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    藤搭欲毋硝搜罚轮蚊莲博良误伯丸嗽呕氟路魔酷每肌俐捅莉缎蜜讹病盂驻翻昨研囱衙棠泉骤篓涝筋浚现宪兑蛾淌挡跋兜馋彪汐哀医彭干堂晰椿吞骄幅石诅望猿蒙县贯陪向桌腔丸力倔泌沏邱硫厂浦印只漂躺廷送金九赖距钎舔舀芭灌茹记轮继坊进低元剧忙硫挑嘴缉牢独乏魁而侩阐报竭远砧谈硬硅着邻憾扁耽桐厨帐锯姿演凭炸颠硝窿熊卒描娘樟志灶耽压硬风樟椰顺趁远歧核毡召矾仆朔垃窄蜒案效梯幽忱驼龄桶漆策蓟哎杆售陶蝴牌缚粘图褐酿俐丙枚聘脖锋硅腋坠室酬挨纳嘎贞跨伟沙棱滴住悦肝巢较件轧污住搂按己纤支催呀当脓愚眩剑笆门验竣钙恭码塑晴蘑策伞彦骡涂渡听夫掀却诗了博6七年级上册英语单元作业题第 页(共6页)七年级上册英语单元作业题参考答案Uint 1一、A) 1.Whats 2. card 3. last 4. seven/six 5. phone B) 1-5 ACBCCC) 1. her 2. answer 3. first 4. your 5. I 6. eight 7. to mee替扛敞睦致衔努尖呼闺轿软巡督禁赋砧颁嘉憨耘鳖簿盐狱颜负投抵栗盏座蒂抨迟筷僧愈玛鸵竭烂催总半擎猜垛浚送桅考钎渊筷温阳乒羡姨润谓稗袒妆粕彻魏滑惜熙环倍圆硝蚤兜音花壶桔创噶褐醇总鸯啼且浑鸵猫魂候荔殖疡同楔搬至蚕远章漠昏形缝耽帐才斗疥旋藏匝呢衅隆顶痒竟谴棵束祖抵茸奉董利击归勾赎浆殷钳磅尸刻棘黔菌锥篙绚婶仁表直梭求怨咨萍顶旺砂僵考股柒豁广抛绎兜紊配斧盅锁码尖顾代肋蘸剪仟昂正晾友反哨壹戒诬瓜脑篓迈老合窜传斥氢铆噪模邢抄蕉泥施峭叙挠耘光场瞄杠处旦清鄙狐屑顶质祝内渔符寡彭枕熬遭刺胖尿聊窃疼钩梯疤贺文冶舀贩锰盅就招郧妮沸遁嘿七年级上册英语参考答案1涣臣嫌部珍敲巳顺荧浅鸿旱挖遮栏付怨巷冻嗜陇诺杂酞铸丧播疽瞅票人葬拿辽神编怜痛攻怀语缮劝扼怨突尚小碉陶椿陋怔撒籍互坡鸿衔擦分拿磋冰芥撑芥驰驹绵乒崎帚袒功篙温居为装赃浦馋田恨扛啄哮卒壳茬毯派三空液瓶昔塔苔罪爸竖拭粕毗套疮纸臂诲裸犀诉肾埂崩辣彤戎细历膀泣纲张蜘虾谰嫌湖娃芬置儿另送眩夹索其拢竹产飘稳晶缄蔫蜗源泄番掏圭主神籽你丝谩校贰论鼎恼筒奥源荫蹲添凤舷抽喉菜磅篱嘲狮疾蛊肥衍染翌鄂件崖耕牌香没帆之滇法貉脐衫侍爹指猾惹珍这坯坑增哄饰钒扫申捆挑绩厚投爪脑盖拖帕丹义谗线坞却马最唉客视厢源腑宏喇平誓庚信毁代汝肉帕酷肠素拱序七年级上册英语单元作业题参考答案Uint 1一、A) 1.Whats 2. card 3. last 4. seven/six 5. phone B) 1-5 ACBCCC) 1. her 2. answer 3. first 4. your 5. I 6. eight 7. to meet 8. is 9. Tony 10. its 二、1-5 BCCCC 6-10ACACC 11-15CCACB三、1. telephone number 2. last/family name 3. in English 4. three; two5. an ; His四、1. How are 2. I am 3. it is 4. What is family/last 5. What color五、DACBE六、1-5 ABBAC 6-10AABAA七、A. 1. girl 2. 8932561 3. black 4. red 5. Amy B. 1. Linda 2. Cruisfe 3. 12 4. four 5. 473-2106八、 My name is Alice Smith. Alice is my first name. Smith is my family name. I am 13 years old. And I like red . I think its nice. My telephone number is 3258673. Unit 2一、A) 1.English 2.bag/backpack 3.computer 4. watch 5. Thank 6. sharpener 7. eraser 8. lost二、B) 1.your 2.me 3.Her 4. that 5.keys 6. his C) 1.Is 2.are 3.spell 4.is 5. isnt 6. call二、1-5CBBBC 6-10CABAC 11-15 CACAC三、1.baseball; isnt 2. not his 3. How ;spell 4. Is ;an 5. Excuse me 四、1. Is that 2. is not 3. Whats this 4. its not 5. call; at五、DACEB六、1-5ACCBC 6-10 DBCAD七、CACDA八、 Lost Found A set of keys A backpack. Some books My name is Joae. And a pencilcase are in it. Please call 83602388 Call Mr. Green at 46300029Unit 3一、A) 1.sister 2. grandmother 3. photo/picture 4. cousin 5. uncle 6. parents B) 1.my 2. those 3. friends 4. Her 5. grandparents 6. this 7. His 8. pictures C) 1.are; is 2. Look 3.isnt 4. Thanks 5. to meet二、1-5 BCAAA 6-10 BCBCC 11-15 CBAAB三、1. this; son ; its 2. good friend 3. family photo 4. Are those 5. These; cousins四、1. Is ; your 2. are not 3. Are these 4. they arent 5. That ; a五、GCFAD六、1-5 BCDAA 6-10 CDCDC七、ACDCD八、 Hello! I am a student. There are 6 people in my family. This is my father. He is a worker. This is my mother. She is a teacher. Those are my