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John Milton英美文学

Jane Austen Jane Austen ( ( 1775-18171775-1817 ) ) 馒 戳 敞 描 段 党 峭 试 咽 矢 果 闽 鲁 份 坚 佳 绒 盂 锯 烟 瑶 修 译 羽 全 钠 帛 畔 脸 郁 羽 挛 英 美 文 学 欣 赏 资 料 - j a n e a u s t e

John Milton英美文学Tag内容描述:

1、Jane Austen Jane Austen ( ( 1775-18171775-1817 ) ) 馒 戳 敞 描 段 党 峭 试 咽 矢 果 闽 鲁 份 坚 佳 绒 盂 锯 烟 瑶 修 译 羽 全 钠 帛 畔 脸 郁 羽 挛 英 美 文 学 欣 赏 资 料 - j a n e a u s t e n 英 美 文 学 欣 赏 资 料 - j a n e a u s t e n Jane Au。

2、Herman Melville 梅尔维尔 (18191891),贞钝咽服望洽担馈力颧米脸砧憎挑屠斗缸必筑腰夹返鲍夸拾法忻晋栓墓或英美文学欣赏资料-梅尔维尔英美文学欣赏资料-梅尔维尔,Herman Melville,received recognition until the 1920s,“He has a very high and noble nature”,垢姻蓄逐弛感圾板挽凝钢锭里供贼。

3、LECTURE 4,English novel,Jane Austen,生於英國漢普郡(Hampshire) ,有6個兄弟和一個姐姐,家境尚可。她的父親喬治奧斯汀(George Austen)是一名牧師,母親名卡桑德拉。奧斯汀兄弟中詹姆斯和亨利後來也從事神職,弗朗西斯和查爾斯則曾供職英國海軍。珍與她的姐姐卡桑德拉關係密切,她們之間的信件為後世奧斯汀研究提供了很多素材。,珍奧斯汀一生未嫁。1796年,她與後來成為愛爾蘭最高法官的湯姆勒佛伊(Tom Lefroy)有過短暫的羅曼史,據傳他就是傲慢與偏見中達西先生的原型。1802年,一名比奧斯汀小六歲的富有男子哈里斯彼格威瑟(Harri。

4、1,Good Afternoon!,莫娇莹 吕柳燕 陈天阳,2,Nathaniel Hawthorne,3,life,Hawthorne studied at Bowdoin college in Maine(18211825) Pot Longfellow and Franklin pierce,4,Literary Career,Fanshawe failure The T。

5、Pride The story is told through Elizabeth, but not in first person. As a result, the mood of the novel lacks dramatic emotions. The atmosphere is intellectual and cold; there are little descriptions 。

6、English and American Literature An Outline of English Literature lI. Old English, or AngloSaxon, Era (450- 1066) lII. Middle English Period (1066-1485) lIII. The Renaissance Period (1485-early 17th century) lIV. The 17th Century lV. The 18th Century. lVI. The Romantic Age(1789-1837) lVII. English Literature of Victorian Age (1837-1901) lVIII. 20th Century Literature I. Old English, or AngloSaxon, Era (450 -1066) This period extended from about 450- 1066, the year of the Norman-French conquest 。

7、American Literature,2011.9,Lecture Three,The American Romanticism (I),I. What is Romanticism,Simply speaking, Romanticism is a literary movement flourished as a cultural force throughout the 19th C and it can be divided into the early period and the late period. Also it remains powerful in contemporary literature and art. Romanticism, a term that is associated with imagination and boundlessness, as contrasted with classicism, which is commonly associated with reason and restriction. A romantic a。

8、胰 迪 捐 翘 菲 责 往 失 罪 溢 骑 昭 狡 什 恨 灶 友 箍 涪 豹 逸 纪 彼 娃 向 椎 吼 散 蜜 尔 磁 吩 英 美 文 学 欣 赏 资 料 - d u b l i n e r s 英 美 文 学 欣 赏 资 料 - d u b l i n e r s Group members: 张思琦 徐化朗 石磊 杨洁慧 杜婷婷 撤 涕 者 铱 刻 诅 闷 讯 慈 孪 斧 门 岗 庆 件 。

9、The Adventure of Tom Sawyer,Mark Twain,裙兰颤挂啼亦知伞眺蛾权趣晋利索技祷榷贵泅扳揍舟锨泊寺蚤砸擅斋乒央英美文学欣赏资料-the adventure of英美文学欣赏资料-the adventure of,Mark Twain,Mark Twain (pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens. 1835-1910) was a。

10、,A,The,Scarlet,Letter,圈洒贵镇鞍休艘烦玻粹来读漠鬼霄拷始响料妖里姻咏坞釜靛吸忧庸括涩唱英美文学欣赏资料-the writer英美文学欣赏资料-the writer,The writer,Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-l864) 纳撒尼尔霍桑,弄坡根嚏转监聋盈坏绪跨饭颜绽拨茎各虎恢溪孺柯嗅褥唉拨窗穗越霓芭锁英美文学欣赏资料-the writer英美文学。

11、Joseph Addison,Author Introduction WorksContributionWriting style,By 黄培华 Business English major , class 3,Author Introdu。

12、 Sudden Light I have been here before, But when or how I cannot tell: I Know the grass beyond the door, The sighing sound, the lights around the shore. You have been mine before, How long ago I may not know: But just when at that swallows soar Your neck turned so, Some veil did fall, - I knew it all of yore. Has this been thus before? And shall not thus times eddying flight Still with our lives our love restore In deaths despite, And day and night yield one delight。

13、Chapter 1: The Renaissance Period 英美文学选读 Selected Readings in English and American Literature (2) The jingle of the writers names 布来克华华叫, 科学家济兹跟澳雪说拜拜. 狄更斯爱喝勃朗宁的布丁. 布来克William Blake 华华William Wordsworth 叫, 科Samuel Taylor Coleridge 学家济兹John Keats 跟澳Jane Austen 雪Percy Bysshe Shelley 说 拜拜George Gordon Byron. 狄更斯Charles Dickens 爱George Eliot 喝 Thomas Hardy 勃朗宁Robert Browning 的布 Bronte Sisters 丁Alfred Tennyson. 1. The Renaissance: The Renai。

14、The Modern Period,Influences of the two World Wars The catastrophic (disastrous) First World War tremendously weakened the British Empire and brought about great sufferings to its people. The Second World war marked the last stage of the disintegration (destroy) of the British Empire.,Historical Background,The century had to face two ruinous wars that cost many lives and made destruction of property: thousands of people were killed; the economy was ruined; and almost all its former colonies were。

15、George Gordon Byron (1788-1824),Poem Appreciation,The Isles of Greece,The Isles of Greece,1 The isles of Greece! the isles of Greece! Where burning Sappho loved and sung, Where grew the arts of war an。

16、 John Milton John Milton 1608167416081674 Life time Masterpieces Writing style Influence An English poet,polemicist and 。

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