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    How to Write Papers,Charles Ling,Chalres Ling,Paper Writing Series,Today: Foundation of Writing Good Papers Future talks by Yaqin, Harry, and Hongjiang Potential topics How to write survey papers How to integrate research and paper writing Be scientifically rigor but not offensive Statistical tests for empirical experiments How reviewers accept and reject papers Sentences: templates and organization Professional writing: words to use and not Common mistakes/problems Chinese often make,Chalres Ling,Outline,Importance of Paper-writing Skills What Makes a Good Paper Why is it so Hard to Write Good Papers? How to Improve A Template for Good Papers Avoid Run-on Sentences Summary,Chalres Ling,Importance of Writing Skills,Publishing papers is critical for researchers Publishing is hard Low acceptance rate Competing with good papers Reviewers are potential competitors,Chalres Ling,Outline,Importance of Paper-writing Skills What Makes a Good Paper Why is it so Hard to Write Good Papers? How to Improve A Template for Good Papers Avoid Run-on Sentences Summary,Chalres Ling,What Makes a Good Paper,Good paper = good content + writing skills Content and results: your job Writing skills: Structure, flow, argument, Logical, clear, succinct, consistent, English Standard must be high Your best efforts Compared with others, yours is good/best Dont fool with the reviewers!,Chalres Ling,Outline,Importance of Paper-writing Skills What Makes a Good Paper Why is it so Hard to Write Good Papers? How to Improve A Template for Good Papers Avoid Run-on Sentences Summary,Chalres Ling,Why Is It hard?,Who are our readers/reviewers Differences between thought and language We are the “sales person” Revisions: never be perfect Our English is bad, but Nothing can replace experience, but ,Chalres Ling,Outline,Importance of Paper-writing Skills What Makes a Good Paper Why is it so Hard to Write Good Papers? How to Improve A Template for Good Papers Avoid Run-on Sentences Summary,Chalres Ling,How to Improve: In Readers Shoes,You know your work, but not your readers ! Reviewers/Readers: in the same broad area, but have not worked on your problems Define terms, write about motivation and rationales, pose potential questions and answer them yourself What are your contributions? Show your elegance? Dont! Unless for pure math, or when you are really famous,Chalres Ling,A Reviewers Comments,This paper attempts to explain the success of Naive Bayes classifiers by showing that Unfortunately, this paper was extremely difficult to follow. In fact, it took several readings before I even understood the papers basic claims. The paper should have stated, at the beginning, that it is focusing on the representational (as opposed to learnability) issue: It would also have been useful to connect this notation with something practical-for example, The arguments and proofs were difficult to follow. They would probably have been easier if the paper had first outlined their structure, before giving the details. ,Chalres Ling,How to Improve: What Reviewers Want,AAAI Reviewers (partial) check list: Does the paper introduce a new problem or provide a new solution to an existing one? What is the main result of the paper? Is the result significant? Is the paper technically sound? Does the paper provide an assessment of the strengths and limitations of the techniques/result? Is the paper clearly written so as to accessible to most AI researchers? Does the paper reference appropriate related work? Should the paper be nominated for a prize?,Chalres Ling,How to Improve: Note the Difference,Difference 1: Outlining vs details,Solutions: Introductory/summary sentences Appendix and footnotes to “hide” details,Introduction Previous Work Our New Methods Algorithm Complexity Comparisons Conclusions References,This type of engine uses a robot or apider (theres an arcane difference between the two that isnt very interesting) which constantly roams the World Wide Web searching for new or updated pages (what a wonderful job eh?) When the robot visits a page it reads the whole thing, including any sub-pages on the same server connected to the page its reading, then it visits all the external links on the pages its read.and so on, you get the idea. A robot can only follow links. It finds pages in two ways: by visiting pages its been told about (ie. on its submission form) or by following links from other pages. So, if your page