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    Unit4 What should I do?,Reading A,New words (教学选用),1. 勉强的,以毫厘之差 2. 质问,正式提问 3. 座位,坐处 4. 爱好和平的,1. narrowly,2. question,3. seat,4. peaceful,New words (教学选用),5. 付款台,付款处 6. 无用的,不愿帮助的 7. 纸币 8. 看见,注意到,5. checkout,6. unhelpful,7. note,8. spot,Pre-reading: the cartoon,My cousins twice as polite as other people.,Hows that, Hi?,When he stands up on the underground, two people can sit in his seat.,Is His cousin thin or fat? Why does Hi say, “my cousin is twice as polite”? Does he need bigger seat? How big is his seat?,Because if he stands up, 2 people can have seats.,Its big enough for 2 people to sit.,Yes, he does.,Fat.,If you are His cousin, what should you do?,If you have the same problems as the following writers, what should you do?,Pre-reading: What should I do?,Read the title and the introduction to the Reading, and the last sentence of each letter. Then answer the following questions.,Pre-reading: What should I do?,A1. Where can you usually see letters like these? 2. Why did the writers write these letters? 3. What do the writers want the school counsellor to do?,In counsellors office.,They had personal problems and needed help.,To give them some advice.,First reading: Letter 1,Who knocked the flower pot, Kathy or her friend? 2. Did she knock the pot by accident? 3. Did the pot hurt anyone? 4. Why did Kathy feel guilty?,Kathys friend.,Yes, she did.,No, it didnt.,Because her friend didnt tell the police.,T (一:2-6),F (一:6),Second reading: A3.“T” or “F”,Kathys friend knocked a flower pot from her window when some children were below. 2. The pot hit one of the children.,no one.,Third reading: A4,1. S1 What did Kathy and her friends do after the accident? S2 _ _. 2. S1 Why didnt Kathys friend go to the police to tell them about the broken pot? S2 _ _.,They said nothing and went to the cinema. (一: 6-7),Because she was too afraid to talk to the police.(一:11-12),If you are Kathy, what should you do?,In my opinion,First reading: Letter 2,When 3 tough boys got on the train, was the young boy beside them alone? 2. Was the young boy frightened? What did he do? 3. Did James help the young boy? Why?,Yes, he was.,Yes. He moved to another seat.,No. He wasnt strong and he hated violence.,Second reading: A3.“T” or “F”,3. The tough boys bullied the young boy on the train because they wanted him to give them his seat. 4. James didnt try to help the young boy.,F (二:4-6),the boy was travelling alone.,T (二:11-14),Third reading: A4,3. S1 Were there a lot of people around when the tough boys bullied the young boy? S2 _ _. 4. S1 Why didnt James help the young boy? S2 _ _.,No. The train was almost empty. (二: 3),Because he didnt know how to help him. (二: 13-14),If you are James, what should you do?,In my opinion,First reading: Letter 3,Is the checkout assistant friendly? 2. Did Tracy get the right change? . Did Tracy want to return the extra money? 4. What did the assistant ask Tracy to do? 5. Did Tracy return the extra money at last?,First reading: Letter 3,Is the checkout assistant friendly? 2. Did Tracy get the right change? . Did Tracy want to return the extra money?,No, she is rude and unhelpful.,No, she got an extra 10 yuan note.,Yes, she did.,First reading: Letter 3,4. What did the assistant ask Tracy to do? 5. Did Tracy return the extra money at last?,To wait in line.,No. She was angry and left.,Second reading: A3.“T” or “F”,5. Tracy went back to the supermarket to buy something else. 6. Tracy didnt feel guilty at all afterwards.,F (三:6),F (三:11),return the extra,ten-yuan note.,felt,Third reading: A4,5. S1 What do you think the checkout assistant might be complaining about? S2 _ _.,She might be complaining about Tracys note. (三: 2-4),If you are Tracy, what should you do?,In my opinion,词组,1不小心,偶然,意外地 2错过某事 错过(做)某事 差点击中某人 3去电影院 4到过某地 5太而不能 6.感到内疚,by accident miss sth. miss ( doing) sth. narrowly miss sb go to the cinema have been to too.to feel guilty,乘坐地铁 2 上车下车 3 (对某人)有好处 没有用,没有效果 4 对某人感到难过,ride the underground get on /get off do good to do no good to feel sorry for sb.,1一张100元的纸币 2. 支付 3.忙于做某事 4.错误地,无意地 5. 排队等候,a one-hundred-yuan note pay for be busy doing sth. by mistake wait ones turn,1不小心,意外地 2错过(做)某事 3差点击中某人 4去电影院 5到过某地 6.感到内疚,8 (对某人)有好处 9 没有效果 10 对某人感到难过,11一张100元的纸币 12.忙于做某事 13.错误地,无意地 14. 