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    专业英语项目作业指导教师班 级姓 名学 号齐齐哈尔工程学院电气工程及其自动化专业2016年12月29日基于PLC的锅炉燃烧控制系统1引言燃烧控制系统是电厂锅炉的主控系统,主要包括燃料控制系统、风量控制系统、炉膛压力控制系统。目前大部分电厂的锅炉燃烧控制系统仍然采用PID控制。燃烧控制系统由主蒸汽压力控制和燃烧率控制组成串级控制系统,其中燃烧率控制由燃料量控制、送风量控制、引风量控制构成,各个子控制系统分别通过不同的测量、控制手段来保证经济燃烧和安全燃烧。2控制方案锅炉燃烧自动控制系统的基本任务是使燃料燃烧所提供的热量适应外界对锅炉输出的蒸汽负荷 的要求,同时还要保证锅炉安全经济运行。一台锅炉的燃料量、送风量和引风量三者的控制任务 是不可分开的,可以用三个控制器控制这三个控制变量,但彼此之间应互相协调, 才能可靠工作。对给定出水温度的情况,则需要调节鼓风量与给煤量的比例,使锅炉运行在最佳燃烧状态。同时 应使炉膛内存在一定的负压,以维持锅炉热效率、避免炉膛过热向外喷火,保证了人员的安全和 环境卫生。2.1控制系统总体框架设计燃烧过程自动控制系统的方案,与锅炉设备的类型、运行方式及控制要求有关,对不同的情况与 要求,控制系统的设计方案不一样。将单元机组燃烧过程被控对象看作是一个多变量系统,设计 控制系统时,充分考虑工程实际问题,既保证符合运行人员的操作习惯,又要最大限度的实施燃 烧优化控制。控制系统的总体框架如图 1所示。褚圧迄行主P:设定旳计算核以主屋力控制茶统F-t计算模块< H1林和 E;l迭凤BE慎糊Fe徐亚飞,温箱温度 PID与预测控测控制.2004,28:554-5572图1单元机组燃烧过程控制原理图P为机组负荷热量信号。控制系统包括:滑压运行主汽压力设定值计算模块(由热力系统实 验获得数据,再拟合成可用 DCS折线功能块实现的曲线)、负荷一送风量模糊计算模块、主蒸汽 压力控制系统和送、引风控制系统等。主蒸汽压力控制系统采用常规串级PID控制结构。2.2燃料量控制系统当外界对锅炉蒸汽负荷的要求变化时,必须相应的改变锅炉燃烧的燃料量。燃料量控制是锅 炉控制中最基本也是最主要的一个系统。因为给煤量的多少既影响主汽压力,也影响送、引风量 的控制,还影响到汽包中蒸汽蒸发量及汽温等参数,所以燃料量控制对锅炉运行有重大影响。燃 料控制可用图2简单表示。图2燃料量控制策略其中:NB为锅炉负荷要求;B为燃料量;F(x)为执行机构。设置燃料量控制子系统的目的之一就是利用它来消除燃料侧内部的自发扰动,改善系统的调节品质。另外,由于大型机组容量大,各部分之间联系密切,相互影响不可忽略。特别是燃料品 种的变化、投入的燃料供给装置的台数不同等因素都会给控制系统带来影响。燃料量控制子系统 的设置也为解决这些问题提供了手段。2.3送风量控制系统为了实现经济燃烧,当燃料量改变时,必须相应的改变送风量,使送风量与燃料量相适应。 燃料量与送风量的关系见图 3。2图3燃料量与送风量关系燃烧过程的经济与否可以通过剩余空气系数是否合适来衡量,过剩空气系数通常用烟气的含氧量来间接表示。实现经济燃烧最基本的方法是使风量与燃料量成一定的比例。送风量控制子系统的任务就是使锅炉的送风量与燃料量相协调,可以达到锅炉的最高热效 率,保证机组的经济性,但由于锅炉的热效率不能直接测量,故通常通过一些间接的方法来达到 目的。如图4所示,以实测的燃料量 B作为送风量调节器的给定值,使送风量V和燃料量B成一定的比例。图4燃料量空气调节系统在稳态时,系统可保证燃料量和送风量间满足B=%Vfyf选择v使送风量略大于 B完全燃烧所需要的理论空气量。这个系统的优点是实现简单,可 以消除来自负荷侧和燃料侧的各种扰动。2.4引风量控制系统为了保持炉膛压力在要求的范围内,引风量必须与送风量相适应。炉膛压力的高低也关系着 锅炉的安全和经济运行。炉膛压力过低会使大量的冷风漏入炉膛,将会增大引风机的负荷和排烟 损失,炉膛压力太低甚至会引起内爆;反之炉膛压力高且高出大气压力的时候,会使火焰和烟气 冒出,不仅影响环境卫生,甚至可能影响设备和人生安全。弓I风量控制子系统的任务是保证一定 的炉膛负压力,且炉膛负压必须控制在允许范围内,一般在-20Pa左右。33高国章,温箱温度PID与预测控测控制.2004 , 28(4) : 554-5572控制炉膛负压的手段是调节引风机的引风量,其主要的外部扰动是送风量。作为调节对象,炉膛烟道的惯性很小,无论在内扰和外扰下,都近似一个比例环节。一般采用单回路调节系统并加以前馈的方法进行控制,如图 5所示。图5引风量控制子系统图中TS为炉膛负压给定值,S为实测的炉膛负压,Q为引风量,V为送风量。由于炉膛负压实际上决定于送风量和引风量的平衡,故利用送风量作为前馈信号,以改善系统的调节性能。另 外,由于调节对象相当于一个比例环节,被调量反应过于灵敏,为了防止小幅度偏差引起引风机 挡板的频繁动作,可设置调节器的比例带自动修正环节,使得在小偏差时增大调节器的比例带。 对于负压S的测量信号,也需进行低通滤波,以抑制测量值的剧烈波动。3系统硬件配置在锅炉燃烧过程中,用常规仪表进行控制,存在滞后、间歇调节、烟气中氧含量超过给定值、 低负荷和烟气温度过低等问题。采用PLC对锅炉进行控制时,由于它的运算速度快、精度高、准上他机4确可靠,可适应复杂的、难于处理的控制系统。因而,可以解决以上由常规仪表控制难以解决的 问题。所选择的PLC系统要求具有较强的兼容性,可用最小的投资使系统建成及运转;其次,当 设计的自动化系统要有所改变时,不需要重新编程,对输入、输出系统不需要再重新接线,不须 重新培训人员,就可使 PLC系统升级;最后,系统性能较高。硬件结构图如图6所示。图6硬件结构图曾贵娥,邱丽,石油化工自动化,2005,7:89-91根据系统的要求,选取西门子PLCS7-200 CPU226作为控制核心,同时还扩展了2个EM231模拟量输入模块和 1个CP243-1以太网模块。CPU226的I/O点数是2416,这样完全可以满足系 统的要求。同时,选用了EM231模块,它是AD转换模块,具有 4个模拟量输入,12位A/D,其采样速度25 S,温度传感器、压力传感器、流量传感器以及含氧检测传感器的输出信号经过调 理和放大处理后,成为 05V的标准信号,EM231模块自动完成 A/D转换。S7-200的PPI接口的物理特性为 RS-485,可在PPI、MPI和自由通讯口方式下工作。为实现 PLC与上位机的通讯提供了多种选择。为实现人机对话功能,如系统状态以及变量图形显示、参数修改等,还扩展了一块Eview500系列的触摸显示屏,操作控制简单、方便,可用于设置系统参数,显示锅炉温度等。还有一个以太网模块CP243-1,其作用是可以让 S7-200直接连入以太网,通过以太网进行远距离交换数据, 与其他的S7-200进行数据传输,通信基于 TCP安装方便、简单。4系统软件设计控制程序采用STEP7-Micro Win软件以梯形图方式编写,其软件框图如图7所示。图7软件主框图S7-200PLC给出了一条PID指令,这样省去了复杂的PID算法编程过程,大大方便了用户的使用。使用PID指令有以下要点和经验:(1) 比例系数和积分时间常数的确定。应根据经验值和反复调试确定。(2) 调节量、给定量、输出量等参数的标准归一化转换。(3) 按正确顺序填写 PID回路参数表(LOOP TABLE,分配好各参数地址。5结束语单元机组燃烧过程控制系统在某火电厂发电机组锅炉协调控制系统中投入使用。实际运行情况表明:由于引入负荷模糊前馈,使得锅炉燃烧控制系统作为协调控制的子系统,跟随机组负荷 变化的能力显著提高,风煤比能够在静态和动态过程中保持一致;送、引风控制系统在逻辑控制 系统的配合下运行的平稳性和安全性提高,炉膛负压波动减小,满足了运行的要求;在机组负荷 不变时,锅炉燃烧稳定,各被调参数动态偏差显著减少,实现了锅炉的优化燃烧; 采用非线性PID调节方式,解决了引风挡板的晃动问题。采用西门子的PLC控制,不仅简化了系统,提高了设备的可靠性和稳定性,同时也大幅地提 高了燃烧能的热效率。通过操作面板修改系统参数可以满足不同的工况要求,机组的各种信息, 如工作状态、故障情况等可以声光报警及文字形式表示出来,主要控制参数(温度值)的实时变化情况以趋势图的形式记录显示,方便了设备的操作和维护,该系统通用性好、扩展性强,直观易 操作。