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    Module 1 Wonders of the world,Happy Teachers Day,Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big.,Read the words and expressions loudly.,Review,below shine (shone / shined; shone / shined ) sign silent silver sky grey go through beside = next to,Words and expressions,prep. 在下面; 在 一下 v. 照耀 n. 迹象;标志;招牌 adj. 寂寞的 adj. 银灰色的;银制的 n. 天; 天空 adj. 灰色的; (天气) 阴沉的 穿过; 从头至尾地练习 prep. 在旁边; 在附近,Words and expressions,reply clear fall away stream nearly on top of canyon remain by,v. 回答;答复 v. ( 烟雾等)开始消失 突然向下倾斜 n. 小河, 小溪 adv. 几乎;差不多 在上面;盖住 n. 峡谷 v. 逗留,留下 prep. 在旁边;靠近,in five minutes look down to get out of walk along one of at the bottom of look over have gone to because of faster and faster,Words and expressions,5分钟后(常用于一般将来时) 向下看,俯视 (从内) 出来 沿着 走 = go along 之一 在 底部 查看;检查;调查 去了某地 因为 越来越快,Reading and vocabulary,Work in pairs. Talk about a great natural wonder you know. Use the words in the box to help you.,2. Read the passage and complete the table.,The Grand Canyon,How deep,How wide,How long,About fifteen miles wide,More than 200 miles long,About one mile deep,Language points,1. A great wonder of the natural world. 自然界的伟大奇观。 arrive in + 大地方 at + 小地方 get to + 地点名词 reach + 地点名词,他明天将到达北京。,He will _Beijing tomorrow.,arrive in / get to / reach,arrive get + 地点 reach (副词),当未明确表示到达的地方时只能用arrive. 当我们到达时,他们正在开会。 When we _, they were having a meeting.,arrived,3. I got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along a dark path. 我下了小汽车,穿过大门并沿着一条昏暗的 小路往前走。 1) get out of the car 下车 get into the car 上车 get on the bus / train 上车 get off the bus / train 下车,across prep.是指在表面上掠过,穿过, 如: walk across the bridge, fly across the mountain, 还有对面的意思,如: run across the road through prep.多指从中穿过,通过,如:walk through the forest, go through the tunnel,2) through across,区别,3) walk along 沿着走,相当于go along,沿着这条街道走, 向右转, 你就可以找到它。,_this street, turn right, and then you will find it.,Walk / go along,4. beside prep. 在旁边;在附近。 它相当于next to. 这是学校大楼,它在公园旁边。 This is the school building. It is _the park. besides prep. 除了.之外(还有)。 除了唱英文歌曲外,还有很多有趣的方法来学习英语。,beside,_ singing English songs, there are many other fun ways to learn English.,Besides,5. answer 与 reply v. & n. 回答;答复;答案,answer和reply 后接that 从句时可互换。 他没能回答我的问题。 He failed to _ to my question. 谁能回答我这个问题? Who can _ me this question? 你能找到这个问题的答案吗? Can you find out _ to this question?,reply,answer,the answer / reply,answer+ 名词/代词 reply + to +名词/ 代词,两者作名词时, 都与to 搭配,6. I looked over them, but it was silent and there was no sign of it. 我望着它们,但一 片寂静,看不见它。,1)该句是并列句,由连词but连接,两句之间表转折关系。 2)look over 查看,检查,调查。 她正在查阅她的笔记。 She is _her notes.,looking over,3) silent adj. 寂静的 当天变黑时,万籁俱寂。 When it gets dark, everything falls _. a) silent adj. 沉默的。keep silent 保持沉默 面对这样的事时我们不应该保持沉默。 We shouldnt _when we face such things. b) silence n. 沉默;安静 他们一起回家,一路上谁也不说话。 They went home together in _.,keep silent,silent,silence,7.The sun rose behind me and shone on the rocks.太阳从我身后升了起来,照在岩石上。,1) lift raise 举起、升起 (用法不同) rise,lift 用体力或机械动力把某物从地面举起 到一定高度。 b) raise 主语通常是人,指人为地使某物提升。 c) rise 主语通常是物,指因自然或非主观 因素而上升,一般不跟宾语。,2) shine v. (shone, shone ) 照耀 shining(现在分词) 阳光正普照大地。The sun is _. shine n. 光亮 (不可数名词) 这个婴儿红光满面。Theres some _on the babys face.,shining,shine,8. Far below me, the ground fell away and down to a river. 在我脚下很远的地方,大 地倾斜至深谷中的河里。,below prep. 在下方 above prep. 在上方 她在三楼的上一层还是下一层? Is she _ or _ the third floor? under 在正下方 over 在 正上方 只有猫在桌子下面。 There is a cat _the table.,above,below,under,fall away and down to 降到/ 落到. 山那边地势向河边陡然倾斜。 Beyond the hill, the land _ sharply and _the river.,falls away,down to,9. I looked down to the Colorado River, a silver stream nearly one mile below me.,a) look down 俯视 look up and down 上下打量 look down on / upon sb. / sth. 鄙视或瞧不起 某人/某物 当我在街上遇见我的朋友时,他上下打量我。 My friend _ when he met me in the street. 我看不起那些只爱钱的人。 