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    外研版初中英语七年级下册教案:Module4Life in the future(1).doc

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    外研版初中英语七年级下册教案:Module4Life in the future(1).doc

    Module4 Life in the futureUnit 1 Everyone will study at home. 本单元以学校为题材,通过对未来的描述,掌握一般将来时的表达方式,同时表达自己对未来的设想,充分发挥想象力,通过对美好未来的憧憬,培养乐观向上的精神。一 教材分析1.通过对第四模块的学习,学生已经学会使用be going to do 表示计划,安排作某事。对一般将来时态有了一定的了解。2.本模块以讲诉学校生活入手,对未来生活展开丰富的想象。贴近学生生活,大部分学生会对本课产生浓厚的兴趣。二 教学目标1. 知识技能目标(1)词汇 能够准确读出并写出cable TV, calculator, cell phone, computer, email, Internet, satellite, climate, education, technology, transport, machine, comfortable, rough, strong, expensive, smooth, dull 等单词;能准确读出technology 等词语。 (2) 语法 学习一般将来时will do的用法, (3) 技能 能通过对本课对话的学习,使学生学会用将来时态表达对未来的设想。2 情感目标用丰富的想象力预测未来的学校生活,培养乐观向上的精神。3. 教学重点和难点 一般将来时的用法和用一般将来时表达对未来的设想。三 教学过程Step 1. lead-in:活动1:Ask and answer “What can you see in our classroom?” Ask the students to use the words to describe the classroom. 设计意图:本活动为的是解决对话中出现的词汇障碍,为听对话作好准备,同时,通过对话题的讨论激活学生的背景知识,为听力理解做知识方面的铺垫。 活动2:What is ourschoolwill be like in 10 years ? And use the sentences “ Everyone., and no one . 设计意图: 本活动呈开放性,使学生有很大的自由度,激发学生积极参与的热情,有利于激活背景知识词汇。为进入对话进行铺垫。e.g S1: I think everyone will study at home, no one will go the school.S2: I think everyone will use the computer, no one will use the book.S3: I think everyone will use the email to hang in the homework, no one will use the paper.Step2: listening 活动1: Listen and check (v) the true sentences for Daming and Bitty.设计意图:培养学生细节辨认的能力,培养学生细节听力技巧。BettyDaming1. Everyone will study at home in the future. 2. Everyone will send their homework to the teacher by email. 3. These will be a computer on every desk in the future. 4. everyone will use paper, pens and pencils.活动2: listen and repeat dictionary calculator computer satellite 设计意图:语音训练是中学阶段语言教学的任务之一,纯正发音的习得,良好的语调培养主要靠中小学阶段的训练,在这一阶段要让学生在快乐中学到准确的发音。Step 3: homeworkWrite a letter to your friends in England, tell them something about what your school will be like 给你远在英国的朋友写一封信,向他们介绍你在中国的学习生活及十年后可能发生的变化。设计意图:本活动的设置使学生能够对课文内容进行一定复述的基础上,根据题目要求,进行写作训练,锻炼写作能力,对所学的内容进行实际的书面语言运用。Module 4 Life in the future Unit 2 Everyone will have a small car.乔棠 大连沙河口区格致中学课型: reading and writing 教材分析本节课是一节阅读课, 本单元是整个模块教学的第二单元。 从话题上讲,第一单元学生接触了“未来生活”这一话题中未来学校的预测和表达,第二单元在此基础上,拓展、延伸到了对未来生活中其它方面(如交通,气候,居家,科技和工作等)的预测。同时为完成第三单元的任务(向别人了解对方的相关信息,并介绍自己已结识的新朋友)打牢了语言基础。从语言功能上讲,第一单元已经向学生们讲授了情态助动词will表将来时的用法。第二单元学生会继续学习此语法项目以及一些形容词的用法(为下两个模块形容词比较级最高级的使用奠定基础),并且学习连词so在句中的使用。同时为第三单元的综合语言知识的复习和运用以及综合语言能力的培养作好铺垫。课文内容侧重培养学生从阅读材料中快速获取细节信息,总结归纳全文及段落大意的阅读能力,使学生通过课文学习能向他人谈论文中有关未来生活的相关信息,并能向他人介绍自己想象中的未来生活。教学对象分析1.通过对第一单元的学习,学生在谈论未来学校方面有一定的语言积累,对未来生活也有一定猜想。因此,学生能够较容易地掌握本课要求掌握的语言表达。2.对will be及 There will be的用法,个别学生还会出现易混淆的情况,对此,教师要给予系统讲解和及时纠正,并进行一定的强化训练。教学目标2. 知识技能目标(1) 词汇 能够准确读出并写出farm, holiday, rain, weather, wind, so, cheap, fuel, expensive, short, get, rough, spring, autumn, heavy rain, strong, comfortable, heat, light, machine, dull, job, free, climate, technology, transport; 能准确读出flying 等词语,并能归纳出本单元形容词的反义词,掌握正确使用这些词语的方法,并能把名词归类。(2) 语法 巩固一般将来时will do的用法,并学习形容词的基本用法;;学习连词so 在 句中的作用。(3) 技能 能通过阅读材料,快速获取细节信息;能通过本课的学习,总结归纳全文及段落大意并复述课文;利用所学和想象力向他人介绍自己心目中未来生活的蓝图。3. 情感目标鼓励学生充分发挥想象力,大胆设计构思未来生活的蓝图。3. 教学重点和难点 通过不同教学活动的设置,让学生有效率、有梯度地掌握本课所授的内容;通过小组活动,提高学生快速了解文章内容,并能迅速获取信息的阅读能力;巩固并学习一般将来时will do和形容词的基本用法,并使学生会运用该语法项目进行表达和交流。教学过程Step 1. lead-in:活动:Talk about their dream school.Check Students homework of “My dream school”. Ask a few students to read their writings to the class.设计意图:本活动既可以起到复习衔接上一单元的作用,又可以为接下来的阅读提供话题支持。