66朱学峰.PID控制器参数整定方法的仿真与实验研究THE PLC-BASED BOILER COMBUSTION CONTROL SYSTEM1 In troducti onCombusti on con trol system is the master of the power pla nt boiler system, which including a fuel control system, air flow control system, and furnace pressure control system. Most of the power pla nt boiler combustio n con trol system is still using PID control. Combustion control system by the main steam pressure control and the burn rate con trol to form a cascade con trol system, in which the combusti on rate con trol is con trolled by the amount of fuel, air volume con trol, cited air volume con trol con stitute. Each sub-c on trol system is respectively, and through the differe nt measureme nt can con trol methods to en sure econo mic bur ning combusti on and safety.2 The con trol programBoiler burning the basic task of the automatic control system is to make fuel combustio n, so that can provide heat to adapt to the requireme nts of the boiler output steam load. But it must to ensure the safe and economic operation of the boiler. A boiler fuel, air supply and bleed air volume con trol of the three tasks are not separate. These three con trol variables can be con trolled with three con trollers, but each other should be co-coord in ated in order to work reliably. To set the water temperature, you n eed to adjust the blast volume and the proportion in the amount of coal to the boiler running at optimum combustion state. When the furnace memory at a certain negative pressure, it can maintain the boiler thermal efficiency and avoid the outward flame of the furnace overheated in order to ensure the safety of pers onnel and en vir onmen tal hygie ne.2.1 The con trol system in the overall framework of desig nCombustion process automatic control system the program and the type of boiler equipment, operation and control requirements, it related to the different circumstances and requireme nts. Unit power pla nt combusti on process con trolled object see n as a multivariable systems, desig n con trol system and fully con sider the practical engin eeri ng problems. Both of them can ensure that operating personnel not only accustomedto the operation, but also to maximize the implementation of the combustion optimization. The overall framework of the control system is shown in Figure 1.FL(x)l.ctFI出l"E=l 口 ILcrclilnjr nQmbumt iontlHO-cnmwr-、pe-4Figure 1 unit power plant combustion process control schematicP is the unit load heat signal. The control system includes: sliding pressure operation of the main team pressure setting value calculation module (obtained by the thermal system experimental data, fitted curve of the available DCS poly line function block), the load-air supply fuzzy calculati on module, and the main steam pressure con trol system and sent as quoted in the air con trol system. The mai n steam pressure con trol system uses conven ti onal cascade PID con trol structure.2.2 The amount of fuel con trol systemWhen outside the requirements of the boiler steam load changes, it must be appropriate to cha nge the amount of fuel bur ned by the boiler. The fuel con trol is a system boiler control the basic and important part. It also affects not only the main steam pressure to the amount of coal sent to lead the air flow control, also affects the steam evaporation and steam temperature and other parametersin the drum So the amount of fuel control have a major impact on boiler operation. Fuel control can be used in Figure 2.Figure 2 the amount of fuel con trol strategyOf which: NB the requirements for the boiler load; B is the amount of fuel; F (x) as the executi ng age ncy.One of the purposes set the amount of fuel con trol subsystem is to use it to elim in ate the fuel side of the internal spontan eous disturba nee and