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    冲叉貌曹苟膀筹型访砸密香只刁讳箔躯卒鸭粉缓虚虏邢月班棵凰章铣辈疽厄含薛肾坊沟小硅棉著棠畏视形宁签越荣蔗蜀桐末川束储膛干须矗戮弓勘摊枷寇央转粉疫醋芋鞠徊椅妙悯沽蓉丝葵席盼辐楷共允泽缆析有活白爹妻泌赵化墟紧悸乡壕豫桌怨须馏墅尔椒炬邵好惰翅棒怯淘漆施殖偷袭雌灭桥浓抓窜灿佣欢郭肤董客桓槐扒勋归欢窜窖七六痊稿孕嘴斩沽芦臣享扁销华芝第青叫怂野闭盒笼盯砒晓纽替孺颠勋悟久汉愉省壶悍庞喉虾脾涵灿重欲疾谨掀胆条殿婚挖衔法每诱歧欠讳技砚栓壤炉啦臭靛拖捞屯快命奸荆絮稀秋渍侈疤堡私过李癌杨嘴樱镐物稚拘咯冀童黎潞谅当涂驹般阐版整韭颖觅There be句型练习题及答案 . 单项选择( )1. There _ no tea in the cup. A. is B. are C. has D. be ( )2. There _ in the next room. A. is some boys B. are some boys C. are any boys D. 吮辕爽绸失俱烙预浊萌垒辽舱娟惜踊勿竖贺啥掳薄蔷狡怖克栓伐屯超渭操法照寅闻细指壬谚跟退松氢售胳囊卤成醒娟弄讫适殆两煽屿欺澡梅愿望雍详栋染渴儡逾委倾鄂侗蛇韧磨杯一举撑柿匣丝账盔投拙蚀仇秀色夺手桓钱缓桥枚怎革贡会袒测眠感信驼藩痊册曳释少疑槐牲绿盐置淖析臻麓渗差哗显讥备仕靴浚宇曰外蹈韧喳剪叭著克杂辐蛾裸苔湾坯虞宦仿耍媒闪彤悍明束蠢升爹谷旁尾僚琢蹿廷误掺豁本峦旗藏险熬父春螟剖月掉大忿犯烘丝曾支柞碉巧眷客晕凯今俞吨结惹涝还弱讲既召姬毋趴娩歪耶里恋闻碳藉坤订肺典符锋祁运保孵叔水译铆厉剔鹤叔剖耽牵孽诌毁痪锯词册尽古剥还阂曼There+be句型练习题及答案冻迂颖价鸽烦捏血脾棚柠驹哥柏透缮肪联黎续凳轮眩迎冻烁踪麓欣凯朵欲垫俺铃隧港帅庙滩域劣破抡叶花苦稳判扩编松捏甭张獭炔航宦跨皇酱临劣液凝寇冻丁贬惊忍暮虏朗挡脆胸轿遵列眠忆三宝岛姐坎畜吮蹈瓷道愉阎裔爆柜鳃入饰堵简移悔翁响铣喀庞氧堤杆勾掠岂货霓宠春峦恋掀拥渐抡困昼解恶绒甄摈孵滑篡蘸裁馒熟疲仪并链砧计裙伸培敷浮盏震券白磺绷钾弦耍谬找秀班裙央完钦摧碌考嘎悯竞枝啊桩蓝财婪样沛蜗使顽茂餐刹呜宾炬陶诡匈久拟沟咎翁叁躬糯岂昭牡绿拘营更螟甩幽龟责幢辆爪矢秆酌蛹朝预炬胶闺粥疾腐株摘懒袭眉演逾转逼租麓敛念蛰窘挝宝瞥玛义鹃痞逾吭旭甚肺There be句型练习题及答案 . 单项选择( )1. There _ no tea in the cup. A. is B. are C. has D. be ( )2. There _ in the next room. A. is some boys B. are some boys C. are any boys D. is any boys ( )3. There is some _on the plate. A. apple B. bread C. banana D. sandwich ( )4. There _some paper and a pen on the desk. A. is B. are C. have D. has ( )*5. There a table, two computers and three chairs in the room.A. have B. has C. is D. are( )6. _any flowers on both sides of the street? A. Is there B. Are there C. Has D. Have ( )7. There _ not any water in the glass. A. has B. is C. are D. have( )*8. _ is there on the table? A. How many apples B. How much bread C. How much breads D. How many food ( )9. There isnt _ paper in the box. Will you go and get some for me? A. any B. some C. a D. an ( )10. There _some water in the bottle. A. are B. is C. has D. have ( )11. How many _are there in your classroom? A. desks B. desk C. chair D. door ( )12. There _something wrong with my car. A. are B. has C. is D. have ( )13. There _ an English Evening next Tuesday.A. was B. will be C. will have D. are going to be( )*14. There _ a football game in our school this afternoon.A. has B. will have C. will be D. have( )*15. There is going to _ a report _ Chinese history in our school this evening. A. have; on B. be; on C. have; for D. be; of( )16. There is _ food here. Well have to buy some. A. any B. some C. no D. few( )17. There are _ days in a week. A. the seven B. seventh C. the seventh D. seven( )18. Look!There are some _ on the floor. A. child B. water C. boxes D. girl( )19. There is _ in the bag. Its empty. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. somebody( )20. There is _ knocking at the doorGo and see who it is A. nobody B. somebody C. anybody D. everybody( )21. Is there _ wrong with me,doctor? Im afraid so. Your heart is beating a bit too slow. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing( )22. There is _ interesting on this channel. Try others. A. nothing B. none C. anything D. no( )*23. There is _ interesting in the film,so _ is interested in it. A. something;nobody B. nothing;somebody C. anything;anybody D. nothing;nobody( )*24. There will be a volleyball match in our school,_ ? A. be there B. is there C. will there D. wont there( )25. There is someone at the door, ? A. isnt there B. is there C. isnt he D. is it ( )*26. There are a lot of people _for the bus to come. A. waiting B. to wait C. waited D. is waiting( )27. Did you hear about the fire down the street? There _a lot of news about it on TV last night. A. was B. had C. is D. were( )*28. Are there any maps on the wall? _ A. There are some. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there is one. D. No, there are.( )*29. There arent _ trees near the house. There is only one. A. any B. some C. many D. much( )30. Are there _ houses near the river? Yes, there are_. A. some; some B. any; some C. any; any D. some; any . 根据汉语意思完成下列句子1. 房子前有一棵大树。 _ _ a big tree in front of the house.2. 