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    人教版七年级英语下册 unit7导学案.docx

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    人教版七年级英语下册 unit7导学案.docx

    七年级下册英语导学案 Unit 7 Its raining! Section A 1a 1c(P37)主备人:审核人:班级:_姓名_课题辅备人:集备时间:Unit 7 Its raining! Section A 1a 1c(P37)使用时间:_学习目标学习重点学习难点学法指导步骤自主学习合作探究1. 学习常用描述天气的词汇:weather,rain,snow,windy,sunny,cloudy2. 学会如何描述天气。-Hows the weather in ? - Its .1. 学习常用描述天气的词汇: weather,rain,snow,windy,sunny,cloudy2. 学会如何描述天气。-Hows the weather in ? - Its .游戏教学法、自主合作学习问题设计、知识要点I、预习交流1. 根据单元标题和图片等,预测新课内容并完成以下短语;1. 正在下雨 _ 2. 正在下雪 _ 3. 多云的 _ 4. 晴朗的 _ 5. 刮风的_ 6. 天气_7. 下雨;雨/下雪;雪_ 8. Boston _ 9.Moscow _I、新课呈现Step1 Free talk Try to speak out the names of weather you know.Step2 Presentation1. Learn the new words about weather in 1a.2. Finish 1a. Then check the answers.3. Look at the picture in 1a and learn the drills:-Hows the weather in ? - Its .Step3 Listening Listen and finish 1b. Check the answers.Step4 Pair work Practice the conversations in 1a .Then make your own conversations. II、合作交流 Group work: 小组内总结形容词后缀-y, sun sunny 晴朗的还有哪些?Notes:_点拨指导Games:FlashcardsGuessing gameActiongame反馈练习II、完美呈现1. Its a _(阴天的) day today.2. Its _(下雨) today, so I cant go to the zoo.3. -How is the weather in your city today? -Its _(晴朗的).4. Its _(有风的) today. I want to take a bus to school.5. It is _(下雪) in our city. The kids are very happy because they can make snowmen(雪人).、对号入座请用 Hows 或 Whats 填空。反思收获1. _ the weather today? 2._ the weather like today? 学了本课,你有什么收获?评价自我评价小组评价教师评价七年级下册英语导学案七年级下册英语导学案 Unit 7 Its raining! Section A 2a -4 (P38,39)主备人: 唐玉芳审核人: 王怡梅班级:_姓名_辅备人: 王怡梅集备时间:2016.5.5使用时间:_课题学习Unit 7 Its raining! Section A 2a -2d (P38)1. 巩固现在进行时结构:be + v.-ing.2. 学会将上一单元的现在进行时与本单元的描述天气的内容相结合,做一个完整的 free talk.目标-Hows the weather in ? - Its .-What is/are doing?-is/are doing.学习3.尝试归纳及运用 Section A 部分所学知识。学会将上一单元的现在进行时与本单元的描述天气的内容相结合,做一个完整的 free talk.重点学 习难点指导-Hows the weather in ? - Its . 尝试归纳及运用 Section A 部分所学游戏教学法、自主合作学习-What is/are doing?-is/are doing.步骤自主学习课堂导学合作探究反馈练习问题设计、知识要点I、预习交流1. 根据课本图片和对话等,预测新课内容;1. 乔叔叔 _2. 萨莉阿姨 _3. 没问题 _ 4. 捎个口信5. 你好,我是里克。_6. 你正在做什么?_7. 最近怎么样? _8. 你能让他给我回电话吗? _ I、新课呈现Step1 Free talk Talk about the everyday activities you know. 对话展示竞赛 Step2 Presentation 1.Look at the picture in 2a. 2.Guess what the people are doing. Step3 Listening 1. Listen to the tape. Finish2a. 2. Go through the sentences in 2b.3. Listen and finish 2b. Check the answers.(game)Step4 Pair work 1. Ask and answer questions with your partner. Finish 2c.2. Role-play the conversation in 2d.【快乐链接】打电话用语H ello/Hi! 你好! This is/Its . 我是. Whos that? 你是谁呀?H s at home? 在家吗?. Hows it going? 最近怎么样?Oh, he/she is not here. 哦,他/她不在家。Can I take a message for you? 我能给你捎个 口信吗?Could you tell him/her to call me back? 你能让他/她给我回电话吗?【自主检测】:1. Where is his sister? -She is _(学习) at home. 2. Is your aunt _(煮) dinner? -Yes, she is.3. Hows your school trip? -Its _(很糟的).