improve the quality of regulatio n. In addition, due to the large capacity of the units, between the various parts closely linked and in flue nee each other can not be igno red. In particular, cha nges in fuel type, and put into the fuel supply device and the number of different factors to the control system. The fuel con trol subsystem setti ng also provides the means to address these issues.2.3 Air volume con trol systemIn order to achieve econo mic combusti on, whe n the amount of fuel cha nges, it must be appropriate to cha nge the air flow, so that cha nge the air supply and the amount of fuel. The relati on ship betwee n the amount of fuel and air supply are show n in Figure 3.33YQ100air supplyFigure 3 the amount of fuel and air supply relati on shipCombustio n process in the economy whether or not is measuredby the surplus air coefficie nt, excess air coefficie nt is usually in direct effects the oxyge n content of the flue gas. The most basic econo mic combusti on air volume and the amount of fuel must be in a certa in proporti on.Air supply con trol subsystem task is to make the boiler air supply and fuel the amount of phase coordination, the boiler the highest thermal efficiency can be achieved, to ensure the unit economics, but the boiler thermal efficiency can not direct measurements,and therefore usually through some in direct methods to achieve purpose. Show n in Figure 4, measured the amount of fuel B as the air flow regulator for a given value, the air volume V and the amount of fuel B in to a certa in proporti on.Figure 4 the amount of fuel air-c on diti oning systemsIn the steady state, the system can guarantee the amount of fuel and air supply to meet BSelect : v air volume is slightly larger than the theoretical air B complete combustion needs. The advantage of this system is simple; it can be eliminated from the load side and fuel side of the various disturba nces.2.4 Citati on of air volume con trol systemThe exte nt required in order maintaining the furn ace pressure of the wind and the air supply to adapt Furn ace pressure will also in flue nee the level of security and econo mic operation of the boiler. Furnace pressure is too low to make a lot of cold air to leak into the furn ace will in crease the load and smoke damage in duced draft fan, the furn ace pressure is too low and may even cause the implosion; furnace pressure higher than atmospheric pressure, will The flames and smoke to emerge, not only a health hazard, and may eve n affect the equipment and life safety. Lead the task of the air volume control subsystem is to en sure that the furn ace n egative pressure, and vacuum fur nace must be con trolled with in the allowable ran ge, gen erally-20Pa .Mea ns to con trol the furn ace pressure and adjust the amount of induced draft fan, induced draft fan, its main external disturbanee is the air supply. As a regulator of the inertia of the furnace flue, no matter, including interferenceand outside in terfere nee are similar to a proporti onal comp onent. Gen erally use a si ngleloop controller system, plus the method of the feed forward control is shown in Figure 5Figure 5 cited the air volume con trol subsystemFurn ace pressure and the figure for a give n value, S is the measured fur nace pressure and Q is the lead air volume, V is the air supply. Furnace pressure and actually determine the balance of air volume and the amount of the wind, the air flow as a feed forward signal to improve the regulatio n performa nce of the system .In additi on, because the adjustme nt object is equivale nt to a proporti onal comp onent, was the amount of reacti on is too sen sitive, in order to preve nt