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    Unit 3 A new dimension of life课文讲解PPT文档资料.ppt

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    Unit 3 A new dimension of life课文讲解PPT文档资料.ppt

    .,1,1.Im sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the daya day of pure magic! 我坐在温暖的夜空下,手里拿着一杯冷饮,回忆着当天的事情这是神奇的一天! 本句中with a cold drink in my hand是with复合结构,在此作伴随状语;句中and连接两个并列谓语。with复合结构可在句中作状语和定语,其具体形式如下:,.,2,withn./pron.形容词/副词 withn./pron.分词 withn./pron.不定式 withn./pron.介词短语 withn./pron.名词 With a lot of homework to do, I cant go skating with you.因为有很多作业要做,我不能和你一起去滑冰。 She died with her son yet a baby.她去世了,儿子还在襁褓中。 The old man sat in the sofa, his face serious. 老人坐在沙发上,面容严肃。 He came in, a dictionary in his hand. 他走了进来,手里拿着一本词典。 The thief caught, they felt relieved.小偷抓住了,他们感到放心了。,.,3,练习: (1)用所给动词的适当形式填空 With nothing _(do), he went out for a walk. With his hair _(cut), he looked much younger. He lay on the grass with his eyes _(look) at the sky.,to do,cut,looking,.,4,(2)The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog _ them. Ato followBfollowing CfollowedDfollows 答案:B本题考查with的复合结构。在这个with的复合结构中,宾语their pet dog 与宾补之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故用following作宾补。句意:这对老夫妇经常在晚饭后带着他们的宠物狗在花园里散步。,.,5,补全句子 考虑到所有情况,我选择了第一个计划。 _ _, I prefer the first plan. 天气很好,我们去游泳了。 _ _ _ _, we went swimming.,Everything,considered,The,weather,being,fine,.,6,(2)The European Union was hit by the debt crisis one time after another , each _ in great panic. Aresulted Bto result Cbeing resultedDresulting 答案:D考查代词。句意:欧盟屡遭债务危机打击,每次都产生了极大的恐慌。each resulting in great panic构成独立主格结构。因为逗号不能连接并列分句,所以排除A项。,.,7,形容词排列顺序:在英语中,当名词有多个形容词修饰时,就有它们的先后顺序。,限定描绘大长高, 形状年龄和新老; 颜色国籍出材料, 作用类别往后靠;,其中,“限定词”包括:冠词、物主代词、指示代词、或数词,它位于各类形容词前。它本身分为三位,即:前、中、后。前位限定词有all、half、both、分数和倍数;中位限定词有冠词、指示代词、物主代词等;后位限定词有基数词和序数词,但序数词位于基数词前。如:both my hands、all half his income等。“描绘”性形容词如:beautiful、bad、cold、great等。“大长高”表示大小、长短、高低等一些词。表示“形状”的词如:round square等。“国籍”指一个国家或地区的词。“材料”的词如:wooden, woolen, stone,silk等。“作用类别”的词如:medical, college,writing desk,police car等。,.,8,abeautifullittleredflower一朵美丽的小花 Ihaveabig,round,red,wooden,Chinesetable 我有一个中国制造木制红色的大的园桌子,一个旧的很漂亮的黑色的日本式的方形木制小写字桌AprettylittlesquareoldblackJapanesewoodenwritingdesk. 一件漂亮的中式新的短装红羊毛外套 AbeautifulshortnewredChinesewoollencoat.,.,9,3vivid adj.生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的 He gave a vivid description of this event as if he were there. 他生动地描述了这个事件,好像他当时在场。 She was wearing a vivid green dress for the party.她身穿鲜绿色的连衣裙来参加晚会。,.,10,vivid memory/recollection清晰的记忆 a vivid description/account生动描述 a vivid imagination丰富的想象力 vividly adj.生动地;鲜明地 This battle was vividly recorded in the article. 本文生动地记载了这次战役。,.,11,Im not surprised that he became a writer. Even as a child he had a _imagination. Aclear Bcautious Cfunny Dvivid 答案:D句意为:他成为一名作家我一点也不奇怪。当他是孩子的时候,就具有丰富的想象力。clear“清楚的,明确的”;cautious“十分小心的,谨慎的”;funny“滑稽的,有趣的”;vivid“生动的,栩栩如生的,鲜艳的”。根据句意应选D项。,.,12,2The fish didnt seem to mind me swimming among them. 我在这些鱼群中游泳,它们似乎并不在意。 本句中seem为系动词,表示“好像,似乎,看来”,其后可接形容词、名词、不定式、that引导的从句作表语。如:Mary seems a very clever girl. 玛丽似乎是一个非常聪明的女孩。 Mr. Smith seemed to be quite happy. 史密斯先生好像十分快乐。 It seems that no one knows what has happened in the park.似乎没有人知道公园里发生了什么事。,.,13,练习: (1)You look familiar to me. I seem_you somewhere. Ahaving seenBseeing Cto see Dto have seen 答案:D 句意为:你看起来好面熟,我好像在什么地方见过你。seem后接不定式作表语,而“见过”所强调的是过去的情况,故用不定式的完成式。,.,14,本句中mind作及物动词,意为“介意”,尤用于疑问句和否定句中,其后可接动名词(的复合结构)、名词、代词等作宾语,还可接wh从句和that从句作宾语。如: I hope you dont mind the noise. 我希望你不介意这响声。 Did she mind not getting the job? 她介意没得到这份工作吗?,.,15,知识拓展 (1)“Do you mind动名词(的复合结构)?”常用来表示客气地提出请求,若用动名词的复合结构作宾语,动名词的逻辑主语可用所有格形式,也可用宾格形式。如: Do you mind(my/me)asking you a few questions? 我请教你几个问题好吗?,.,16,(2)回答“Do you mind.?”