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LOGO 事呕 炙啄 吮壹 赵青 急馆 撑植 谴肉 铬怔 颊咬 恍锄 巴翻 例殊 呢十 皆换 苛碎 鸦逢 新目 标初 中英 语九 年级 上册 Un it 9 W he n wa s it i nv en te d 课件 Pe ri od 3 S ec ti on B ( 1a -2 c) 新目 标初


1、LOGO 事呕 炙啄 吮壹 赵青 急馆 撑植 谴肉 铬怔 颊咬 恍锄 巴翻 例殊 呢十 皆换 苛碎 鸦逢 新目 标初 中英 语九 年级 上册 Un it 9 W he n wa s it i nv en te d 课件 Pe ri od 3 S ec ti on B ( 1a -2 c) 新目 标初 中英 语九 年级 上册 Un it 9 W he n wa s it i nv en te d 课。

2、九年级人教新目标,Unit 9 Reading Do You Know When Basketball Was Invented,Period 7 Section B 2a2e,The 1st period,Warm up; Show pi。

3、football volleyball ping-pong tennis baseball badminton basketball Ball gamesBall games: 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented Basketisnotonly(不但)apopularsporttoplay, butalso(而且)。

4、Unit 9 Reading,Do you know when basketball was invented?,catch,pass,shoot,dribble,Basketball is enjoyed by many people in the world including me.,Basketball is played in a basketball court(球场,场地).,rise roserisen 上升,The popularity of basketball has risen worldwide.,1 Do you enjoy basketball?,2 Do you know where basketball is played by many people?,普及,流行,equipment 设备,装备,backboard,basket,a metal hoop 金属篮圈,a net,hanging from a metal hoop,1,篮板,篮筐,basketball,Do you know when bask。

5、Period 5 Self Check 胜凸 隘默 企幻 屏草 抗搬 致洗 盅恳 器媒 檄武 焙泵 填揉 柜卉 牺拼 臀谆 涸佳 淆栖 新目 标初 中英 语九 年级 上册 Un it 9 W he n wa s it i nv en te d 课件 Pe ri od 5 s el f ch ec k新 目标 初中 英语 九年 级上 册U ni t 9 Wh en w as i t in ve nt。

6、football volleyball ping-pong tennis baseball badminton basketball Ball gamesBall games: 九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented模板 Basketisnotonly(不但)apopularsporttoplay, butalso(而。

7、When was it invented?,咸安实验中小学,Unit 9,Doraemon,computer,私人电脑,笔记本电脑,personal computer,notebook computer,car,Benz(奔驰),calculator,hand-held calculator 便携式计算器,telephone,手机:,mobile phone cellphone,TV。

8、Unit 9 When was it invented? 佃桩 燥祷 割闰 萝踪 课勉 窿索 龄政 墩硫 锄夹 缝羌 羡梆 热棋 枉绅 移疆 波滩 盈缔 山东 省青 岛市 城阳 区第 七中 学九 年级 英语 全册 U ni t 9 Wh en w as i t in ve nt ed 课件 人 教新 目标 版山 东省 青岛 市城 阳区 第七 中学 九年 级英 语全 册 Un it 9 W he n wa s it i nv en te d课 件 人教 新目 标版 读读译译,看看你会发现什么? *Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. *Im allowed to go shopping with my friends. *Your donation is greatly appreciated and the m。

9、Do you know when,basketball was invented?,Do you often do sports? What sports do you usually do? Can you list eight sports played in China?,Do you know them?,football,National Men Football Team of Ch。

10、,Section A,Unit9 When was it invented?,年份的读法,两个数字一组,分为前后两组,1,2,1865 eighteen sixty five 1989,千年的读法,two thousand 2001,two thousand and one,nineteen eighty nine,3,前两个数字不为零,后两个数字为零。,eighteen hundr。

11、Unit 6,Period 1 Section A 1a-1c,When was it invented?,一般过去时态的被动语态,结构: was / were + V过去分词,一般过去时态的被动语态结构,注意:这里 be 的形式决定了被动语态的时态,其后的过去分词没有变化。,肯定句 主语 + was/were + V过去分词 + (by ) 否定句 主语+ was/were + not +V。

12、Unit 9 When was it invented? Period 2 Section A 3a-4 追夏 晕采 沪傲 评弛 表尿 哆咽 宴葱 炽岁 禄芳 豁卑 崭迷 疤巫 宏抛 篷房 懒虐 驹街 新目 标初 中英 语九 年级 上册 Un it 9 W he n wa s it i nv en te d 课件 Pe ri od 2 S ec ti on A ( 3a -4 )新 目标 初中 。

13、When was it invented?,咸安实验中小学 夏文婷,Unit 9,1,沐风教育,Doraemon,2,沐风教育,computer,私人电脑,笔记本电脑,personal computer,notebook computer,3,沐风教育,car,Benz(奔驰),4,沐风教育,calculator,hand-held calculator 便携式计算器,5,沐风教育,t。

14、When was it invented?,Unit 6,Which do you think is the most important invention in the world?,What other can you think of?,TV? telephone? radio? computer? car?,Can you tell when they were invented?,A: I think was invented before B: Well, I think was invented after .,game,1a,GROUPWORK,Look at the things below. Number them 15 according to the order they were invented.,3,5,2,4,1,A: I think was invented before B: Well, I think was invented after .,game,A: I think was invente。

15、Unit 9 When was it invented?,读读译译,看看你会发现什么?,*Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. *Im allowed to go shopping with my friends. *Your donation is greatly appreciated and the money is well used to help disabled people like me. *The movie will be put off until next month. *Hold on to your dreams ,one day they will be achieved. *After the earthquake, a lot of money was given away to charities. *The dog has been trained to understand different instructions.,被动语态,T。

16、UNIT 9 WHEN WAS IT INVENTED?,Language Goal:,Talk about the history of inventions,Car,computer,calculator,TV,CD player,washing machine,fridge,air-conditioner,CD,microwave oven,plane,carrier,ship,t。

17、九年级 英语UNIT Section B do you know when basketball is invented,1,Unit 6 When was it invented?,Section B,九年级 英语UNIT Section B do you know when basketball is invented,2,What kind of food do you like?,九年级 。

18、When was it invented?,Unit 9,What is invention?,An invention is a new thing that someone has made.,When was it invented?,1896,1939,1709,英语中的动词有两种语态:主动语态(The Active Voice)和被动语态(The Passive Voice)。主动语态中,主语是谓语动作的执行者,被动语态中,主语是谓语动作的承受者。 被动语态的构成:be +及物动词的过去分词,被动语态(The Passive Voice),被动语态(The Passive Voice),主动句变被动句的方式: 主动句: 主语 + 及物动词谓语 + 宾语 被动句: 主语 + be + 过去分词 + by 宾语 Our teacher love。

九年级 英语UNIT Section B do you know when basketball is invented课件.ppt
九年级英语When was it invented课件20(谷风课堂).ppt
新目标初中英语九年级上册Unit 9《When was it invented》课件Period 5 self check.ppt
九年级英语When was it invented课件20.ppt
九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented模板课件.ppt
新目标初中英语九年级Unit9 When was it invented课件.ppt
九年级Unit Section B Do you know when basketball was invented课件.ppt
九年级英语《When was it invented》课件.docx

