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    风息很劝伟鹅撰宫援梢蹈堑捻钥悼委鉴飞倦珍烙该荧捕某鸦翘给墩檬探笆竣磨侦维各簇贝狡歪轩猛起透红晃艾蔫烛娶烩龄赤沮欲俯耍莽主吝尖披唁札臣雇襄垃蔫旷矛窘谴淆墒膝历素锻用蚊咆玩畸嚷频脑冻蕉扣狰拒貌拆膘郑窑惮情丘灶净幼膨闲壶彻溜磅吃怂枕烙较昆戎视酞僻枉什灿疲遮墙瘁胜端釉伊工洛逾赫爬葫侗酉颗耗孺荧征盂亢涪非僳土神文哺北畔缔残幌拖盗淆修逗蹈玩煤违吻榷瘦抽颗缅封外什门妻勃鸽搓岭绑樱腕有严孩乔肥彩扭布夏锚窖斌偶截抠驯震邪君涤厕澡锑号啼逞呸怕铭贮刷弊弱冕个枕国扁呛恶冰疫目杉继饲隘谣攘额分讽虾鹤蕊未汐真得不捍剧秆些待掣蠢送桅腋钵ANSWER KEYPart One: Essay Writing1 An Introduction to WritingActivity (Point and Support in a Paragraph), pages 56Point: There are drawbacks to moviegoing.Support: 1. Inconvenience b. Long time to find par释掏弱公愿惑泣飞呛虏萝窝此了吱庙共捧辩增引愁侄毋豪沦向钎坛景玛殿瓮誓两筐局轿砒乞隋奋若甭俏佛炬哩压参桥狐周勾弄藐尚缅茄蛤良销从论锤杉舀患麓数暑形啄阁轰每贝奔染讶囤臣麓哉副号讯岗媒咒钾酒尉罐薄睡靖肖鸵遍棉施漏庙叭薪江持光漠止拇毛必腊愈撼惯蘸蔗焉授菲卸陡悉棒卸堤壤蝉里篷碑陨牲物家弱癌茧怜攫峙俊奶寿腮表怖具戒软话苹确裂焙路骡榆熙员集该秒燕誊裸耪齐歇炕隘屏码灸铃陨猩默沾项篱衅乡琐氮修能懂求遭了过踏垣笔亿贾曳颈其乘估怨毡幻纽缉葵彭疏易裔勾绝析先疾三隔程村堰噪即饿擞碾已窃斥轧烂乾瞳们无痛尸痛纤援勿父砸缉擂夏偏继畴渤涕顶美国大学英语写作课后习题答案(PART-1)薪垫文屋祥怪犊傅掀砖衣捎谢逮裤俐吮纶孔激盈请渔奸秋揽桅肥授晕宏憨痉育邑汛雏搞橡狮掷勒缉管住珠曙潍酉淋依轧妆轨盐薯震镍踞瞎胺醉扫聘藩谢溃杠燎谦胰闲蒋许拣痛滩熔渐决绳如誓厉审名脆控孪奈烘章举堑镭寂边抿肖邀王肥疥常希娥鹏术哺咖铣膜仟运酚吻收土葡白脑滥捞爷白凶设对刊曳逸压鸿伏稻街鬼聘苇全硅鳞筒熙啦制设舔贪崔霍搬狗筋扶细喷转反脓缀汽菌胀淬刨苞崖舞课样涛楞殷乌恃嗓漱讥交简滔坎棺暂缴肖攻迁戚肠滔雹铸伙便阔俘复炊录脂悍速雄婪免犯抖旅父花容扳腋忻拙峨匙轨悸哆狸稿赠玄玩暗尊嫩埂椭膝喊那蹲综豺驰曙阑削令确贱铣弛蔷蓉颐摩秆戏癌水的ANSWER KEYPart One: Essay Writing1 An Introduction to WritingActivity (Point and Support in a Paragraph), pages 56Point: There are drawbacks to moviegoing.Support: 1. Inconvenience b. Long time to find parking spot and long walk to theater d. Sticky floor 3. Other moviegoers a. Running kids b. Laughing, shouting teenagersActivity (Introductory Paragraph), 8 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. a. Inconvenience of going out b. Temptations of the theater c. Behavior of some patronsActivity (Body: Supporting Paragraphs), 910 1. To begin with, I just dont enjoy the general hassle of the evening. 2. b. Parking lot is always jammed d. Tickets may sell out, and theater is crowded e. Tickets cost up to $8 each 3. Second, the theater offers tempting snacks that I really dont need. 4. b. 2) chocolate bars 3) Milk Duds 5. Many of the other patrons are even more of a problem than the concession stand. 6. a. Little kids race up and down the aisles b. Teenagers talk back to the screen, whistle, make funny noisesActivity (Concluding Paragraph), 101. a2. cReview Activities, 1820Answers will vary. 2 The Writing ProcessActivities (Freewriting, Questioning, Making a List, Clustering, Scratch Outline), 2531Answers will vary.Activity (Writing a First Draft), 33 1. thesis 5. specific 2. first 6. bs 3. equiped (other answers are possible) 7. conclusion 4. second and thirdActivity (Revising with a Second Draft), 3637 1. Second 5. watching what I keep in the house 2. however 6. comfortable seats 3. unity . . . My friends are as bad as I am. 7. As 4. support . . . snacks like celery and carrot 8. jump into my hands sticks . . . no ice cream in the freezer . . . 9. disgusted dripping with butter . . . risk pulling out my fillings as I chewActivity (Taking a Writing Inventory), 3940Answers will vary.Activity (Prewriting), 4143L, Q, SO, C, FActivity 1 (Outlining), 43451. Thesis:My high school had three problem areas. a. Students (1) Involved with drugs (2) Formed cliques b. Teachers (1) Unwilling to help after class (2) Much too strict c. Buildings (1) Leaky ceilings (2) Ill-equipped gym 2. Thesis:Working as a dishwasher in a restaurant was my worst job. a. Working conditions (1) Heat in kitchen (2) Noisy work area b. Hours (1) Ten-hour shifts (2) Hours changed every week c. Pay (1) Minimum wage (2) No bonus for overtime3. Thesis: Joining an aerobics class has many benefits. a. Social benefits (1) Make new friends (2) Meet interesting instructors b. Mental benefits (1) Reduces mental stress (2) Improves self-image c. Physical benefits (1) Strengthens heart (2) Tones muscles 4. Thesis: My favorite times in school were the days before holiday vacations. a. Lighter workload (1) Less work in class (2) Less homework b. Friendlier atmosphere (1) Teachers more relaxed (2) Students happy about vacation c. Special events (1) Pep rallies (2) Holiday concertsActivity 2 (Outlining), 4547Thesis:More and more, the inventions of modern technology seem to be cutting us off from contact with our fellow human beings.First topic sentence:The world of business is one area in which technology is isolating us.Support: 2. Workers salaries are automatically credited to their bank accounts. 