isnt linked from anywhere else and you havent registered it, theres no way itll ever be found ?itll be invisible. You can actually ensure that most of the deep engines dont index your pages by using special no follow,Chalres Ling,1. Introduction The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we will review 2. Review of Previous Work Learning from noisy data has been extensively studied previously, and can be categorized into several classes. In the first class, entropy method is used. In the second class, Most entropy-based methods assume In sum, most previous work 3. Augmented Nave Bayes In this section, we will discuss an improved version of Nave Bayes. We will first introduce definition and motivations. We will then describe our improved algorithm, and give a proof of its complexity. Finally, 3.1 Notations and Definitions (I am making a point here; a tricky balance),Chalres Ling,How to Improve: Note the Difference,Difference 2: non-linear vs linear process,Solutions: Use illustration and flow chart Use connecting words,A3,(A1)This type of engine uses a robot or spider (theres an arcane difference between the two that isnt very interesting) which constantly roams the World Wide Web searching for new or updated pages (what a wonderful job eh?) (A2)When the robot visits a page it reads the whole thing, including any sub-pages on the same server connected to the page its reading, then it visits all the external links on the pages its read.and so on, you get the idea. A robot can only follow links. (A3)It finds pages in two ways: by visiting pages its been told about (ie. on its submission form) or by following links from other pages. (B1)So, if your page isnt linked from anywhere else and you havent registered it, theres no way itll ever be found ?itll be invisible. You can actually ensure that most of the deep engines dont index your pages by using special no follow,Chalres Ling,Algorithm X has two components: A1 and B1. A1 is an improved version of , which is, in turn, supported by A2. We will describe Xs first component in the order of A1, A2, and A3. Afterwards, we discuss B1 and B2 in details. A1 A2 A3 Recall that X consists of A1 and B1, and we have already described A in details. We will now explain B in detail below. B1 B2 ,Chalres Ling,How to Improve: Sell Our Work,Unless it is an invited paper Purpose driven: debating: why are we good Logical flow,Problem X is important Previous work A, B, have been studied A, B have certain weakness We propose our new method D Experiment with D, compare with A, B D is better than A, B (rigorously tested) Why is D better? Why didnt E, F work? Strengths and weaknesses of D Future work of D,Simplest is best: convey meanings Professional: no careless mistakes Proof-reading Proper use of words,Chalres Ling,How to Improve: Revisions,It is tedious to read own paper It is hard to find own mistakes A lot of efforts for small, last improvement Solutions Let your paper sit (2 x 5 3 times, total 5 times,Chalres Ling,How to Improve: English,Myth: My English is weak, so I have excuse Structure and logic: much more important Your role; proof-reader wont help much Solutions: Top-down organization, outline, logic, flow Use other good papers as “sample” Use “cheap” English proof-reader,Chalres Ling,How to Improve: Experience,It does take a lot of efforts to improve Draft, revision, revision, revision, Write many papers to learn But there are ways to speed up This lecture series Books Record your own mistakes; eliminate them! Think about writing: 30%; writing: 70%,Chalres Ling,Solutions - Why Is It hard?,Who are our readers/reviewers Differences between thought and language We are the “sales person” Revisions: never be perfect Our English is bad, but Nothing can replace experience, but ,Chalres Ling,Outline,Importance of Paper-writing Skills What Makes a Good Paper Why is it so Hard to Write Good Papers? How to Improve A Template for Good Papers Avoid Run-on Sentences Summary,Chalres Ling,A “Template” for Good Papers,Abstract Introduction Review of Previous Work Our Work Experiments and Comparisons (Relation to Previous Work) Conclusions References Others (Appendix, footnotes, etc.),Chalres Ling,Process of Writing a Paper,(My own experience) Top-down refinement A 3-4 level outline, adjust many times Start on Introduction, Previous Work, . Last: Summary, Abstract, (rethink) Title,Chalres Ling,Template - Abstract,Purpose: Summary of your work and contributions Style What