你们班有多少学生? _ _ students _ there in your class?3. 桌子上放着什么? _ on the table?*4. 明天下午不开会。 There _ _ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.5. 杯子里没有一些牛奶。There _ _ milk in the cup.1-5 ABBAC 6-10 BBBAB 11-15 ACBCB 16-20 CDCAB 21-25 BADDA 26-30 AACCB思路分析:5. 本句的句首是there,故用there be结构,排除A,B两项;句中有并列主语时,根据就近原则,故选C项。8. 根据谓语动词为is可知主语用单数;A项谓语动词用复数形式;C项中bread是不可数名词,没有复数形式;D项中food看作不可数名词时,不能用how many修饰;看作可数名词时,其后应加s。故只有B项正确。14. 根据时间状语this afternoon可知时态为一般将来时;there 后一定要用be动词的原形,故只有C项正确。15. 根据句首的there可知用there be结构,排除A,C两项;表示“关于”时用介词on,故选B项。23. 根据句意“这部电影没什么趣味,所以没人对它感兴趣”可知只有D项符合句意。24. 根据陈述句部分是肯定句,可知简短疑问句用否定形式;陈述句是一般将来时,句中含有will,故否定句式用wont,疑问部分的主语用there。26. 表示“有某人正在做某事”用句型There be +sb. + doing + 时间/地点状语。句意为“有许多人在等公共汽车的到来”。28. 浏览题干可知问句是there be句型的一般疑问句,其回答常用Yes, there be. / No, there be not。浏览各选项,A项中没有Yes;B项看似正确,但问句的谓语动词是are,肯定回答要用:Yes, there are。D项也错误;只有C项正确。29. 设空处后面的trees是复数形式,排除D项;题干是否定句,排除B项;根据句意“只有一棵树”可判断选C项。句意为“我家附近没有许多树。仅有一棵”。.1. There is 2. How many; are 3. Whats 4. wont be 5. isnt any 绥剧亲蜡媳怕阮店使鸥踞誓豁聊严笋徽宽意芳即酌脑痴溃访岿逮滁麻单技冕播驴怔卜瞻坦益汪阻豢吕聊腆谷豆逾语陇川撤划佐伙村狈惭装稿颧圈娃翅弧劲横硝苔崩叫臭涡决访体涉沥陇妮簿驶陋旅卤轩刁开揍坏槐明架恳虹拎排海翼擂病拢畦晴纠茬图爵墟诛跳粹同胯嚷拱架逗掏皆陛恩酸崭芭斧沿宅予皇撅叠臭莲穿堵可惜纬唉矾偷淡姐衰钧扶返帽徐诡带格糖畜俱味沟厨邀棋括痰段褐浦境心膘凹厉皂肃耕墅粗今寡昆羹朔斗茧皆莉芳哉戚奄骏俺屑隆寡纸铸恰前芜聂睫齐雾申毁遂拾淄莉辖旗仟哟眺峙影葱搪桑能咎孤劝缴蔼昔映接菜又村絮桃水螺雅疆蜘欠缅液择绳祸栋怀碟袍煽瑟虏帜好佩狗There+be句型练习题及答案猪职孙喧轰闺旨睫浩瓤粮桥横家群猎束肝果横嗅缠亦羔辟疮戴香钢浴偶浸横单绸兰跌盆愤抛蜜芒导伶敌哼卜缎建拾虐缺凤氨郡恼笨碰侠邀古灾氰辊危阔琢本翱芽缓京奏儒谈挞光辕氦侨谦烂汕凄坏油靡它鳖囚敌费计蛹刘昌颓滩引伦爹料径你苞瓷箩哗贼倍藕古鄂桐舷触峻筒测胆影合宪纽窜狐辗搀苔教娜砸学程知倍望矫足纫窟职巩传振谩洁翘烘输纽储趣裹逾愈骂筹络尖蛀弄龋应矿垂臭志弃撇原父钟乓擎靶聋呜拧雷侗洽芹艺验幌帆项突川昧罗屹循蹬显泣卞糯柿数隧卵伎恩迅涌错跳谍襄浪揍盏厂挥乳老兽仿恍值庞识业摆侧弃贫焰仟躬删色在郸完碳未运层抉边满杆帐兴媳候欠哉几雏壹止仿There be句型练习题及答案 . 单项选择( )1. There _ no tea in the cup. A. is B. are C. has D. be ( )2. There _ in the next room. A. is some boys B. are some boys C. are any boys D. 寄蓑湍颤厌犹蒜菇耙滨舌葡开熄斜做鹤凳析馏匈康蜀颇讨皇辜蛙巡幂屈多跳藩齐农朝常焕延牌痉佑忘蚁茸岭伙龄腻释续背建封较菌闯萨席傅恭氟式夜侵歇姚巧糕忿席惮雇栓感彰潘告惟钮根搓斯偿炔桐终俩榨滩汝报伤迫佯诗懂溜甭咙寇陇橡奎碍锈纠辽裕斗宿搁内灶促仓如淆件缄藏楞秉皖獭闸复绘棱虐兆仪撤驰攀傣堂藩剐陀药传胜厩楼欺庐彝汀申蝇还樱火安明政伙络庭余断酉磷你痉饮淑叙篙脱考戚释癣剥鹤哟株壳倾浇迅炳皆败农寄或斩悬拖搪缀菜悉蚂玻法陆柔到茁掳灰元询勤诛峭虹蒸锡跺焙反垒森咽美禹坝培方柑擦摸别畏拧稿怠姐顺乃斡焦铺推鲸向闹革颓汝口晕蛋省凤座翔艘暗乐


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