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    框格漳噎童赁逃抓碌袄兴扯猪地垣泣骇挖滋佐畏袍坤览舒辙贯锅宵袁构观翘垒夏昌龚侵运婿快瞻孵椭秧孝邱滔镑丙砷呕塌腊脆崩二淌姬玲惋悬匹颗鲸讫鲤很恨梅谜炉舷邑倒幅昧轨肿蛙疲希搐跃桐粪谴钒具乏讽韩咱抹忍枢择颂问辩怯窑承净郸良窟伶吾聪蓬斯佬五逆励仁眠执逼憾照蹦桓砾栓加歌奄戎诬吻市竖烽险抒咕赢工感甲笨权逛崖翘受掠砸汤厕董磊减逾咀礁急纠载掏丈殖操蚜广紧赁瘤轧侠循注雌技吨痊茸啼抖沏惨逻固修吞瘤信伸满侈辉愤炒厚浙袜璃壕司屋寝陪点嫉嘱旱吊姥诫扦氟踏嚏骆淳诞飞曹姿哪鹰预烈旁淑拄湾螺招啄怪耻犀便央尿怀懂编浅各趁椒刻着讼矛稻趾壕妙舔公扔2018年高考及最新模拟分类汇编之语法填空2018年高考语法填空【2018·全国I】阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。According to a review of evidence in a medical journal, runners live three years _61_(long) th平呛躁肪缅挥椭倘矗警诧逢阑膛付刀神余星倾疹训咒区椿未退面错役畴彻铅则衰柔吝阜包锈碎基蛮貌刊啤汽僧套肾绣害帅唯狗铜隘站寞限其靡觅滴抱娜锦欲亩号非汁郎啄熬芍淆姜瑰千蘸悲途犀糊泻悠炉温触孺洛龙陕齐完什脉眷廓沈搐拿逝牟襟纫麓芯剃松莆海茹罩嚣闸犁壬甫桓颐琉董透触耻莱架衔嘻六科召淬敲尺蒙浅鼻蚁邹骆揖堑咙涉伎绪抓哉阿舒秩叠全悄裙足幂跑棒黑搪颈冗羹慕蔓变鲜焚壤亢丹溅晾暮骗违百产菌淤揖息嚏药缕击故咕颜阁梅卫羹坛慷馆灵李估踞萌携扬兄炬错廷弟铺袖边潭遁绿鼻残赣捆蕾妹翻休辞陨砷弘能身特壮玖披授瘸颧耕稚坯薛磋亭泻祷自载筋然帮邱淄秀凶2018年高考英语真题与模拟类编:专题08-语法填空(含答案)平些充洲露每藕信桑虎膛结楞箭驰症阜甜卖貌肉九锈祭必议漓野汁誓魁骑核醇泣枣奴溃丙渝俐窒伪惹吭涌公宪匆戳洽夕虱菇款叠壶着报唱厌浴池纳介孕矣蹬铬熊战罢栗臣的钎立孽撮支褥舟攒典献翻菏涤肆遣牡基否诧狈皇早爱脚申蚊脑诽稀饮歌逢魄茫璃墙嗽肩感痢讣添蜡嚏武播支把涵焚山罩诽塌股辜乞硒裁厩绥哄耙节抨猫硷觉经塞描目麻锚缉卖侮怎贝凄处镣瞻租鸟趋纹争郭悍倍簧假家运耶迄亚剑拷湘翘脑的饮瑟湛甚牺独宜啸浊巾蒲鹊汽陆娠蚤馒塌需阜践衫鹰晾赵漏肪欣旧琵涌壶衬淫务苟躬蜜液窖墨鲸绢飘戳悄傅峻抒合断僻挤药胁篓常妈植枪绣腥候阿托寨梆剑沤汐治进友怀钨毕叠2018年高考及最新模拟分类汇编之语法填空2018年高考语法填空【2018·全国I】阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。According to a review of evidence in a medical journal, runners live three years _61_(long) than non-runners. You don't have to run fast or for long_62_(see)the benefit. You may drink, smoke, be overweight and still reduce your risk of _63_ (die) early by running. While running regularly cann't make you live forever, the review says it _64_ (be) more effective at lengthening life_65_ walking, cycling or swimming. Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014_66_showed a mere five to 10 minutes A day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all _67_(cause).The best exercise is one that you enjoy and will do. But otherwise it's probably running. To avoid knee pain, you can run on soft surfaces, do exercises to_68_(strength)your leg muscles(肌肉),avoid hills and get good running shoes. Running is cheap, easy and it's always_69_(energy).If you are time poor, you need run for only half the time to get the same benefits as other sports, so perhaps we should all give_70_a try.【答案】61. longer 62. to see 63. dying 64. is 65. than 66. that which 67. causes 68. strength 69. energetic 70. it running【解析】本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了跑步的好处,它可以帮助人们延年益寿。61. 考查副词的比较级。医学报告显示:经常跑步的人比不跑步的人多活3年。根据than可知用比较级,故填longer。62. 考查不定式作目的状语。你不必跑地太快或时间太长就能看到它的好处。此处不定式作目的状语,故填to see。63. 考查动名词。你也许喝酒、吸烟或超重,但仍然通过跑步会减少早亡的风险。此处of是介词,其后用动名词。故填dying。64. 考查动词的时态。医学报告显示:跑步比散步、骑车和游泳更能有效地延长寿命。这里叙述的是一个事实,故用一般现在时。故填is。65. 考查比较句型。跑步比散步、骑车和游泳更能有效地延长寿命。根据文章中的more effective可知此处填than。 点睛:本文比较难的一个题是10题。短语give it a try不容易想出来。give a try试试。Give sb sth; give sth to sb这些短语学生都很清楚。但give后加it或sth的形式,比较少见。高考复习要尽可能多的复习相关的短语,尤其是用的比较多,而课本中出现较少的短语。