I _ people who only love money.,look down / upon,looked me and up and down,10. If you put the two tallest buildings in the world on top of each other at the bottom of the canyon, they still would not reach the top. 即使你把世界上两座最高的建筑物叠在一起放在谷底,它们仍然不能到达峡谷的顶端。,本句是一个含有由If 引导的虚拟条件状语 从句的复合句,表示对不可能发生或不太可 能发生的现在情况的假设。,主句谓语结构为:would / should / could + 动词原形。 从句的结构为:If + 主语 + 动词过去时。 如果我是你的话,我会接收他的道歉。 _ I _you, I _ accept his apology. 如果我是一只鸟,我将飞到你那里。 _ I _ a bird, I _ fly to you.,If,were,would,If,were,would,at the bottom of 在的底部,在表格的底下填上你的地址。,Stick down your address _the form.,at the bottom of,11. I remained by the canyon for about half an hour, 我在大峡谷边上停留了大约半个小时, remain v. 继续,保持;剩下,遗留 我问了她一个问题,但她保持沉默。 I asked her a question but she _silent.,remained,树上还剩几朵花。 A few flowers still _ on the tree.,remained,Learning to learn,3. Choose the correct answer.,Where does the passage possibly come from? a) A magazine b) A grammar c) A dictionary d) A strorybook 2. Why was there nothing to see? a) Because there was nothing. b) Because it was too dark. c) Because it was raining. d) Because it was in the morning.,3. Which direction was the writer facing while he was looking over the Grand Canyon? a) South b) North c) East d) West 4. What is the writers purpose in writing this passage? a) To give facts about the natural world. b) To say how he feels about the natural world. c) To tell an interesting story about the Grand Canyon. d) To attract people to visit the Grand Canyon.,4. Complete the passage with the words in the box.,In the dark, there is no (1) _ of the Grand Canyon, and it is (2) _.But if you (3) _by the Grand Canyon as the (4) _ gets brighter and look down about one (5) _,you can see the Colorado River (6) _ you. It looks like a silver (7) _ as it passes (8) _ the rocks,sign,silent,remain,sky,mile,below,stream,through,at the bottom of the canyon. If someone asks you whether the Grand Canyon is the greatest wonder of the natural world , it may be easy to _.,writing,5. Complete the table with facts about a natural or man-made wonder of the world.,reply,Name,Location 位置,Interesting facts,the Great Wall,in the north of China,a long history,unique architectural style 独特的建筑风格,surpass10,000 miles 超过,6. Imagine you have just visited one of the natural or man-made wonders. Write sentences and describe how you felt when you visited the wonder.,Say when you visited it.,I just visited the Great Wall last month.,Say where it is.,It is in the north of China.,Describe its size.,It is surpass10,000 miles.,Say what interesting facts you know. Say what happened when you visited it. Say how you felt.,It is famous for its unique architectural style, a long history and surpass 10,000 miles.,It was raining when we were walking up the Great Wall, but we didnt stop. Finally, we reached the top of it.,I felt very excited, . The Great Wall is so majestic, of great momentum .长城雄伟壮观,气势磅礴,Now write a passage. Use the sentences you have written to help you.,A visit to the Great Wall I had a wonderful visit in Beijing during this summer holiday. I would never forget the visit to the Great Wall. On the first day of our trip, we went to the Great Wall, It was raining when we were walking up the Great Wall.,When we reached the top of it. I felt very excited. The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world. It is famous for its unique architectural style and its history. It is surpass 10,000 miles long. Many people have come to know the famous Chinese saying: He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man. The Great Wall is so majestic, of great momentum . I will remember it forever .,Homework,1. Remember all the new words and expressions weve learned today. 2. Finish exercises.,1. To search some information about the Stonehenge. 2.To preview Unit 3,Preview,Thank you very much!,


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