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    Unit7 Where would you like to visit?,Section A 3a,sights,traffic,things,language,What are important to you when you go on a vacation?,in Europe,one of countries,the,biggest,Western,France,Europe,Paris,the capital of France,=in the North of France,in _ France,Northern,Read the title and the first sentence, what kind of passage is it?,A. A reply about Paris. B. A passage that advises us to visit Paris.,Travel spotlight: Paris,For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris?,-,=think about,-,-,-,consider doing lively in general wine convenient translate underground train including,mostly, usually B. easy to do, quick to do C. subway D. explain sth. in another language E. energetic ,full of energy F. a kind of drink G. think about doing H. such as ,but belong to,Guess and match:,For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris? Paris is the capital of France, and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe. It doesnt have any beaches or mountains, but there are still many things to do there. For example, it has some fantastic sights, including the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the most famous churches in the world.,The capital of France is _. Paris doesnt have any _ or _. _ is one of the most famous churches in the world.,Paris,beaches,mountains,Notre Dame Cathedral,Paris is the capital of France,doesnt have any beaches or mountains,Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the most famous churches in the world,Read carefully,Read the second paragraph, and write “T” or “F” in front of the sentences.,Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money, but its usually quite convenient to take the underground train to most places. In general, though, France is quite an expensive place. One thing that is not expensive in France, however, is the wine!,_ Traveling around Paris by taxi is very cheap. _ France is a place that can cost you a lot of money. _ One thing that is expensive in France is the wine.,F,T,F,is very cheap.,cost you a lot of money.,is expensive,Read carefully,= a very expensive place,Read the third paragraph, and answer the questions.,Most people in France have learned English. But many people dont like to speak English, especially in Paris. So unless you speak French yourself, its best to travel with someone who can translate things for you.,Have most people in France learned English? Do the people in Paris like to speak English? If you want to go to Paris, who youd better go with?,Yes, they have.,No, they dont.,I will travel with someone who can translate things for me.,Read carefully,1. of France 2.one of the cities in Europe.,fantastic sights,things,language,The Eiffel Tower,(one of the most famous churches),5. ( costs a lot ),6.,7.,(not expensive),French,English,most people learned,they dont like to speak,capital,Notre Dame Cathedral,taxi,underground train,expensive,the wine,liveliest,Paris,Discuss and fill in the blanks:,traffic,3.,4.,8.,9.,10.,(convenient),Things are,Report:,Paris is a _ place to visit, it has some fascinating_, including _ and _. If you want to travel around Paris, you had better take _. Its very convenient, and _ there is very cheap. Of course, you should get a translator unless you can speak _ yourself.,sights,the Eiffel Tower,Notre Dame Cathedral,the underground train,the wine,French,nice/ lively/,Translate the followings into Chinese then blurt them out.,1.你的下一次度假,为何不考虑去巴黎观光? 2.巴黎是法国的首都,是欧洲最有活力的城市之一。 3.巴黎有一些很棒的风景,包括埃菲尔铁塔。 4.坐地铁在巴黎旅行是很方便的。 5.通常巴黎是一个很昂贵的地方,可是那里的葡萄酒不贵。 6.你最好不要去巴黎除非你懂法语或找一个可以给你翻译的人一起去。,1.For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris? 2. Paris is the capital of France, and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe. 3.It has some fantastic sights, including the Eiffel Tower . 4. Its usually quite convenient to take the underground train to most places. 5.France is quite an expensive place, but the wine is inexpensive. 6. unless you speak French yourself, its best to travel with someone who can translate things for you.,Exercises-Fill in each blank with the correct words. 1. My mother is considering how (help) me improve my English? 2. Marry considers (go) swimming. 3. Mary is one of my best (friend). 4. Our school (include) 36 classes. 5. We have nine subjects (include) English and Chinese. 6. 潮州有很多名胜。 . 7. My house is close to my school. So its for me to go to school. 