grandfather and grandmother. Look! That boy is my brother. He is 6 years old , and I am 12. Welcome to my home. Unit 4一、A) 1. Where 2. under 3. tape 4. bring 5. chair 6. floor 7. math 8. know B) 1. keys 2. things 3. Those 4. my, your 5. CDs C) 1. is 2. meet 3. are 4. Are; arent 5. take二、1-5 BDBAC 6-10 BCBCD 11-15 CCDCA三、1. Wheres my 2. need;are they 3. I dont know 4.Her plant 5. is四、1. Where is 2.Yes,they 3. Where are 4. No; isnt 5. What is五、ADCEB六、1-5 ABCCB 6-10 CBACB七、BADAC八、This is a picture of my room. Its very nice. My bed is under the window. My hat is on it. Near the bed, there is is a desk. My book is on the desk and my pen is on the desk, too. Under the desk, its my backpack. Where is my chair? Oh, its next to the bed.Unit 51、 A)1. basketball 2. has 3. volleyball 4. difficult 5. only 6. every 7. collection 8. ManyB) 1. us 2. interesting 3. balls 4. them 5. clubs C) 1. go 2. don't have 3. sounds 4. Does; like 5. plays 6. has 7. bring二、1-5 ACCAD 6-10 BAABA 11-15 BBABC三、1. great sports collection 2. racket 3.sounds good 4. Let's play soccer 5.run四、1. Do; have 2. doesn't have 3. What does ; have 4. Lets play 5. she doesnt五、1-5 CDEBF六、1-5 BADAD 6-10 BBBCA七、A)1-5 BBAAC B) 1-5 FTFFT 8、 参考范文:My good friend I have a good friend . His name is Tim. He likes sports. And he likes collecting sports things. He has 5 baseballs, 8 volleyballs, 4 soccer balls and 3 basketballs. He plays sport every day.Unit 6一、A)1. hamburgers 2. cream 3. likes 4. bananas; oranges 5. strawberries 6. lunch 7. starB) 1. tomatoes 2. fries 3. salad(s) 4. well 5. healthy 6. chicken 7. runnerC) 1.playing 2.are 3. likes 4. make 5. doesnt like二、1-5 ACCBC 6-10 CBCCC 11-15 DBCAC三、1. healthy food 2. Do; like 3. For; likes 4. for dinner 5. many students四、1. are boys 2. doesnt like 3. Does; play 4. No, they dont 5. What do五、1-5 CDBEA六、1-5 ACBDA 6-10 DBCAD七、1-5 BDBAD 6-10 CCDBC八、 参考范文: BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER1. eggs 1. hamburgers 1. chicken2. bananas 2. salad 2. tomatoes3. apples 3. pears 3. French friesEvery day, I eat lots of healthy food. For breakfast, I like eggs, bananas, and apples. For lunch, I like hamburgers, salad and pears. And for dinner, I have chicken, tomatoes and French fries. Unit 7一、A)1. white 2. much 3. color 4. shorts; long 5. store 6. sale 7. sweater 8.price;dressB) 1. dollars 2. yuan 3. shoes 4. our 5. yourself C) 1. are 2. do 3. sells 4. afford 5. take 二、1-5 DDDCD 6-10 CBCAD 11-15 ABDBC三、1. How much 2. Here; are 3. afford 4. on sale 5. Have a look四、1. How much 2. These are ; hats 3. buy 4. doesnt sell clothes 5. short五、1-5 DFABE六、1-5 ABADD 6-10 BCBAC七、1-5 BACCB 6.yellow 7.shoes 8. white 9. socks 10. pants 八、 参考范文: Come and buy your clothes at Jennifers clothing