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    初一升初二基础知识复习及能力训练题(A) 完形填空|Hello, every one! Come and have a look at our Dessert House(甜品店)! Would you like _41_ dessert? Doyou enjoy eating with your friends? I have a good place to _42_ you.Dessert House is not big, _43_ it is a great place. There are six waiters in it. They re frien dly. The chairand tables there are _44_ green. The color makes people hungry(饥饿的 ).You can _45_ music when you reeati ng in Dessert House. _46_ you don liket to eat dessert, you can eat some other food like dumpli ngs, no odles , soup and so on ( 等等).s veThere is a great _47_ every day at Dessert House, sometimes fruit ice creams with apples or strawberries, sometimes other dessert. Special fruit ice cream is on ly 1.00 yua n _48_ two. Also, they put a small _49_ in some ice creams. If you have this kind of dumpli ng ice cream, you can get a free ice cream. It_50_.()41. A. to eatB. eat ingC. ateD.eats()42. A. tellB. askC. teachD.call()43. A. andB. forC. butD.because()44. A. allB. someC. eitherD.every()45. A. listenB. to liste nC. liste ning toD.liste n to()46. A. BeforeB. IfC. WhoD.Where()47A beefB. specialC.cabbageD.tomato()48. A. forB. ofC. i nD.with()49 A penB. orangeC. dumpli ngD.potato()50.A. expe nsiveB. badC. terribleD.in teresti ng用所给词的正确形式填空。根据句意,用括号内单词的正确形式完成句子。75. The popular movie star is of medium(high).76. I had a great time(watch) TV yesterday evening.77. They made a fire(keep) warm and cook food on.78. The twin sisters look the same but do things(different).79. The number of the students(be) 60 in our class.80. Lily always(walk) to school last year.完成句子。根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。81. Tim put up a tent with his parents.(改为否定句 )Timup a tent with his pare nts.82. I bought the watch two years ago.(改为一般疑问句 )youthe watch two years ago?83. Jack goes to the beach with his parents on the weekend.(对戈U线部分提问 )Jack go to the beach with his pare nts?84. My friends are singing and dancing at the party.(对戈U线部分提问 )are your friendsat the party?85. My holiday in Japan was pretty good.( 对划线部分提问 )your holiday in Japa n?初一升初二基础知识复习及能力训练题86. It took Gina two hours to do her homework yesterday.( 改为同义句)Gi natwo hoursher homework yesterday.87. The boy has short curly hair. He wears glasses.(合并为一句 )The boyshort curly hairglasses.88. 付费电话在图书馆的对面。(完成译句)The pay phone isthe library.89. 当我们向外看时,一条大蛇正在火堆边睡觉。(完成译句)Whe n we looked outside, wea big sn aken ear the fire.短文填空Once there was a poor little girl living near a forest. She had no family and no one to love her. So she often_90_ sad. One day, when she was walking in the forest, she found that a small butterfly was hurt(受伤 ).Thebutterfly wan ted _91_ fly away but failed( 失败).The kind little girl helped the butterfly. After that, the butterfly turned into(变成 )a beautiful fairy ( 仙女 ).The little girl got a _92_.“ Thank you for _93_ me. You are so kin d. I will make any of your dreams come_94_. ” said the fairy. The little girl thought for a minute and then said,“ I want to be _95_!“ Very well. I will help you. ” And she said somethi ng to her and flew away.Whe n the kind little girl grew up, she always helped other poor people in the village. She was so happy everyKrocs family is very poor(穷),so he works in a restaura nt(餐馆) to make some money after school. Theboss(老板)asks41 to clea n the tables every day. Kroc is very42day. A pers on asked _96_ why she was so happy. She smiled and an swered,_97_ I liste ned to a ki nd fairywhe n 1 was a little girl.” day Kroc43 home late. After dinner, Kroc says to his father, “Idon want to go to therestaura nt tomorrow. I want44 a boss. I don want to clean the tables every day. ” His father45 anything. He asks Kroc to clea n the table. Kroc clea ns the table quickly. The n his father wipes(擦)thetable with a white cloth (布) and the cloth becomes( 变得 )very dirty. His father says to his son, Ray Kroc,easy for you to clean a table,46 you can t clean it very well. 47can you be the boss?” RayKroc s face gets red.He 48 forgets his f ather s words (话).49 that, he uses five cloths each time to clean thetables. He50 hard all the time. The boss likes him a lot and makes him new boss of the restaura nt.Ten years later, Ray Kroc ope ns his first restaura nt compa ny(公司)McDo n alds.41A heB himC hisD he s42.A.happyB. in terest ingC.unhappyD. fun43.A. arrives atB. arrivesC. gets toD. arrives in44.A. to beB. amC. beD. make45.A. saysB.speaksC. does n t talkD.doesn t say46.A. andB. thenC. butD. because初一升初二基础知识复习及能力训练题47.A.HowB. WhereC. WhoD.What48.A.doesn tB. neverC. notD.no49.A.BeforeB. AtC. I nD.After50.A.workB. eatC. worksD.eats用所给词的正确形式填空。