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    B5U2 综合同步阅读.docx

    B5U2 综合同步阅读B5U2 综合同步阅读一. 完形填空Once you have reached London, you can go about in taxis, buses, or by underground. I myself prefer the 1 as it is rapid, easy and cheap. There are so many 2 in London that one cannot drive along the roads quickly and without many stops. The underground is therefore 3 quicker than taxis or buses. If you do not know London well it is very difficult to find the 4 you want. You can take a taxi, but it is much more 5 than the underground or a bus. On the underground you may find good 6 , which tell you the names of the stations and 7 you how to get to them, so that it is easy to find your 8 .Let us suppose that I have just arrived 9 London from France. My train 10 at Victoria Station in London, and I want to go to Cambridge. I therefore have to get from Victoria Station to Liverpool Street Station. If I have a lot of luggage, I have to take a taxi, 11 , as I have already said, is much more expensive than a bus or the underground. If I have not much luggage 12 me (perhaps I have sent it to Cambridge, where I will 13 it later), I can go 14 some stairs from Victoria Station to the underground station, enter an electric train there, and go along under the ground to Liverpool Street Station, where I will again come out into the light of day to 15 my journey.1. A. former B. latter C. earlier D. later2. A. underground B. children C. cars and buses D. stations3. A. usually B. frequently C. gradually D. exactly4. A. car B. bus C. taxi D. bicycle5. A. expense B. expression C. express D. expensive6. A. maps B. buses C. cars D. taxi7. A. say B. teach C. explain D. show8. A. way B. street C. avenue D. road8. A. in B. on C. at D. to10. A. leaves B. stops C. sets off D. sets out11. A. to which B. that C. which D. what12. A. around B. with C. for D. by13. A. collect B. carry C. sell D. buy14. A. down B. up C. downward D. upward15. A. continue B. stop C. start D. end二. 阅读理解(A)Scotland is a well-developed tourist destination, with tourism generally being responsible for sustaining 200, 000 jobs mainly in the service sector, with tourist spending averaging at 4 billion per year. Tourists from the United Kingdom make up the bulk(主体)of visitors to Scotland. In 2021, for example, UK visitors made 18.5 million visits to Scotland, staying 64.5 million nights and spending 3.7 billion. In contrast, overseas residents made 1.58 million visits to Scotland, staying 15 million nights and spending 806 million. In terms of overseas visitors, those from the United States made up 24% of visits to Scotland, with the United States being the largest source of overseas visitors, and Germany (9%), France (8%), Canada (7%) and Australia (6%), following behind.Scotland is generally seen as clean, unspoilt destination with beautiful scenery which has a long and complex history, combined with thousands of historic sites and attractions. These include prehistoric stone circles, standing stones and burial chambers, and various Bronze Age, Iron Age and Stone Age remains. There are also many historic castles, houses, and battlegrounds, ruins and museums. Many people are drawn by the culture of Scotland.The cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow are increasingly being seen as a cosmopolitan(全世界的)alternative to Scotland?s countryside, with visitors year round, but the main tourist season is generally from April to October inclusive. In addition to these factors, the national tourist agency, Visit Scotland, hasdeployed a strategy of niche(适当的)marketing, aimed at exploiting, amongst other things, Scotland?s strengths in golf, fishing and food and drink tourism. Another significant, and increasingly popular reason for tourism to Scotland especially by those from North America is genealogy, with many visitors coming to Scotland to explore their family and ancestral roots.1. People from _ visited Scotland most.A. the USAB. FranceC. the UKD. Germany2. For Chinese students, the best time to visit Scotland is in _.A. the Spring FestivalB. the winter vocationC. the summer vacationD. any time3. Scotland mainly impresses tourists with its _.A. food and drinkB. beautiful scenery with cultural relicsC. big cities like EdinburghD. many North Americans? family and ancestral roots4. In 2021, visitors from the US made about _ visits to Scotland.A. 18.5 millionB. 1.58 millionC. 4.45 millionD. 