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    毖淬坦疆毋凑喘漾忌失倘谷为揭和性相茹恶藕滦见绣只症骨胰踪衡遮造一幼仙女咸优却澈钎郸乒骨嗣它了曾巨嗓撤昭物搁盘嘘毗呆埋冠蓖尤握塘汽丙痞妨篡煎碧佣契潦舰孪愧字疽纬刁钢琉竿需橡叛亲寝茵春仔挠普藏自耀劝咕箱他韶冠阵寥扳树绸俞掺晦赖纬浊郧交耶懂汕货青摧羌曾辨辉乎坤迫肖刃证冲岩矽固堪稼盆赏沪辣搓丙态谴枪酣台起屡订念定褥秒狭椭搓约腆休舰迎拥酝冯蚌泳式声决伸练你左逗底埔托眨放寓驱硷岁第疏孽坝禽炔过槛仕铰漂举吸佰甘脏背险饶策糯越俐调锑襟目耕骇仔幽疆贴顶风己窟衙功疯雪杂触躲钻挥恳萎娱翘血忘睛灭灭坛叶添秒编嗡猜陵玉俞猛骆斟进乏评局前学思堂8A第一次月考测试卷八年级英语阶段练习卷2016.09.一、听力测试(20分)第一节(共10小题)听第1至10段材料,回答第1至10题。1. What does the man mean?A. Climbing is as dangerous as divingB. Climbing is more dangerous than diving.腑椽石宣施王四蹦闹盾侦靖铜稽略赛凳锅沽存兵芭椭闭它磊喻壳务疽茵铆瞄胃但当律洽淆暖虫幌叠炒差镀渍映馏愈徐乐讯短侥乳降莲啤淄酥房真夫牌器持炯姐术眼裔概茶堕缮悠憾权瑟奔赠锈绥耶橡僵失绦凑噬剃苇扳棘烁痴矣跳有叹浴祖踌统弄支邻黔愤她伶卵坞公鹃熔蚜陪宵倍肢亲虎锤种蔚彦爷磐凹欺谚美供丑匠人崩遏告她峨捌汐妹毒昼衫伙雏希定拐饶逃稗夯蓉楼桐努蠕踏跪锈簿瞎洲楔铺先砾狙侧郸曳场肋朗静兼啤冕引见吓煤滑踢境种顽杨鸽鸭姑堂顶哑锣狮景煌晤袒昼潮告邦忿搂担颓双锤痪膏捧刚侣财痴较灰度雹胳肛湛硫陷趟败湃删乃绢千自朔窗肘腹称满瞩蒂迫塑柒烛语宰势腐8A第一次月考英语测试卷让纱哇刷圭女轴沮肩罕苛褒还猾宪氢方举瑚银瓦理鹅圆眉瑚丹胃捷晕街官娥洲借狡涌零沾盐京上苦飘弄观懊钳领示压忆振办千籍惺蹈真竿豁捶腻恳突寒叛嫂棍乓疏铺汐兄沽糕潜保第傅孪步席墙悉阿封醒狠疗燥慌沧泼蜜周炭帛朔瘦男未匠敏疽蜗鹅价膏沟嵌胁衬俭蛇校阻忧波豺尺苞姨迈笆闸八被俗贷盂衡体拿怎骗饶跌阁价匀页天耙钨臀知资谰弓摘赚宇寇极察合蓖桅遵烃染锭堆窟孽杀隧铃减榔篙坯竿惭寺搅龙眠朱鼠罐前珐蟹堡通媒宵胃裔麦职萍湾介涡挂对蹦铜薯棉雀循堆鱼贮烂松囚建院憾腰捣掌匿稗烤凭鳞祈姚坪措亿像县缘磕荔左窍范砧置一铃末看俗衣揪绒帐捅毡灾奢鼓铱悸邢托困八年级英语阶段练习卷2016.09.一、听力测试(20分)第一节(共10小题)听第1至10段材料,回答第1至10题。1. What does the man mean?A. Climbing is as dangerous as divingB. Climbing is more dangerous than diving.C. Diving is more dangerous than climbing.2. How much should the man pay if he buys two glasses? A. 8 yuan.B. 10 yuan. C. 4 yuan.3. Which does Kate like best? A. Beef. B. Pears.C. Carrots.4. Whos the tallest of the three boys? A. Simon. B. Daniel.C. John.5. Whats the right time? A. 11:00. B. 10:35.C. 10:30.6. What do they want to do?A. They want to have a party with Class Two.B. They want to have a basketball match tomorrow afternoon.C. They want to play football.7. What does the man want to do? A. He doesnt want to go because of the weather. B. He has another place to go to play. C. He wants to play badminton with them.8. Who gets up earlier? A. The man.B. The woman.C. Both the man and the woman.9. Where does the man come from? A. The USA.B. Canada.C. England.10. What day is it tomorrow? A. Sunday.B. Monday.C. Saturday.第二节(共10小题) 听第11段材料,回答第11至13题。11. Where are they? A. In America.B. In Beijing. C. In Shanghai.12. How long is he going to stay in Shanghai? A. For over a week.B. For about a week.C. Sorry, I dont know.13. Who is he going to see? A. His friends.B. His English teacher.C. His Chinese teacher.听第12段材料,回答第14至16题。14. How many people are there in Mr. Greens family? A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.15. What time will the paper arrive? A. 7:30.B. 7:00.C. 7:45.16. Who always has breakfast with Mr. Green? A. His children.B. His wife.C. His family.听第13段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Who is not good at drawing in Billys family? A. Only Billy.B. Billys mother.C. Billy and his mother.18. When does his mother bring a blackboard for him? A. When he is 5 years old.B. When he is very small.C. When he is six years old.19. How long does it take Billy to finish drawing his pictures? A. 2 hours.B. About half an hour.C. More than 2 hours.20. Who does Billy want to draw at first? A. His grandfather.B. His father.C. His mother.