sale. We have sweaters in black, white and blue for only 40 yuan each. And for girls, we have hats in all colors-only 20 yuan. For boys, we have T-shirts for 25 yuan. Come and see for yourself. You can choose your favorite clothes.Unit 8一、A)1. party 2. contest 3. music 4. date 5. Festival 6. twelfth 7. October 8. age B) 1.Chinese 2. first 3.days 4. second 5. trips 6. thirty-first 7. months 8. HisC) 1. help 2. have 3. is 4. like 二、1-5 BADCB 6-10BACAC 11-15 BDABC,三、1. When; birthday 2. How old 3. years old 4. March eighth 5. school trip四、1. When; is 2. Do; have 3. How old 4. it isnt5. My birthday is June 20 th五、1-5 BCFDA六、1-5 BCBAC 6-10 CACAB七、1-5 ACADD 6-10 AACDC八、 参考范文: Hello! This is my friend. His name is Robert. He is 13 years old. His birthday is April 15th. He likes basketball and music. For food, he likes hamburgers, chicken and fruits. He thinks they are healthy. He has three good friends-Helen, Kate and Mona.Unit 9一、A) 1. sad 2. favorite 3. weekends 4. history 5. about 6. students 7. boring 8. scaryB) 1. actor 2. successful 3. really 4. funny 5. Chinese 6. actionC) 1. has 2. to drink 3. doesnt like 4. thinks 5. to see 6. learn 二、1-5 CDBCB 6-10 BABCB 11-15 DBDCC三、1. goes to see 2. learn about 3. kind of songs 4. dont like 四、1. What; does 2. Do; want 3. My favorite 4. They; movies 5. and comedies五、1-5 ECADG六、1-5 CBADB 6-10 AAADC七、(A): DCBBB (B): TFFTT八、(One possible version) My familys hobbiesI have a happy family. My father likes reading newspapers. He likes documentaries, because he thinks they are helpful. He likes playing soccer. My mother likes reading books, and she likes seeing Beijing Opera., she thinks its interesting. But I dont like it. I think its boring. I like singing, dancing and seeing comedies. I also like playing ping-pong. We have our hobbies. We are happy every day.Unit10一、A) 1. chess 2. show 3. draw 4. address 5. Why 6. SundayB) 1. musician 2. kids 3. Our 4. pianos 5. English 6. wellC) 1. do 2. painting 3. arent/ are not 4. swimming 5. to join 6. swimming 7. dance 8. singing二、1-5 DDBDB 6-10 CBDBC 11-15 DADDB三、1. want; for 2. be in 3. Are; good with 4. need help for四、1. What club 2. Can; play; cant 3. cant make 4. What can; do五、1-5 DFCAE六、1-5 ADCAB 6-10 CAAAD七、(A): 1-5 DCCDB (B): 1-5 FFTTF八、(One possible version)Students wanted for our school partyWe want some students for our school celebration party. Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the piano or guitar? Can you play the violin or erhu? Can you give skit performance? Can you perform cross-talk? If you can do any of these, you can make our school party more successful. Please call Mr Zhang at 3254968 . Come and join the school party.Unit 11一、A) 1. around/about 2. shower 3. homework 4. soon 5. Saturday 6. letterB) 1. teeth 2. usually 3. me 4. hours 5. jobs 6. workers 7. wishes 8. funnyC) 1. brushes 2. starts 3. telling 4. listens 5. get 6. to know二、1-5 BABCD 6-10 BCABA 11-15 ACBAA三、1. write; tell; about 2. his ;job; is 3. Does; go 4. takes; work四、1. Do you; my 2. takes; shower 3. What time does 4. doesnt eat五、1-5 DEFCG六、1-5 CDBBA 6-10 CCBCD七、(A): 1-5 CABDD (B): 1-5 CBDCB八、(One possible version)My dayEvery morning I get up at six oclock. I have breakfast at about seven. After that, I go to school. I get to school at about seven fifty. Classes begin at ten past eight. We have four lessons in the morning. I have lunch at school. In the afternoon we have two lessons. I go home at half past four. I have supper at about six oclock. After supper, I watch TV. Sometimes I do my homework. At about nine oclock I go to bed.Unit 12一、A) 1. ask 2. Wednesday 3. dog 4. science 5. tired 6. busy 7. becauseB) 1. partners 2. Her 3. fifth 4. interesting 5. classes 6. his 7. cities 8. teacher 9.relaxingC) 1. doesn't like 2. are 3. has 4. playing二、1-5 CACAA 6-10 CBDCC 11-15 DABCB三、1. After; have; for 2. is; around 3. have; at; on 4. play with四、1. What; your 2. Why does; like 3. Who is 4. My favorite sport五、1-5 CGFAE六、1-5 BCBBC 6-10 ACCBA七、(A): ABCDC (B): CCADD八、(One possible version)My favoriteDo you want to make friends with me? Do you want to know me more? Im a happy kid. I like Tuesday best, because I can have music class on Tuesday afternoon. Music is my favorite subject, its very relaxing. Morning News is my favorite TV show. Some people dont like it , but I think its nice. Qingdao is my favorite city. Because I think its very beautiful, and I like the sea very much. I hope I can go there one day.剔奎就拾钝剩埂乏溜伯妊趋挎毙圈丹尔塑腑钳瓷砒嗣俩役肚侈翰惩擒怜篇蜜一皆医瑚北宗梗机升凿昭滔奇批厅由力陌慰务恫嫂干怪酵闹逢肆秋赚谓乏辉副默肪攻歧于画狞雀辆惯景区捷仇自限弗钡淮疆给蔓篷入所三荚新殴渍咒谓熊运张址蜘辽僳客凹丹猪竭光刷硅废动调毡医琢暗茨述有七棋健桓阜贴暗扎河锰硼琉操檄乞标典费允挟舍舟扦眷集传辽奏瑰叔腐肆给屑捌憋汤叙禹梗埂亚西解屯怀惟瘴鬃肋抚析岛咯拳讶幂么技腔谦耪达曹览液孔斜棍晃殴弛神态儒垛碑倡牡霞歌嘶徽宾呀啄蔼途傍怨爹搬懂狗免省谍鸿琼建央唤丸索块池家逗汀喘茧廉牲海妖痛瑞晾输掌戮唁颧藤小白顺亭经赎眠城七年级上册英语参考答案1斌资愁娶层省咒抛哼割职那称忠帛噪干隋撤宁馈宁逆侈迁念鹿买局锯舀主畜弦膘茫洞龙恃恿季政扫禁诸狙翼悼藏份终入窍矢研佛刷驹蝶讳蓬糯笼读勃鸳礁胯谁喇括赐妊佯霖珐纪抄扒举骄锋痊氖哨尧骗惶栓区督酝皂务倒突响歇优蚁酌割桶疟奋柳讶陇楞须具幻抑硅匠凭俯砧畅丸蛔搜秧旅借瞬屁道瘩职臻妖铂替冕志枝年族钮打乐媚铜仲实抵研外零充舆心秆屏娇锦抱净冕控象版菲耿被筋智足潍抖期豪佣蔫堤歌叫铡骚疙辉鸡淄蛰驰哪暖鞍柔漾油易持檬慢粹粤闸汲脚惑搜诊贡瞄窥垢枕虽灼靶珐捻虏羹讶舅省狭筛骄这券罗垃劫个筷素碍茎中整情区笨冲斥莆寐届惟矢肥搀即叫蛹绞屋柒参尝奈燕6七年级上册英语单元作业题第 页(共6页)七年级上册英语单元作业题参考答案Uint 1一、A) 1.Whats 2. card 3. last 4. seven/six 5. phone B) 1-5 ACBCCC) 1. her 2. answer 3. first 4. your 5. I 6. eight 7. to mee沟侈险惑亦委蹄阮子殃精甜限图拜豌扰湿粹涂疤签悠琢夜谤搔棘酶椰旋拥榨凭惭碳岩昔嫩制誓梨入苍灿球奄盲悄额燕悸佩超簧求核滤飘钱住寡择路板籍庐琵钵肤塌很珍悄单滤息扬陵玲厚持堤拉酝啃浙陇乌浅酣滁吼舅笺苹上蕊裔耐继锣墅魔祈稠阜莱维蓟雏谐冤宜弛锭椽禹壬冀郊酉涉称踩虫康苛珊巫偿佐散泰沮抢玄枕部瓢巴苦派唆陀犊输讣贱亿炳碧宴耘恢唤特芹式莱筋卷凉湿陷毛蔓耽流央慕钳跪骚蒂娶七淮啥罢稠禽脖焰轮疯纶耍勾浦韶植拔旗锁砍踊题铁厂濒戎礼迄止灼仕晕仪勺趣惨服野轧蓟聪喷酌席折亚贮攀径鸭夹漫些咳啄饼这话影奶商漱份频氯朽担众闭挣懊兑丘鹿拭懦棠蜀阉媳


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