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    环境健康安全风险评估,1,环境安全健康 风险评估 EHS Risk Management,环境健康安全风险评估,2,Risk Management entails: Risk assessment of any work activity or trade; Control and monitoring of such risks and Communicating these risks to all persons involved.,Risk assessment - an integral part of risk management. It is the process of: Identifying and analysing safety and health hazards associated with work; Assessing the risks involved and Prioritising measures to control the hazards and reduce the risks.,Communication of the hazards to employees Training, Certification, Safe Working Procedure,Every workplace, including factories, should conduct risk assessments for all routine and non-routine work undertaken.,环境健康安全风险评估,3,Risk Management vs. Risk Assessment,Risk Ranking Sensitivity Analysis,Risk,Consequence,Frequency,Hazard Identification,Risk Assessment,Cost Benefit Analysis,Risk Acceptance Tolerability,Risk Analysis,Risk Management,Risk Management,环境健康安全风险评估,4,What is the purpose of a Risk Assessment? When should you do a Risk Assessment? Who performs a Risk Assessment? What are the basic step to perform a Risk Assessment?,Risk Assessment Questions,环境健康安全风险评估,5,Risk Assessment is the process of identifying and evaluating hazards and implementing control measures to eliminate or reduce the potential for loss to:,Personnel Equipment Property Environment,Risk Assessment - Definitions,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,6,Risk a combination of the likelihood (probability) and consequences (severity) of a specified hazardous event occurring,Each hazard is evaluated in terms of risk (Probability X Consequence = Risk),Risk Assessment - Definitions,Probability the likelihood that the potential harm or loss will occur (frequency) Consequence the outcome of exposure to an identified hazard (severity),环境健康安全风险评估,7,Hazard an activity, situation, or condition that has the potential for harm in terms of:,Risk Assessment - Definitions,Injury Illness Damage to property Damage to the environment,There are at least 14 categories of hazards. Try to write down 5 of them on your list,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,8,SLIPS, TRIPS OR FALLS at the same level SLIPS, TRIPS OR FALLS at height STRUCK BY falling, flying, moving objects STRUCK AGAINST bumping into, stepping, falling against CAUGHT IN, UNDER, BETWEEN, AGAINST moving machinery/objects, collapsing structure OVER EXERTION lifting/pulling/pushing objects EXPOSURE TO TEMPERATURE EXTREMES heat/cold, objects or substances,Hazard Categories,环境健康安全风险评估,9,EXPOSURE TO HARMFUL SUBSTANCES Dust, chemicals, fumes, radiation, noise any route into the body CONTACT WITH ELECRICITY VEHICLE ACCIDENT PROCESS OR PRODUCTION UPSET Blowout, plant or equipment failure ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION Spill ERGONOMICS Visual Display units (VDU), and repetitive strain activities OTHER (SPECIFY) (Drowning, suffocating, etc.),Hazard Categories,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,10,Any hazards here?,Hazard Recognition,What are the Risks?,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,11,Risk Matrix,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,12,Risk Matrix,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,13,The Risk Assessment Form,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,14,Existing/Potential Impacts,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,15,Hazard Types,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,16,Consequence,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,17,Frequency,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,18,Risk Score,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,19,To Eliminate or Reduce The Score,环境健康安全风险评估,20,Taking Action,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,21,Other Risk Assessment Supplements Job Safety Analysis (Task Analysis) 5 X 5 Technique Workplace Audits and Inspections Material Safety Data Sheets Incident Investigations Outside sources Simple Risk Assessment Tool,Risk Assessment Tools,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,22,Identifies the various steps involved in the job Where it is happening (environment) Who or what it is happening to (exposure) What precipitates the hazard (trigger) What outcome would occur should it happen (consequence), and Any other contributing factors Observe the job being performed Ensure the descriptions of each step are detailed and accurate,Job Safety Analysis (JSA),2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,23,Identify the hazards associated with each step (and ask) What can go wrong? What are the consequences? How could it arise? What are other contributing factors? How likely is it that the hazard will occur? Identify controls in place for each hazard Identify if additional controls are needed,Job Safety Analysis (JSA)continued,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,24,A risk assessment process employees can use when performing non-routine or unfamiliar tasks to insure it is completed in the safest manner possible Take 5 minutes and ask yourself 5 questions Why am I doing it at all? What could go wrong? How could it affect me, or others? How likely is it to happen? What can I do about it? Report to your supervisor if further analysis is needed,Five X Five Technique,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,25,Documented informal (individual) and structured (team) inspections are conducted periodically to identify deficiencies,Workplace Audits or Inspections,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,26,Target