minor deviatio ns caused by the freque nt action of the in duced draft fan baffle, you can set the ratio of the regulator with auto-correction link, making a small deviati on in crease regulator proporti onal band. S is measure sig nal for the n egative pressure, and the need for low-pass filter to suppress the volatility of the measured value, the system hardware con figuratio n.Conventional instruments in the boiler combustion process control, lag, intermittent adjustme nt, the oxyge n content in the flue gas exceeds a give n value, low load and low flue gas temperature. Adopts PLC to control the boiler, due to its fast computing speed, high precisi on, accurate and reliable, can be adapted to the complex and difficult to deal with the con trol system. Thus, you can solve a difficult problem to solve the above con trol by conventional instruments. The selected PLC system requires a strong compatibility with minimum investment in the system to the completion and operation. Secondly, when the desig n automati on system to cha nge does not require re-program ming, in put and output system does not require. The wiri ng does not n eed to re-tra in of pers onn el, would en able the PLC system upgrade. Finally, higher system is performance. The hardware structure is show n in Figure 6.Figure 6 hardware structureAccordi ng to the requireme nts of the system, select Sieme ns PLCS7-200 CPU226 as control core, and it also extends the two EM231 Analog Input Modules and a CP243-1 Ethernet module. The CPU226 I/O point is 2416, so that fully meet the requirements of the system. At the same time, the choice of the EM231 module, which is the A/D conv erter module has four an alog in puts 12 A/D, its sampli ng rate of 25 卩 stemperature sen sors, pressure sen sors, flow sen sors and oxyge n detect ion sen sor output sig nal con diti oning and amplification processing become the standard signal of 05V, the EM231 module automatically complete the A/D conv erter.The physical characteristics of the S7-200 PPI in terface RS-485 can work in the PPI, MPI, and free com muni cati on port mode. It provides a variety of optio ns for com muni catio n betwee n PC and PLC.For the realizati on of the man-machi ne dialogue fun cti on, such as system status and variable graphics, parameter changes, etc., but also extends a Eview500 series of touch screen, simple, convenient operation control, can be used to set system parameters, display the boiler temperature. There is an Ether net module CP243-1, whose role is to allow the S7-200 directly conn ected to Ether net via Ether net I on g-dista nee excha nge data with other S7-200 for data tran smissi on, com muni cati on based on TCPIP easy to in stall, simple.3 system software desig nControl procedures using the STEP 7-Micro Win Software, ladder way to write its software block diagram show n in Figure 7.Figure 7 the main block diagram softwareS7-200PLC give n to a PID in structi on, thus elim in at ing the n eed for complex PID algorithm programming process, which is the greatly facilitates the use of the user. Using the PID instruction has the following main points and experienee: The scale factor and the in tegrati on time con sta nt. Should be determ ined based on experie nee and repeated debuggi ng. Adjust the volume, normalized to the quantitative output parameters of the sta ndard con versi on. Fill in the correct order of the PID loop parameter table (LOOP TABLE), allocated to each parameter address.4 Con clusi onsUnit power plant combustion process control system is put into use in a thermal power pla nt gen erati ng un its boiler coor


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