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    Unit 3 English Around the World,Topic 3 Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well? Section B,Could you give them some advice on how to learn English well?,composition,new words,2 Work alone. Choose the right suggestions from the box.,C,D,F,B,A,E,Listen to the dialogue and finish the form. (录音P71-1a),Be weak in reading.,Cant remember new words.,Dare not answer questions in class.,2 years ago be weak in How to improve it was. So.,2.How do you remember new words? copy .on., stick.on the wall in.or ., read.aloud change.often. Also,.,Could you give sb some advice on.?,3.Li Xiangs difficulty and suggestion: Kangkangs,read English newspaper be difficult for how to improve my reading ability Do more reading try to guess the meanings of. the main idea of .,Li Mings difficulty and Kangkangs suggestion:,dare not.in class, be afraid of make mistakes be shy think about. take a deep breath smile answer the question be helpful have a try,1.Copy new words on pieces of paper and read them aloud. Read the English words on the things you see. 2. Do more reading. Try to guess the meanings of new words, and get the main idea of the article. 3. Dont be shy. Think about the answer, take a deep breath and smile, and then answer the question.,1.在方面差 2.试着做某事 3.犯错误 4.深呼吸 5.考虑 6.试一试,be weak in,try to do sth.,make mistakes,take a deep breath,think about,have a try,II.从方框中选择正确的词语完成句子。 1. -Please tell me _ to get to the TV station. -Follow me, please. Ill go there soon. 2. There are so many beautiful flowers. I cant decide _ to buy. 3. I dont know _ to find my book. The room is so large. 4. -Could you tell me _ to leave for Shanghai? -Tomorrow evening. 5. -I cant decide _ Ill go to the party or not. -I wish you could go there.,how,which,where,when,whether,Step 4 Consolidation,Retell,Two years ago, Kangkang _ English and he didnt know _ it. So he went to an English language school. He learned a lot there. He often helps his friends. Li Ming _ questions in class because he is afraid of _ . Kangkang told him _ and smile, then answer the question. Smiling is always helpful.,was weak in,how to improve,dare not answer,making mistakes,to take a deep breath,As we know, English is becoming more and more important, but how to learn English well? Im glad to share our opinions with you. First, we can Second, Last but not least, ,How to learn English well,1.有志者事竟成。,2.事实胜于雄辩。,3.说起来容易做起来难。,4.活到老学到老。,5.眼见为实。,6.知识就是力量。,Where there is a will, there is a way.,Actions speak louder than words.,Easier said than done.,Never too old to learn.,Seeing is believing.,Knowledge is power.,7.自信是通往成功的第一步。,Believing in yourself is the first step on the road to success.,8.熟能生巧。,Practice makes perfect.,Read 1a ,and then write down the learning methods mentioned in the passage.,Watching English programs on TV; listening to English songs,Joining the English club at school,Reading English magazines,Taking lots of grammar notes; Keeping a diary,Listening:,Speaking:,Reading:,Writing:,1.首先 2.害怕做某事 3.嘲笑某人 4.造完整的句子 5.最后但同样重要的,at first,be afraid of doing sth.,be afraid to do sth.,laugh at sb.,make complete sentences,last but not least,2.Its an honor to be a member of the club.,1.Can you make a sentence with these words?,3.I believe what he says,but I dont believe in him.,4.We will go to the park as long as it doesnt rain.,5.The question is how to get there in ten minutes.,Thank you !,


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