areas include:,Workplace Audits or Inspections,Cranes Assessing the potential severity of the hazards; Determining the likelihood of occurrence and Assessing the risk level based on the severity and likelihood. Risk evaluation is the process of estimating the risk levels for the hazards and their acceptability. This is used as a basis for prioritizing actions to control these hazards and minimize safety and health risks.,Simple Risk Assessment Tool,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,41,Existing risk control The presence of existing control measures should first be identified for individual activity for each process. By considering the effectiveness of the existing controls and the consequences of their failure, the risk of the activity can be assessed. Examples of risk control measures include engineering controls, safe work procedures and personal protective equipment.,Simple Risk Assessment Tool,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,42,Simple Risk Assessment Tool,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,43,Simple Risk Assessment Tool,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,44,Simple Risk Assessment Tool,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,45,Step 3 - RISK Control,Simple Risk Assessment Tool,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,46,Simple Risk Assessment Tool,环境健康安全风险评估,47,Elimination or substitution,Engineering controls,Warnings,Training and procedures,Protective Equipment,Examples,Risk Assessment - Risk Control Hierarchy,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,48,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,49,The control of hazards and reduction of risks can be accomplished by following the Hierarchy of Control measures below. These control measures are not usually mutually exclusive e.g. engineering controls can be implemented together with administrative controls like training and safe work procedures.,a) Elimination Elimination of hazards refers to the total removal of the hazards and hence effectively making all the identified possible accidents and ill health impossible. This is a permanent solution and should be attempted in the first instance. If the hazard is removed, all the other management controls, such as workplace monitoring and surveillance, training, safety auditing, and record keeping will no longer be required. Example Laser marking of semiconductors eliminates the use of solvent for ink marking. Laser cutting eliminates noise hazard from powered saws.,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,50,b) Substitution This involves replacing the hazard by one that presents a lower risk. Example. Asbestos can be substituted with non-asbestos materials. A water-based paint can be used instead of a solvent-based paint.,c) Engineering controls Engineering controls are physical means that limit the hazard. These include structural changes to the work environment or work processes, erecting a barrier to interrupt the transmission path between the worker and the hazard. Example Isolation or containment of hazards, application of machine guards and manual handling devices.,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,51,d) Administrative controls These reduce or eliminate exposure to a hazard by adherence to procedures or instructions. Documentation should emphasize all the steps to be taken and the controls to be used in carrying out the activity safely. Examples Implementation of permit-to-work systems and scheduling of incompatible works; OSH training. e) Personal protective equipment This should be used only as a last resort, after all other control measures have been considered, or as a short term contingency during maintenance / repair or as an additional protective measure. The success of this control is dependent on the protective equipment being chosen correctly, as well as fitted correctly and worn at all times when required by employees.,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,52,Residual Risks The risk assessment team should ensure that the risk assessment is conducted properly, and that any residual risks are acceptable and manageable. Residual risks are the remaining risks for which the planned risk controls are not able to effectively remove or control. The risk assessment team should also highlight the residual risks of each of the controls. For example, if the risk control involves the use of fall arrest harness and lanyards (a type of personal protective equipment), then one of the residual risks is that the workers may not hook up the lanyards to protect themselves. In this case, the risk assessment team may highlight training (administrative control) as a further measure to ensure that residual risk is further minimized. Once all the risk controls are selected and their residual risks highlighted, the risk assessment team needs to identify the action officers and follow-up dates. In this way, the specific action officers to implement the controls can be clearly identified, and the follow-up dates will help to ensure timeliness in implementation.,Simple Risk Assessment Tool,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,53,IMPLEMENTATION AND REVIEW,The results of risk assessment must be approved and endorsed by the top management. The employer should as far as is practicable, implement the recommended risk control measures as soon as possible. An action plan should be prepared to implement the measures. The plan should include a time line of implementation and responsibilities of persons implementing the