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    七年级下册英语教案总课题Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town!总课时7第 1 课时课 题Comic strip & welcome to the unit课型新授课教学目标1. Introduce activities in the city.2. Intriduce how to meet friends.教学重点Intriduce how to meet friends.教学难点Intriduce how to meet friends.教学设计Teaching aids: A computer, notebooks and work sheets.Teaching methods: Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing教 学 过 程教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)Comic stripStep1:Presentation1. Teacher:Im very happy today.My friend will come to Nanjing tomorrow.Shes an old friend of mine.Shes one of my old friends.What can I do for her?2. Talk.Thank you for giving me so many good odeas.I think a big meal sounds great.But theres nothing to eat in my home,and I have no time to go shoppong tomorrow.Im going to take her to a restaurant.Whhich is better,Western food or Chinese food?Thats a good idea.I want to order a pizza.Write:pizza3. Listen to tapeEddies old friend is coming to visit him.What will he do for his friend?Listen and answer:How much money do they have?They have only five yuan. Write:yuanListen to the teacherTalkListen to tapeStep2:PractiseRead and answer more questions;(1) Is there any food in the fridge?(No,theres nothing in the fridge.)(2) Where does Eddie want to buy food?(He wants to go to the supermarket to buy food.)(3) How many tins of dog food can they buy with five yuan?(They cant buy any.)3. What does Eddie want to do with five yuan?(He Read and answer教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)(1)wants to order a pizza.)(2)Do you think he can order a pizza?Why or why not?2.Practise reading.Follow the tape.Read together and read in roles.3.Act out the comic dialogue.Practise readingAct outWelcome to the unitStep1:Presentation1. When friends come to visit us,we can invire them to have dinner with us.What else can we do?Do you have any good ideas?2. Show pictures/Id like to show my friend around our city/town.Do you know these places?AnswerRead picturesStep2:Practise1. Where can I take my friend?Can you give me some advice?You can take him/her to-2. Practise in pairs.Practise in pairsStep3 Presentation1. In this city/town,we have many interesting places to visit.What can we do there?Museum-see old things,learn the history of this city/townArt museum-enjoy beautiful paintingsShoppong mall-buy clothes,shoes and souvenirsTheatre,cinema-watch plays and filmsPart-go boatong,have a picnicRestautant-have dinner2. Finish Part A.Here are some exchange students from the UK.Theyre coming to visit Sunshine Town.What do they like doing?Write: exchange studentAnswer: What can we doFinish Part AStep4.Practise1. Listen to tape.The Class1,Grade7 students are suggesting places for the exchange students to visit.Listen to their converstion and match the students with their ideas.(1)Millie a restaurant(2)Amy b cinema(3)Simon c football field(4)Sandy d shopping mall2.Please read the conversation after the tape.Listen to tape.Read after the tape教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)Step5 Show1. Work in groups of four.Discuss where you can take the exchange students to visit.2. Now each group please select one student to tell us your ideas.Work in groupsStep6. Homework;1.Practise reading the two dialogues.2.Try to repeat the two dialogues.3.Translation:A:你的表姐喜欢做什么?(What does your cousin love doing?)B:她喜欢看电影。(She loves watching films.)A:你可以带她去阳光电影院。(You can take her to Sunshine Cinema.)B:没错,电影票多少钱一张?(Yes.How much is a film ticket?)A:只要五元钱。(Only five yuan.)4.Preview Reading.Finish the homework板书设计 What can we do there?Museum-see old things,learn the history of this city/townArt museum-enjoy beautiful paintingsShoppong mall-buy clothes,shoes and souvenirsTheatre,cinema-watch plays and filmsPart-go boatong,have a picnicRestautant-have dinner七年级下册英语教案总课题Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town!总课时7第 2 课时课 题Reading I课型Reading教学目标1. Know the main idea of this passage.2. Consrtuct the vocabulaty of lifestyle and activities.3. Say sth about the city you live in.教学重点Say sth about the city you live in.教学难点Consrtuct the vocabulaty of lifestyle and activities.