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Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world? Section A(1a-2c),China is one of the oldest countries. Its over _ years old. In fact, its one of the fo


1、Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world? Section A(1a-2c),China is one of the oldest countries. Its over _ years old. In fact, its one of the four ancient countries in the world.,5,000,As Chinese, how much do you know about our motherland?,China has the largest population on the earth. There are so many tourists visiting _.,the Great Wall,the biggest country in Asia,We also have some famous rivers. The Yangtze River is the longest in Asia.,Qomolangma is the highest。

2、Unit 5My clothesA Lets spell,小学英语PEP四年级下册,城关一小 赵丽粉,Lets sing,apple,table,people,Lets spell,Can you read,apple,people,tab。

3、广东省佛山市南海区大沥镇东秀小学 冯文慧 Unit 1Hello! Part A Lets talk & Lets play 小学英语(PEP)三年级上册 谈 喂 驴 次 已 匿 叹 神 蜀 逛 皱 角 杨 吝 值 哺 逗 跳 稼 坐 愁 淄 礼 冻 惺 丝 疾 屈 粤 鳞 铀 霓 H e l l o ! 教 学 课 件 ( P e r i o d 1 ) H e l l o ! 教 学 课 件 ( P e r i o d 1 ) Unit 1 Hello! Part A Lets talk 潞 粕 茹 匹 夜 拳 皖 作 矢 岩 腻 渣 隋 胞 访 齿 剂 悲 荤 谦 虞 娄 铺 躬 咎 周 叁 垫 矩 腕 素 蚁 H e l l o ! 教 学 课 件 ( P e r i o d 1 ) H e l l o ! 教 学 课 件 ( P e r i o 。

4、广东省佛山市南海区大沥镇东秀小学 冯文慧,Unit 1,Hello!,Part A Lets learn & Lets chant,小学英语(PEP)三年级上册,哑捕钡炎某硷志骆码牟赊致雅遥戴顷羚斧垣旧拿恕苏准挡阴斑硬零哭绢米Hello!教学课件(Period2)Hello!教学课件(Period2),Lets guess,纫来戳蚜哩屎柱驶勒喻册舞印食外层荧刊堕搁窖馒百剐豹轨哉砒无姜溯如Hello!教学课件(Period2)Hello!教学课件(Period2),Lets learn,胞筐蒲递粳朴癸魏习盾潞峡翘佬联斥糟栅概忠仲领座琐应家谬诲乏憨窜父Hello!教学课件(Period2)Hello!教学课件(Period2),Try to remember,Lets l。

5、Unit 1 How do you study for a test?,Period 5 Reading,1. 学英语对我们来说很重要. It is important _ us _ learn English. 2. 我决定放学后去打篮球. I decide _ _ basketball after school.,for,to,to,play,3. 我害怕在课。

6、Unit 4 At the farm,Part A Lets talk Lets play,小学英语PEP四年级下册,Lets sing,An apple a day keeps the doctor away.An apple a day。

7、Unit 7 How much are these socks,北京农业大学附属中学朱瑞兵,Period 3 Section B 1d, 1e, 2a, 2b, 2c,Watch and remember,Choose a color an。

8、Unit 7 How much are these socks,北京农业大学附属中学朱瑞兵,Period 4 Section B 3a, 3b, Self Check,Warmup,Look at the picture and tell 。

9、Unit 7 How much are these socks,北京农业大学附属中学朱瑞兵,Period 2 Section A 2e Section B 1c,Chant,Clap the numbers.,one: clap on 1,。

10、Unit 7 How much are these socks,北京农业大学附属中学朱瑞兵,Period 1 Section A 1a 2d,导入,观看视频并回答问题。 1. Where is the girl 2. What is she。

11、广东省佛山市南海区大沥镇东秀小学 冯文慧,Unit 1,Hello!,Part A Lets learn & Lets chant,小学英语(PEP)三年级上册,曾稀烦菇糟肝孜隶符椒琶涯寇既虾婶屿飘养核缀罪踢眨捉刊洞赣慈仍翌妮Hello!教学课件(Period2)Hello!教学课件(Period2),Lets guess,忱遣战父腆汗窥隋碳镣油袜扦比尖瓢下忻茬赤串粱助动腕炎郡钨洒酋弘铡Hello!教学课件(Period2)Hello!教学课件(Period2),Lets learn,绩茫到竖歌惧笔誊郁耸隐湘谴委冻谰甘最铆吧铬口剩漂跟澳次毒绘六判稀Hello!教学课件(Period2)Hello!教学课件(Period2),Try to remember,Lets l。

12、广东省佛山市南海区大沥镇东秀小学 冯文慧 Unit 1Hello! Part A Lets talk & Lets play 小学英语(PEP)三年级上册 何 泊 蒲 贵 率 南 览 下 阉 吊 界 戌 还 闯 喘 契 熬 斤 誉 李 鲜 茵 割 喊 稼 欧 雍 且 式 越 郡 慰 H e l l o ! 教 学 课 件 ( P e r i o d 1 ) H e l l o ! 教 学 课 件 ( P e r i o d 1 ) Unit 1 Hello! Part A Lets talk 役 锚 柞 吗 苯 呆 饮 盘 苞 有 抢 板 填 敦 搏 梨 嗽 自 蒋 访 碘 坟 典 摄 嗡 皇 豆 陀 辱 刊 象 嚣 H e l l o ! 教 学 课 件 ( P e r i o d 1 ) H e l l o ! 教 学 课 件 ( P e r i o 。

13、山东省微山县实验小学杨燕,Unit 5 What does he do,Read and write,小学英语PEP六年级上册,山东省邹城市教育局教研室顾克珠,Lets review,Lets talk,I want to be ,beca。

14、Unit 5My clothesPart ALets talk amp; Lets play小学英语PEP四年级下册Lets singLets learnWhat are they wearingLets learna red dressa。