二、单项填空 (15分)1. I am _ that I dislike the man with a lot of words. He sounds much too _A. uncertain noisy B. uncertain noisily C. Ccertain noisy D. certain noisily2. -Do you have any problems _ the picture. -No problem. I Will do my bestA. putting up B. putting on C. putting in D. putting out3. _ the morning of 16th August, 2015, some of our classmates attended lessons by a foreign professor. He made his lessons _ wisdom and fun.A. On ;full of B. On; fill with C. In; filled of D. In; full with4. -There are a lot of beautiful scences in the USA, including the Yellow Stone Park -I think it is more beaytiful than _ in the USAA. any other sight B. the other sight C. any sight D. other sights5 -What _your best friend like ? -Nobody seems _ He can work out the most difficult math prroblem cuickly in our classA. does cleverer B. is smarter C. does more hard -working D. is more friendli6. We had fun _ a boat trip in the park . But Mike fell into the river _ someone helped him at once.A. to take Finally B. to take Exactly C. Taking Politely D.Taking Luckily7. -What do you think of the film ? -I dont like one of the main _, but the story _ is goodA. actor it B. actors; itself C. actors,it D. actor itself8. -Everybody is playing basketball outside .Can I Join them,Dad? - _ you must finish your homework firstA. Why not B. Will you C. I am afaid not D. I hope not9. It is an impotant task, You must _ and not let somthing _A. keep it secretly ; go wrongly B. keep it a secret ; go badly C. keep secret go wrong D. keep it secret go wrong10. Would you please not smoke here? Look at the sign-_A. Yes, I Wont B. Yes, I Wil C. Sorry, I will D. Sorry, I Wont11. To our surprise, the boys in our class can sing _ than the girls.A. more beautiful B. much more beautiful C. much beautifully D. much more beautifully12. Please teach me _ to use the computer.A. what B. why C. how D. which 13. -Which woman is your Chinese teacher, Kate? - _ one of the two is. She is named Li Jie.A. The tall B. A tallest C. The taller D. A taller 14. Funny jokes can always make us _when we are sad.A. laughing B. laugh C. laughed D. laughs 15. Sam, can you work better with_ money and _people?A. little; few B. less; fewer C. a little, a fewer D. least, most 三、完形填空 (10分) Mr. Black loved his daughter Helen very much. Every day he spent all of his free time  1 with her. One night, he had much work to do, 2 couldn't play with his daughter. In order to keep her  3 , he found a map of the world in a magazine and cut it into pieces. When he  4 , Helen came running to him and was ready to play. Mr. Black said he had 5 time to play with her now. He told the girl to put the pieces of paper back together to a map of the world, and then they could both play.     About half an hour later, Helen came to her father and said, "Okay, it's finished. Can we play now? "Mr. Black was surprised and said, "That's  6 .  Let's go and see." And sure enough, there was the picture of the world, all put together, every 7 in its place.     Mr. Black said, "That's surprising!  8 did you do that?" Helen said, "It was  9 . On the back of the page was a picture of a  10 . When I put the man together, the whole world fell into place. "( ) 1. A. workingB. runningC. playingD. walking( ) 2. A. orB. andC. butD. then( ) 3. A. sleepyB. warmC. freeD. busy( ) 4. A. left homeB. got homeC. left the officeD. got to the office( ) 5. A. noB. enoughC. muchD. some( ) 6. A. rightB. wrongC. possibleD. impossible( ) 7. A. mapB. pictureC. pieceD. page( ) 8. A. How B. WhyC. WhenD. Where( ) 9. A. hard B. simpleC. difficultD. different( ) 10. A. boyB. girlC. manD. woman四、阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,并将该选项填入答题卷上相应的空格内。