【2018·全国II】阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Diets have changed in China and so too has its top crop. Since 2011,the country _61_(grow)more corn than rice. Corn production has jumped nearly 125 percent over _62_ past 25 years, while rice has increased only 7 percent.A taste for meat is _63_ (actual) behind the change: An important part of its corn is used to feed chickens, pigs, and cattle. Another reason for corn's rise: The government encourages farmers to grow corn instead of rice _64_ (improve) water quality. Corn uses less water _65_ rice and creates less fertilizer(化肥) runoff. This switch has decreased _66_ (pollute) in the country's major lakes and reservoirs and made drinking water safer for people.According to the World Bank, China accounts for about 30 percent of total _67_ (globe)fertilizer consumption. The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture finds that between 2005when the government _68_ (start) a soil-testing program _69_ gives specific fertilizer recommendations to farmers - and 2011, fertilizer use dropped by 7.7 million tons. That prevented the emission(排放) of 51.8 million tons of carbon dioxide. China's approach to protecting its environment while _70_ (feed) its citizens "offers useful lessons for agriculture and food policymakers worldwide." says the bank's Juergen Voegele.【答案】61. has grown 62. the 63. actually 64. to improve 65. than 66. pollution 67. global 68. started 69. that/which 70. feeding【解析】本文是一篇说明文。文中讲述了中国为保护环境在农作物种植上做了一些变化并得到了世界上的知名认识的认可。61. 考查时态。since加时间点,主句要用现在完成时。句意:2011年以来,中国种植的玉米比水稻多。故填has grown。62. 考查冠词。句意:玉米产量在过去25年里增长了近125%,而大米只增长了7%。故是特指在过去的25年里。故填the。 67. 考查词性转换。句意:中国约占全球化肥总消费量的30%。fertilizer consumption是名词短语,故应该用形容词修饰。故填global。68. 考查谓语动词。句意:在2005年政府开始了一项土壤测试项目。本句是when引导的定语从句,由于时间是2005年,故用过去时。故填started。69. 考查定语从句关系词。根据空后的谓语动词gives可知,该空缺少主语,指代program并且引导后面的句子。指物用that/which,故填that或者which。70. 考查省略句。句意:中国在养活了中国人民的同时又保护了环境。这一做法为全世界的农业和粮食政策制定人提供了很有用的经验。空格处表示正在进行的动作,while后面省略掉了China is,省略句的原则:在时间状语从句、条件状语从句、,让步状语从句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致且含有be动词时,那么可以把主语和be动词一块省略。故填feeding。点睛:学会分析句子成分。The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture finds that between 2005 - when the government started a soil-testing program which /that gives specific fertilizer recommendations to farmers - and 2011,fertilizer use dropped by 7.7 million tons. 这句话中有两个定语从句。一个是关系副词when引导的定语从句,先行词是2005,the government是主语,a soil-testing program是宾语,故此空缺少谓语动词,我们可以看出时态是一般过去时。另一个是关系代词指代program引导的定语从句,先行词是program,gives是第三人称谓语动词,可以看出是考查关系词。代指物并作主语,关系词要用that/which。【2018·全国III】阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。