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,Module 10 Unit 1 Lets play football,孙继海 足球运动员,姚明 篮球运动员,王楠 乒乓球运动员,孙杨 游泳运动员,basketball,ping-pong,swimming,football,Lets play,football,Lets basketball!,


1、Module 10 Unit 1 Lets play football,孙继海 足球运动员,姚明 篮球运动员,王楠 乒乓球运动员,孙杨 游泳运动员,basketball,ping-pong,swimming,football,Lets play,football,Lets basketball!,play,Lets,go swimming!,Lets play,ping-pong!,转盘游戏,f。

2、,I say, you do the actions.,I do, you say.,Game Time,play football,play basketball,swim,ride a bike,jump high,sing,run f。

3、,Unit 1 I like football,like(喜欢),football(足球),foot ball,basketball (篮球),basket ball,(篮),table tennis (乒乓球),morning exercises 早操,2019/9/27,like 喜欢 football 足球 basketball 篮球 table tennis 乒乓球 morning exercises早操,basketball,football,table tennis,morning exercise,I like 我喜欢,I like,I dont like 我不喜欢,I dont like,谈谈你喜欢的颜色和不喜欢的颜色,red yellow blue green black,你喜欢他们吗?,。

4、,Module 5,Unit 2 Can Sam play football?,A:I can jump/ride/run high/far. Can you? B:Yes, I can./ No, I cant.,Review,New words,strong star,健壮的 明星,Listen and chant.,Can you swim? Can you fly a kite? Can 。

5、Module 6 Unit 1,You can play football well.,执教:罗柳青,Say and do the actions.,Game Time,play football,swim,play table tennis,play basketball,ride a bike,play the piano,jump high,run fast,What can you do ?,dance,Can he play basketball well?,1.Look ,listen and say.,Can he play basketball well?,Yes,he can play it well.,He can play basketball well.,He can . well.,Sun Yang,Yao Ming,He can swim well .,.,Yao Ming,He can catch basketball well .,He is good at basketball.,YaoMing can play 。

6、Unit 2The game that they like most is Australian football.,.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1G_ in Xinjiang are very sweet because there is a lot of sunshine there. 2Im going to travel to Beijing with two r_。

7、Unit2 School life Reading By Ni Xinli,Do you know which countries the flags stand for(代表)?,England/Britain,America,British English,American English,Task 1 Revision,Match the words on the left with the words on the left,British English,1 American football 2 autumn 3 lift 4 film 5 football 6 holiday 7 maths 8 rubber 9 secondary school 10 post,a. eraser b. fall c. vocation d. football e. mail f. high school g. elevator h. math i. movie j. soccer,American English,1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5。

8、Module 10,Australia,Module 10,Unit 2,The game that they like most is Australian football.,Guessing the new words,surf v. 冲浪,Its an exciting game that we can play in the sea,riding n. 骑马(运动),ride n. 骑马; 乘车,A kind of sport and we need a horse.,A kind of animal that has a little bag in front to carry the babies.,kangaroo n. 袋鼠,ham n. 火腿,A kind of food that made by meat.,A kind of fruit, its purple or green.,grape n. 葡萄,A kind of food often make by vegetables and fruits,salad n. 色拉。

9、Listen and chant.,football,basketball,table tennis乒乓球,morning exercises晨练,What do you like?,M9Unit 1 I like football.,I like,football,I/They like basketball.,I/We/They like table tennis.,I like 。

10、,I say Chinese, you say the English phrases.,Game Time,play football,play basketball,swim,jump high,run fast,skip,踢足球,跳绳,跳高,快跑,游泳,打篮球,.,.,Yao Ming,Can he play basketball well?,Yes, he can.,Liu Xiang。

11、Module3 Unit 1 I like football,playground,football,basketball,1,I like football. 我喜欢足球。,2,Oh! I dont like football. 噢!我不喜欢足球。,3,I like basketball. 我喜欢篮球。,4,Oh! I dont like basketball. 噢!我不喜欢篮球。,5,I like table tennis. 我喜欢乒乓球。,6,Oh! I dont like table tennis. 噢!我不喜欢乒乓球。,7,I like morning exercises. 我喜欢早操。,Summary: Have a rest and think over what do you learn ?,Homework:,1、默写单词5遍,家长听写一遍. 2、熟读句子并会翻译. 3、做Module 3 Unit 1.,Class。

12、Module 10,Australia,Module 10,Unit 2,The game that they like most is Australian football.,Guessing the new words,surf v. 冲浪,Its an exciting game that we can play in the sea,riding n. 骑马(运动),ride n. 骑马; 乘车,A kind of sport and we need a horse.,A kind of animal that has a little bag in front to carry the babies.,kangaroo n. 袋鼠,ham n. 火腿,A kind of food that made by meat.,A kind of fruit, its purple or green.,grape n. 葡萄,A kind of food often make by vegetables and fruits,salad n. 色拉。

13、爱护我们的眼睛,眼睛的作用,播放:动画片浣熊的烦恼,议一议:他们这样做对吗?,三注意:,正确的读写姿势,读书一小时后休息,远眺几分钟,认真做眼保健操,五不要:,做律动:眼球操 配乐:爱眼好视力,毛巾、脸盆要专人专用,游泳后要滴眼药水,保 护 的 食 物,加 重 的 食 品,拓展知识,各种颜色的眼睛,黑色眼睛,褐色眼睛,蓝色眼睛,小朋友们:,6月6日,全国爱眼日,主题:。

14、Module 6,Unit 1 You can play football well.,Lead in,Do you like sports?,Can you play football?,New words,well team really good at catch,好,熟练地 运动队,球队 很,非常 擅长 抓住,接住,New words,goalkeeper think fantastic 。

15、Module 10 Unit 1,Lets play football.,football,play football,basketball,play basketball,play ping-pong,go swimming,football,basketball,ping-pong,swimming,Hot, hot. Im hot.,123,789,basketball,basketb。

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