is the problem What is your solution and results (example; note: left-click on example figures to get back),Chalres Ling,Template - Introduction,Purpose: Background, outline of your paper Style Problem X is important Previous work A, B, have been studied A, B have certain weakness (be careful here) We propose D, features of D (how much) Experiment with D, compared with A, B D is better than A, B (in certain aspects) Outline of the paper; example,Chalres Ling,Template: Previous Work,Purpose: draw the differences Style Previous work: may split to several classes, e.g. Can review each work in one or several sentences Compare to yours (refer to later sections) May also put it after sections about your work Things to note: Do not miss important ones. Proper use of “e.g.” Do not misinterpret; do not overly criticize Emphasize the differences (example, bad example),Chalres Ling,Template: Our Work,Purpose: describe our work May split to several sections Style Definition, notation (need motivation) In the shoes of your readers Algorithms: pseudo-code; diagram; explanations Answer potential questions from readers; e.g. Too much details (such as proof): appendix Exceptions: footnotes,Chalres Ling,Template: Experiments,Purpose: verifications Style: Experiment design Detailed enough: can others replicate your work Simplest is best: concise, clear Comparisons (Is it scientific? T-test? Example) Discussions (make sense of the results) Draw conclusions,Chalres Ling,Template: Conclusions,Purpose: summary, future work(e.g.), closing Style Quick summary Future work Closing,Chalres Ling,Template: References,Purpose: supporting claims; know well all previous work Style Citation in text: what needs to be referred? Universally true: no need; opinions: YES Other peoples work: Yes Consistent,Chalres Ling,Template: Others,Acknowledgements (example) Appendix Proofs: do not stop the flow Footnotes Hide details and exceptions,Chalres Ling,Abstract, Introduction, Summary,Similar in nature Differences (length; emphasis) Abstract: short; problem and your work Introduction: short or long; background, your work, outline of the paper Summary: short/medium; your work, future work,Chalres Ling,Summary - A Template,Abstract Introduction Review of Previous Work Our Work Experiments and Comparisons (Relation to Previous work) Conclusions References Others (Appendix, footnotes, etc.),Chalres Ling,Outline,Importance of Paper-writing Skills What Makes a Good Paper Why is it so Hard to Write Good Papers? How to Improve A Template for Good Papers Avoid Run-on Sentences Summary,Chalres Ling,Run-on Sentences,Two clauses are connected incorrectly as one sentence (by using a comma) Examples: Most researchers claim that the Nave Bayes can only represent linear functions, they are not quite correct . It results in the problem of estimating the probability of unseen word pairs, that is, the pairs that do not occur in the training set. The complexity is not linear, it is because Why do Chinese often write run-on sentences?,Chalres Ling,【多維新聞社12日電】中文語音辨識軟體市場一年後將更加熱鬧滾滾。在中文語音辨識技術具世界領導地位的微軟中國研究院院長李開復表示,微軟的技術比現在已商業化的等都更佳,預計一年後將其中文話音輸入軟體商業化。而此將對廣大的華語人士帶來使用電腦的方便性。 中國時報十二日報導,微軟中國研究院是微軟在全球的四大先端技術研究中心之一,目前共有八十位研究人員,網羅了許多知名的華裔人才。像卡內基美隆大學電腦科學博士的李開復就發展出全球第一個以廣大詞彙、語料作連續語音辨識系統的人士,今年才卅八歲的他,在九八年被微軟邀請回大陸建置中國研究院。許多後進者都是以他的架構作語音輸入的開發研究。,Chalres Ling,Avoid Run-on Sentences,Use a “.”. Start a new sentence. “,” plus a connecting word: “but”, “because”, Use “;”: “; however,”,Chalres Ling,Outline,Importance of Paper-writing Skills What Makes a Good Paper Why is it so Hard to Write Good Papers? How to Improve A Template for Good Papers Avoid Run-on Sentences Summary,Chalres Ling,Summary,Paper-writing skills are important Paper-writing skills can be learned Think about our readers/reviewers Thought and language Flow: logical, convincing, consistent Style: simple, clear, concise How-to-writing + writing = acceptance! = Promotions = Recognitions,Chalres Ling,Other Resources,Elements of Style, by William, Jr. Strunk, et al. 4th edition (August 1999) The Chicago Manual of Style: The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers (14th Edition) A manual for Writers of Term papers, Theses, and Dissertations, by Kate Turabian,Happy Paper Writing!,Thank You!,Chalres Ling,THE END,Chalres Ling,Chalres Ling,Chalres Ling,Chalres Ling,Chalres Ling,Back,Chalres Ling,Chalres Ling,Chalres Ling,Chalres Ling,Chalres Ling,Chalres Ling,


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