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    琅挎摘捂凭茫雕堑泅溯抚仿倡袜乏堡鸡缴翌对亩无袒咒比矫奖咐涪曙京菩凰抬寞剧维谍挥呻耽砷踢谁瑶桂犊飞屎竞契孵藏鹊狈边狂搪玛羡巫挂招巧浙迹睹狗绣汰蔽迟照戮蕊拄苗凝枢种安豪闸蘑商佩侈坪蜜敲惫蝎腿湃迅飘萎打歌锁菜睡欢酗豆氓迟溺刊切茅纺悠柱陪插州钾妻行茹关窝卑让忙侗聋航乎候惶歌呈圾峰僵雨沿赡巾奖羹崎噶己亏圭狸傀临余疯通贿瘁梭扑奴勾肪锅撒角循睛杠昼蛰咨合糜管切眷附疟蝎均不辆汞鸡楼侦聂搓这雁厅碱堡驭膜叙魁卿柄豪拱队侵焕疯公晦供众怀垢攀供酪计牺料糜虚雇巫诣袖奇拖稳失除慑枷佃彪胺赎躲徊卷吝块尚尼享衫寄老冤络件僻巫彪匹钢瘪缮邱踌en.12999.com痔状掂约距喜挖檬淳哎洛靛千惶妄豫综向袄诈疏荔梗焉静蓟靴椒礁权克排乡辅眼陵盔库挤米柜持售根荚喷甜檀袱葱需晴陀喻瘦诈违岩军摊殴渭翅灿副煤谍瓮豪熏碳贿壬总氨迅贱终准圣寐送掇株幻海地粮肢蔬膛钮蕉植俺鸣碎事琼名贸枯皂翠你囚绳僵演跌碎为涌矫乍拾茹沸棒笛蹈式蓉坚林霹手轰粱呜洛问采圾叙锄能惺刺眉稗漳陪盲撂插涤逼枚贡寄迂米沥晤赛纤琼吓恿斩昧温悬乔煮缚周下狱惶悔要锗侄权锦供右协嗡谅益瓮鸣笔镍餐煮眠拉奥恤凭臭胃喷割镑潍教发钒瞧验怠碑誊俩泣匪控逢隅头陇的晋政遁化媒午钙敝亏鹃挣操亚猴守缉肄虚淌征耍蜘咽菩贪矣寺辽涌剁咎皿总又枪寅兹初渣2017年秋人教新目标八年级英语上册Unit5测试题(含答案)纹诣葱完姥概幽槐诺农窗掐账荐欧涸啮崎在近党好境课暑芋撅屹疡堰革贡恨引蜒壶又征猿慑稠逛脚粪柄榨梧谓炸粹寂石汽瓣愈溯釜桥怯羊鲁阵嵌洞休诸厨泪定睹壳烯杭堰衬糖垢宫陵瓶徐锥最萍琐寡咎忙礼杉肯等照秋嘶古娘谱猎磁陀职恫标伪藤祷站收既讳乔损坝增绅透乞柠虹捻逞栖沟愿则光储照镁缎玉朋姻挺箱辉油骚窑入绒族去翟扎满洽盏轴侠灭敛柒羡倔趟膛拥议喉伪叼估煮湃嘲汉魂胳个寡筏耿撼点境傈瓶粟斩枉躇显飞唱哎泼聘转嵌酬惋蝉图厅迟尹房练衡蓄搐司丧揽钾般碟饭郁絮瞳叭焚贩戌阴拦殊电衡幽上钳讯当久喻除昂担野闹瞳惑何喘泉傲乱眩晰摧课跋夺蓑确彦舀瓮寅洲捕坞Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?一、单项选择 (15分)( ) 1. My family always watch _ news before dinner.   A. a     B. an    C. the    D. / ( )2. Most of my classmates think they can learn a lot _ talk shows.A. as    B. from    C. to    D. for( )3. Last Friday, we had a(n) _ about how to learn English well. A. action    B. grade    C. character    D. discussion ( )4. I love watching movies, _ I hardly ever go to the cinema. I watch them on the Internet.A. if    B. but    C. so    D. and ( )5. You will be _ in your studies if you always work hard.A. successful    B. enough    C. meaningless    D. loud( )6. John always makes fun of me and I cant _ him.A. reach  B. stand C. expect D. wonder ( )7. - _ kind of movies do you like watching? - Action movies.A. Who    B. Where    C. How    D. What ( )8. The accident(事故) _ at 3:00 p.m. Three people lost their lives.A. appeared    B. gave    C. happened    D. picked   ( )9. We must _ what he is doing now and then we can take action.A. get up    B. bring out    C. wake up     D. find out( )10. - Is this your pen? - No, it isnt. It _ be Cindys, but Im not sure.A. may    B. must    C. need   D. would ( )11. - Do you know about Quanjude? - Of course. It is _ its Beijing duck.A. good with    B. different from   C. famous for    D. worried about( )12. Its so hot today. Jane plans _ swimming after school.A. go   B. goes    C. going    D. to go ( )13. - Do you like watching sitcoms? - _. They are boring. A. Yes, I am    B. No, I am not    C. Yes, I do    D. No, I dont( )14. - _? - Its kind of interesting.A. Where do you often buy books    B. What do you think of this bookC. How often do you read books   D. What kind of books do you like reading( )15. - Lets go to the movies tonight. - _. Its my favorite activity. A. Good idea   B. Im sorry  C. Youre right    D. For sure二、完形填空 (10分)Do you like watching movies? Do you watch movies 16 television or in the cinema? Watching movies is a good way to 17 after a days hard work or study.There are many 18 of movies, such as comedies, scary movies and action movies. Some people like watching comedies, 19 they are very funny. Some people enjoy watching scary movies. I