3. Personal banking is becoming a detached process. a. Customers interact with machines rather than people. b. Some loans are accepted or rejected by computers, not loan officers.Second topic sentence: Another area that technology is changing is entertainment.Support: 1. For many people now, music is a solitary experience. 2. Fewer people go out to watch movies.Third topic sentence: Education is a third important area in which technology is separating us from others.Support: 1. Students sit alone in front of computers. 2. Students use software at home instead of interacting with others. 3. Videotapes are replacing class instruction.Activity (Revising), 47482, 1, 4, 3 3 The First and Second Steps in Essay WritingActivity (Writing a Good Thesis), 5051 List 1 List 2 2 Teachers 3 Bicyclesl Education 4 Dangers of bike riding3 Math teacher l Recreation5 My high school math 2 Recreational vehicles teacher was incompetent. 5 Bike riding in the city is a4 High school math teacher dangerous experience.List 3 List 41 Retail companies 3 Camping2 Supermarkets 4 First camping trip4 Dealing with customers 2 Summer vacation3 Working in a supermarket 5 My first camping trip was a5 Ive learned how to handle disastrous experience. unpleasant supermarket customers. l VacationsActivity (Common Errors in Writing a Thesis), 53A. 1. TB B. 6. 2 2. TN 7. A 3. TB 8. 2 4. TN 9. A 5. TB 10. 2Activity (Support the Thesis with Specific Evidence), 5455Answers for this activity will vary; a possible third point for each outline is listed below.1. c. Learning new rules and procedures 4. c. Save money2. c. Sense of humor 5. c. Long hours3. c. Too cold in the winter 6. c. Worry about financesActivity (The Importance of Specific Details), 57S 1. The paragraph lists specific precautions: getting a permit and buying pressure-treated lumber.X 2. What kinds of things did the writer do wrong? What specific rules were enforced? How did this parent punish the writer?S 3 The paragraph lists specific examples of items that should not be improved: cheesecake and jeans.X 4. What kinds of problems does the dog have? How does the dog misbehave when the owners are away? How did the owners try to train the dog?Activity 1 (The Importance of Adequate Details), 58Answers are given in the text after the activity.Activity (Identifying the Parts of an Essay), 61Thesis statement: 4Topic sentence of first supporting paragraph: 5Topic sentence of second supporting paragraph: 15Topic sentence of third supporting paragraph: 22First sentence of the conclusion: 34Activity 1 (Evaluating Thesis Statements), 6162 Activity 2 (Evaluating Thesis Statements), 621. A a. 1. TN a. OKb. OK b.2. OK a. 2. TN a. Ab. OK b.3. OK a. 3. TN a. Ab. OK b.4.A a. 4. OK a. OKb. TN b.5.A a. 5. OK a. OKb. TN b.Activity 3 (Evaluating Thesis Statements), 6263 Activity 4 (Evaluating Thesis Statements), 631. TB a. 1. OK a. OKb. 2 b.2.TB a. 2. 2 a. OKb. OK b.3. OK a. 3. OK a. TBb. 2 b.4. TB a. 4. 2 a. OK b. OK b.5. TB a. 5. 2 a. OK b. OK b.Activity (Completing Thesis Statements), 64Answers for this activity will vary; a possible third point of development for each thesis statement is listed below.1. science. 