Step 2. pre-reading 活动1:Discussion. T: Guide the students to talk about future life with the key words: future food, future climate, future homes, future jobs, future technology and future transport.S: Use their imagination and show their ideas to the class.设计意图:让学生学会从气候,工作,气候等不同的方面谈论未来生活。鼓励学生开动脑筋,发挥想象力。活动2:Listening. (1) T: Hand out the paper (the text) to each student. Play the tape. S: Listen and fill in the blanks. (The 13 missing words are all adjectives)设计意图:将课文中作者对未来生活的预测与形容词的教学综合起来构成联系,达到初步获取信息,强化形容词,提高听力等多项目标。 (2) T: Ask the students to read their answers one by one, and ask about the opposite words of these adjectives. Make sentences with some of them. S: Try to spell and read the adjectives correctly and use them in sentences.设计意图:让学生有针对性地学习形容词的基本用法,为学生能够了解文章内容,进一步熟悉本课的话题以及后几个模块的比较级和最高级的语法教学做好铺垫。Step 3: while-reading 活动1: Skimming. T: Make Ss read the passage and match the pictures, the headings with the paragraphs. (Activity 1-3). Ask them to check the true sentences (Activity 5), too. S: Read quickly for the main idea of the passage and each paragraph. Finish activity 5 quickly.设计意图:本活动训练学生通过快速阅读获取信息的能力,以学生能够了解文章的主要内容为达标标准。活动2: Scanning. T: Show the mind map of the first paragraph on the blackboard. Ask students to finish the mind maps for the other paragraphs by themselves. S: Read the passage again and draw the mind maps. T: Encourage students to try to retell the passage according to the mind maps. S: Use the key words in the maps and proper grammar to retell the passage. Make sure to use because and so correctly.设计意图:本活动为信息图表化的类型。通过思维导图的形式,既使学生对文章有了更进一步的了解,也能依据图中的信息,进行实际的语言操练,并对全文的脉络有更好的整体感。Step 4:post-reading活动: Discussion.T: Ask students to read the two paragraphs given on the paper(written by the teacher), then decide which goes for the beginning and which is for the ending. T: Ask students to work in pairs. Make up more beginnings and endings for the passage. S: With the help of the example given, work for different possibilities.设计意图:本活动主要是让学生对阅读文章有更完整更深入得把握,同时也可以训练学生写的能力。Step 5: homeworkWrite about life in the future, including food, climate, technology and homes.设计意图:本活动的设置使学生能够对课文内容进行一定复述的基础上,根据题目要求,进行写作训练,锻炼写作能力,对所学的内容进行实际的书面语言运用。教学流程:以话题谈论方式复习上课内容引出本课话题并发表个人见解-听力初步了解作者观点并处理部分生难单词略读,搭配并判断正误,初步了解课文细节阅读,画思维导图根据图示,复述文章给文章选开头与结尾段并讨论出更多的可能性作业附:课堂练习卷Life in the futureBeginning: A. Planes will be very _1_ so flying will be very cheap. Fuel will be very _2_. Everyone will have a small car.B. It will be_3_ all year so the winter will be very short. It will get _4_at the North Pole so the seas will be very _5_. The summer will be hot and the winter will be warm. But there will be _6_weather in spring and autumn. There will be _7_rain and _8_ winds.C. Homes will be warm in winter and _9_in summer, so theyll be very _10_. Well use the sun to heat our homes. No one will be cold and therell be lots of hot water.D. Computers will be very small so theyll be very _11_. People will do many things on the Internet. E. Machines will do the _12_ jobs in factories, offices and farms, so no one will do heavy work. People will work three days a week. Theyll have long holidays and lots of _13_ time.Ending:Choose the beginning and the ending for the passage.1. Of course, there will be changes in other parts of our life as well. But no matter what they are, they will definitely(无疑地) make peoples life easier and happier.2. What will our life be like in such a world? What will happen to us in the future? Here are some ideas from scientists.


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