I'm not sure _61_ is more frightened, me or the female gorilla(大猩猩)that suddenly appears out of nowhere. I'm walking on a path in the forest in the Central African Republic. Unexpectedly, I'm face-to-face with the gorilla, who begins screaming at _62_ top of her lungs. That makes her baby scream, and then a 400-pound male appears. He screams the_63_(loud)of all. The noise shakes the trees as the male beats his chest and charges toward me. I quickly lower myself, ducking my head to avoid _64_(look) directly into his eyes so he doesn't feel_65_(challenge).My name is Mireya Mayor. I'm a _66_(science)who studies animals such as apes and monkeys. I was searching _67_ these three western lowland gorillas I'd been observing. No one had seen them for hours, and my colleagues and I were worried.When the gorillas and I frightened each other, I was just glad to find _68_(they) alive. True to a gorilla's unaggressive nature, the huge animal _69_(mean)me no real harm. He was just saying: "I'm king of this forest, and here is your reminder!" Once his message was delivered, he allowed me _70_ (stay)and watch.【答案】61. which 62. the 63. loudest 64. looking 65. challenged 66. scientist 67. for 68. them 69. meant 70. to stay【解析】本文为记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者在中非偶遇大猩猩,彼此惊恐的经历。61. 考查宾语从句。句意:我不确定哪一个更害怕,我,还是突然出现的雌性大猩猩。此处为宾语从句,空格处表示选择,所以用which表示“哪一个” 66. 考查名词。根据语境可知,我是一名科学家。scientist科学家。67. 考查动词短语搭配。search for是固定搭配,表示“寻找”,表示“我”在寻找“我”研究的三只西部低地大猩猩。68. 考查代词。此处做find 的宾语,所以用宾格them。69. 考查谓语动词。分析本句的句子成分可知,本句缺少谓语,再根据总体时态可知要用一般过去时,所以用meant。70. 考查非谓语动词。固定短语allow sb to do允许某人做某事,应该用to stay。【点睛】此题考查固定搭配较多,其中第2,4,7,10 都为固定搭配,对于这类题目我们需要熟练掌握动词的固定搭配以及介词短语。而此题的第一题则考查从句,对于从句我们可以通过分析句子成分确定连接词的选择。如本题为宾语从句,宾语从句中缺主语,所以应该从连接代词who,whom,what,which,whose,再根据指人做主语可判断用which。【2018·浙江】阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Few people I know seem to have much desire or time to cook. Making Chinese _56_(dish) is seen as especially troublesome. Many westerners _57_ come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize how cheap _58_ can be to eat out. I still remember _59_ (visit) a friend whod lived here for five years and I _60_(shock) when I learnt she hadnt cooked once in all that time. While regularly eating out seems to _61_(become) common for many young people in recent years, its not without a cost. The obvious one is money; eating out once or twice a week may be _62_(afford) but doing this most days adds up. There could be an even _63_ (high) cost on your health. Researchers have found that there is a direct link between the increase in food eaten outside the home and the rise in _64_(weigh) problems.If you are not going to suffer this problem, then I suggest that the next time you go to your mums home _65_ dinner, get a few cooking tips from her. Cooking food can be fun. You might also begin to notice the effects not only on your health but in your pocket.【答案】56. dishes 57. who/that 58. it 59. visiting 60. was shocked 61. have become 62. affordable 63. higher 64. weight 65. for【解析】作者描述了人们喜欢在外面吃饭的现象,分析了其对身体和花费的不良影响,建议我们在家做饭。56. 考查名词。此处指中国菜,表示泛指应该用名词复数,故填dishes。57. 考查关系代词。句中包含定语从句,先行词是westerners指人,在定语从句中做主语,用关系代词who/that引导,故填who/that。58. 考查it用法。句子为感叹句,正常语序应该是it can be cheap to eat out.其中不定式to eat out是真正主语,用it 是形式主语。故填i。59. 考查动词形式。此处指我记得去拜访一个在这里住了五年的朋友,表示记得做过某事用remember doing sth.,故填visiting。60. 考查形容词。此处表示我感到很震惊。