70. My grandma usually(go) to bed at 10:00 every night.71. You must(do)your homework before you watch TV, Kathy.72. Jack is a good boy, and he is always(friend) to others.73. Remember to brush your(tooth) every morning.74. Linda practices(speak) English every morning.75. Can the students from that village(swim)?76. Listen! Some girls(sing) in the room.77. Your parents do everything for you, so please think more about(they).78. Do you like(play) football with your friends?完成句子。根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。84. He has to wear a school uniform on school days.(变为一般疑问句 )_ he to wear a school uniform on school days?.85. You can t run in the hallways 变.为(祈使句)in the hallways.86. Lily is reading a book on the sofa.( 用 watching TV变为选择疑问句 )Lily read ing a bookwatch ing TV on the sofa?87. They do homework for about an hour every school day.( 变否定句 )Theyhomework for about an hour every school day.88. We get up at six thirty every school day.(变为同义句 )We get up atsix every school day.89. The lions are from South Africa.(对划线部分提问)the lio ns come from?90. My brother takes a taxi to work today.( 变为同义句 )My brotherto worktaxi today.91. It s about5kilometers from my home to the library.(对划线部分提问)Howit from your home to the library?92. 学生们必须准时到校。(翻译)The stude nts must get to school.93. 他们的梦想是拥有一座桥。(翻译)their dreamhave a bridge.短文填空。根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。Every one likes to have weeke nds. That s because on Saturdays and Sun days, he can do what he likes. Jackis a middle school94. He has a busy but relax ing Sun day. He gets95 at six o clockAfter.breakfast, Jack96 basketball with his friends at about 6:15. He is so tired( 累)that he plays the guitarin the room to relax himself. And he sings songs very loudly(大声地).It is very relaxi ng for him,97初一升初二基础知识复习及能力训练题it is very noisy for his neighbors(邻居).So Uncle Liu comes to his house and asks him to be98Jack has a pet cat, Henry. At noon, Jack gets Henry some food to eat. At ni ght, he watches TV on the sofa99Henry. At the same time, he eats lots of sn acks(零食) .He really has a great time. After that, heremembers there is some homework for him. He has to do100,but he does n t have much time. Whatcan he do? He is really a lazy boy. So boys and girls,whe n you have a nice weeke nd, please dont forget tofinish your homework10194.完形填空How did you(C)41 your weeke nd? What did you do on your weeke nd?It was Saturday yesterday. Jack had a very busy weeke nd.42Saturday morning, he helped his mom43some shopp ing in the supermarket. In the after noon, he studied very hard44 his En glish test. Afterdinner, he45 n ewspapers for about half an hour. At 10 o clock,45 hetiredfelta nd he went to bed. Hehad a sweet dream and slept very well. The n ext day, he woke up very early and he got up very47 becauseit was his mother s birthday. He wan ted to buy a lovely gift for his mother, so he went to a gift shop.mom s favorite?Jack asked himself,“ Oh, yes! I can buy some chocolates!” He felt very happy abobut whe n he 48the shop he got very sad: The shop was n t ope n. In the end, Jack drew a beautiful picture of49 . His mother loved his gift very much. The love to our mother is50, but wecan show it differe ntly.C.payD. take()41. A. spe ndB. spe nt()42. A. InB. AtC. ForD. On()43. A. doB. doingC. didD. go()44. A. withB. inC. toD. for()45. A. lookedB. readedC. sawD. read()46. A. kindB. a kind ofC. kind ofD. ki nds of()47. A. quickB. quicklyC. quietD. quite()48. A. arrive atB. gotC. got toD. arrived()49. A. sheB. herC. heD. him()50. A. differe ntB. sameC. the sameD. differe ntlyhis mother and gave it to完成句子74.She fed a cow on the farm last week.(改为否定句)75.Shea cow on the farm last week.I talked about the problem with my teacher.(对画线部分提问)did you talk about the problem76.How was the weather in Chongqing last week?(改为同义句)was the weatherin Chongqing last week?77. 上周许多人熬夜看世界杯。(完成译句)初一升初二基础知识复习及能力训练题2014 FIFA World Cup.Last week, a lot of peoplelate to watch78. 我对历史一点也不感兴趣。(完成译句)I am nothistory at all.用所给词正确形式填空。79. I enjoy(listen) to light music when I am reading a book.80. When I came into the classroom, I saw my classmate(write) carefully.81. It s interesting for meseeto some(sheep) on the farm.82. It s cold outside. We have to wear a coat(keep) us warm.83. I d like some (tomato) noodles for lunch.84. The weather gets(cloud), and it s going to rain soon. =85. Li Lei usually(take) a bus to school, but this morning he(walk) to school.