这类问句时,表示“介意”时,用yes或Im afraid.;表示“不介意”时,用no/of course not/ certainly not等。如: Do you mind my turning off the radio? 你介意我关掉收音机吗? Certainly not. 当然不介意。,.,17,练习: (2)Do you mind my smoking here? _. ANo, thanksBNo, good idea CYes, pleaseDYes, better not 答案:D句意:“你介意我在这抽烟吗?”“是的,你最好别抽。”由句意可知D项切题。,.,18,(3)Do you mind_the window? No, go ahead. Ato openingBif you open Cmy openingDto open 答案:C动名词的复合结构my opening.在此作宾语。,.,19,4narrow adj.狭窄的;有限的;狭隘的;勉强的,刚刚好的。 There was only a narrow gap between the bed and the wall.床和墙之间只有一条窄缝。 He moves in a narrow circle of friends. 他生活在狭小的朋友圈子里。 She was elected by a narrow majority. 她以微弱的多数票当选。 The river narrows at this point. 河流在这个地方变窄了。 In the bright sunlight she had to narrow her eyes.在明亮的阳光下,她不得不眯起眼睛。,.,20,a narrow escape九死一生 narrowly adv.仅仅,勉强地,严密地 a narrow victory险胜 in a narrow sense在狭义上 narrow majority微弱多数 by a narrow margin相差不多地 narrow down缩小(范围等) narrowminded adj.气量小的;小心眼的 He narrowly escaped drowning. 他差一点儿淹死。 Watch that fellow narrowly.注意看着那家伙。,.,21,练习: (1)补全句子 她心胸狭窄。 She has a very _. (2)汉译英 The river narrows at this point. _,narrow mind,河流在这个地方变窄了。,.,22,(3)The final score of the football match was 9394. We were only _ beaten. Anearly Bslightly CnarrowlyDlightly 答案:C考查副词词义辨析。句意:足球赛最后的比分是9394。我们差一点被打败。nearly“几乎”;slightly“轻微地”;narrowly“差一点”;lightly“轻轻地”。由句意可知,C项正确。,.,23,5sharp adj.锐利的;锋利的;敏捷的;急剧的 The knife isnt sharp enough to cut meat. 这把刀不够锋利,切不动肉。 The old man has sharp eyes. 这位老人有敏锐的眼睛。 Be careful of the sharp bend in the road. 小心路上的急转弯。,.,24,sharpen v(使)变锋利;削尖 sharpener n削尖用的器具 be sharp at对灵敏 练习: 补全句子 My grandmother is nearly 70, but her mind is still _(敏捷的) Be careful, the knife is very _(锋利的) 答案:sharpsharp,.,25,(2)Nowadays, there is a _ increase in childrens creativity,for they are greatly encouraged to develop their talents. Asharp Bslight CnaturalDmodest 答案:A考查形容词词义辨析。句意:现在,孩子们的创造性有明显的增长,因为他们被大加鼓励发展他们的才能。sharp“锋利的,突然的,灵敏的,明显的”;slight“轻微的,微小的”;natural“自然的”;modest谦虚的。,.,26,3Then there were two grey reef sharks, each about one and a half metres long, which suddenly appeared from behind some coral. 然后还有两条灰色的珊瑚鲨,每条大约有1.5米长,突然从珊瑚礁后面游了出来。,.,27,from behind是双重介词。双重介词一般由两个介词搭配而成,其常见的构成方式如下: from其他介词。如: The moon appeared from behind the clouds. 月亮从云后面露了出来。 A rat ran from under the bed. 一只老鼠从床底下跑了出来。,.,28,except其他介词。except后常接at, by, from, in, on, to等介词。如: Except for the few who have failed their examinations, all the students in the hall are in very high spirits. 大厅里,除了几个考试不及格的学生外,其他学生的情绪极佳。 I searched everywhere except in the bedroom. 除了卧室我到处都找了。 He rarely went anywhere except to his office. 除了办公室他很少去其他地方。,.,29,till/until其他介词。till/until后常接介词after。如: I hardly ever go to bed till after twelve. 我12点以后才睡觉。 Up until last summer we always went to the beach for our vacation. 去年夏天以前,我们总是去海边度假。,.,30,练习: 完成句子 That is a force pushing outwards_ the moon. 那是一种从月球内向外推的力。 Thanksgiving Day in the US.A., like Spring Festival in China, brings families back together_ the country. 像中国的春节一样,美国的感恩节是家人从全国各地团聚在一起的节日。,from inside,from across,.,31,The monkey suddenly emerged _ the tree, frightening Lucy into screaming. 猴子突然从树后出现,露西吓得尖叫起来。,from behind,.,32,4The water was quite shallow but where the reef ended, there was a steep drop to the sandy ocean floor. 海水很浅,但是到了珊瑚礁的尽头,就有一个陡坡,一直下降到满是沙子的海底。,.,33,where引导地点状语从句,意为“在的地方”。 Where the temple once stood there is now a car park. 过去寺庙所在的地方现在成了停车场。 Where there is water, there is life. 有水就有生命。,.,34,练习: (1)补全句子 有志者事竟成。 _ there is a will, _ a way. 把图片放在我能看见的地方。 Put the picture _ _ _ _ _.,Where,there is,where,I,can,see,it,.,35,(2)She usually keeps her valuables, such as jewels and money, _ she believes secure. Aeven ifBin case Cwhere Dthat 答案:C考查状语从句。句意:她总是把贵重的东西,比如首饰、钱等放在她认为安全的地方。where引导的地点状语从句。,


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