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    中江县继光实验学校 英语 七年级下册 第一次周测试题.doc

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    中江县继光实验学校 英语 七年级下册 第一次周测试题.doc

    中江县继光实验学校 英语 七年级下册 第一次周测试题(总分60分,时间40分钟)一、单项选择。(共10分,每小题1分)1. His brother can play _ piano but he cant play _ chess.A. / ; the B. the; / C. a; the 2. I can_ you_ your math.A. helpfor B. helpat C. helpwith3. My brother wants _ the chess club. A. join B. to join C. joins 4. Can you _ English? Yes, I can. But I cant _ to people in English. A. speak; talk B. talk; tell C. say; talk 5. My father has a good_ . He _ at a radio station.A. work; works B. job; work C. job; works6. Mary can play chess _he can_ do Chinese Kung fu. A. and; also B. and; but C. but; and 7. _ do you go to work?I often go to work _ 7:30 pm.A. What time, on B. What time, at C. When, in 8. My English teacher is very good _ telling stories and she is also very good _ us. A. at; at B. at; with C. with; for9 When do you do_ homework?I often do _ homework in the evening.A. you, me B. your, my C. your, me 10. _ your friend _ homework?A. Does, does B. Do, does C. Does, do 二.完形填空。(共10分,每小题1分)Hi! Im Tony. I love weekends! I always get up late on weekends. For breakfast, I only have11. Its usually an apple. I have a big lunch. After lunch, I like to eat ice-cream. It tastes12. In the afternoon, I like to13. I usually play basketball.14I swim. In the evening, I clean the houseI like15rooms. I always go to bed late, at about 23:00. 16my sister doesnt like weekends. She has a job in a big store and she always17on weekends. She never goes out18her friends. She usually gets home from work at 22:00. After taking a shower, she19. Sometimes she reads in bed. But dont ask her20she reads. She always falls asleep (睡着) after reading one or two pages(页).( ) 11. A. eggs B. milk C. vegetables D. fruit( ) 12. A. good B. welcome C. useful D. happy( ) 13. A. sing B. draw C. exercise D. read( ) 14. A. Only B. Always C. Really D. Sometimes( ) 15. A. tidy B. busy C. small D. old( ) 16. A. And B. So C. But D. Because( ) 17. A. writes B. works C. calls D. plays( ) 18. A. about B. from C. of D. with( ) 19. A. gets dressed B. goes to work C. goes to bed D. does sports( )20. A. when B. what C. who D. where三、阅读理解。(共20分,每小题2分)AMy name is Sabrina. Im 23 years old. I come from London. Now I live (生活) in Beijing. I love teaching English. I think its interesting. I can speak Chinese, too. I have experience (经验) in teaching English in China. My e-mail address is sabrinasina.com. Im Bill, an 18yearold student. I live in Nanjing now. I can play the guitar well. I like to be a teacher. I have free time on weekends. Do you want to learn the guitar? Please call me at 15069606503. Im June Smith. Im 25. I can swim well. I want to be a swimming teacher. I love kids and Im good with kids. I can help them learn to swim. If you need a teacher in your club, please e-mail me at junesina.com. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )21. Sabrina wants to be _. A. a Chinese teacher B. an English teacher C. a guitar teacher D. a swimming teacher ( )22. Bill lives in _. A. Nanjing B. Beijing C. Shanghai D. Hefei( )23. June wants to work in a(n) _ club. A. English B. music C. swimming D. soccer ( )24. Lisa needs a swimming teacher. She can _. A. call June B. e-mail June C. call Sabrina D. e-mail Sabrina ( )25. Bob wants Bill to teach him the guitar. He can learn it on _. A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Friday D. SundayBIm Malaya. I am American. I study atShanghaiInternationalSchoolnow. I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning and then I take a shower. I go to school at 7:30. We have the first class at 8:10 in the morning. At 12:00 I eat lunch at school. Hamburgers are my favorite food. We finish school at 3:30 in the afternoon. After school, I either go to the library or play tennis with my friends. I never watch TV on school days. I go to bed at 9:00 in the evening.Mike is my father. He gets up early every day, at about 5:30. And then he runs for half an hour. After a quick breakfast, he goes to work. He works on the computer at home. He usually works until (直到) about 12:00. He always has a big lunch. After lunch, he continues (继续) to work on the computer until about 6:00. In the evening, he always takes a walk after dinner.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( ) 26. Malaya _ at seven thirty.A. gets up B. takes a shower C. goes to schoolD. has her first class( )27. Where does Malaya eat lunch?A. At home. B. At school. C. At her friends home. D. At her grandmas home.( ) 28. Malaya never _ on school days.A. watches TV B. plays tennis C. eats hamburgers D. goes to the library( )29. Its about _ in the morning after Mike finishes running.A. 5:30 B. 6:00 C. 6:30 D. 7:00( )30. Mike always _ after dinner.A. works on the computer B. plays basketball C. reads in bed D. takes a walk四、词汇运用。(共5分,每小题1分)1、用所给词的适当形式填空。(31)What club does your sister want_(join)?(32)He usually_(brush) his teeth at six thirty.(33)Tony has breakfast_(quick)(34)The food_ (taste) good.(35)Please _(talk) Mr. Zhang after school. 2、根据首字母提示或汉语意思填空。(共5分,每小题1分)(36)I want to be a great m_ like Lang Lang.(37)Do you want to _(交朋友) with me?(38)I usually go to the movies (看电影) with my friends on w_.(39)In my _(小组),Li Lei always goes to school late.(40)I usually _(锻炼) for half an hour every day.五、句型转换。(41)I can play the guitar and the violin.(改为否定句) I_ play the guitar_ the violin.(42)Mary wants to join the swimming club.(对划线部分提问) What_ _Mary want_ _?(43)我的爸爸非常擅长于讲故事。(完成句子)My father is very_ _ _ _.(44)She goes to bed at nine oclock.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ she go to bed?(45)我上班从不迟到。(完成句子)Im _ _ _ work.五、书面表达。(共5分)要求:将句子逐句翻译,通过连接词的使用,将其连成一篇文章。1. 大家好,我是Jack。我13岁,是一名学生。2. 我通常6点起床,我上学从不迟到。3. 当我回家的时候,我总是先做家庭作业。4. 我会弹吉他和敲鼓,我想加入音乐俱乐部。5. 我很喜欢交朋友。你呢?_


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