下课后我们在那儿做运动。十、词语运用。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词。Hello, I am Kate. Look at the girl 71.over there. 72.Her(she) name is Betty. She 73.is(be) from the US. Now she is showing two visiting 74.students(student) around our school. Our school is very big. We play sports on the playground. We have science classes in the 75.lab. We 76.borrow books from the library. We have 77.lessons(lesson) in our classroom. Our classroom is big 78.and clean. Our teacher is kind and my 79.classmates(classmate) are nice. Betty studies hard. She is always the 80.first(one) student to come to the classroom. She is nice and likes to help others.十一、基础写作。(包括A、B两部分,A部分5分,B部分15分,共计20分)A)连词成句。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出。要求:符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。81his, what, name, isWhat_is_his_name?82is, that, friend, yourIs_that_your_friend?83with, Mr. Li, the, is, girl, JinaThe_girl_with_Mr._Li_is_Jina84school, fun, at, have, theyThey_have_fun_at_school85two, erasers, I, need, buy, toI_need_to_buy_two_erasersB)书面表达。(计15分)假设你是Mary Hand,根据下面表格里的内容,简单介绍你的情况。NameMary HandBe fromAmericaFriendsLisa, KateClassOneHave4 books, 6 pencils, 2 crayonsHi!My_name_is_Mary_Hand._Im_a_girl._I_am_from_America._I_am_in_Class_One,_Grade_Seven._I_have_two_friends_at_school._They_are_Lisa_and_Kate._I_have_four_books_and_a_big_pencil_box._Six_pencils_and_two_crayons_are_in_my_pencil_box.9


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