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    六上Unit 6 Keep our city clean课堂练习.doc

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    六上Unit 6 Keep our city clean课堂练习.doc

    六上Unit 6 Keep our city clean课堂练习一、 辨音:( )1.A.hear B.here C.hair D.cheer( )2.A.term B.her C.litter D.sir( )3.A.bar B.hard C.quarter D.arm( )4.A.dirty B.tired C.girl D.shirt( )5.A.played B.wanted C.needed D.pointed二、 选择( )1.The rubbish_our city dirty. A. make B. making C. makes( )2.What_our city dirty? -Smoke_the cars and the factories.A. makes; from B. make; from C. takes; to( )3.To keep the air clean, we can plant _ trees. A.any B more C. much ( )4.Theres much_in our city. A.museums B.factories C.rubbish( )5.Mary cant _her bag. Now she_. A.find; is looking for B. look for; is finding C. find; look for( )6.We can _ the floor now. A.sweep B.sweeping C. are sweeping( )7.Grandma is sleeping. We_ shout. A. should B. shouldnt C. can( )8.The floor is wet. The old man _and_ . A.slips;falls B. falls;slips C.picks;falls( )9.Bobby is sick . He goes_hospital. A. to B. to the C./( )10.Black smoke _the air dirty A.helps B makes C. make三、 词汇1.Who_(make) our streets clean every morning?2.There _(be) a lot of rubbish in the water last year.3.Can you pick_(they) up?4.People often _(plant) trees on Planting Trees Day.5.Yesterday it _ heavily.(rain) , so I _(take) a bus to school.6.Bobby often_(throw) rubbish on the ground.7.- _someone_(smoke)? -I can smell it. 8. What can we do _(keep) our city clean?四、 句型转换1. Sometimes we take a bus to school.(同义句转换)Sometimes we_ to school_ bus.2Eddie goes to sleep after breakfast.(改为一般疑问句)_ Eddie _to sleep after breakfast?3.You can put the clothes away to keep your room clean. (对划线部分提问)_ can you _ to keep your room clean?4.Smoke from cars makes the air dirty. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the air dirty?5.I feel tired and hungry. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you feel? 五、 交际运用A: _ the classroom messy?B. Yes. Lets keep the classroom _. A:Good idea. But _ to keep it ?B: We can put the _ in the bin.We can _ the things up from the ground.A: Your idea is wonderful六、 阅读There are some easy things you can do to protect(保护) the environment(环境).Plant flowers, grass or trees.Whenever you visit a park or beach, take away what you bring there-keep rubbish in a bag until you can put it in a bin .Turn off the lights, TVs when you leave(离开) the room. Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth. You can save some water. Keep the doors and windows closed in winter to keep warm.Give your old books and magazines to a library.Give your old clothes to poor children.Dont pour (倒) dirty water into the rivers or the lakes nearby (附近).If everyone makes a contribution (贡献) to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.( ) 1. The article(文章) is _.A. a sign B. a story C. a proposal ( ) 2 The writer tells us _.A. to throw rubbish into a bin B. to pour dirty water into the river C. to save water by turning off TVs( ) 3. We can _to save paper. A. use a glass cup B. turn off the lights C. Keep the windows closed( ) 4. Which is WRONG ? A. Turn off the lights when you leave the room. B. Close the doors in winter. C. Pour dirty water into the lake.( ) 5. The main idea(主要意思) of this article is how to _. A. save money B. save water C. protect the environment


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