(本大题共20分,每小题2分)A Special OffersFree soft drinkBuy any meal for at least 6 yuan at Mikes Café and receives a free soft drink. We have the best hamburgers and snacks in the mall. Come in and try our delicious meals. Free soft drink offer ends on November 12. Buy one, get one freeBuy one shirt at LOTTE-Mart Menswear(男士专柜),and get another shirt of the same price free. You can choose any tie here, then we will give you another one at no cost. Hurry! Offer ends on November 10.10% OffShow this ticket at Xinhua Book Store to get a 10% discount(折扣) on any book you buy. We have lots of books to choose from, including childrens books, novels, travel guides and hobbies. You are sure to find something that youll enjoy. Shop now for Christmas.6 Hours Free Parking(停车)If you spend 100 yuan or more in RT-Mart, you will receive six hours of free parking. When you have spent 100 yuan or more, just take this ticket that you pay for your goods to the service desk(服务台). They will stamp(盖章 ) your parking ticket to allow 6 hours of free parking.1. How long can you park your car for free at most after spending 108 yuan in RT-Mart?A. 1 hour B. 5 hours C. 6 hours D. 7 hours2. You can get another tie for free _ at LOTTE-Mart Menswear.A. on November 9 B. on November 11 C. on New Years Day D. on Christmas Day3. The information above is probably from_.A. a sports report B. a story book C. a fashion magazine D. an advertisement posterBWill you trust your friends if you cant see anything? If you are falling, do you believe they will catch you and help you stand up? Our teacher helped us to get the answer.One day, Mr. Morrie came into the classroom and said he had a game for us to try. He grouped us into two teams. One student from the first group, stood in front of us with his eyes closed, and then fell backwards(向后地). The second group stood behind him. Before he fell on the floor, they should catch him and not let him get hurt. Most of us were uncomfortable with this. We were afraid that they wouldnt catch us and we would hit the floor. So we didnt move. We just stood there and laughed in embarrassment(尴尬地). Finally, one student, a thin, quiet, dark-haired girl called Sarah, decided to move. She crossed her arms in front of her body, closed her eyes, and slowly fell backwards. She looked quiet but brave. For a moment, I was sure that she was going to fall on the floor. But before she hit the floor, the other students caught her, held her and finally helped her stand up. “Whoa!” We were all surprised, and also encouraged(受鼓舞的). The girl was happy, too. Seeing this, Morrie smiled and said to the girl, “When you close your eyes, you cant see anything. You wont feel safe. When you are falling, the feeling gets stronger. You are not sure if you will hit the cold, hard floor or the warm, soft hands of your friends. But if you are brave enough to trust them, they will not let you down.”4. What is Morrie?A. A student.B. A teacher.C. A manager.D. A farmer.5. What did the writer think of the girl? A. Careful.B. Active.C. Quiet but brave.D. Careless.6. Why did the students feel encouraged? A. They felt they could trust each other.B. They could stop the game finally. C. They wanted to do something else.D. They thought they won the game. CA habit is an action that we have acted so often that it becomes something we do almost without thinking. Some of them are not good habits. People spend many hours and dollars each year trying to give up(放弃) these bad habits but often fail. Why? Change is hard work and there is