短文填空Do you love soccer? What do you know about soccer? Which isyour favorite soccer team? Who is yourfavorite soccer star? Well, if you can t an swer these questi ons quickly, you may not be an real.Nowsoccerlet fame tell you someth ing86 soccer. Do you know where is the place that soccer started? Well, the an swer isChi na! Many years 87 , some soldiers (士兵) from Qi Guo had a very hard time fight ing with the en emiesfrom other coun tries. So, whe n they had some free time, they wan ted to play games to relax. They started to run after a ball with other soldiers. They called this game Cuju. Later, it became very88 . It was so popular 89people from the whole world started to play it. Now, we havea special game to play soccer. ItWorld Cupsthe.Every four years, the best soccer teams from differe nt coun tries come to one place to joi n in the competiti on, and the fans of different teams will also come to cheer(喝彩)for them. This year, the World Cup is held (举办) inBrazil. The90 of the soccer teams this year is 32. Which is your favorite team in this yearWorld Cup ?For me, I like German team best91 it s an excellent team! The team members are strong and united. DoesChinese team join in th e game? The answer is no. It s funny that Chinese people(invented发明)this game butthey weren veryt good at92 . I think that soccer is a symbolof teamwork, and I hope more and morepeople will love soccer. All in all, soccer is a kind of great sport, and you can also93 a lot from it.86. 91.92.93.(D)完形填空。There is an old woma n. She has three sons. They want to buy her some things to41 their love.The first son, Tom, buys a big house. It has42 rooms. He buys it for $1,000,000. Jack is the sec ondson. He buys a 43 for her. It is $200,000. The44 son is Bob. He thi nks about what his mother45 n eeds, and he buys her a dog.Then the old woma n goes to46 sons and says,“ Tom, the house is too big. I only live in one room,Jack, thbut I must 47 all the rooms. I really don t n eed it. ” She says to the sec ond son,butI48drive. I dont need49it,.” Last, she says to Bob,now.()41. A.showB. getC. talkD. take()42. A.muchB. manyC. a lotD. no()43. A.carB. computerC.bookD. garde n()44. A.smartB. thirdC. threeD. woman s()45. A. reallyB. alsoC. neverD. very()46. A.herB. sheC. hisD. he()47. A. buyB. clea nC.openD. get()48. A.canB.needC. mustD. can t()49. A.tooB. eitherC. muchD. also()50. A.fatherB. sonC. frie ndD. daughter初一升初二基础知识复习及能力训练题用括号内所给词的正确形式填空,使句子语法正确,意思通顺Thank you, Son. The dog is my50best74. Elephants never get(lose), because they can remember things very well.75. The baby has two(tooth) now.76. It is important for us(get) to school on time.77. Can you finish(do) your homework on time?78. He(cross) the river by boat every day.79. We need to practice(speak) English every day.80. Mary,(be) quiet in the library. It is very important.81. There are many books between you and(he).完成句子。根据所给提示,完成句子,每空一词,含缩略词。82. She can drive a car.(变一般疑问句 )shea car?83. It is 2 kilometers from my home to school.(对划线部分提问 )is it from your home to school?84. He must clean the room today.( 同义句转换 )He “clea n the room today.85. He swims every day.( 用 now 代替 every day 改写这句话 )Henow.86. 他是一个八岁大的男孩。He isboy.短文填空。Today is Sun day. It is also my gran dfather87 s . My pare nts and I go to his home. We don t88 up early because the alarm clock( 闹钟)does nt work.We don thave much time for breakfast,89 .We go to a supermarket90 buy some fruit and a birthday cake91 eight thirty.Then we go to my gran dpare nts home quickly. We 92there at a quarter past 11. My gran dpare ntsare very happy to see us. We have lunch at 12 o clock.93lunch, we play chess94my gran dfather. We go home at about four o clock in the after noon .It is a happy day.87. 88.89.90.初一升初二基础知识复习及能力训练题91.92.93.94.(A ) 41-45 AACAD 46-50BBACD75.height76.watch ing77.to keep 78.differe ntly 79. is 8O.walked81.didn t put 82.Did buy 83.When does84.What doing88.across from 89.saw sleep ing85.How was86.spe nt on/doing87.has with90.felt 91.to92. surprise93.help in g/savi ng94.true95.happy 96.her 97. Because(B) 41-45 BCBAA 46-50CABDA70.goes 71.do 72.friedly73.teeth 74.speak ing75. are singing76.swim 77.them 78.play ing84.Does have 85.Dontrun 86.Is or87. don tdo 88.half past89. Where do 90.goes by91.far is 92.on time93.It s to94.stude nt 95.up96.plays 97.but 98.quiet99.with100.it/that101.first(C) 41-45:A D A D D 46-50:C B C B C74. didn feedt 75. Who with76. What like 77. stayed up78. in terested in79. liste ning 80.writi ng81. sheep 82.to keep83.tomato 84.cloudy85.take


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