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    九年级英语上册 Module 9 Great inventions单元练习题(无答案)(新版)外研版.doc

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    九年级英语上册 Module 9 Great inventions单元练习题(无答案)(新版)外研版.doc

    Module 9 单元练习题短语词组from the centre of Australia 此时在第一天 乘飞机游览对感到吃惊 be _ 变成深蓝色have a close relationship with sb. be like澳大利亚人最喜欢的食物 The foods _ Australians _ lie in the sun 以他们自己的方式例如 别担心它在第二天 去骑马 go _坐飞机回悉尼take _ Sydney一次美妙的旅行 a _单项选择1. Have you finished your schoolwork yet? No, Ill finish in _thirty minutes.A. otherB. othersC. anotherD. the other2. Wow! Youve got two skirts. But _ of them is in fashion now. A. bothB. all C. neitherD. none3. It _ outside. Why not take an umbrella with you?A. rainsB. rained C. is raining D. has rained4. Jack, are you familiar _ the Science Museum in London? Of course. Ive already learned it in Module 5. A. withB. to C. forD. of5. The Whites will go fishing next Saturday _ the weather is fine. A. afterB. unlessC. untilD. if6. Bettys elder sister _ in Beijing Normal University since last year. A. workB. workedC. has workedD. will work7. How is your mother today? Thanks to the doctor, she feels much _.A. badB. well C. worstD. better8. The Sydney Opera House _ a huge sailing boat _ water on three sides. A. likes; ofB. is like; ofC. is like; withD. likes; with9. May I touch the exhibits? No, you _. Look at the sign over there! A. needntB. mustnt C. wouldnt D. wont10. _ will your best friend, Gaudi, come back from America? In five days, I think. A. How longB. How soon C. How often D. How many阅读理解AJohn is twelve years old. He had a bad cold and coughed (咳嗽) day and night. He went to see a doctor. The doctor gave him some cough medicine. Cough Medicine Shake it well before use. Take it three times a day before meals.AgeDose over 142 spoonfuls 8131 spoonful471/2 spoonfulNot right for children below the age of three. Put it in a cold place. Use it before December 1st 2011.生词:dose:一次药量 spoonful 一勺(的量)1. John should take _ a time.A. 1/2 spoonful B. 1 spoonful C. 2 spoonfuls D. 3 spoonfuls 2. The medicine should be kept _.A. in a cold place B. in hot water C. near children D. in the sun3. John should take the medicine_.A. only in the morning B. two times a day C. before going to bed D .three times a day BThere was a girl whose parents died years ago. She had no sisters or brothers. She felt sad and lonely. She wanted to be loved very much. One day, when she was walking in a forest, she saw a dragonfly(蜻蜓) caught in a thorn bush(多刺灌木丛). No matter how hard it tried to free itself, it failed every time. The little girl was very sorry for it. She ran to set it free at once. But to her great surprise, the dragonfly didnt fly away, it changed into a beautiful fairy(仙女) instead. The beautiful fairy said to the girl, “I must die without your help. Because of your kindness, you can get whatever you want from me.” You may not believe that the girl wanted neither gold nor houses. She told the fairy that she wanted to be happy most. The fairy said something in a low voice in her ear. Then she disappeared. From then on, the little girl was happy every day. She was kind to everyone around her. Other people asked her the secret of her happiness. She smiled and said, “The secret of my happiness is that I listened to a good fairy.” When she was very old and dying, all her neighbors stood around her bed and asked her the secret of happiness. They were afraid that the secret of happiness would die with her. The lovely old lady smiled and said, “The good fairy told me everyone needed me, no matter whether they were young or old, rich or poor, men or women.”4. How did the girl feel at the beginning of the story?A. Sad and lonely. B. Pleased and joyful. C. Afraid and angry. D. Happy and excited.5. When the girl was _, she saw a dragonfly.A. playing with her neighborB. walking in the forestC. crying for her dead motherD. helping others6. What did the girl want from the fairy? A. Gold.B. Houses.C. To be happy.D. To be rich.7. What would be the best title of the passage?A. What is happiness. B. A dragonfly. C. A fairy.D. What the girl needs.用所给的词汇填空。 was surprised at; worry about; for; are like; was left at the moment; that I rode has no trees or grass 1. I am busy _, so I cant go there with you.2. The horse _ was lazy.3. Dont _ our English. Well work hard.4. They go to the beach _ swimming and surfing.5. The middle of the country _, just rocks and sand.6. I _ the news that the man died yesterday.7. They _ us in many ways.8. I _ far behind the others.完成句子1. 他们最喜欢的比赛是澳式足球。The game _ is Australian football.2. 澳大利亚人和英国人有着紧密的联系。 The Australians _ the British.3. 第二天,我们去骑马。On _, we went _.4. 艾尔斯岩有3.6千米长,348米高。Ayers Rock is _and _.5


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