教学设计Teaching aids: A computer, notebooks and work sheets.Teaching methods: Taskbased approach ,Power Point教 学 过 程教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)Step1 Presentation1.If your friends come to visit you,what are you going to do with them?Where will yoou take them?2.I think there are a lot of interesting things to do in our city/town.Id like to tale them to-Park.There are a lot of flowers and trees in it.The sky is blue and the air is very fresh.In the morning,the park is very quier and many people like jogging in it.We can fly kites too. Write: quiet air fresh jogging3.Having a big meal sounds gteat.Id like to take them to -testaurant.Chinese food there is wonderful and it is near my home It takes only ten minutes to get there on foot.If they want to try some Western food,I can take them to another famous testaurant.But its very far away so we have to go there by underground.Wrire: Western underground famous by underground It takes-4. What can we do at night?Go shopping?Watch films?Ill take them to this place.its our local theatre,I look forward to enjoying Beijing opera there.Write; opera local theatre Beijing opera look forward toAnswerListen to the teacherListen to the teacherListen to the teacherStep2Practise1. Talk:教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)(1)Is there a park/a theatrre/an undergroundstation near your home?(2)Do you like going atound this city/town by underground?(3)Do you like joggong in the park?(4)Do you think the air is fresh there?(5)Which do you like,Chinese food or Western food?(6)Do you like watching Beijing opera?(7)Can you sing Beijing opera?(8)Do you often go to the local theatre?(9)Do you look forward to watching films at weekends?(10)How long does it take trom your home to the nearest park/theatre/teataurant?2.Do Part B1.Help the Classi,Grade7 students match the words with the meanings.TalkDo Part B1Step3 Presentation1. Read the script and tell me what the exchange students can do in Sunshine Town.They can go to the park,go shopping,eat Chinese food and enjoy Beijing opera.2. Answer more questions:(1) Wheres Sunshine Town?(Sunshine Town isnt far from the centre of Beijing.It takes only 40 minutes by underground.)(2) What can people do in the park?(They can go jogging there in the mornig.)(3) What can the exchange students buy in the shops?(They can buy wonderful presents for their family and friends.)(4) What can the exchange students eat in the restaurants?(They can try Chinese food or Western food.They can eat Beijing duck.)(5) Where can the exchange students enjoy Beijing opera?(They can enjoy Beijing opera in the local theatre.)Read the scriptAnswer more questionsStep4 Practise1. Listen to tape,read the passage to finish Part B2.2. Finish Part B3.3. We have four groups now.Id like you to read a different part.Listen to tapeFinish Part B23.教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)Group1 Would you like to stay in a quiet place?Group2 Would you like to go shoppong?Group3 Would you like to eat Chinese food?Group4 Would you like to enjoy Beijing opera?Step5 ShowTed and Mary are exchange students from the UK.They want to call Daniel and Amy to ask questions about Sunshine Town.Work in groups of four to make up a conversation between them.make up a conversationStep6 Homework1. Practise reading the passage.2. Try to repeat the passage.3. Finiah the exercises.Finish the homework板书设计 Group1 Would you like to stay in a quiet place?Group2 Would you like to go shoppong?Group3 Would you like to eat Chinese food?Group4 Would you like to enjoy Beijing opera?教学反思:七年级下册英语教案总课题Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town!总课时7第 3 课时课 题Reading II课型新授课教学目标4. Practise reading the passage.5. Try to repeat the passage.6. Finiah the exercises.教学重点Try to repeat the passage教学难点Try to repeat the passage教学设计Teaching aids: A computer, notebooks and work sheets.Teaching methods: Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing教 学 过 程教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)Step1 Revision1. How well do you know Sunshine Town?Complete this profile.Welcome to Sunshine Town!Locol: from the centre of BeijingTransport: by Stay in a town; the air,trees,lakes and hills; In the parkGo shopping: buying wonderful for family and friendsEat Chinese food: Beijing duck; Trying Chinese food or foodEnjoy : visiting the 2. Read the passage to finish Part B4.Then read the dialogue together.Complete this profileRead the passagefinish Part B4Step2 Presentation1. Complete the passage:Sunshine Town is not far from the centre of Beijing.It only 40 minutes by .There are many trees,lakes and green hills.So the a is very f ,in the morning and people like j in the park.In Sunshine Town,you can buy presents.They are not expensive.Your friends and family will love them.Complete the passage教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)Do you like Chinese food?I think you can try Beijing duck.It is very .There are also some W restaurants.Iam sure you will have a delicious meal at any of our restaurants.W not visit the l t ?You can enjoy Beijing o there.If you want to learn more about Chinese art,dont m it.Are you looking f to visiting Sunshine Town?2.Explain some language pointStep3 Practise(1) 从我家到学校骑车只要十分钟。