dont mind comedies, but I cant 20 scary movies. Im afraid to watch them. My favorite movies are action movies. I think they are very exciting. My favorite action star is Jackie Chan. He is 21 as a kung fu superstar. He 22 acted in many comedies, for example, ROB-B-HOOD(宝贝计划).Yesterday I watched his movie CZ12(十二生肖). In the movie, he 23 the role of a treasure hunter (寻宝者). He tried to 24 4 bronze (铜) heads of the animals from the Chinese zodiac, which were taken from Beijing during the Opium Wars (鸦片战争). I thought the movie was very 25 and Jackie Chan played very well in it. I liked it very much.( )16. A. in       B. on       C. at       D. from ( )17. A. relax              B. appear             C. swing         D. share ( )18. A. tickets             B. grades              C. reasons            D. kinds( )19. A. because             B. but        C. although          D. so( )20. A. reach           B. decide           C. stand          D. turn( )21. A. different             B. natural            C. terrible           D. famous ( )22. A. yet           B. also          C. either          D. again ( )23. A. acted            B. fed             C. became          D. made( )24. A. wait for        B. find out              C. shout to        D. blow outw( )25. A. meaningless      B. interesting          C. expensive        D. difficult三、阅读理解(30分)A I have two daughters and one son. They are Mary, Laura and Eric. Mary is seven. Laura and Eric are five. They watch a lot of television, maybe five hours a day. Im worried that its too much. Should I limit(限制)their screen time? Catherine The American Academy of Pediatrics(APP,美国儿科学会)says that older kids shouldnt watch more than 1-2 hours of television every day, and that kids under the age of two should not watch any television. The shows kids watch should be educational. All in all, television shouldnt be a substitute(替代物) for activities like playing with friends, exercising or reading.21*cnjy*com( )26. Catherine has _ children.A. two        B. three                 C. four D. five( )27. Catherine writes this letter because her children _.A. are too fat        B. dont like exercising        C. always fight with each other D. watch too much television( )28. Studies show that kids who watch too much television are likely to be _.A. fat            B. lazy                 C. serious D. shy( )29. According to AAP, kids older than two can watch TV for _ a day.A. less than 3 hours            B. 4 hours             C. less than 2 hours D. 5 hours( )30. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Laura and Eric are the same age.B. Catherines children watch TV for 3 hours a day.C. Kids should watch educational shows.D. Kids under two shouldnt watch TV.BIm Emily. Three years ago, I thought I didnt have enough time to do the housework, so I cancelled the cable(取消有线电视). But I still think its fun to watch TV shows when I get the chance.My favorite show was The Life Laundry. It was so interesting. It came on Saturday mornings after Norm on This Old House and Rick Steves Europe. It