0.38 million5. Which of the following is true according to the text?A. In history, many Scotlanders moved to North America.B. Overseas visitors do not like to stay in Scotland for the night.C. Visit Scotland is trying to change people?s impression on Scotland.D. Overseas visitors come to Scotland mainly to explore their family roots.(B)British higher education has had a long history. There are over forty universities in Britain. The world famous universities, Oxford and Cambridge, are the oldest ones dating from 1167 and 1284. Of cabinet ministers (内阁部长) who went to universities, nearly all went to one or the other of these two, and to Oxford in particular. Oxford gets started in the twelfth century. It has twenty-three ordinary colleges for men, five for women, which about 12,000 students in all. There is no single building which can be called “the University” and no definite area which could be called a “campus” becau se the colleges and university buildings are scattered (分散) about the town. The university prescribes syllabi (规定教学大纲), arranges examinations and awards degrees. Part of the teaching is by means of lectures organized by the university; any student may attend any university lecture. The average don(教师)gives one or two lectures a week on a subject which is his special field of interest.At the beginning of each term a list is published showing all the lectures being given during the term. Every student can choose the lectures he likes. Attendance at university lectures is not compulsory (要求的,强迫的) and no records of attendance are kept. Apart from lectures teaching is by means of the “tutorial system” (导师制), which is one of the two Oxford and Cambridge features that are widely admired and are being gradually extended to other universities. Each student gets personal tuition once a week in his or her tutor?s own room, sitting in an armchair and reading out an essay which he or she and the tutor then discuss. This, with a weekly program of private study, is considered so important at Oxford and Cambridge that students are not even compelled (强迫) to attend general lectures, which must therefore be of high quality if they are to attract a large student audience.6. “There is no single building which can be called the University? ” means .A. there isn?t any building in the universit yB. the buildings are scattered about the university townC. the buildings can only be found in the campusD. there isn?t any university or campus there7. From the passage we can infer that .A. it?s very easy to study in Oxford or Cam bridgeB. teaching in Oxford or Cambridge is an easy jobC. the students have freedom to choose the lectures he likesD. the students attend lectures only at the beginning of each term8. Which of the following statements about “tutorial system” is NOT true?A. Each student has personal tuition every week.B. Each student has to visit his or her tutor sitting in an armchair and chatting with the tutor.C. Students are not forced to attend general lectures.D. Private study is considered to be very important in Oxford and Cambridge.9. The passage is mainly about .A. the students in Oxford and CambridgeB. the tutors in Oxford and CambridgeC. the buildings in Oxford and CambridgeD. Oxford, Cambridge and their systems编印:屠小平2021/12/25 218,219. 完形填空1. B解析:根据后半句“快速、方便并且便宜”,可以推知应该是地铁,所以应该是the latter。2. C解析:根据后半句提供的信息“车开不快”可以得知路面上有太多的车辆。3. A解析:接着上题,意思是“不停许多次”,也就是要时不时地停下来。4. B解析:如果对伦敦不是很熟悉,那么很难找到你想要乘坐的“公交车”。5. D解析:根据句义“你可以选择乘坐出租车,但是要比乘坐公交车和地铁贵很多”,所以用expensive。6. A解析:“在地铁上”用介词on。7. D解析:say说话。teach教给。explain解释。show引导,指示。主语是“地图”,所以用show更加合适。8. A解析:find your way找到你的路。9. C解析:句义是“让我们设想一下”,所以选择suppose。support支持,拥护。propose计划,建议。proper适当的,正确的。10. A解析:arrive in/at 到达。大地方用in,小地方用at。11. C解析:which引导非限制性定语从句,as I have already said是插入语,正常的句子是which is much more expensive than a bus or the underground。12. B解析:with表示随身携带。13. A解析:carry搬运。sell卖。buy买。这里强调的是“先寄存在剑桥,稍后再去取回”,collect 除了常用的“收集,聚集”等意思,还有“拿走,取走”的意思,相当于fetch,所以选A。14. A解析:到地铁需要下楼梯,所以是go down some stairs。15. A解析:这里表示的意思是“从地铁出来回到地面上继续我的旅程”,所以应该是into the light of the day。. 阅读理解,根据短文内容选择最佳答案1. C解析:由第一段可知,在2021年到苏格兰旅游的英国人达到18.5 million,而所有海外的游客是1.58 million,所以答案是C。2. C解析:由第三段第一句可知主要的旅游季节是4月到10月,所以中国学生去苏格兰旅游的最佳时间是暑假。3. B解析:由第二段可知苏格兰最打动游客的是它美丽的景色和厚重的历史积淀,所以选项B 符合题意。4. D解析:细节题。第一段告诉我们2021年所有的海外游客达到1.58 million,其中美国占到了24%,所以选D。5. A解析:由本文最后一句可知来自北美的许多游客到苏格兰来寻根,所以A是正确的,而选项D范围太大,所以是错误的;由第一段第四句可知海外游客是在苏格兰过夜的,所以B也是错误的;由第三段第二句可知,这家旅游公司只是适当地拓宽了旅游市场,并不是试图改变人们对苏格兰的印象,所以选项C是错误的。6. B解析:由第一段第七句可知选择B,因为教学楼分布在大学城的各个角落。7. C解析:由第二段第二句可知选项C是正确的,其他选项都与文义不符。8. B解析:由第二段第五句可知,选项B的表述与文章不符,导师与学生是讨论,而不是聊天,故选B;其他选项本段都有提到。9. D解析:本文主要介绍了牛津和剑桥两所名校的教学体系,所以选D;其他选项只是文章涉及到的一小部分,不能概括全文。


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