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    三年级起点 第四册 四年级下册 短语和重点句归纳.docx

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    三年级起点 第四册 四年级下册 短语和重点句归纳.docx

    三年级起点 第四册 四年级下册 短语和重点句归纳三年级起点第四册短语和重点句归纳Module11.these are- 这些是(加复数)2. a bit shy- 有一点害羞3. a nice teacher- 一位好老师4. a clever pupil- 一个聪明的小学生5. a very naughty bird- 一只非常淘气的鸟Module21. a book about London- 一本关于伦敦的书2. be from London- 来自伦敦3. the capital of England- 英国的首都4. Buckingham Palace- 白金汉宫5. Queens house- 女王的房子6. the River Thames- 泰晤士河7. long and wide- 又长又宽8. Big Ben- 大本钟9. Hyde Park- 海德公园10. Tower Bridge- 塔桥Module31.on Saturday- 在周六2.be going to- 将要打算3.have a picnic- 去野餐4.take your kite / ball- 带着风筝/ 球5.go swimming- 去游泳6.play with my friends- 和我的朋友们玩7.go to the park- 去公园8.do my / our homework- 做我的/我们的家庭作业9.visit my grandma- 看望我的奶奶/姥姥10.help my mother- 帮助我的妈妈11.read my books- 读我的书12.fly a kite- 放风筝Module41.do everything- 做所有的事2.do the housework- 做家务3.help children learn- 帮组孩子们学习4.make cakes- 做蛋糕5.in Beijing- 在北京Module51.taller /older / shorter/younger/stronger than-比.更高/大/矮/小/强壮2.the Changjiang River-长江3.Yellow River-黄河4.Mount Qomolangma-珠穆朗玛峰5.Mount Tai-泰山6.the Great Wall-长城7.Summer Palace-颐和园8.longer/higher/bigger than-比.更长/高/大Module 61.pop music -流行音乐2.play the guitar-弹吉他3.play the erhu-拉二胡4.play the zither-弹古筝5.play the drums-打架子鼓Module 71.speak English-说英语2.in America- 在美国3.in the east/ west/ north/south-在.的东部/西部/南部/北部4.Washington D.C-哥伦比亚特区华盛顿5.New York-纽约6.San Francisca-旧金山Module91.cook meat/fish -做肉/鱼2.listen to music-听音乐3.walk in the park-在公园散步4.talk to some friends-和一些朋友聊天5.play on the computer-玩电脑6.watch TV-看电视7.cook noodles-煮面条8.cook lunch-做午餐http:/www.wendangku.net/doc/d1bc41b4c77da26925c5b083.htmlst weekend-上周末1.go( 过去式went) for a bike ride骑自行车旅游2.hungry and thirsty又饿又渴3.buy(过去式bought) a watermelon买一个西瓜4.on the bike在自行车上5.fall( 过去式fell) off跌落6.bump (过去式bumped)my head碰到我的头7.lots of-大量的8.have got a stomachache -胃疼9.have a cold -患了感冒10.have got a headache-头疼11.hat got a fever-发烧12.feel cold-感到很冷13.feel hot-感到很热14.hold his head-捂住他的头15.have a horrible cold-患了重感冒重点句型Module11. Module 11、This is Xiaoyong,这是小勇2、HesShes very clever.nice.cool.a bit shy.a clever pupil.他是她是非常聪明友善酷的 有一点害羞一个聪明的小学生。3、Its a naughty bird.它是一只聪明的鸟。4、My mother is very tall. My mother is a very nice doctor.我的妈妈非常的高。我的妈妈是一位非常友善的医生。Module 21、This is Its a book about London.这是它是一本关于伦敦的书。2、-Its very big and very beautiful.它非常大而且非常漂亮。3、London is the capital of England.4、伦敦是英国的首都。5、This is the River Thames . Its long and wide.这是泰晤士河。它又长又宽。6、This is Tower Bridge. Its very famous.这是塔桥。它非常著名。7、There are many boats on the river.在河上有许多船。1、On Saturday Were going to have a picnic.在周六我们打算去野餐。2、Will you take a your ball tomorrow? -Yes, I will. -No. I wont.明天你要带着一个 你的球吗?是,我会的。不,我不会。3、On Monday Ill go swimming.play with my friends.go to the park.do my homework.visit在星期一我打算去游泳 和我的朋友们玩 去公园 做我的家庭作业 探望my grandpa .help my mother.read my books.我的奶奶. 帮助我的妈妈 读我的书。4、A: What will you do on Monday, Shanshan?你星期一打算做什么,姗姗?B: Ill .我打算.5、A: What will Shanshan do on Monday?姗姗在星期一要做什么?B: On Monday shell .星期一她要Module 41、Robots will do every thing ./ make cakes.help children learn.do the housework.机器人会做所有的事情。/ 做蛋糕。/ 帮助孩子们学习/ 做家务。2、Will they do the housework? Yes , they will. No, they wont.它们会做家务活吗?是的,它们会。不,它们不会。3、It will be windy hot sunny rain cold snow in Beijing.北京将要刮风 会天气炎热 会天气晴朗。会下雨。会很冷。 会下雪。4、Will it be windy in Beijing? -Yes,it will. -No,it wont.北京会刮风吗?是,会有风。不,没有。Module 51、Amy is olderyoungershortertallerstronger than Daming.埃米比大明年龄大 年龄小 矮 高 强壮。2、The Changjiang River is longer than the Yellow River.长江比黄河长。3、Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.北京比天津大。4、A: Is 2 shorter than 1? B: Yes , it is . 1 is taller than 2.2 比1 矮吗?是的。1比2 高。Module 61、This girl is good. This boy is better than the girls.这个女孩(唱得)很好。这个男孩比这些女孩(唱得)好。2、The girls are bad. -Tom is worse than the girls.这些女孩很差。这个男孩比这些女孩更差。3、They can play the erhu . Amy is better than Sam. Sam is worse than Amy.他们会拉二胡。埃米比汤姆更好。汤姆比埃米更差。Module 71、Washington D. C. is the capital of the USA.哥伦比亚特区华盛顿是美国的首都。2、Where is New York? -Its in the east. -New York is in the east.纽约在哪里?它在东部。纽约在东部。3、Beijing is the capital of China. Its in the north.south.east.west.北京是中国的首都。它在北部。 南部 东部西部。Module 81、She He It was fat.young.short.small. -Now she he it is thin.old.tall.big.她 他它是胖的年轻的矮的小的。-现在她他它是瘦的。年长的高的大的。2、They were young, then. Now,they are old.那时他们很年轻。现在他们很老了。3、It wasnt fat then. It was thin. -Was it fat? No,it wasnt.它那时不胖。它是瘦的。它胖吗?不,它不胖。Module 91、Did you cook meat yesterday? -Yes,I did. -No,I didnt.你昨天做肉了吗?是的,我做了。不,我没做。2、Yesterday I watched TV.I helped my mother.He played on the computer game.昨天我看电视。 我帮助我的妈妈。 他打电脑游戏。3、Did Dad cook lunch yesterday? Yes, he did. No, he didnt.爸爸昨天做午饭了吗?是的,他做了。不,他没有做。Module 101、Sam fell off his bike.萨姆从自行车上跌下来。2、What happened to ()怎么了?表示询问关心3、The watermelon bumped my head.这个西瓜撞到了我的头。4、Sam had lots of chocolate biscuit yesterday, so today hes got a stomachache.萨姆昨天吃了许多巧克力饼干。所以今天他胃疼。5、Amy had a cold yesterday, and today shes got a headache.艾米昨天感冒了,今天她头疼了。


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