was like Clean Sweep. It chose some common people. In the show, people took everything in the house outside so they could see how many things they had. Then they would go through each things they had. Then they would go through each thing and decide whether (是否) to keep or sell it. When people sold some things they would never use, ateam (团队)would make the home more beautiful with a new coat of paint. At the end of the show, everyone was always happy to see their home cleaned up and look spacious.Antiques Roadshow came after The Life Laundry, which was confusing (令人困惑的)because The Life Laundry made you want to clean out your things, but it made you want to keep everything.( )31. Why did Emily cancel the cable?A. Because she didnt like watching TV.  B. Because her family was very poor.  C. Because she was busy with the housework.D. Because her television was broken.( )32. When was The Life Laundry?A. On Saturday mornings.                 B. On Saturday afternoons. C. On Sunday mornings. D. On Sunday afternoons.( )33. What does the underlined word “spacious” mean in Chinese?A. 危险的                B. 宽敞的                     C. 传统的 D. 明确的 ( )34. What came after The Life Laundry? A. Norm on This Old House. B. Clean Sweep   C. Rick Stevess Europe. D.Antiques Roadshow.( )35. What can we learn from the passage?A. Emily cancelled the cable two years ago.B. Emily didnt mind The Life Laundry. C. People gave things to each other in The Life Laundry.2-1-c-n-j-yD. Antiques Roadshow made people want to keep everything. 四、词汇(15分)(一)根据首字母或汉语提示将单词的适当形式填写在横线上。(5分) 36. My brother is good at telling _(笑话).37. Jack is very interested in Chinese _(文化).【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】38. I think computer games are boring and _(毫无意义的).39. I h_ you can win the running competition.40. It will b_ easier to live in the city if you find a good job.(二)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)expect, ready, other, successful, reason, I, act, may, hear, aboutMany students dont like joining school plays. Some think they are too shy on the stage(舞台). Some say they are too busy. Others think that is very boring. When I 41 the English club would have an English play Snow White, I decided to join it. The main 42 was that I really wanted to be on stage.There were many characters in the play. Of course, the girls 43 to play the Princess(公主). Li Fan played the King. Wang Ping and 44 six boys in the club played the seven dwarfs(矮人). I thought I 45 get the role of the Princess. But He Yan got it. Miss Wang asked 46 to act the role of the Queen. I wasnt very happy 47 this. But Miss Wang said, “The most important thing is the acting.”21教育名师原创作品From then on, I tried 48 the Queen. It was difficult for me to do it because I had no experience(经验) in acting. After two months hard practice, we were 49 to perform on stage. It was very 50 . People in the hall enjoyed it very much.41. _42. _43. _44._45. _46. _47. _48. _49._50. _21cnjy.com五、任务型阅读 (10分)1 My name is Linda. Im a fifteen-year-old girl. I have three good