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    牛津高中英语教学设计单元: Unit1 Living with technology板块: Project 1Thoughts on design:这是 Project 板块的第一课时。本板块的核心思想是让学生运用本单元所学的所有知识和技能, 在课堂之外, 独立或以小组形式开展项目研究。 它提供的这篇文章可以说有双重目的,一方面为学生即将开展的项目研究提供范本; 另一方面, 它也是本单元中重要的语篇材料,含有丰富的语言知识可供学生学习。 所以第一课时侧重阅读, 由浅入深地引导学生了解中心内容、 观点分歧、 各种观点的主要依据、 字面意思之后的深层理解和作者隐含的观点态度等,这些能为学生提供分析问题的不同视角和基本的写作方法指导, 对学生后来开展项目研究和呈现研究成果都有很大的帮助。Teaching aims:1.students will be able to use what they ve learned in this unit to complete a project;2. students will be able to learn how to make a list of advantages and disadvantages of some modern electronic devices.Teaching procedures:Step 1Presentation of homeworkRead your email on P11 to your partner.Step 2Lead inRead To phone or not to phone?on P14What information have you got from this newspaper article?Step 3Reading for gist1. Does the author present a balanced view of the use of the phone?2. What is the author s attitude toward it? Find out some sentences to support your answer.Step 4Building up your vocabulary? Guess the meaning of the following words from the context.?1. conventional way of life? 2. reject cars? 3. oppose having telephones ? 4. have a valid point ? 5. More problems arise ? 6. these relationships are always shallow ? 7. rid ourselves of modern technology Step 5Reading for details? About the Amish? 1. How are the Amish different from regular people? 2. What do they value above all else? 3. What does the author think of them?1. What are the drawbacks of the telephone according to the author?2. How does the author defend the Amish s point about the use of the telephone?3. Why does the author think using the mobile phone for text message is the worst?4. What does the author suggest at the end of the passage?5. What is the tone of the last sentence?A. Hopeful.B. Humorous.C. Depressed.Step 6Getting to know the author s craft1. Write the outline of the passage. Part 1(Para1-2)Introduction to the Amish way of life Part 2(Para3-6)Disadvantages of the telephone Part 3(Para7-8) Possible solutions2. Do you find the author convincing in presenting his ideas? Why / Why not?Step 7Difficult sentences to understand? 1. Which is more of a friend: someone you often talk to over the phone, or someone you often talk to face to face? 2. There is something important about being and sharing a life together that cannot be found over a telephone wire.? 3. For example, no matter what the circumstances, when the phone rings, everything stops so that the call can be answered.? 4. the phone always seems to be ringing, destroying whatever peace you might have.? 5. Meanwhile, real relationships are often sacrificed, and whatever personal peace one has is destroyed whenever the phone rings.? 6. The Amish reject cars because they like having tight communities where everyone livesclose together.?7. When asked later what the call was about, your friend always answers, “Oh, nothing really.”? 8. While these messages always seem important at the time, most people cannot really remember them the next day.Step 7Summarize the passage within 150 wordsPara1 Introduction to the Amish way of lifePara 2 Disadvantages of the telephonePara3 Possible solutionsStep 8Homework1. Finish the summary.2. Review the passage and underline important phrases.3. Preview P15 B.Explanation这是 Project 板块第一课时。Project 板块提供的这篇文章可以说有双重目的,一方面为学生即将开展的项目研究提供范本,另一方面它也是本单元中重要的语篇材料,含有丰富的语言知识可供学生学习。所以, 教材的编写者往往把Reading 板块称为主阅读, 而把 Project板块称为副阅读。在教学设计中,由浅入深地引导学生了解中心内容、观点分歧、 各种观点的主要依据、 字面意思之后的深层理解和作者隐含的观点态度等。特别是主要观点及其支撑信息的表达方式, 作者观点态度的表达方式,对学生后来开展项目研究和呈现研究成果都有很大的帮助。 阅读后的思考题以及撰写文章概要的设计也是与后面的项目研究相关照,为学生提供分析问题的不同视角和基本的写作方法指导。至此,第一课时结束。


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