(It takes only ten minutes from my home to my school by bike.)(2) 我的学校离警察局很远。 (My school is far from the police station.)(3) 为什么不尝尝北京烤鸭呢?(Why not try Beijing duck?)(4) 我们盼望着与你在聚会上见面。(We are ;looking forward to meeting you at the party.)Finish the exercisesStep4 ShowIntroduce your hometown.First complete a profile of your city/town.Welcome to !Location:Environment(环境):Interesting places:Inreresting activities:complete a profileStep5 Homework1. Read the passage and try to repeat it.2. Remember the new words ,phrases and sentences.3. Finish the exercises.4. Preview Grammar.Finish the homework板书设计 Welcome to !Location:Environment(环境):Interesting places:Inreresting activities: 教学反思:七年级下册英语教案总课题Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town!总课时7第 4 课时课 题Grammar课型新授课教学目标1. Learn to use Noun+s.2. Learn to use possessive adjectives.3. Learn to use possessive pronouns.教学重点Learn to use possessive adjectives.Learn to use possessive pronouns.教学难点Learn to use possessive adjectives.Learn to use possessive pronouns.教学设计Teaching aids: A computer, notebooks and work sheets. a calendaTeaching methods: Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing教 学 过 程教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)A Noun+sStep1 Presentation1. Show a picture of dog.Look at this little dog.Is it cute?Whos its master?Show a picture of boy.The boy is the master.The dog is the boys.Write: boys2. Look,this house is very large.Whose house is this?Its Kobes house.3. There sre a lot of shoes in this picture.Whose shoes are they?The shoes are these womens.4. Whose bedroom is this? Its the brothersWe add s to a singular noun to show that something belongs to someone or something.Step2Conclusion:Show the rules:(1) We often use s with names.(2) We add to a plural noun ending in s.(3) We add s to plural nouns that do not end in s.Read the picturesLearn the rulesStep2 Practise1The students have some presents for the exchange students.Can you help Amy answer Mr Wus questions? Write: key ring postcard help Amy answer Mr Wus questions教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)2.Ask and answer in pairs;Whose- is that?Whose- are they?Ask and answer in pairsStep3 ActivityIs this-s? No,it isnt. Yes,it is.B Possessive adjectives and pronounsStep1 Presentation1. Wheres my pen?Theres one on the desk.Is this my pen?Let me have a look.Oh,no.It isnt my pen.Its not mine.Whose pen is this? Its-s. Oh,its his/her pen.Its his/hers.Write: my mine his her hers Our ours your yours their theirs its2. We use possessive adjctives and pronouns to show that something belongs to someone or something.3. Can you work out the rule?Learn new knowledgework out the ruleStep2 Practise1. Look at the picture.The students have some new books from the bookshop,but their books are mixed up.Can you find the owner of each book?Complete their conversation.2. Read the dialogue in rols and check the answers.ook at the pictureRead the dialogueStep3 ShowThere are a lot of things all over your desks.Please talk about them in your groups.talkStep4 Homework1. Revise this lesson.2. Fill in the blanks.(1)-I think these books arent (我的).Are they (你的),Peter? -Let me see.Oh,no.Theyre not (我的)books.(2)Please give this to Susan.It is (她的)pen.(3)We are working hard on (我们的)project.The teacher will like it ,I think.(4)My cousins and I live in the same building. (我的)flat is on the third floor. (他们的)is on the tenth floor.(5)Mr Chen loves (他的)new car very much. (它的)colour is red.3.Preview Integrated skills.Finish the homework.板书设计 rules:1.We often use s with names.2.We add to a plural noun ending in s.3.We add s to plural nouns that do not end in s.my mine his her hersOur ours your yours their theirs its教学反思:七年级下册英语教案总课题Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town!总课时7第 5 课时课 题Intergrated skills课型新授课教学目标1. Find out the information about the palace according to the poster and the t


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