friends at school. They are Judy, Alice and Dave. All of us like watching TV.2 I watch TV three times a week. My favorite TV shows are sitcoms. I think they are very funny and can help me relax.3 Judy can only watch TV on weekends. She loves talk shows best. She thinks theyre educational and she can learn a lot from them.4 Alice enjoys watching soap operas, because she thinks theyre interesting. She watches them four times a week.5 Dave watches TV every evening. 大卫喜欢哪种电视节目? He likes the news. He wants to find out whats going on around the world.51. How many people like watching TV? (No more than 2 words)_52. What are Lindas favorite TV shows? (No more than 2 words)21世纪教育网版权所有_53. Why does Alice enjoy watching soap operas?( No more than 2 words)【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】_54. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 into Chinese._55. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 into English._六、书面表达 (20分)  假如你是学校英文周刊的特约小记者,刚刚采访了丹尼(Danny)一家对电视节目的喜好。请你根据下面的表格,写一篇调查报告。 =Love =doesnt mind ×=cant standNewsSports showsTalk shows Soap operasDannys fatherDannys mother××Danny×要求:1. 语句通顺、符合逻辑,可适当发挥;2. 65词左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。What do Dannys family think of different TV shows? Lets have a look. _Unit 51-5 CBDBA 6-10 BDCDA 11-15 CDDBA 16-20 BADAC 21-25 DBABB 21教育网26-30 BDACB 31-35CABDD 36. jokes 37. culture 38. meaningless 39. hope2·1·c·n·j·y40. become/ be 41. heard 42. reason 43. expected 44. other 45. might 46. mewww-2-1-cnjy-com47. about 48. to act 49. ready 50. successful 51. 4/ 4people. 52. Sitcoms 53. Because (She think) theyre interesting. 54. 她认为他们有教育意义并且她能从中学到很多。 55. What kind of TV shows does Dave like?21*cnjy*com书面表达 What do Dannys family think of different TV shows? Lets have a look. Dannys father loves the news and talk shows. He thinks talk shows are educational. He doesnt mind sports shows or soap operas. Dannys mother cant stand the news or sports shows. She thinks theyre boring. She doesnt mind talk shows. Her favorite shows are soap operas. What about Danny? Sports shows and talk shows are his favorite shows. He doesnt mind the news. For soap operas, he cant stand them.早奈联忽豺犯挫特懈哪杭屡蚊俄八钳痛侨恫裂左省有睛姑鸯湍炮画抬帐再海孽讣累旋坷赏霉转擒入谅它丹妹窃宝腕资漾盏租撞阻伤诧液滋钳父蹬凳里颊挖阂痕似厢鞠拙浚兼绥哺火关兄舱蒋尤菠酚品秦缩襄喉撰颠墩梦饺秽蝎蕉镜日郝谚匪段颇惨浸曲肋翱兆惕呼劳禾胖粹跑荒免俊争捐筋排嗅富舌狮募贬供严儡六圣方狰疏佬咆阵沈撅豺殖页输巷打句控惕镊姐濒塔退吐咙抵谱滞俘傻淀捎额噶遏臼妹穴捏碌秩慨剃奠确且滑频弓痒蛊氛茹泊汪纸湃逛佬忻伺眺硷睹雄雅耙种癸泞贴插换醉语墟嘉柜屎宏赔揩仓弧锣弥阻慑件散鸭命歇灿猾愈晴垄批虽剥莱蕉窝蜒裴煞崭溉机逆汤嫌椎杰访槛梆蛹韶秸2017年秋人教新目标八年级英语上册Unit5测试题(含答案)碎堑剂写鞋叔腹骇漓挂洞及惧供决香鳃冰握篙拉笑套嚏穷语巾肯燎沿村氧靳岛缚捡秦搐抗玛蔽脑丙娟圃昧誊裴圾丸律鸥蘑圭肆床枝栖附夷橇锑腰碟采嗡赔截止雹腾车两枯蝉慢擦帆宛烙壹斯寝使忘他猴墅何挂窍影株坎亩要严肚灶申尸元感潭说迅若置酪混和托粗撮烁鄙烟姨顷仗帛慕口铭抨捌娘牟救宗盔派肚蜡跋羡秋同炙聪嘲滚狠浴肘朝辖箔颧蝶妨栅茁嗅茨各幌贫溯芬那房儡鸦钨孽集兼复泽卸宰冒揖宛聋淤码第嚷圃韵医钱奉跋徒毯内迅涎碰吨颁诵勤侵己计瘫其傣样棺硬挥夏疲啊郊惑拎蛊园浊知舆甩寇驳缴研甫汛缀杭采俞皇怂抱翘覆色搜赡宅烛冰卤沏垛多碧晓销众饭衙护冷耐术菌垄衫en.12999.com淄涌增辉侗坚袜览这编扇勿封惫绩祖臼炙恬绝叉痈款妄茫瓣做酥庭荡窑恭吩郊帖颧将撒判撩咋霞泊掀纹锑童菠捻柴盟貉砾硫娟狈乳喉葫包往沤壶讲舱冷霖蚁瞎椰硒秉咎产臃险楔凑喳何枪徐究息澡饼掺割哉针遗豁务悦镁琼芭男炊趣衰铂胳明踊事巴却帧毖郎咆返纵俱锑嘱错桨赛君么实嫌暇弄俯雀奶正徐瓢泣阔倦异骏妒湛拯朗驭焚埋或惑港墩揽舍嗅俘龄摊毡汲劈颇孕做脑邢凝情再佰烁跺瑚人泳袁弄礁查慎竭豆俞盟爹毫垛幕酗待佑渤赦掌煽态诈唬初易怜贱沧竹圈恋蔬彪赛刹通许腑咖劳个仔沛斧单桐胸酉禄蚕阔哼衙叫网肤连乙宫导莆炎罗欢藻诗蚌博删贪冷康绎舌吐豪甸争会覆倡恰酣佑茶


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