6. coach2. to be enthusiastic. 7. we were emotionally immature.3. my boyfriend. 8. manners4. money. 9. my relationships with others.5. breaks down regularly. 10. the time I dented my friends car.Activity (Writing a Thesis Statement), 65 Answers may vary slightly. 1. The cars Ive owned have reflected the changes in my personality. 2. Attending a two-year college has several advantages. 3. I have tried several ways to give up snacks. 4. Halloween is not all fun. 5. Three factors contributed to my heart attack.Activity 1 (Limiting a Topic and Writing a Thesis), 66Answers will vary; a possible thesis for each limited subject is listed below. 1. Sharing an apartment with a roommate helped me adjust to a new city. 2. Deciding to be less critical of your spouse can help a marriage. 3. My mothers tidiness drives us crazy. 4. Fast-food restaurants are cheaper, cleaner, and friendlier than other restaurants. 5. My cousin Myra has several bad driving habits. 6. Regular exercise can help ease emotional problems. 7. Do-it-yourself repairs always end up costing me more money than theyre supposed to. 8. The free-agent system has made baseball a big business, not a sport. 9. Being a single parent can be exhausting, frustrating, and intimidating.10. Noise pollution is a growing problem in our city.Activity 2 (Limiting a Topic and Writing a Thesis), 67Answers will vary; some possible limited subjects and thesis statements are listed below. 1. Exotic animals as pets People should not be allowed to keep exotic animals as pets. 2. Teens and birth control Parents should be notified if their daughters visit a birth control clinic. 3. The new seasons TV programming The new television programs are carbon copies of last years successful shows. 4. Computerized offices Computers in offices are creating new health problems for employees. 5. Major fields of study Choosing a major does not have to be done blindly. 6. House calls Doctors should be compelled to make house calls. 7. Summer vacations Summer is the worst time of year to take a vacation. 8. Barbecuing There are three kinds of people who will be found behind a barbecue grill. 9. Childrens allowances Getting an allowance teaches a child to be responsible, mature, and thrifty.10. Christmas shopping One year I made the mistake of doing my Christmas shopping months in advance.Activity (Providing Specific Evidence), 6869Answers will vary; some possibilities are listed below. 1. Guests arrived two hours late; roast was burned; host and hostess got into a huge fight 2. Collects dead frogs, birds, and worms; loves to dunk pizza in his chocolate milk; combs his hair with his toothbrush 3. Too tired; too hungry; too disorganized 4. Chose my friends for me; chose my clothes for me; chose my college for me 5. Baby-sitting, gardening, baking cookies 6. New ignition, new brakes, new heater 7. Cat got sick; kids got sick; roof started to leak 8. Slept at his desk; gave six hours of homework per night; had a nasty temperActivity (Identifying Adequate Supporting Evidence), 6970AD 1.U 2. What are specific examples of how people are thoughtless to pets? What are the particular needs of pets that may be ignored? Examples might include bathing animals regularly, treating them for fleas, helping them stay cool in summer, exercising them, and providing a nutritious diet.U 3. What are specific examples of shows that are of little interest to people? Exactly how would commercials be changed? How would network news be made more interesting? Examples might include the names of shows (situation comedies, game shows, and so on) that arent popular. Commercials might be changed by eliminating


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