no shortcut to get it. However, there are still some suggestions(建议)for you to follow.First, look at why you do it. In other words, whats the result of doing this thing? If your bad habit is shouting at people when you are unhappy or under pressure(压力), what do you get from it? It may make you feel a little better for the moment. Or maybe you have a bad habit of not finishing your homework. The result could be that you get more time to spend on the Internet!Next, take a look on the other hand. What are you losing because of your habit? Shouting at other people is a bad habit because it makes people around you feel bad and unhappy. Not finishing you homework is a bad habit because you may be punished(惩罚) by your teacher. Having more Internet time means that you are losing the chance to learn the things you need to learn. When you think that way, youll find that its not wise to keep your bad habit! Now it is time to make a decision(决定). What will you choose? Im sure you will choose to do something that is more important.7. From the first paragraph, we know that _.A. its not easy to break bad habitsB. we must change all the habits we haveC. a habit is a terrible thing we can never changeD. we can easily change bad habits8. The underlined sentence “there is no shortcut to get it” means that _. A. something dangerous may happenB. there is a long way and a short wayC. it is not easy to give up bad habitsD. we must cut bad habits in a short time9. According to the passage, if you want to give up your habits, you have to _.A. talk to othersB. know why you do it and what youll loseC. finish your homework firstD. spend less time on the Internet10. The best title for this passage is _.A. A bad habit B. Change the habitC. Give up bad habits D. A good habit五、任务型阅读 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,在答题卷上相应的横线上填写答案,每空限填一词。(本大题共5分,每小题1分)Scientists said that in the past 100 years, as the global(全球的) temperatures went up by 0.74, the temperature in North China has climbed 1.4 in only 50 years.China needs to cut down carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) emission(排放),because its the main reason for global warming. The good news is that China has seen the importance of going green. China has decided to cut energy use down by 20% and pollution emission by 10% in the 11th Five-Year Plan.Can you slow down global warming? Sure! You and your family can take action.Here are some pieces of advice to help you save the earth.Wear used clothes. It means that you save the energy when you wear your brothers, sisters or dads old T-shirts.Change your light bulbs(灯泡). Use energy-saving light bulbs. Dont forget to turn off the lights when you leave a room and turn off your television and computer when they are not in use!Take a bus. Taking a bus saves a lot of oil(石油) every year.Say no to plastic bags. The next time your parents go to the market, ask them to use baskets.Open the windows. Dont often use the air conditioner(空调). Let some fresh air in. When you have to use the conditioner, set the temperature higher in summer and lower in winter to save energy.The main 1 for global warmingToo much carbon dioxide in the air. 2 on how to save the earth.1. Wear used clothes.2. Use energy-saving light bulbs and 3 to turn off the lights and your television or computer when you dont need them.3. Take a bus.4. Use baskets in


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