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    1,James Joyce is a master of the writing technique of the stream of consciousness,Writing Career,Main Works,2,Writing Career 1904 waw very important to James Joyce , because his writing career started in 1904 after his mothers death. During the early period Joyce wrote most of DUBLINERS (1914), all of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, the play, EXILES (1918), and large sections of Ulysses. In 1907 Joyce published a collection of poems, CHAMBER MUSIC. In 1916 appeared Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, an autobiographical novel. At the outset of the First World War, Joyce moved with his family to Zrich, where Joyce started to develop the early chapters of Ulysses. Joyces most famous novel, Ulysses, was published in Paris in 1922. In the same year he started work on his last great book, Finnegans Wake, which was published in1939.,3,Main Works: The Play-EXILES 流亡者 The Collection of Poems-CHAMBER MUSIC 室内乐集 Many of them have been made into songs. “I have left my book, I have left my room, / For I heard you singing / Through the gloom.” Novels-DUBLINERS都伯林人, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 青年艺术家的画像, Stephen Hero,斯蒂芬英雄 Finnegans Wake芬尼根守夜人,Ulysses 尤利西斯,4,My Love Is in a Light Attire among the Apple-trees,My love is in a light attire Among the apple-trees, Where the gay winds do most desire To run in companies. There, where the gay winds stay to woo The young leaves as they pass, My love goes slowly, bending to Her shadow on the grass; And where the skys a pale blue cup Over the laughing land, My love goes lightly, holding up Her dress with dainty hand.,5,Dubliners Contents,姐妹们(The Sisters) 偶遇(An Encounter) 阿拉比(Araby) 伊芙琳(Eveline) 车赛之后(After the Race) 两个浪子(Two Gallants) 寄宿公寓(The Boarding House) 一朵浮云(A Little Cloud),无独有偶(Counterparts) 粘土(Clay) 痛心的往事(A Painful Case) 会议室里的常青藤日(Ivy Day in the Committee Room) 一位母亲(A Mother) 圣恩(Grace) 死者(The Dead),6,About Ulysses,Ulysses is a novel by James Joyce. The complete book was first published in 1922, although parts of it had appeared elsewhere earlier, which was first published in France, because of censorship troubles in the Great Britain and the United States, where the book became legally available 1933. The theme of jealousy was based partly on a story a former friend of Joyce told: he claimed that he had been sexually intimate with the authors wife, Nora, even while Joyce was courting her. Ulysses takes place on one day in Dublin (June 16, 1904) and reflected the classic work of Homer (9th or 8th century BC).,7,Ulysses originated from Greek mythology. The story, using stream-of-consciousness technique, parallel the major events in Odyssey (telling Odysseus journey after Troy War), whose Hero-Odysseus Latin name is Ulysses. Ulysses contained 18 chapters, each of their titles taked from Greek mythology.,8,Characters:,The main characters are Leopold Bloom, his wife Molly, and Stephen Dedalus, the hero from A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. They are intended to be modern counterparts(反英 雄意象) of Telemachus, Ulysses, and Penelope. Bloom, a Jewish advertising canvasser, symbol of bourgeois-ism (布尔乔亚主义,即庸人主义 ), his adventures are less heroic and his homecoming is less violent. Bloom makes his trip to the under- world by attending a funeral at Glasnevin Cemetary. We are praying now for the repose of his soul. Hoping youre well and not in hell. Nice change of air. Out of the frying pan of life into the fire of purgatory. Molly Bloom, Bloom wife, symbol of sensualism (肉欲主义),,9,had a affair with another man. At the end of the book, Mollys monologue of thousands words also is a exposition to the central meanings of the whole book. Stephen Dedalus, a school teacher, symbol of nihilism(虚无 主义),who was against religion and rejected to proceed reli- gious ceremony when his father died. Then he walked to to the seaside, and thought about life deeply. The paths of Stephen and Bloom cross and recross through the day. Joyces technical innovations in the art of the novel include an extensive use of interior monologue; he used a complex network of symbolic parallels drawn from the myth- ology, history, and literature,10,Effect The book became famous for several reasons, but mainly because it is written in a new style called stream of consciousness. The book is now thought to be an important book of modernist literature. Many professors and teachers teach this book in universities and colleges. It relates to various extended knowledge, such as literature, religion, politics and history, even near 30 kinds of language. Combining auth- ors experience, Ulysses is considered as reflection of Joyces own history, Irish history and the history of mankind. Ulysses has been telling the micro-epic taking place in western world. However, it is very difficult to understand. Faced oppugns and criticism, Joyce once said,“if Ulysses isnt fit to read,life isnt fit to live ”, with the great confidence. Despite it suffered a lot criticism, none can deny its status on the history of literature. Ulysses will always be significant, as the top 1 of the greastest literature in 20 century.,11,Ulysses was shot a film in 1967, also called Ulysses and directed by Strick. There have been other movies based on Ulysses, but this one stands out for its fidelity to the book and the fact that almost the entire screenplay is taken from lines in the book.,12,Thanks!,


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