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    读后续写写作技巧: 1:提取原文有效的文本信息及重点词汇。What,who, when, why,where,how 2: 所续写的内容要符合逻辑合理推测: (A)符合原文中的人物性格,年龄,事件发生的时间,地点等。 (B) 逻辑要连贯合理。要符合句首所给逻辑,最后一般主题圆满,最后的结局要能与原文呼应。 (C)情节设定要符合现实的真实性,而不是写科幻小说或神话,不要太天马行空。情节有基本的起承转合即可,不要太过于曲折,把重心放在起承转合的具体描述上。 (D) 要有场景,人物,道具,时间,地点,对话,动作,心理,互动等描写,必须有以上细节描写,不能泛泛而谈。 三剑客:场景 +动作 +心理 (E) 尽量不要凭空额外加入有名有姓的人,但可以加入群众。可适当加入合理的道具。要紧扣主题,不要有太多不相干的描写。 (F) 句子有亮点,要么是句型亮点,要么是词汇亮点。 (邓慧莲),句型 三大从句:定从,状从,名词性从句 Be about to do / be doing / had done .when So that/ sothat Tooto Feeling / wondering/not knowing /having no idea ., i. curious / regretful / deeply touched / sorrowful ., i . Despite my efforts to pick it up,. with her timely help,./ with the lost book in hand whenever / whatwever / whoever/ however. never will it fade from my memory. 词汇:注重动词的使用与换词 Said murmur / shout / scream / whisper/yell/add / explain Stood up/ passed it to me / gave me a hug / knelt down/ , saying. look for-seek for find-spot,10月月考 Para 1: When I got up to get off the bus, my schoolbag was stuck in the armrest. I didnt notice it and stood up with all my strength. Unfortunately, my schoolbag was torn apart and all the contents fell on the ground. I knelt down to pick them up. Suddenly, I saw a hand passing me some of the books. I looked up and found it was Emily who was helping me. With her help, I put all the contents back to my schoolbag. I began to talk with her and was surprised to find that we had much in common. Para. 2: I got noticed by Emily, who brought me courage to start a new friendship! One day when I told her that I admired her and how I wished to be a friend of hers, she said, “We have already been friends.” I felt so happy that I even sang a song. Hearing my song, she thought highly of it and asked me to teach her to sing it. She made me realize how unique I was and at last I came out of me shell.,潍坊 On the day of Tylers return, I stood at the door awaiting him. At last he came, with his hands in his pockets. I went up to him and said hello. I wanted to break the ice. I asked him to talk to me for a moment. Taylor seemed reluctant at first, but finally agreed. I told him I was eager to start over with him. At the same time, I told him that if he couldnt control himself sometimes in class, he could step out of the door for a while to collect himself. A spark of surprise flashed across his face. He was stunned there, staring at me with wide eyes. But it was always pleasant to be believed in. He made up his mind that he had the power to choose his own way of behaving. From then on, Taylor listened carefully and took an active part in class. He spared every minute to study. At the end of the year, Tyler wrote me a thank-you note telling me how great his year had been. I still have that note today, and it moves me to reread it when Im stressed about teaching.,Thank you,


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