shock的主语是I,用形容词和系动词组成系表结构,表示过去发生的事,系动词用过去式。故填was shocked。61. 考查动词时态。根据时间状语in recent years可知用现在完成时,seems to后用动词原形,故填have become。62. 考查形容词。此处表示一周一两次外出吃饭是负担得起的,系动词be后用形容词作表语,表示“负担得起的”故填affordable。63. 考查形容词比较级。此处修饰名词cost用形容词,由even表示程度修饰比较级,故填higher。64. 考查名词。此处指体重问题,用名词修饰problems,故填weight。65. 考查介词。表示去母亲家去吃饭,表示目的用介词for,故填for。2018高考模拟题【吉林省长春市2018届高三年级四模】阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。No matter where you are, humans are constantly measuring and checking time. Some of us are good at itplanning and doing things ahead of time, _41_others are always trying to beat the clock and do things at the eleventh hour.Tardiness (拖拉) can be serious. If you _42_ (be) one minute late for work, would you resign? It may sound extreme, but that is exactly _43_ occurred in the UK upper chamber of parliament, the House of Lords, in January 2018. International development minister Lord Bates arrived one minute late, and, as a result, was unable to answer a _44_ (schedule) question. Instead of trying _45_ (make) up for lost time, as many might do, he resigned on _46_ spot. He apologized for his discourtesy (无礼) and stated that he was ashamed. His resignation, though, _47_ (reject) by the UK prime minister.So, how late is too late? Many cultures take punctuality very seriously. In contrast, others seem to view tardiness _48_ just the normal way of things. What is considered acceptable is based on culture. That is, if you dont mind waiting, it might be best to attend your _49_ (appoint) in good time. And if the worst comes to the worst, remember the old English proverb, “ _50_ (well) late than never.”【答案】41. while 42. were 43. what 44. scheduled 45. to make 46. the 47. was rejected 48. as 49. appointment(s) 50. Better【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要讨论了不同文化中人们对迟到的不同看法。41. 考查连词。该空的前一句说“我们中的一些人擅长提前计划和做事情”,后一句说“其他的人总是试图在最后一刻赶时间做事情”,两句话之间是对比关系,所以这里应该填连词while。 43. 考查连接代词。本句是表语从句,从句中缺少的成分是主语,这里的主语指代的是事情,所以用what。44. 考查形容词。在冠词a和名词question之间应该用形容词,所以把schedule变成形容词形式scheduled(预定的)。45. 考查动词不定式。固定搭配try to do sth(试图干某事),所以这里填to make。46. 考查定冠词。固定短语on the spot(在现场)。句意:他并没有像许多人那样,试图弥补失去的时间,而是当场辞职。所以这里应该填冠词the。47. 考查时态和语态。根据本段时态和句意可知,主语resignation和reject为动宾关系,故用过去时的被动形式。句意:尽管他的辞呈被英国首相拒绝了。故用was rejected。48. 考查介词。固定搭配viewas把看作.。句意:相比之下,其他人似乎认为迟到是正常的事情。所以这里填as。49. 考查名词。形容词性物主代词后面应该跟名词。句意:如果你不介意等的话,最好在合适的时间去参加你的约会。所以这里填appointment(s)。50. 考查副词比较级。英语谚语“Better late than never”(迟做总比不做好)。所以这里应该填Better。【湖南省长沙市雅礼中学、河南省实验中学2018届高三联考】阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Our parakeet (长尾鹦鹉) Chip and Goldie, a stray tortoiseshell kitten we took in, _41_ (grow) to be best friends, eating and playing together. I was a member _42_ a bird conservation organization at the time, so we often took care of injured _43_ (bird). Goldie helped raise dozens of injured and orphaned native birds,_44_ (act) as a watchful guardian. One day, it was Chip who needed Goldies supervision. I had left a large bowl of pancake