点拨指导Games:FlashCards对 话展 示竞赛收获评价学了本课,你有什么收获?自我评价小组评价教师评价七年级下册英语导学案七年级下册英语导学案Unit 7 Its raining!Section B1a-1e (P40)主备人: 唐玉芳审核人: 王怡梅班级:_姓名_辅备人: 王怡梅集备时间: 2016.5.5使用时间:_课题学习目标学习重点学习难点学法指导步骤自 主学习课堂导Unit 7 Its raining! Section A 1a 1c(P37)1.学习更多常用天气词汇,学会谈论天气:hot,warm,cold,dry,cool -Hows the weather in ? - Its .2.学会谈论某人正在做什么。-What are you doing? -Im doing.1.学习更多常用天气词汇,学会谈论天气:hot,warm,cold,dry,cool-Hows the weather in ? - Its .游戏教学法、自主合作学习问题设计、知识要点1. 根据图片和对话等,预测新课内容并完成下列短语;1. 寒冷的_温暖的_ 2. 炎热的-凉爽的_3. 干燥的_潮湿的_ 4. 好极了-糟透了_Step1 Revision Review the words of weather.Step2 Presentation 1. Learn and remember the names of weather in 1a. Finish1a.(game)2 Game: Quick action about the weather.3. Ask and answer questions. Finish1b.点拨指导小游戏:图 片 连连看Quickaction ab学Step3 Listening 1. Go through the chart in 1c. out the2. Listen to the tape. Finish 1c&1d. Then check the answers.Step4 Pair work Role-play a conversation between Mary and Eric.【自主检测】:I、完美呈现1. In winter(冬季), its_(寒冷的).2. I like spring(春季) because its _(温暖的) and I can see lots of beautiful flowers. 3. The weather here is _(热的) and _(干燥的).weather反4. Its _(凉爽的) in autumn(秋季).馈练习、对号入座A: Hi, Cindy. Wheres your brother now? B: 1._A: In the park? 2._ B: No, it isnt. Its sunny._ 3_ A: Its terrible. Its raining. B: 4._A: Im reading a book but its boring. 5._ B: All right.A. Well, what are you doing now? B.Hes playing soccer in the park. C.Oh, tell your brother to call me when he gets back.D.Is it raining there now? E.Whats the weather like in your city?反思收获评价自我评价小组评价教师评价七年级下册英语导学案七年级下册英语导学案Unit 7 Its raining!Section B2a & Self Check (P41,42)主备人:唐玉芳审核人: 王怡梅班级:_姓名_辅备人:王怡梅集备时间:2016.5.5使用时间:_课题Unit 7 Its raining!Section B2a & Self Check (P41,42)学习目标学习重点学习难点学法指导步骤自主学习合作1. 继续学习谈论天气;继续学习谈论某人正在做什么;2. 阅读短文,摘录关键信息,提高阅读能力1. 继续学习谈论天气;继续学习谈论某人正在做什么;2. 阅读短文,摘录关键信息,提高阅读能力谈论假期生活;1. 写一篇关于你假期生活的笔记。游戏教学法、自主合作学习问题设计、知识要点I、预习交流1. 根据图片提示,预测新课内容并完成下列短语:1. Canada_2. Europe _ 3.暑假_4. 橙汁_5. 努力学习_6. 玩得开心_7. 温暖而晴朗_8. 凉爽且多云_9.拜访朋友_ 10. 写信给你_ I、新课呈现Step1 Free talk Talk about your winter vacation.Step2 Presentation.1.Look at pictures in 2a. Talk about the pictures in pairs. Finish 2a. 2.Look at the postcards in 2b. Guess what they are talking about.点拨指导Games:Flashcards探究3.Read through the letters quickly. Finish 2c. Check the answers.Step3 Pair-work .Talk about your own summer vacation according to the chart in 2c. Guessing Step1 Review 1. Put the words you learned in different groups. Finish Self Check: game 2. Finish Self Check: Ex.2.3. Finish Self Check: Ex.3. 4. Check the answers.Actiongame反在同样的天气里,不同的人会喜欢做不同的事情。让我们来看一看下面四位同学在阴 雨绵绵的天气里喜欢做什么吧!请根据下表内容提示,用英语写一篇60 词左右的短文,可 适当发挥。馈练习NameJimGinaGraceActivity(活动)play computer gameswatch TVtake a walk反思收获评价Bill read books 学了本课,你有什么收获?自我评价小组评价教师评价


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