排队等候,7乘坐地铁,1. I felt sorry _ the boy but I didnt know how to help him. A. of B. for C. to D. at 2. I gave her _ to pay for a bottle of cola. A. a one-hundreds-yuans note B. a one-hundred-yuan-note C. a one-hundred-yuan note D. a one hundreds yuan note,3. Dont talk to him. That _. A. do not good B. do no good C. does not good D. does no good 4. My friend was _ the police. A. too frightened to talk to B. to frightened too talk to C. too frightening to talk to D. to frightening too talk to,5. She was busy _, so she gave me an extra book _. A. complaining, by mistakes B. to complain, by a mistake C. to complain, by mistake D. complaining, by mistake 6.I felt guilty and didnt know _. A. what to do B. how to do C. what to do it D. when to do,1. I felt sorry _ the boy but I didnt know how to help him. A. of B. for C. to D. at 2. I gave her _ to pay for a bottle of cola. A. a one-hundreds-yuans note B. a one-hundred-yuan-note C. a one-hundred-yuan note D. a one hundreds yuan note,B,C,3. Dont talk to him. That _. A. do not good B. do no good C. does not good D. does no good 4. My friend was _ the police. A. too frightened to talk to B. to frightened too talk to C. too frightening to talk to D. to frightening too talk to,D,A,5. She was busy _, so she gave me an extra book _. A. complaining, by mistakes B. to complain, by a mistake C. to complain, by mistake D. complaining, by mistake 6.I felt guilty and didnt know _. A. what to do B. how to do C. what to do it D. when to do,D,A,Language Points (Letter 3),a one-hundred-yuan note 一张100元的纸币 (2-3) 英语里常用“数字-名词”或“数字- 名词-形容词”的结构作定语,注 意这两个结构里的名词要用单数 形式。如:a 3-week holiday 5-minute walk a 7-year-old boy,选择填空: 1.The little girl was too frightened _ word. A. not to tell B. not to say C. to tell D. to say 2.I felt guilty and didnt know _. A. what to do B. how to do C. what to do it D. when to do,D,A,3.The boys arrived late at the cinema and _ the start of the film. A. caught B. missed C. got D. lost 4.If it is useful, it will _ to others. A. do nice B. do well C. do good D. do better,B,C,5.If you want to pay the money, you can go to the _. A. check out B. checkout C. check in D. check-in 6.I asked him for some money, so he sent me four fifty-dollar _. A. books B. notebooks C. money D. notes,B,D,7.Hes my guide and _. A. conseller B. consellor C. counseller D. counsellor 8.Dont _ him again. Theres no _ about his honesty. A. question, question B. question, answer C. answer, question D. answer, problem,D,A,9.She wrote _ last year. A. a two-million-words book B. a two-millions-words book C. a two-million-word book D. two-million-word book 10.Dont talk to me. I am busy _ the maths problem. A. to work out B. working out C. work out D. worked out,C,B,完成句子: 1.我已经尽量去帮他了,但是没有 效果。 I have tried to help him, but it _ _ _. 2.他拿错了你的伞。 He took your umbrella _ _. 3.请你在课室前面排队。 Please _ _ _ in front of the classroom.,does no good,by mistake,wait your turn,4.他不小心把花盆打破了。 He _ the flower pot _ _. 5.对那个男孩,我感到很抱歉,但 我不知道怎么帮助他。 I _ _ _ the boy but I didnt know _ _ _ him.,broke by accident,felt sorry for,how to help,6.那个男孩高兴得睡不着觉。 The boy was _ excited _ _. 7.警察在询问他们有关那起交通事故 的情况。 The police are _ them _ the accident. 8.花盆差点击中那个人。 The flower pot _ _ the man.,too to sleep,questioning about,narrowly missed,1.The police wanted to know more about the stolen car, so they q_ the man. 2.When she saw the old man get on the bus, she offered her s_ to him. 3.I am a p_ person. I dont like war(战争). 4.An arrow(箭) went past his ear, n_ missing his head. 5.Dont play the computer too much. Its u_ to you.,1.The police wanted to know more about the stolen car, so they q_ the man. 2.When she saw the old man get on the bus, she offered her s_ to him. 3.I am a p_ person. I dont like war(战争). 4.An arrow(箭) went past his ear, n_ missing his head. 5.Dont play the computer too much. Its u_ to you.,uestioned,eat,eaceful,arrowly,nhelpful,1.昨天迈克不小心打破了爸爸的花瓶。 Yesterday Mike broke his fathers vase _ _. 2.她错拿了我的礼物回家了。 She took my gift home _ _. 3.看见蛇在旁边,她吓得不敢动。 She was _ frightened _ move when she found a snake beside her. 4.我不知道下一步该怎么办。 I dont know _ _ _ next.,1.昨天迈克不小心打破了爸爸的花瓶。 Yesterday Mike broke his fathers vase _ _. 2.她错拿了我的礼物回家了。 She took my gift home _ _. 3.看见蛇在旁边,她吓得不敢动。 She was _ frightened _ move when she found a snake beside her. 4.我不知道下一步该怎么办。 I dont know _ _ _ next.,by accident,by mistake,too to,what to do,名师导航P41 Speaking & Writing 一、 二、,1. C,2. E,3. A,4. D,5. B,First,make,Next,cut,tomatoes,Then,bowl,put,Finally,eat,名师导航P44 二、第一节,11.C,12.A,13.D,14.B,15.C,16.A,17.B,18.C,19.D,20.A,第二节,21.A,22.C,23.B,24.D,25.B,26.D,27.A,28.C,29.B,30.C,31.B,32.C,33.A,34.D,35.B,36.D,37.B,38.A,39.D,40.D,三、完形填空:,41.D,42.B,43.A,44.C,45.A,四、阅读理解:,46.B,47.A,48.C,49.C,50.D,51.D,52.C,53.D,54.A,55.B,56. scientific,57. remain,58. choice,59. health,60. introduction,五. 写作: 第一节,五. 第二节:,61. report on balanced diet,62. Will, be likely to,63. have done some researches,64. avoid putting on weight,65. variours kinds of hats,名师导航P65 Reading A 一、(A),1. by mistake,2. by accident,3. ride the underground home,4. do good,5. a one-hundred-yuan note,6. be busy doing sth.,7. on discovering the error,8. should have done sth.,名师导航P65 Reading A 一、(B) 二、,1. On finding,2. A 2000-metre-long bridge,3. too much,4. should have brought,5. do you no good,1. Eye Contact,2. direct,3. impolite,4. uncomfortable,5. words,英语周报第10期第2版 “课文点滴” 一、,1. by accident,2. by mistake,3. by mistake,4. C,5. B,6. C,7. D,8. B,


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