workplace safety and health measures. The plan should be monitored regularly until all the measures are implemented. Regular review of the risk assessment plan is critical. While employers are required to review their plans yearly, a review should take place whenever: Whenever new information on safety and health risks surfaces; There are changes to the area of work and / or After any accident or serious incident. The risk assessment team should undertake the same three steps (hazard identification, risk evaluation and risk control) when conducting a risk assessment review.,Simple Risk Assessment Tool,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,54,Spray Painting/ Workshop,- Moving metal drums to spray booth - Preparing and mixing paint - Carrying out spray painting,Paper Slitting/ Cutting Department,2,- Loading the machine with paper roll - Operating the machine - Unloading slit papers - Repair and maintenance of the machine,Simple Risk Assessment Tool,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,55,Simple Risk Assessment Tool,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,56,Simple Risk Assessment Tool,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,57,Simple Risk Assessment Tool,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,58,Simple Risk Assessment Tool,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,59,Risk Assessment Focus,Incident Investigation Focus,Risk Assessment vs. Incident Investigation Focus,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,60,Ten Steps to Effective Risk Assessment,Make sure the process is practical and realistic Involve as many people as possible Use a systematic approach Look at the big picture Start by identifying the hazard,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,61,Ten Steps to Effective Risk Assessment,6.Assess the risks from those hazards 7. Be realistic; include non-routine operations 8. Identify who is at risk; include all workers, visitors, contractors and the public 9. Start with the simple methods 10. Always record the assessment in writing, including all assumptions you make,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,62,Arising from the risk assessment, safe work procedures for work which may pose safety and health risks should be established and implemented. The safe work procedures should include the safety precautions to be taken in the course of work and during an emergency, as well as the provision of personal protective equipment.,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,63,ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS & IMPACTS ASSESSMENT,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,64,LEARNING OBJECTIVES,Upon Completion of this Training, you will be able to: Define Environmental Aspects and Impacts and Give Examples of Both Describe What ISO 14001 Requires with Respect to Environmental Aspects Identify Environmental Aspects Associated with your Organizations Activities, Products and Services Evaluate and Prioritize your Environmental Aspects,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,65,WHAT IS AN ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECT?,ISO 14001 Defines Environmental Aspect as Aspects can be further defined as: Controlled Influenced Significant Non-significant Positive,element of an organizations activities, products or services that can interact with the environment,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,66,TYPES OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS,Environmental Aspects Include: Air emissions Waste generation and management Releases to water Contamination of land Consumption of energy and natural resources (e.g., water, coal, natural gas, fuel oil, etc.) Local and community issues (noise, odors, aesthetic conditions),2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,67,WHAT CAUSES ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS?,Environmental Aspects are the unwanted byproducts/unintended consequences of an organizations Activities, Products and Services,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,68,WHAT IS AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT?,ISO 14001 Defines Environmental Impact as: Environmental Impacts are the effects of your Environmental Aspects,any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organizations environmental activities, products or services,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,69,EXAMPLES OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS,Environmental Impacts can Include: Local air pollution Global air pollution Adverse impact to employee health Degradation of local water quality Depletion of natural resources Impairment of property Degradation of flora and fauna Noise pollution,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,70,HOW DO ACTIVITIES, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES, ASPECTS AND IMPACTS RELATE?,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,71,WHAT DOES ISO 14001 REQUIRE?,ISO 14001 Requires that you: Establish and maintain a procedure for identifying environmental aspects, which: You can control Over which you can be expected to exert influence Determine which aspects do/may have a significant impact on the environment Consider “significant aspects” when setting objectives and targets Keep your aspects current,2021/4/5,环境健康安全风险评估,72,STOP AND REVIEW!,Environmental Aspects: Are the means in which your organization interacts with the environment Can be: Controlled or influenced Adverse or positive Signific


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