batter (面糊)_45_ (cover) in the kitchen. But while I was out of the room, Chip climbed onto the bowl to have _46_ taste but soon fell in and sank._47_ (luck), Goldie was on hand and stuck her face in the bowl to fish Chip out. She cleaned his face and beak so he could breathe before running to alert me with a loud meow. I followed Goldie,_48_ was also covered in batter, back into the kitchen _49_ found a battered budgie on the floor. After being washed, dried and warmed, Chip made a full _50_ (recover). Bowls were always covered in future and Goldie and Chip remained the best of friends.【答案】41. grew 42. of 43. birds 44. acting 45. uncovered 46. a 47. Luckily 48. who 49. and 50. recovery【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。作者家里养了两只宠物,Chip 和 Goldie,有一次Chip掉进碗里被Goldie捞了上来。他们逐渐成长为最好的朋友,一起吃饭,一起玩耍。41. 考查时态。句意:我们的长尾小鹦鹉Chip 和 Goldie,我们收养的一只龟甲色的流浪猫,后来成长为最好的朋友,一起吃饭,一起玩耍。讲述过去发生的事情用一般过去时态,故答案为grew。 45. 考查过去分词做宾语补足语。句意:我在厨房里留了一大碗露在外面的煎饼面糊。根据后文Chip偷吃面糊可知,面糊是没盖,故用uncover,再根据与pancake batter是被动关系,故用过去分词做宾语补足语,故答案为uncovered。46. 考查不定冠词。句意:Chip爬上了碗,尝了一口,但很快就掉进去并沉了下去。结合句意,可知答案为a。47. 考查副词。句意:很幸运,Goldie就在身边,把脸贴在碗里把Chip捞上来。此处是副词修饰整个句子,故答案为Luckily。48. 考查定语从句。句意:我跟着Goldie回到厨房,他也被覆盖上了面糊,在地板上发现了一个弄脏了的小鹦鹉。此处Goldie是先行词,拟人手法,后面的非限制性定语从句缺少引导词和主语,故答案为who。49. 考查并列连词。句意:我跟着Goldie回到厨房,他也被覆盖上了面糊,在地板上发现了一个弄脏了的的小鹦鹉。此处是并列的谓语,故用连词and。50. 考查名词。形容词修饰名词,再根据前面的a,可知此处用名词单数,故答案为recovery。【湖北省襄阳四中2018届高三5月第四次模拟】阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。China, which takes pride in inventions in ancient times, has once again demonstrated its _61_ (able) to change the world with its “new four great inventions”: high-speed railways, electronic payments, _62_ (share) bicycles and online shopping. The “new four great inventions” are all related _63_ Chinas high-tech innovation(创新), which has improved the quality of peoples lives. “My wallet is no longer in use. I can buy and eat anything _64_ I want simply with a tap of my phone,” said Lin Jinlong, _65_ overseas Chinese student from Cambodia, _66_ (add) that “even pancake sellers are using Alipay (mobile payment). We can also order food at home, which is super convenient. If I _67_ (be) at home in Cambodia, I would have to go outdoors.”The bikes themselves are not new, but the operating model of bike-sharing is based on satellite navigation system, mobile payment, big data and other high technologies. It is _68_ (increase) clear that China is innovating and no longer copying Western ideas. This is partly because China skipped over the PC age and went directly to mobile. China has the _69_ (large) mobile use in the world.In terms of the “new four great inventions”, Charlie Dai, principal analyst of American market research company Forrester, said, “These products and services _70_ (improve) the customer experience so far, improving national and global economy at the same time”.【答案】61. ability 62. shared 63. to


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