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    14秋地大大学英语(一)在线作业二答案地大大学英语(一)在线作业二一,单选题1. He tried to avoid ( ) her.A. seeB. to seeC. seeingD. seen?正确答案:C2. It is important to communicate( ) others.A. toB. withC. inD. at?正确答案:B3. The class starts ( ) a joke.A. withB. inC. atD. of?正确答案:A4. This medicine is ( ).A. efficientB. effectiveC. efficiencyD. effect?正确答案:B5. Im ( ) after a days work.A. sadB. happyC. exhaustedD. poor?正确答案:C6. Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a _ of exercise.A. limitB. lackC. needD. demand?正确答案:B7. -Do you care for modern music? -( )A. No,I like classical musicB. No,I hear itC. No,its not my likeD. Yes,I like it?正确答案:A8. He felt ( ) in the class.A. asleepB. sleepC. sleepyD. sleeping?正确答案:C9. The Department is also deeply _ in various improvement schemes.A. connectedB. includedC. involvedD. implied?正确答案:C10. The other people watched the boy with_.A. interestingB. interestedC. interestD. interests?正确答案:C11. -Is Mary speaking?A. Who are you ?B. Whos that?C. Im here.D. Whats your name?正确答案:B12. American cars are different ( ) ours.A. withB. atC. fromD. in?正确答案:C13. -I believe weve met somewhere before. -( )A. -No,it isnt the same.B. No, it cant be trueC. I dont think soD. Id rather not?正确答案:C14. Can you ( ) your felling specificly?A. sayB. speakC. describeD. ask?正确答案:C15. I was surprised to see wild flowers in Alaska. Many people think there is nothing there ice and snow.A. except forB. as good asC. apart fromD. regardless of?正确答案:C16. Dont write ( ) pencil.A. inB. upC. onD. at?正确答案:A17. Im sorry for losing y our book. I will buy a new one for you. _. I have another copy.A. Thank youB. Happy to hear thatC. Never mindD. Of course?正确答案:C18. When shall we go to the park, this morning or this afternoon. _is OK. You decide!A. NeitherB. EveryC. EitherD. Each?正确答案:C19. ( ) my mother ( ) Mary was unhappy.A. EitherandB. BothandC. None. ofD. Not onlybut also?正确答案:D20. Do you ( )each other often?A. contact withB. contact toC. contact inD. contact up?正确答案:A21. He ( ) by selling newspaper.A. makes facesB. makes upC. makes a livingD. makes alive?正确答案:C22. Tom insists ( ) his rights.A. toB. onC. upD. of?正确答案:B23. She won the game ( )her mother.A. byB. throughC. fromD. in the name of?正确答案:D24. Without ( ), people still need to suffer the Kings rule.A. cattleB. struggleC. revolutionD. qurral?正确答案:C25. what a hard problem! Ask Mary.Maybe she has _ with a good idear about it.A. come upB. ended upC. met upD. kept up?正确答案:A26. ( ) have known each other for a long time.A. He and IB. He and meC. I and heD. I and him?正确答案:A27. -It is getting late.I am afraid I must go. -( )A. Take it easyB. Go slowlyC. Stay longerD. See you正确答案:D28. I got my shoes ( ) sale for half price.A. toB. withC. atD. on?正确答案:D29. Somoking is a ( ) cause of heart diease.A. majorB. majorityC. minorD. minority?正确答案:A30. She bought a lot of things to ( ) her house.A. decorateB. buildC. paintD. mend?正确答案:A31. He is ( ) to make it.A. likeB. likelyC. unlikeD. dislike?正确答案:B32. She wants( ) paper.A. aB. anC. a piece ofD. a pair of?正确答案:C33. She overcomes the difficulties,for she has a ( )attitude.B. positivenessC. positiveD. negation?正确答案:C34. To her ( ), the man was a thief.A. doubtB. suspicionC. confusionD. guess?正确答案:B35. ( ) from her son for a long time, the mother worried a great deal.A. Not have hearedB. Not having hearedC. Not hearD. Not to hear?正确答案:B36. What do you_the film?Its interesting.A. think ofB. think aboutC. think overD. think out?正确答案:A37. Are you ( ) with this type of machine?A. similarB. sameC. familiarD. like?正确答案:C38. You had better ( ) it quickly.A. to doB. doC. doingD. does正确答案:B39. Five ( ) birds were killed.A. hundredB. hundredsC. hundred ofD. hundreds of?正确答案:A40. Lucy often ( ) about the bad condition.A. explainsB. tellsC. speaksD. complains?正确答案:D41. She believes to be a servant is her( ).A. factB. destinyC. livingD. live?正确答案:B42. Im sorry to trouble you. -( )A. -You are welcome.B. You cant say so.C. With pleasure.D. Not at all.?正确答案:C43. I dont want a car ( ) this one.A. as expensive asB. as expensive toC. such expensive asD. such expensive to?正确答案:A44. Can you figure ( ) what they mean?B. outC. toD.in?正确答案:B45. The medicine may take ( )your pain.A. awayB. toC. upD. at?正确答案:A46. Look ( ) the word in the dictionary.A. inB. upC. onD. at?正确答案:B47. Tom cant solve this ( ).A. wrongB. faultC. problemD. mistake?正确答案:C48. After a fire broke out in the lab, a lot of equipment .A. is damagedB. had damagedC. damagedD. was damaged?正确答案:D49. She is ( ) his control.A. underB. inC. at?正确答案:A50. It is a big ( ) for him to do such difficult work.A. courageB. challengeC. opportunityD. chance?正确答案:B


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