8.通常,在那种情况,最好是保持沉默。 , keep silent in that situation.,to help,going,friends,includes,including,There are many sights in Chaozhou.,convenient,In general,it is best to,Tom is considering _ an English language club. A. join in B. joining in C. joining D. to join in 2. I think its best _ with someone who can speak English well. A. travel B. to travel C. traveling D. travels 3. How much did you _ for the computer? A. take B. pay C. Cost D. spend 4. I live next to a supermarket. Its _ for me to shop there. A. relaxing B. important C. convenient D. necessary,C,B,B,C,单项选择,For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris? 为什么不考虑一下到巴黎去度你的下一个假期?,why not = why dont you 表示“你为什么不” 用于表示提议、劝诱等。 “why not?”结构中,not后接动词 。,ask Miss Lu for help? = you ask Miss Lu for help? 为什么不向卢老师请求帮助呢?,原形,Why not,Why dont,(2)consider是动词,意为“仔细考虑,深思熟虑”,后面可接 名词、从句、副词,接动词时要用v-ing形式。,We considered his suggestion carefully.,He is considering studying abroad.,We considered how we should help them.,Consider carefully before you decide.,我们仔细考虑了他的建议。 他正在考虑出国留学。 我们仔细考虑应该如何帮助他们。 你要慎重考虑后再决定。,the capital of,Beijing is thecapitalof China.,is thecapitalof Guangdong.,“的首都/省会”,Guangzhou,All the government offices are .,所有的政府机关都在首都。,one of the liveliest cities,最有活力的城市之一,lively, livelier liveliest,a lively young lady,a lively class,in thecapital,one of+形容词最高级+可数名词复数 “最之一 ”,I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the best secrets of becoming a good language learner.,Amy Kim is one of the best-known Chinese photographers in the world today.,Unit 1 P.4,Unit 2 P.17,Unit 6 P.48,Murray is now one of the beat students in his class.,-,-,- -,including为介词,意为“包括在内”。,include 为动词,意为“包括,使成为的一部分”。,Theyve got 7 days holiday including Thanksgiving Day.,他们已经拥有了包括感恩节在内的7天假期。,His duties include answering the telephone and cleaning the office.,他的任务包括接听电话和打扫办公室。,The price for the hotel includes breakfast.,旅馆的价格含早餐。,Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money. 乘出租车游巴黎会花掉一大笔钱。,cost, take, spend, pay的区别:,cost主语一般是所买的东西等名词; take 主语是物或是it做形式主语;spend 主语是人; pay 的主语也是人。,He much money on books. Mrs. Li a lot of time (help) her students with their English every day. It the workers three years to build the bridge. Homework always the children much time. Ill for the food this time.,spends,spends,(in) helping,took,costs,pay,So unless you speak French yourself, its best to travel with someone who can translate things for you. 所以除非你本人说法语,最好和一个能替你翻译法 语的人一起来巴黎旅游。,unless “除非”,引导条件状语从句,比“ifnot”略微正式。,it is best to do sth. “最好做某事”, 除非你更努力学习,否则你就会考试失败。, 除非湖人队提高他们的技术,否则他们会输掉这场比赛。,Youll fail the exam unless you study harder.,Unless the Laker improve their skills , they will lose the game.,It is + 形容词 + to do sth.+ for sb.,Its hard to get up early for a lazy student.,对于懒学生来说,早起是困难的。 我是不可能离开我的家的。 你把如此多的钱给了穷人是很善良的。,对于某人来说做某事怎么样,Its kind of you to give so much money to the poor.,Itsimpossibleformetoleavemyfamily.,of,It is one of the liveliest cities.,one of the most romantic cities.,one of the most fascinating cities.,one of the most famous cities.,one of the most interesting cities.,one of the most convenient cities.,one of the most relaxing cities.,What do you think of Paris ?,Summary,Do you know why most Frenchmen dont like English ?,A. To protect their language.,B. To protect their culture.,C. Frenchmen take pride in French.,D. Maybe Frenchmen dont like Englishmen because of history.,E. All of above.,Study hard at all subjects , English.,How do we do to make our country better and better ?,including,Learn from foreign countries, France.,including,A Sample dialogue A: Where would you like to go, Kathy? B: Id like to visit Hong Kong. A: Isnt it supposed to be very crowed? B: Yes, it is. Im only going to places of a few people. Hong Kong is interesting, and it has great entertainment.,Think of a city you know. Make a list of things you like and things you dont like about the city. Then talk to your partner about it.,4,beautiful,educational,exciting,expensive,noisy,too hot,Homework,Level A 1. Recite your favorite sentences or this article . 2. Surf the Internet to know more about Paris on this weekend. 3. Write a passage about another spotlight.,Level B 1. Write new words 4 times. 2. Read your favorite sentences or this article.,A类作业: 1.背诵你最喜欢的句子或本篇短文; 2.周末上网了解巴黎更多的信息; 3.写一篇关于另外一个旅游胜地的短文。,B类作业: 1.P54新单词抄写四次,读熟; 2.朗读你最喜欢的句子或整篇短文。,Thank you!,


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